Sanitize batch inputs against quotation marks? - windows

Rem ask for user input
set /p installerchoice= Please enter number for installer you wish to use:
Rem check to make sure input is a number
SET "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789" %%n in ("%installerchoice%") do set "var=%%n"
if defined var Goto Choose
rem check to make sure input is not zero
if %installerchoice% equ 0 goto Choose
rem check to make sure input isn't to high
if %installerchoice% gtr %Count% goto Choose
I'm trying to make sure a valid input (a numerical value between 1 and how ever many options there are) is input. The only thing that seems to cause a problem right now is if a " is entered. Is there anyway to prevent that from crashing the bat?

Here's how I'd tackle the task in your code:
#Set "InstallerChoice="
#Set /P "InstallerChoice=Please enter the number for the installer you wish to use: "
#SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
#(Echo(!InstallerChoice!|"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe" /RX "[123456789][0123456789]* 0">NUL||(EndLocal&Goto Choose)) 2>NUL
#Echo Your number %InstallerChoice% is valid.
However, had you provided the rest of the code, which I assume has parsed a directory within a for loop and allocated filenames to numbers in a menu like manner, there may have been a better or different methodology.

For Single Digit input, Use Choice
CHOICE /N /C 123456789 /M "Select Installer Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
GOTO :installer%errorlevel%
And use labels for your Installers such as:
To offer More options and Flexibility, Make Use of an Input Validation Function
::: REM Delayed expansion is required only for testing of Second Call Parameter
::: Is not required if that testing is removed.
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
::: REM The below 6 lines allow testing of the function, and are not part of the function.
CALL :Filter option number
ECHO %option%
GOTO :start
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Function by T3RRY
::: Using this Function-
::: When Needing User Input:
::: CALL :Filter <VarName> <AllowType>
::: Where <VarName> is replaced with the Variable name to be Set
::: And <AllowType> is replaced with letter, number, or alphanumerical
::: Assign the variable (Passed by call Argument) to be set and tested
SET "testinput=%1"
SET "permitted=%~2"
::: Test Parameter Usage is Correct- For Debugging Only.
IF NOT DEFINED testinput (
ECHO Improper use of Filter Function. CALL :Filter must include a Parameter to define the Variable to be Set
Set P_True=0
IF DEFINED permitted (
IF /I "%permitted%"=="number" Set /a P_True+=1
IF /I "%permitted%"=="letter" Set /a P_True+=1
IF /I "%permitted%"=="alphanumerical" Set /a P_True+=1
IF "!P_True!"=="0" (
ECHO Incorrect Parameter used for CALL :Filter 2nd Call Parameter.
ECHO Parameter may be undefined, If Defined must include "number" OR "letter" OR "alphanumerical"
::: Expand testinput to the Name of the Variable to be Assigned, Ensures Undefined
SET %testinput%=
::: Ensure Undefined Value for Input
SET input=
::: Exit Filter once Acceptable Variable is Set
IF DEFINED input GOTO return
::: Create and start VBS script to Launch an Input Box and Store the input to text file for retrieval from this Batch program.
SET /P input=[Select %testinput%:]
::: Test to ensure Variable defined. Needed here to prevent environment variable not defined message ahead of next test Should the variable not be defined.
IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput
::: Test for Doublequotes and reset variable if present
SET Input | FIND """" >NUL
IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput
:: REM Block Tilde
SET Input | FIND "~" >NUL
IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput
::: Test for Spaces
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input: =%" GOTO invInput
::: Test for all other standard Symbols.
::: To permit symbols REM out permitted Symbol and Call Filter without Second Parameter.
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:&=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:(=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:)=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:<=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:>=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:{=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:}=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:]=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:[=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:#=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:^=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:+=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:-=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:/=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:\=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:|=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:$=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:!=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:?=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:#=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:'=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:,=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:.=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:;=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:`=%" GOTO invInput
:: REM Length restriction. Adjust the length (Number) or Rem out as Desired
::: IF NOT "%input:~12%"=="" GOTO invInput
IF NOT DEFINED permitted GOTO :Get_Input
IF /I "%permitted%"=="number" GOTO :P_numbers
IF /I "%permitted%"=="letter" GOTO :P_letters
IF /I "%permitted%"=="alphanumerical" GOTO :P_alphanumerical
::: REM Permit only Numbers, Letters, or Letters and Numbers. Also Blocks *,! and %
echo.%input%| findstr /R "[^0-9]" >nul 2>nul
if NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO invInput
GOTO :Get_Input
echo.%input%| findstr /R "[^a-zA-Z]" >nul 2>nul
if NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO invInput
GOTO :Get_Input
echo.%input%| findstr /R "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" >nul 2>nul
if NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO invInput
GOTO :Get_Input
SET input=
::: REM Specifies the permitted input types.
IF DEFINED permitted (
ECHO Input of %permitted% characters is allowed. Other Symbols and Characters are Not Permitted.
) else (
ECHO Invalid Character Entered. Try Again
GOTO :Get_Input
::: assigns the input value to the variable name being validated.
SET "%testinput%=%input%"
SET input=

