How to loop Bash array in Expect script - bash

I have an array in my bash script:
my_file=("a.txt" "b.txt" "c.txt" "d.txt" "e.txt")
Now in the same file I want to use Expect and make a looping to get some files in sftp. This is my code
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
set timeout -1
array set param ${!my_file[#]}
spawn sftp $sftp_option $user#$host
expect "Password:"
send "$pswd\r"
expect "sftp>"
for arg in $param; do
send "mget $arg*\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "bye\r"
With that code I can't make a loop with that array above. And I got error like this:
wrong # args: should be "array set arrayName list"
while executing
"array set param 0 1"
Full Code:
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/root/bin;
trap "rm $filePID; exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM;
if [ -e $filePID ]; then
echo "[ Rsync ] There are rsync processes still running...";
echo "========================= $datenow =========================";
exit 1;
echo $$ > $filePID;
. $homeDir/get_rfs_bni.conf;
profile=`$sqlldr_path -s $strconn <<< "select host|| '|' ||username|| '|' ||password|| '|' ||port|| '|' ||outdir from p_epdp where bank='BBNI';" | tail -2 | head -1`;
mapfile mid < <($sqlldr_path -s $strconn <<< "select distinct(substr(mid, 0, 13)) from p_mid where kode_bank = 'BBNI';" | tail -3 | head -2);
host=$(echo $profile | cut -d"|" -f1);
user=$(echo $profile | cut -d"|" -f2);
pswd=$(echo $profile | cut -d"|" -f3);
port=$(echo $profile | cut -d"|" -f4);
outdir=$(echo $profile | cut -d"|" -f5);
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
set timeout -1
spawn sftp $sftp_option $user#$host
expect "Password:"
send "$pswd\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd $outdir\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "lcd $rfshome\r"
expect "sftp>"
foreach arg {${mid[#]}} {
send "mget $arg*\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "bye\r"
rm $filePID;
sleep 10;
echo "========================= $datenow =========================";
Is there any solution for this problem without separate file between bash and Expect?

The correct syntax to interpolate the array's values would be
array set param ${my_file[#]}
without a !, but this produces
array set param a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt
However, the Expect syntax for creating an array looks like
array set param {one one.txt two two.txt}
with alternating keys and values (more like an associative array than just a list of values). But then you still can't use a shell for loop inside the Expect script; the language uses a completely different syntax (Expect is based on TCL, not shell script).
Probably you are looking for something like
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
set timeout -1
spawn sftp $sftp_option $user#$host
expect "Password:"
send "$pswd\r"
expect "sftp>"
foreach arg {${my_file[#]}} {
send "mget $arg*\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "bye\r"
where I cribbed the proper TCL loop syntax from Pass bash array to expect script

It's a bit awkward looking, but you can do this:
$ my_file=("a.txt" "b.txt" "c.txt" "d.txt" "e.txt")
$ expect -f - -- "${my_file[#]}" <<'END'
foreach arg $argv {puts $arg}
The -f - tells expect to use stdin for the script file.
Then -- ends the command line options, and the remaining arguments go into the argv list.
Don't forget to use a quoted heredoc, like I demonstrate. Otherwise the shell will expand the expect variables.


make the bash script to be faster

I have a fairly large list of websites in "file.txt" and wanted to check if the words "Hello World!" in the site in the list using looping and curl.
i.e in "file.txt" :
then my code :
put() {
printf "list : "
read list
run=$(cat $list)
scan_list() {
for run in $(cat $list);do
if [[ $(curl -skL ${run}) =~ "Hello World!" ]];then
printf "${run} Hello World! \n"
printf "${run} No Hello:( \n"
this takes a lot of time, is there a way to make the checking process faster?
Use xargs:
% tr '\12' '\0' < file.txt | \
xargs -0 -r -n 1 -t -P 3 sh -c '
if curl -skL "$1" | grep -q "Hello World!"; then
echo "$1 Hello World!"
echo "$1 No Hello:("
' _
Use tr to convert returns in the file.txt to nulls (\0).
Pass through xargs with -0 option to parse by nulls.
The -r option prevents the command from being ran if the input is empty. This is only available on Linux, so for macOS or *BSD you will need to check that file.txt is not empty before running.
The -n 1 permits only one file per execution.
The -t option is debugging, it prints the command before it is ran.
We allow 3 simultaneous commands in parallel with the -P 3 option.
Using sh -c with a single quoted multi-line command, we substitute $1 for the entries from the file.
The _ fills in the $0 argument, so our entries are $1.

