How to resolve Consider preallocating (prealloc) lint? - go

I catch Consider preallocating [to] (prealloc) this problen in golangci-lint
my code is:
var to []string
for _, t := range s.To {
to = append(to, t.String())
Do you have an idea to resolve this problem in lint?

Preallocate a slice with capacity so append() will have less (or no) copying to do:
to := make([]string, 0, len(s.To))
for _, t := range s.To {
to = append(to, t.String())
Or even better, don't use append() but assign to individual slice elements:
to := make([]string, len(s.To))
for i, t := range s.To {
to[i] = t.String()


how to delete Duplicate elements between slices on golang

a_array := {"1","2","3","4,"}
b_array := {"3","4"}
Desired result:
With the assumption, a_array elements definitely has b_array elements.
If you need to strictly compare one slice against the other you may do something along the lines of
func diff(a []string, b []string) []string {
// Turn b into a map
var m map[string]bool
m = make(map[string]bool, len(b))
for _, s := range b {
m[s] = false
// Append values from the longest slice that don't exist in the map
var diff []string
for _, s := range a {
if _, ok := m[s]; !ok {
diff = append(diff, s)
m[s] = true
// Sort the resulting slice
return diff
Go Playground
Alternatively if you want to get all values from both slices that are not present in both of them you can do
func diff(a []string, b []string) []string {
var shortest, longest *[]string
if len(a) < len(b) {
shortest = &a
longest = &b
} else {
shortest = &b
longest = &a
// Turn the shortest slice into a map
var m map[string]bool
m = make(map[string]bool, len(*shortest))
for _, s := range *shortest {
m[s] = false
// Append values from the longest slice that don't exist in the map
var diff []string
for _, s := range *longest {
if _, ok := m[s]; !ok {
diff = append(diff, s)
m[s] = true
// Append values from map that were not in the longest slice
for s, ok := range m {
if ok {
diff = append(diff, s)
// Sort the resulting slice
return diff
fmt.Println(diff(a_array, b_array))
will give you
[1 2]
Go playground

Code to generate powerset in Golang gives wrong result

Next code in Golang to generate powerset produces wrong result on input {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}. I see [A B C E E] as the last generated set.
package main
import (
func main() {
for _, s := range PowerSet([]string{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}) {
func PowerSet(set []string) [][]string {
var powerSet [][]string
powerSet = append(powerSet, make([]string, 0))
for _, element := range set {
var moreSets [][]string
for _, existingSet := range powerSet {
newSet := append(existingSet, element)
moreSets = append(moreSets, newSet)
powerSet = append(powerSet, moreSets...)
return powerSet
How to fix it? How to write it idiomatically in Go?
The problem with your program is not the algorithm itself but this line:
newSet := append(existingSet, element)
You should not append and assign to a different variable.
As the documentation states (emphasis mine), "The append built-in function appends elements to the end of a slice. If it has sufficient capacity, the destination is resliced to accommodate the new elements. If it does not, a new underlying array will be allocated.".
So, there might be cases where newSet := append(existingSet, element) will actually modify existingSet itself, which would break your logic.
If you change that to instead create a new array and append to that one, it works as you expect it.
newSet := make([]string, 0)
newSet = append(newSet, existingSet...)
newSet = append(newSet, element)
For instance, you can use algorithm like this one:
func PowerSet(original []string) [][]string {
powerSetSize := int(math.Pow(2, float64(len(original))))
result := make([][]string, 0, powerSetSize)
var index int
for index < powerSetSize {
var subSet []string
for j, elem := range original {
if index& (1 << uint(j)) > 0 {
subSet = append(subSet, elem)
result = append(result, subSet)
return result
Elaborating on #eugenioy's answer.
Look at this thread. Here is a working example :
func copy_and_append_string(slice []string, elem string) []string {
// wrong: return append(slice, elem)
return append(append([]string(nil), slice...), elem)
func PowerSet(s []string) [][]string {
if s == nil {
return nil
r := [][]string{[]string{}}
for _, es := range s {
var u [][]string
for _, er := range r {
u = append(u, copy_and_append_string(er, es))
r = append(r, u...)
return r

How to get intersection of two slice in golang?