The solution is quite simple: just enable delayed variable expansion before the for /F loop and use it for variable !InstallerChoice!, then any " the user enters is no longer recognised by the parser:
set "InstallerChoice=" & rem // (reset variable to avoid keeping previous value)
set /P InstallerChoice="Please enter number for installer you wish to use: "
rem // Check to make sure input is a number:
set "var=" & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "eol=0 delims=0123456789" %%N in ("!InstallerChoice!") do set "var=%%N"
if defined var (endlocal & Goto Choose) else endlocal
rem // Check to make sure input is not zero:
if %InstallerChoice% equ 0 goto Choose
rem // Check to make sure input isn't to high:
if %InstallerChoice% gtr %Count% goto Choose
By the way, let me recommend to put set "InstallerChoice=" just before set /P, because when the user just presses {Enter}, the previous value is going to be kept otherwise.
And you should add eol=0 to the for /F loop options to not come into trouble when the user enters something beginning with the default eol character ;.


Batch file error "/100 was unexpected at this time"

I make a game for fun with batch script but in this code i have an error message "/100 unexpected at this time" i really don't understand why? Please help me!!
#echo off
mode con cols=110 lines=32
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set npctier=0
goto randomnpc
if %npctier% EQU 0 (
set npctype=Wooden Dummy
set /a npclvl=%random% %% 5+1
set /a npchp=%npclvl% * 100
set /a npcdmg=0
set /a npcdef=(%npchp%*5)/100
set /a npcxp=%npclvl%*100 )
echo. You see %npctype% level %npclvl%.
echo. The %npctype%'s Health: %npchp% HP
goto main
I recommend to first open a command prompt, run set /? and read the output help carefully and completely from top of first to bottom of last page. There is explained:
Any non-numeric strings in the expression are treated as environment variable names whose values are converted to numbers before using them. If an environment variable name is specified but is not defined in the current environment, then a value of zero is used. This allows you to do arithmetic with environment variable values without having to type all those % signs to get their values.
So there can be written just set /A npchp=npclvl * 100 as npclvl inside the arithmetic expression is interpreted as name of an environment variable and the command line works even on being inside a command block starting with ( and ending with matching ) without usage of delayed environment variable expansion.
Then run cmd /? and read again the output help carefully and completely from top of first to bottom of last page. There is explained that a file name (or any other argument string) containing a space one of these characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~ must be enclosed in " to get those characters interpreted as literal characters of an argument string.
Please read also How does the Windows Command Interpreter (CMD.EXE) parse scripts?
For that reason the command line set /a npcdef=(%npchp%*5)/100 should be written with one of the following notations:
set /A npcdef=npchp*5/100
set /A npcdef=npchp * 5 / 100
set /A "npcdef=(npchp*5)/100"
set /A npcdef=(npchp*5^)/100
The caret character ^ escapes the next character for being interpreted as literal character except the next character is % which must be escaped with %.
The recommendations posted on DosTips forum topic ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/ should be also taken into account on writing batch files which output empty lines.