Shell/Bash + expect script based on input list

I'm trying to run a shell script that execute an expect script based on an input list (IP Addresses), but in parallel.
Unfortunately I didn't understood how to achieve it, below my working script that execute the expect script sequentially on each IP contained in the list.
rm -rf $OUT
touch $OUT
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
echo "Script started at $NOW"
for i in `cat $1`
SCRIPT=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -c 3des-cbc -c aes128-cbc -c aes192-cbc -c aes256-cbc -c aes128-ctr -c aes192-ctr -c aes256-ctr $USER#$i
match_max 100000
expect \"*?assword:*\"
send -- \"$PASS\r\"
expect \"*>*\"
send -- \"start shell\"
send -- \"\r\"
expect \"*%*\"
send -- \"exit\"
send -- \"\r\"
expect \"*>*\"
send -- \"exit\"
send -- \"\r\"
VERSION=`echo "$SCRIPT" | grep JUNOS | grep -v WARNING | grep -v possible | grep -v recover`
echo "$i;$VERSION" >> $OUT
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
echo "script finished at $NOW - note any errors above"
Could you please help me in found a method to run it in parallel and speedup the process?
Please try changing your script as follow:
rm -rf $OUT
touch $OUT
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
echo "Script started at $NOW"
function runSSH {
SCRIPT=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -c 3des-cbc -c aes128-cbc -c aes192-cbc -c aes256-cbc -c aes128-ctr -c aes192-ctr -c aes256-ctr $USER#$PARAM
match_max 100000
expect \"*?assword:*\"
send -- \"$PASS\r\"
expect \"*>*\"
send -- \"start shell\"
send -- \"\r\"
expect \"*%*\"
send -- \"exit\"
send -- \"\r\"
expect \"*>*\"
send -- \"exit\"
send -- \"\r\"
VERSION=`echo "$SCRIPT" | grep JUNOS | grep -v WARNING | grep -v possible | grep -v recover`
echo "$PARAM;$VERSION" >> $OUT
for i in `cat $1`; do
# Run SSH in background
runSSH $i &
# Wait for background processes to finish...
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
echo "script finished at $NOW - note any errors above"

