Flutter Desktop Podfile Missing (flutter run -d macOS) - macos

flutter run -d macOS
Downloading darwin-x64 tools... 107.0s
Downloading darwin-x64-profile tools... 69.7s
Downloading darwin-x64-profile tools... 23.6s
Downloading darwin-x64-release tools... 54.3s
Downloading darwin-x64-release tools... 20.4s
Launching lib/main.dart on macOS in debug mode...
Podfile missing
When i run flutter run -d macOS code it showing Podfile missing and how to fix it?Mac Pro
How to run mac desktop app using android studio?
If it is not possible to run macOS app from android studio then which ide i need to use?

The Podfile missing message may also appear when you have selected the command-line tools. In that case it can be fixed with
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
That fixed it for me when I switched to Flutter 2.0.
I also ran flutter create --platforms=macos . before, but that didn't fix it.

Add desktop support to an existing Flutter project
To add desktop support to an existing project, run the following command in a terminal from the root project directory:
flutter create .
To run your project as a desktop app, use the following command:
flutter run -d macOS
for more


How to Skip Flutter iOS Build

I don't really use the iPhone simulator, so I deleted Xcode. After deleting Xcode, when I try to run the app I get an error:
[chat_app] flutter pub get
xcrun: error: active developer path ("/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer") does not exist
Use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to specify the Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools, or use `xcode-select --install` to install the standalone command line developer tools.
See `man xcode-select` for more details.
Running "flutter pub get" in chat_app...
The current Flutter SDK version is 0.0.0-unknown.
Because chat_app depends on firebase_auth >=0.5.0 which requires Flutter SDK version >=0.1.4, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; Because chat_app depends on firebase_auth >=0.5.0 which requires Flutter SDK version >=0.1.4, version solving failed.)
exit code 1
Is there a way to tell Flutter to skip the iOS build and only build for Android?
When You Create The Project You can Tell Flutter to Create Project For Specific Platforms using --Platform option,
if You did'nt do so ,then you have to select emulator as a target Device to build , and it will not build for IOS by default,

Windows Version (Unable to confirm if installed Windows version is 10 or greater) in Flutter?

I was trying to install flutter, I did all the procedure for android studio but now the "Windows Version (Unable to confirm if installed Windows version is 10 or greater)" issue appear, anybody knows how to solve this? I have W10.
i found this answer in another forum
i have the same problem but my app works just fine
try this :
flutter clean
flutter downgrade 1.6.3 or (1.6.6)
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade
Then the editor will ask to do flutter packages get
and finally we do flutter run .
You can run the project as debug from the home file (optional).
to know if flutter is installed
run the flutter command in the cmd (Command line) :
and if you want to know the version:
flutter -v
and if you have installed the required tools to use flutter without problem :
flutter doctor

How to open an Android Studio made Flutter project on Mac?

How can I open an existing Flutter project made by Android Studio on Mac-Os to export ipa version of app? Can it be done with Mac-Os version of Android Studio or I have to do it with X-Code? How?
Thanks in Advance
I could finally do that by accomplishing the following steps:
Copy the project into macOs (with X-Code Installed)
Open it by Android Studio (preferably latest version)
Enable Flutter and Dart plugin on Android Studio framework settings
Run command flutter packages get (Connection to Flutter repositories must be available)
Run flutter build ios --release as #Günter Zöchbauer truly commented
Connect iPhone device or simulator and run directly on your device
If some errors printed you may need to verify your developer account settings on X-Code or check Github page of your libraries for possible iOS issues
You can do it in XCode.
Ensure you run flutter build ios --release before you do.
Connection to physical iPhone device is not necessary. Run any sample project in xcode. Start a Simulator. (Only One simulator preferrably).
clone the repository from github into Mac (with X-Code Installed)
open terminal.
cd to your pubspec.yaml
flutter run (it will automatically run flutter pub get)
(It will launch on the already running iOS simulator)
follow steps on flutter.dev to install flutter. Above steps will only work from terminal if flutter doctor(any flutter command) is recognized

How can I build Ionic3 angular4 hybrid application as ios .ipa file?

I am using a windows machine. So I have installed MAC OS sierra using VMWare in the same machine.
I have developed a Ionic3 Angular4 application with Cordova.
I have successfully created the .apk file using the command "ionic cordova build/run android" in my Windows.
So now I want to generate .ipa file. So I just moved the entire project to my MAC OS box. Then installed cordova & Ionic.
Now I am trying to build using command "ionic cordova build/run ios"
But getting the below error
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer
directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
So executed sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer.
But got error /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer” does not exist
How can overcome these errors and build my ios .ipa file?
Note: Xcode not installed manually. But installed the Xcode via Terminal (a popup opened and asked to install xcode. So clicked install button. Finally It showed Xcode installed successfully)
You will have to install xcode. See the cordova platform guide for iOS. And you will also need the xcode commandline-tools (which you already installed). If you want to run you application in a simulator you will also have to install ios-sim (sudo npm install -g ios-sim#latest). And for deploying your application to a real device ios-deploy (sudo npm install -g ios-deploy#latest)

build failed in xcode after react-native init

enter image description here
I did these steps successfully:
install node.js and the version is 4.0
brew install watchman
brew install flow
the version of OS X Yosemite is 10.10.5
the version of Xcode is 6.4
npm install -g react-native-cli
react-native init HelloWorld
In the end, I run the HelloWorld.xcodeproj,and it build failed like the picture above.
can you help me to solve this problem, thx
It looks like you're opening the HelloWorld project folder and not the Xcode project. If you're using a terminal do this:
cd HelloWorld/ios
open HelloWorld.xcodeproj
or navigate to the ios folder in your HelloWorld application in finder and double click on the xcode project to open it in the right directory.