The batch file with the main improvement of changing the IF condition to avoid completely the usage of a command block.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
%SystemRoot%\System32\ con cols=110 lines=32
set npctier=0
set "npctype=Wooden Dummy"
if %npctier% NEQ 0 goto CombatChoice
set /A npclvl=%random% %% 5 + 1
set /A npchp=npclvl*100
set npcdmg=0
set /A npcdef=npchp*5/100
set /A npcxp=npclvl*100
echo You see %npctype% level %npclvl%.
echo The %npctype%'s health: %npchp% HP
See also Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line? It contains several hints on how to use command SET not written in help/documentation of this command.
If you wish to maintain the same structure, then something lke this would be better:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions 110, 32
Set "npctier=0"
If %npctier% Equ 0 (
Set "npctype=Wooden Dummy"
Set "npcdmg=0"
Set /A "npclvl=(%RANDOM% %% 5) + 1"
Set /A "npchp=npclvl * 100, npcdef=npclvl * 5, npcxp=npchp"
Echo You see %npctype% level %npclvl%.
Echo The %npctype%'s Health: %npchp% HP
GoTo main
You should note, that it is possible to define multiple values using Set /A in one arithmetic instruction
Before you get too carried away with creating a lengthy script which repeats code, I think it's worthwhile introducing you to batch macro's.
Macro's in Batch are commands or command blocks assigned to variables, and through the use of For loops combined with If / Else conditioning can be used to Capture arguments allowing variables to be used as Functions.
The below example contains two variations of a macro that can be used to easily generate different encounter types with minimal repetative scripting whilst also avoiding the use of inefficient calls to functions.
Macro's must be defined prior to delayed expansion being enabled as variables referenced during macro execution are defined using ! expansion so that the value the macro is parsed with at expansion is the value of the variable at the time of parsing, not it's value during definition.
#echo off
mode con cols=110 lines=32
(Set \n=^^^
%= macro newline DNR =%
(Set LF=^
%= Linefeed DNR =%)
rem Example 1: npc generation; Fixed Formula macro
rem USAGE: %npc{generic}%{Npc name / type}{npc max level}{npc multiplier}{damage value or formula}
Set npc{generic}=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
For /F "Tokens=1,2,3,4 Delims={}" %%G in ("!Params!")Do (%\n%
Set "npctype=%%G" %\n%
Set /a "npclvl= !random! %% %%H + 1" %\n%
Set /a "npchp= !npclvl! * %%I" %\n%
Set /a "npcdmg= %%J" %\n%
Set /a "npcdef= ( !npchp! * %%H ) / %%I" %\n%
Set /a "npcxp=!npclvl! * %%I" %\n%
echo/Enemy: !npctype!!LF!level: !npclvl!!LF!HP: !npchp!!LF!Damage: !npcdmg!!LF!Defence: !npcdef!!LF!XP: !npcxp!!LF!%\n%
) Else Set Params=
rem Example 2: npc generation; Supplied Formula macro
rem USAGE: %npc{boss}%{Npc name / type}{level value or formula}{hp value or formula}{damage value or formula}{defense value or formula}{xp value or formula}
Set npc{boss}=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
For /F "Tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 Delims={}" %%G in ("!Params!")Do (%\n%
Set "npctype=%%G" %\n%
Set /a "npclvl= %%H " %\n%
Set /a "npchp= %%I " %\n%
Set /a "npcdmg= %%J " %\n%
Set /a "npcdef= %%K " %\n%
Set /a "npcxp= %%L " %\n%
echo/Enemy: !npctype!!LF!level: !npclvl!!LF!HP: !npchp!!LF!Damage: !npcdmg!!LF!Defence: !npcdef!!LF!XP: !npcxp!!LF!%\n%
) Else Set Params=
rem enable delayed expansion after macro definitions
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
%npc{generic}%{Wooden Dummy}{5}{100}{0}
%npc{boss}%{Dragon}{!random! %% 10 + 10}{npclvl * 200}{npchp / 20}{npchp / (npclvl / 2)}{npclvl * 150}
Goto :Eof