sftp bash script doesnt downloads files

I have a problem with my bash script.
It connects to my sftp server.
Gets the list of files to download.
Should download the files. But it doesnt do this. I can see the commands. if I write the commands manually, it works.
You can see the script and the log files here:
LOCALDIR="/data/IMPORT/$(date +%Y%m%d)"
SFTP="sftp -P 1234 -i /var/xxxxxx.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no user#xxxxx.xxxx"
mkdir -p $LOCALDIR
function readFileList {
expect -c "
spawn $SFTP
expect \"assphrase\"
send \"$PASSPHRASE\r\"
expect \"sftp>\"
send \"lcd $LOCALDIR\r\"
send \"ls -l $REMOTEDIR/*\r\"
expect \"sftp>\"
send \"exit\r\"
interact " > $FILELIST
function getFiles {
expect -c "
spawn $SFTP
expect \"assphrase\"
send \"$PASSPHRASE\r\"
expect \"sftp>\"
send \"lcd $LOCALDIR\r\"
expect \"sftp>\"
send \"cd $REMOTEDIR\r\"
expect \"sftp>\"
for filepath in "${myfilenames[#]}"
file="$(basename -- $filepath)"
expect -c "
send \"get -P $file\r\n\"
sleep 3
expect \"sftp>\"
expect -c "
send \"exit\r\"
if [[ -f "$FILELIST" ]]; then
while read line; do
filename=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $9 }')
if [[ "$filename" =~ ^$REMOTEDIR ]] ; then
done < $FILELIST
getFiles "${allfilenames[#]}"
filelist.txt looks like:
spawn sftp -P 1234 -i /var/xxxxxx.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no user#xxxxx.xxxx
Enter passphrase for key '/var/xxxxxx.pem':
Connected to xxxxx.xxxx.
sftp> lcd /data/IMPORT/20200401
sftp> ls -l /EXPORT/*
-rw-r--r-- 0 1000472 1000472 3681 Mar 31 22:31 /EXPORT/file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 0 1000472 1000472 14537 Mar 31 22:34 /EXPORT/file2.txt
-rw-r--r-- 0 1000472 1000472 5932 Mar 31 22:34 /EXPORT/file3.txt
sftp> exit
filelist2.txt looks like:
spawn sftp -P 1234 -i /var/xxxxxx.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no user#xxxxx.xxxx
Enter passphrase for key '/var/xxxxxx.pem':
Connected to xxxxx.xxxx.
sftp> lcd /data/IMPORT/20200401
sftp> cd /EXPORT
sftp> get -P file1.txt
get -P file2.txt
get -P file3.txt
expect -c 'spawn sftp ...'
expect -c 'send "get file\r" '
Here when the first expect -c completes, the SFTP connection will be closed so the second expect -c would not work. You have to use one single expect -c for one SFTP session.
It's like when you manually sftp to the server, you cannot temporarily go back to Bash and come back to sftp later.

Expect deletes ^H after spawn bash -c

I have an expect script that grabs a bunch of configs and outputs them to separate files. The files though have a bunch of ^H's though I'd like to clean out. I used the CtrlV+CtrlH to put it in the expect script, but when it runs it just does it. The sed works fine in bash, but fails in expect. How can I delete the ^H from the files?
foreach host $ip {
set output [ open "$host" w ]
set timeout 2
spawn ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss $username#$host
expect {
eof {wait; spawn telnet $host;
expect "ame:";
send "$username\r"}
expect "word:"
send "$password\r"
expect "#"
send "$command\r"
sleep 2
expect {
"ore--" { send -- " "; puts $output $expect_out(buffer); exp_continue}
"#" {send -- "exit\r"}
puts $output $expect_out(buffer)
close $output
foreach host $ip {
spawn bash -c "sed -i 's/^H//gi; s/--More--//g' ./$host"
Here's what it looks like when it runs:
spawn bash -c sed -i 's//gi; s/--More--//g' ./
spawn bash -c sed -i 's//gi; s/--More--//g' ./
spawn bash -c sed -i 's//gi; s/--More--//g' ./
Assuming an ASCII-based locale, this should work:
tr -d '\010' < file >
\010 is octal 8, which is the ASCII equivalent of backspace.
For calling out to sed, since you don't need to interact with the process, you can use exec instead:
foreach host $ip {
exec sed -i {s/^H//gi; s/--More--//g} ./$host
Using Tcl's version of single quotes, which are {}

how to copy two files by SCP in expect script

please advice why
spawn scp $FILE1 $FILE2 $LOGIN#$IP:/tmp
in my expect script copy only FILE1 and not copy FILE2 ?
I try to to transfer both files by scp as
scp file1.csv file2.crt
without expect and they transferred successfully to /tmp
so why VIA expect the only file that copied is FILE1 ??
what wrong in my syntax ?
example of my expect script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set FILE1 file1.csv
set FILE2 file2.crt
set multiPrompt {[#>$]}
spawn scp $FILE1 $FILE2 $LOGIN#$IP:/tmp
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
word: {send $PASS\r}
I also try this:
spawn scp "$FILE1 $FILE2" $LOGIN#$IP:/tmp
spawn scp '$FILE1 $FILE2' $LOGIN#$IP:/tmp
but I get the same problem
You can workaround it by using array and foreach in expect script, like:
set files { file1.csv file2.crt }
foreach file $files {
puts "Let's scp $file"
send "scp $file $LOGIN#$IP:/tmp"