Is there any efficient way to get intersection of two slices in Go?
I want to avoid nested for loop like solution
slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar","hello"}
slice2 := []string{"foo", "bar"}
intersection(slice1, slice2)
=> ["foo", "bar"]
order of string does not matter
How do I get the intersection between two arrays as a new array?
Simple Intersection: Compare each element in A to each in B (O(n^2))
Hash Intersection: Put them into a hash table (O(n))
Sorted Intersection: Sort A and do an optimized intersection (O(n*log(n)))
All of which are implemented here
simple, generic and mutiple slices ! (Go 1.18)
Time Complexity : may be linear
func interSection[T constraints.Ordered](pS ...[]T) []T {
hash := make(map[T]*int) // value, counter
result := make([]T, 0)
for _, slice := range pS {
duplicationHash := make(map[T]bool) // duplication checking for individual slice
for _, value := range slice {
if _, isDup := duplicationHash[value]; !isDup { // is not duplicated in slice
if counter := hash[value]; counter != nil { // is found in hash counter map
if *counter++; *counter >= len(pS) { // is found in every slice
result = append(result, value)
} else { // not found in hash counter map
i := 1
hash[value] = &i
duplicationHash[value] = true
return result
func main() {
slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "hello"}
slice2 := []string{"foo", "bar"}
fmt.Println(interSection(slice1, slice2))
// [foo bar]
ints1 := []int{1, 2, 3, 9, 8}
ints2 := []int{10, 4, 2, 4, 8, 9} // have duplicated values
ints3 := []int{2, 4, 8, 1}
fmt.Println(interSection(ints1, ints2, ints3))
// [2 8]
playground :
It's a best method for intersection two slice. Time complexity is too low.
Time Complexity : O(m+n)
m = length of first slice.
n = length of second slice.
func intersection(s1, s2 []string) (inter []string) {
hash := make(map[string]bool)
for _, e := range s1 {
hash[e] = true
for _, e := range s2 {
// If elements present in the hashmap then append intersection list.
if hash[e] {
inter = append(inter, e)
//Remove dups from slice.
inter = removeDups(inter)
//Remove dups from slice.
func removeDups(elements []string)(nodups []string) {
encountered := make(map[string]bool)
for _, element := range elements {
if !encountered[element] {
nodups = append(nodups, element)
encountered[element] = true
if there exists no blank in your []string, maybe you need this simple code:
func filter(src []string) (res []string) {
for _, s := range src {
newStr := strings.Join(res, " ")
if !strings.Contains(newStr, s) {
res = append(res, s)
func intersections(section1, section2 []string) (intersection []string) {
str1 := strings.Join(filter(section1), " ")
for _, s := range filter(section2) {
if strings.Contains(str1, s) {
intersection = append(intersection, s)
Try it
first := []string{"one", "two", "three", "four"}
second := []string{"two", "four"}
result := intersection(first, second) // or intersection(second, first)
func intersection(first, second []string) []string {
out := []string{}
bucket := map[string]bool{}
for _, i := range first {
for _, j := range second {
if i == j && !bucket[i] {
out = append(out, i)
bucket[i] = true
return out
Another O(m+n) Time Complexity solution that uses a hashmap.
It has two differences compared to the other solutions discussed here.
Passing the target slice as a parameter instead of new slice returned
Faster to use for commonly used types like string/int instead of reflection for all
Yes there are a few different ways to go about it.. Here's an example that can be optimized.
package main
import "fmt"
func intersection(a []string, b []string) (inter []string) {
// interacting on the smallest list first can potentailly be faster...but not by much, worse case is the same
low, high := a, b
if len(a) > len(b) {
low = b
high = a
done := false
for i, l := range low {
for j, h := range high {
// get future index values
f1 := i + 1
f2 := j + 1
if l == h {
inter = append(inter, h)
if f1 < len(low) && f2 < len(high) {
// if the future values aren't the same then that's the end of the intersection
if low[f1] != high[f2] {
done = true
// we don't want to interate on the entire list everytime, so remove the parts we already looped on will make it faster each pass
high = high[:j+copy(high[j:], high[j+1:])]
// nothing in the future so we are done
if done {
func main() {
slice1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "hello", "bar"}
slice2 := []string{"foo", "bar"}
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", intersection(slice1, slice2))
Now the intersection method defined above will only operate on slices of strings, like your example.. You can in theory create a definition that looks like this func intersection(a []interface, b []interface) (inter []interface), however you would be relying on reflection and type casting so that you can compare, which will add latency and make your code harder to read. It's probably easier to maintain and read to write a separate function for each type you care about.
func intersectionString(a []string, b []string) (inter []string),
func intersectionInt(a []int, b []int) (inter []int),
func intersectionFloat64(a []Float64, b []Float64) (inter []Float64), ..ect
You can then create your own package and reuse once you settle how you want to implement it.
package intersection
func String(a []string, b []string) (inter []string)
func Int(a []int, b []int) (inter []int)
func Float64(a []Float64, b []Float64) (inter []Float64)

golang - how to get element from the interface{} type of slice?