How to limit a batch variable's length

Is it any way to limit the length of a batch variable? I mean, if it is possible to program a variable that only admits between 0 and x characters? So, for an instance, if I entered 123456 and the max length was 4 it wouldn't proceed to continue. I hope you can understand my question.
Thanks in advance.
Demonstration batch code according to suggestions of aschipfl and rojo:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "UserInput="
set /P "UserInput=Enter string with a length between 1 and 4: "
if not defined UserInput goto UserPrompt
if not "!UserInput:~4!" == "" goto UserPrompt
echo String entered: !UserInput!
!UserInput:~4! is replaced by command processor on execution of the batch file by the string from user input starting with fifth character. First character of a string value has index value 0 which is reason for number 4 for fifth character. This string is empty if user entered a string not longer than 4 characters, otherwise this substring is not empty resulting in user must input again a string.
Delayed expansion is used to avoid an exit of batch processing caused by a syntax error if the user enters a string containing an odd number of double quotes.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
cls /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
if /?
pause /?
set /?
setlocal /?
If you mean "limit the length of a batch variable when it is read via SET /P command", then you may use the ReadLine subroutine described at this post, that emulates SET /P command using pure Batch file commands, and just insert the maximum length restriction.
#echo off
call :ReadNChars string4="Enter 4 characters maximum: " 4
echo String read: "%string4%"
goto :EOF
:ReadNChars var="prompt" maxLen
rem Read a line emulating SET /P command
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
rem Initialize variables
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo > _
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z _ NUL') do set "CR=%%a"
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $H ^| cmd') do set "BS=%%a"
rem Show the prompt and start reading
set /P "=%~2" < NUL
set "input="
set i=0
set "key="
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('xcopy /W _ _ 2^>NUL') do if not defined key set "key=%%a"
rem If key is CR: terminate input
if "!key:~-1!" equ "!CR!" goto endRead
rem If key is BS: delete last char, if any
set "key=!key:~-1!"
if "!key!" equ "!BS!" (
if %i% gtr 0 (
set /P "=!BS! !BS!" < NUL
set "input=%input:~0,-1%"
set /A i-=1
goto nextKey
rem Insert here any filter on the key
if %i% equ %3 goto nextKey
rem Else: show and accept the key
set /P "=.!BS!%key%" < NUL
set "input=%input%%key%"
set /A i+=1
goto nextKey
del _
endlocal & set "%~1=%input%"
exit /B
However, if you want to limit the length of a Batch variable in other cases, like SET /A or plain SET commands, then there is no way to do that. Of course, you may execute such commands and then cut the variable value to the maximum length, but that process is an entirely different thing.

"Bullet Proof" Validation in Batch

This is a fairly general question on user input validation, with particular focus on special characters. In this "simplest" case one character validation is sought.
The code is modified from a 5 year old thread but it is apparent that most of the special characters require extra treatment to what is proposed below:
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Eliminate poison chars on <CR>
SET "validateText="
SET /P "validateText=Type f to foo or b to bah. (f/b)"
call :Validate
if /i %validateText%==f (echo foo pause>nul goto :eof
) else (
if /i %validateText%==b (echo bah pause>nul goto :eof
) else (goto Prompter))
SET Input=%validateText:~0,1%
For %%G In (^= ^| ^& ^< ^> ^^ + ^( ^) \ / . # # $ { } [ ] ' : ` ^%% ^") Do (
REM Test Script fails for = | & < > ^ ) ; " and space
REM Loops through the set, but the if clauses are never evaluated
If %Input%==%%G (#echo isequal pause>nul exit /b) else (echo isnotequal pause>nul exit /b))
REM quotes on the test clause also fail
rem If "%validateText%==%%G" (echo equal pause >nul goto :eof) else (echo not equal pause >nul goto :eof))
REM The following are what is intended. All fail
rem If "%validateText%==%%G" (set Input=!Input:%%G=! goto BangDO) else (set Input=%validateText% goto :eof))
rem If %validateText%==%%G (set "Input=%Input:%%G=%" goto BangDO) else (set "Input=%validateText%" goto :eof))
#echo %Input%
Set Input=!Input:%=!
REM Remove !
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "%Input:!=X"
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "validateText=%Input%"
#echo %validateText%
The question is, that given there haven't been updates to the Command processor (at least since the quoted post) why it doesn't work. Either improve on this attempt at validation or provide own code.
The answer is almost staring you in the face :-) You enable delayed expansion, but then you fail to use it!
One beautiful feature of delayed expansion is you never have to worry about poison characters in the content.
One other thing, set /p will preserve any existing variable value if the user simply presses <Enter> without entering a value. That may or may not be what you want. I usually explicitly clear the variable value before using set /p
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM set /p does not clear existing value if user enters empty string
REM Remove REM below if you want to ignore any existing str value
REM set "str="
set /p "str=Type f to foo or b to bah. (f/b) "
if /i !str!==f (
echo foo
) else if /i !str!==b (
echo bah
) else goto prompter
pause >nul
In your case only one replacement is necessary to be secure.
SET "validateText="
SET /P "validateText=Type f to foo or b to bah. (f/b)"
set "validateText=%validateText:"=""%"
if /i "%validateText%"=="f" (
echo foo pause>nul goto :eof
) else if /i "%validateText%"=="b" (
echo bah pause>nul goto :eof
) else (
goto Prompter
This works as all special characters are safe inside quotes.
And you only need to be sure that a quote inside your text can't cause problems, this can be achieved by doubling all quotes.

Batch script (Windows) string substitution with a twist

I know how to do a literal string substitution in a batch script. However, I have a specific situation where I need to substitute the value of a numeric variable
This is the script:
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /A L=2
if %L% EQU 0 goto :EOF
echo %NEW%
set /A L=%L% - 1
goto L1
I want it to display this:
But it ends up diplaying this instead:
Any tips on how to get it to do what I need?
Even the solutions of aphoria and Bali C will work, it's better to use
set "NEW=!STRING:#=%L%!"
As then the replacement will be done in the delayed expansion phase and not in the percent expansion phase.
This will also work with exclamation marks and carets in STRING
#echo off
set L=2
set "String=This is # test!"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "NEW=!STRING:#=%L%!"
echo !NEW!
Your almost there, just change
You need to use !L! to use delayed expansion.
SET /A L=2
IF !L! EQU 0 goto :EOF
SET /A L=!L! - 1
Actually, you don't have to use !L! everywhere, just in the SET NEW=%STRING:#!L!% line. I used it everywhere for visual consistency.
Just for fun. Here is how to do it without delayed expansion. :)
Using the call command to double expand the variables. Use double percents %% around the variable to evaluate second. Single percents % around the variable to evaluate first.
setlocal EnableExtensions
set /A L=2
if %L% EQU 0 goto :EOF
call set "NEW=%%STRING:#=%L%%%"
echo %NEW%
set /A L=%L% - 1
goto L1
You may also use the STRING as a "format string" placing the desired variables in the right places enclosed in exclamation marks. This way, no further replacement of the values is needed, just display the format string in the usual way:
rem Define the "format string" with Delayed Expansion disabled:
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /A L=2
if %L% EQU 0 goto :EOF
echo %STRING%
set /A L=L - 1
goto L1
Or, with no Delayed\Expansion:
set /A L=2
if %L% EQU 0 goto :EOF
call echo %STRING%
set /A L=L - 1
goto L1

LastIndexOf in Windows batch

I need to implement a function in a Windows batch script to get the LastIndexOf a character into a given string.
For example: Given the following string, I need to get the last index of character '/':
So I need to get the value:
Joey's solution works, but the character to find is hard coded, and it is relatively slow.
Here is a parametized function that is fast and can find any character (except nul) within the string. I pass the name of variables containing the string and the character instead of string literals so that the function easily supports all characters.
#echo off
set "test=/name1/name2/name3"
set "char=/"
::1st test simply prints the result
call :lastIndexOf test char
::2nd test stores the result in a variable
call :lastIndexOf test char rtn
echo rtn=%rtn%
exit /b
:lastIndexOf strVar charVar [rtnVar]
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Get the string values
set "lastIndexOf.char=!%~2!"
set "str=!%~1!"
set "chr=!lastIndexOf.char:~0,1!"
:: Determine the length of str - adapted from function found at:
set "str2=.!str!"
set "len=0"
for /L %%A in (12,-1,0) do (
set /a "len|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str2:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A"
:: Find the last occurrance of chr in str
for /l %%N in (%len% -1 0) do if "!str:~%%N,1!" equ "!chr!" (
set rtn=%%N
goto :break
set rtn=-1
:break - Return the result if 3rd arg specified, else print the result
( endlocal
if "%~3" neq "" (set %~3=%rtn%) else echo %rtn%
exit /b
It wouldn't take much modification to create a more generic :indexOf function that takes an additional argument specifying which occurance to find. A negative number could specify to search in reverse. So 1 could be the 1st, 2 the 2nd, -1 the last, -2 penultimate, etc.
(Note: I'm assuming Windows batch files because, frankly, I have only seen a single question asking for an actual DOS batch file here so far. Most people simply misattribute “DOS” to anything that has a window of gray-on-black monospaced text without knowing what they're actually talking of.)
Just loop through it, updating the index as you go:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set S=/name1/name2/name3
set I=0
set L=-1
if "!S:~%I%,1!"=="" goto ld
if "!S:~%I%,1!"=="/" set L=%I%
set /a I+=1
goto l
echo %L%
I know this question is a bit old now, but I needed a function that could find the location of a substring (of any length) within a string, and adapted dbenham's solution for my purposes. This function also works with individual characters within a string, as asked for in the original question, and can search for specific instances (as suggested by dbenham).
To use this function, the actual strings must be passed. Dbenham does note that this supports fewer characters than passing the actual variables, but I find that this variant is more reuseable (especially with pipes).
The third argument takes the instance that should be found, with negative numbers specifying to search from the end. The index returned is the offset from the start of the string to the first character in the substring.
#ECHO off
SET search_string=sub
CALL :strIndex "The testing subjects subjects to testing." "%search_string%" -2
:strIndex string substring [instance]
REM Using adaptation of strLen function found at
IF "%~2" EQU "" SET Index=-1 & GOTO strIndex_end
IF "%~3" EQU "" (SET Instance=1) ELSE (SET Instance=%~3)
SET Index=-1
SET String=%~1
SET "str=A%~1"
SET "String_Length=0"
FOR /L %%A IN (12,-1,0) DO (
SET /a "String_Length|=1<<%%A"
FOR %%B IN (!String_Length!) DO IF "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" SET /a "String_Length&=~1<<%%A"
SET "sub=A%~2"
SET "Substring_Length=0"
FOR /L %%A IN (12,-1,0) DO (
SET /a "Substring_Length|=1<<%%A"
FOR %%B IN (!Substring_Length!) DO IF "!sub:~%%B,1!"=="" SET /a "Substring_Length&=~1<<%%A"
IF %Substring_Length% GTR %String_Length% GOTO strIndex_end
SET /A Searches=%String_Length%-%Substring_Length%
IF %Instance% GTR 0 (
FOR /L %%n IN (0,1,%Searches%) DO (
CALL SET StringSegment=%%String:~%%n,!Substring_Length!%%
IF "%~2" EQU "!StringSegment!" SET /A Instance-=1
IF !Instance! EQU 0 SET Index=%%n & GOTO strIndex_end
)) ELSE (
FOR /L %%n IN (%Searches%,-1,0) DO (
CALL SET StringSegment=%%String:~%%n,!Substring_Length!%%
IF "%~2" EQU "!StringSegment!" SET /A Instance+=1
IF !Instance! EQU 0 SET Index=%%n & GOTO strIndex_end
EXIT /B %Index%