I want to write a function that can convert slice([]int, []string, []bool, []int64, []float64) to string.
[]string{a,b,c} -> a,b,c
[]int{1,2,3} -> 1,2,3
There is my code:
func sliceToString(itr interface{}) string {
switch itr.(type) {
case []string:
return strings.Join(itr.([]string), ",")
case []int:
s := []string{}
for _, v := range itr.([]int) {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return strings.Join(s, ",")
case []int64:
s := []string{}
for _, v := range itr.([]int64) {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return strings.Join(s, ",")
case []float64:
s := []string{}
for _, v := range itr.([]float64) {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return strings.Join(s, ",")
case []bool:
s := []string{}
for _, v := range itr.([]bool) {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return strings.Join(s, ",")
return ""
But it's a little complicated, if i can convert interface{}(type is slice) to []interface{} or get element , it's getting more simple.
func sliceToString(itr interface{}) string {
s := []string{}
// convert interface{} to []interface{} or get elements
// els := ...
for _,v:= range els{
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return s
You can't do that, because a slice of int, string or anything can't be directly casted to a slice of interfaces. (see that question for more explanation on this).
To do the conversion, you need to cast each item of the slice as an interface{} separately. And you can't access the items without casting to a slice first, but for that you need to know the slice's type (so we're back to square one).
One way to shorten your syntax is to take in a slice of interfaces as argument, and let the caller do the conversion (because the caller knows the slice's type). Here is an example :
package main
import (
func main() {
mySlice := []int{1, 2, 3}
interfaceSlice := make([]interface{}, len(mySlice))
for index := range mySlice {
interfaceSlice[index] = mySlice[index]
func sliceToString(values []interface{}) string {
s := make([]string, len(values)) // Pre-allocate the right size
for index := range values {
s[index] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", values[index])
return strings.Join(s, ",")
This will work with any slice as mySlice, but on the way you lose a lot of convenience for the caller.

How to check the uniqueness inside a for-loop?

Is there a way to check slices/maps for the presence of a value?
I would like to add a value to a slice only if it does not exist in the slice.
This works, but it seems verbose. Is there a better way to do this?
orgSlice := []int{1, 2, 3}
newSlice := []int{}
newInt := 2
newSlice = append(newSlice, newInt)
for _, v := range orgSlice {
if v != newInt {
newSlice = append(newSlice, v)
newSlice == [2 1 3]
Your approach would take linear time for each insertion. A better way would be to use a map[int]struct{}. Alternatively, you could also use a map[int]bool or something similar, but the empty struct{} has the advantage that it doesn't occupy any additional space. Therefore map[int]struct{} is a popular choice for a set of integers.
set := make(map[int]struct{})
set[1] = struct{}{}
set[2] = struct{}{}
set[1] = struct{}{}
// ...
for key := range(set) {
// each value will be printed only once, in no particular order
// you can use the ,ok idiom to check for existing keys
if _, ok := set[1]; ok {
fmt.Println("element found")
} else {
fmt.Println("element not found")
Most efficient is likely to be iterating over the slice and appending if you don't find it.
func AppendIfMissing(slice []int, i int) []int {
for _, ele := range slice {
if ele == i {
return slice
return append(slice, i)
It's simple and obvious and will be fast for small lists.
Further, it will always be faster than your current map-based solution. The map-based solution iterates over the whole slice no matter what; this solution returns immediately when it finds that the new value is already present. Both solutions compare elements as they iterate. (Each map assignment statement certainly does at least one map key comparison internally.) A map would only be useful if you could maintain it across many insertions. If you rebuild it on every insertion, then all advantage is lost.
If you truly need to efficiently handle large lists, consider maintaining the lists in sorted order. (I suspect the order doesn't matter to you because your first solution appended at the beginning of the list and your latest solution appends at the end.) If you always keep the lists sorted then you you can use the sort.Search function to do efficient binary insertions.
Another option:
package main
import ""
func main() {
var (
a intsets.Sparse
b bool
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // true
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // false
This option if the number of missing numbers is unknown
AppendIfMissing := func(sl []int, n []int {
cache := make(map[int]int)
for _, elem := range sl {
cache[elem] = elem
for _, elem := range n {
if _, ok := cache[elem]; !ok {
sl = append(sl, elem)
return sl
distincting a array of a struct :
func distinctObjects(objs []ObjectType) (distinctedObjs [] ObjectType){
var output []ObjectType
for i:= range objs{
if output==nil || len(output)==0{
} else {
for j:= range output{
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {
if !founded{
return output
where the struct here is something like :
type ObjectType struct {
fieldname1 string
fieldname2 string
the object will distinct by checked fields here :
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {
