How Can I Replace Any Line by Its Line Number? - windows

EDIT: After great help from #aschipfl, the code is %110 as functional as I wanted it to be! I did some extra research and made it easy to use with prompts for that extra %10 :P
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Create a prompt to set the variables
set /p _FILETYPE="What file type: "
set /p _LINENUM="Which line: "
set /p _NEWLINE="Make line say: "
rem // Start the loop, and set the files
for %%f in (*%_FILETYPE%) do (
set "_FILE=%%f"
echo "_FILE=%%f"
rem // To execute seperate code before the end of the loop, starting at ":subroutine".
call :subroutine "%%f"
rem // Write to a temporary file:
> "" (
rem /* Loop through each line of the original file,
rem preceded by the line number and a colon `:`:*/
for /F "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /N "^" "%_FILE%"') do (
rem // Store the current line with prefix to a variable:
set "LN=%%A"
rem /* Store the line number into another variable;
rem everything up to the first non-numeric char. is regarded,
rem which is the aforementioned colon `:` in this situation: */
set /A "NUM=LN"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid trouble with `!`:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* Compare current line number with predefined one and replace text
rem in case of equality, or return original text otherwise: */
if !NUM! equ %_LINENUM% (
) else (
rem // Remove line number prefix:
rem // Move the edited file onto the original one:
move /Y "" "%_FILE%"
exit /B
Doesn't matter whats in any of the lines already. I just want to be able to pick any line from a .txt and replace it with whatever I choose.
So for example: Maybe I have a bunch of .txt's, and I want to replace line 5 in all of them with "vanilla". And later choose to replace line 10 of all .txt's with "Green". And so on...
I've seen lots of people asking the same main question. But I keep finding situational answers.
"How do I replace specific lines?" "you search for whats already in the line, and replace it with your new text" -I cant have that. I need it to be dynamic, because whats in each "line 5" is different, or there's lots of other lines with the same text.
I had tried the only one answer I could find, but all it ended up doing is replace literally all lines with "!ln:*:=!", instead of echoing.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "file=yourFile.txt"
set "newLine5=NewLine5Here"
>"" (
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%file%"') do for /f "delims=:" %%N in ("%%A") do (
set "ln=%%A"
setlocal enabableDelayedExpansion
if "!ln:~0,6!" equ "5:FMOD" (echo(!newLine5!) else echo(!ln:*:=!
move /y "" "%file%" >nul

The following (commented) code should work for you:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_FILE=yourFile.txt"
set "_NEWLINE=NewLine5Here"
set /A "_LINENUM=5" & rem // (target line number)
rem // Write to a temporary file:
> "" (
rem /* Loop through each line of the original file,
rem preceded by the line number and a colon `:`:*/
for /F "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /N "^" "%_FILE%"') do (
rem // Store the current line with prefix to a variable:
set "LN=%%A"
rem /* Store the line number into another variable;
rem everything up to the first non-numeric char. is regarded,
rem which is the aforementioned colon `:` in this situation: */
set /A "NUM=LN"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid trouble with `!`:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* Compare current line number with predefined one and replace text
rem in case of equality, or return original text otherwise: */
if !NUM! equ %_LINENUM% (
) else (
rem // Remove line number prefix:
rem // Move the edited file onto the original one:
move /Y "" "%_FILE%"
exit /B
Besides the typo in EnableDelayedExpansion in your code, you do not even need a second for /F loop to get the line number, and you do not need to extract a certain number of characters from the prefixed line text.
Note that this approach fails for line numbers higher than 231 - 1 = 2 147 483 647. replace literally all lines with "!ln:*:=!", instead of echoing.
But that's correct, because the FINDSTR /N prefixes each line with a line number before.
The !ln:*:=! only removes the line number again.
And the findstr trick is used to avoid skipping of empty lines or lines beginning with ; (the EOL character).
The !line:*:=! replaces everthing up to the first double colon (and incuding it) with nothing.
This is better than using FOR "delims=:" because delims=: would also strip double colons at the front of a line.
The toggling of delayed expansion is necessary to avoid accidential stripping of ! and ^ in the line set "ln=%%A"
To fix your code:
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%file%"') do (
set "ln=%%A"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "!ln:~0,6!" equ "5:FMOD" (
set "out=!newLine5!"
) else (
set "out=!ln:*:=!"


Nested FOR loops and variables in Batch

I have the following code;
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::Get the number of Chapters
set "cmd=FINDSTR /R /N "^.*" %~n1.txt | FIND /C ":""
for /F %%a in ('!cmd!') do set numChapters=%%a
::Cycle through this once for every chapter, getting the line and the line after it
for /L %%a in (1,1,%numChapters%) do (
set "skip="
if %%a geq 2 (
set /a skip=%%a-1
set "skip=skip=!skip!"
for /F "!skip! tokens=1,2" %%i in ("%~n1.txt") do (
set startTime=%%i
set chapterName=%%j
set "skip=skip=%%a"
for /F !skip! %%i in ("%~n1.txt") do (
set endTime=%%i
echo %startTime% %endTime% %chapterName%
First I find out how many lines are in a text file, and set that to the variable numChapters.
I then use this to create a for loop that iterates for each chapter.
Inside the for loop, there are two further loops. The first reads a line, and the second reads the following line.
The intent of this is to read lines 1+2, 2+3, 3+4, and use those values as part of a command run the same number of times as the number of lines.
This means that from a list such as this;
00:00:00 The Meeting Room/The Meeting
00:03:36 Long Distance Runaround
00:07:47 Wonderous Stories
I can end up with a command that includes the start time, end time, and chapter title.
The issue I am facing is that no matter what I do, I cannot get the nested for loops to use the skip variables. I've tried %%a, %skip%, !skip!, and none of them work. The value isn't correctly substituted in any situation.
Does anyone have any way to get this variable used, or a better method of reading a specific line of a text file than a for loop?
The option string of for /F (like the root path of for /R) requires immediate (%-)expansion, because for (besides if and rem) is recognised by the command interpreter even before delayed expansion and also expansion of for meta-variables occur.
A possible solution is to put each for /F loop with the dynamic skip options into a sub-routine, to use call to call it and to apply %-expansion therein (see all the additional rem remarks for explanations):
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Get the number of chapters
rem // To determine the number of lines in a file you do not need `findstr`:
for /F %%a in ('^< "%~n1.txt" find /C /V ""') do set "numChapters=%%a"
rem Cycle through this once for every chapter, getting the line and the line after it
for /L %%a in (1,1,%numChapters%) do (
set /A "skip=%%a-1"
call :getTwoValues startTime chapterName "%~n1.txt" "!skip!"
call :getTwoValues endTime dummy "%~n1.txt" "%%a"
rem /* For the last line, there is of course no next line containing the end time;
rem therefore, let us mark that case specifically: */
if not defined endTime set "endTime=??:??:??"
rem /* If there is no chapter specified, do not output anything; this might also
rem be quite useful in case the last line just contains a time stamp but no
rem chapter name just to provide the end time of the last one: */
if defined chapterName echo !startTime! !endTime! !chapterName!
goto :EOF
:getTwoValues <1st var. name> <2nd var. name> <file path/name> <lines to skip>
rem // Ensure not to return the former output, and set up `skip` option string:
set "%~1=" & set "%~2=" & set /A "skip=0, skip+=%~4" 2> nul
if %skip% gtr 0 (set "skip=skip=%skip%") else set "skip="
rem /* Added `usebackq` in order not to interprete the quoted file path/name as
rem a literal string; also changed the `tokens` option to return the first
rem token and then the whole remainder of the line: */
rem /* Remember that `for /F` regards empty lines for its `skip` option, but it
rem does not iterate through such; hence the first line it iterates over is
rem actually the first non-empty line after the number of skipped lines: */
for /F "usebackq %skip% tokens=1,*" %%i in ("%~3") do (
set "%~1=%%i"
set "%~2=%%j"
rem // Since we do not want to iterate to the last line, leave the loop here:
goto :EOF
rem /* This is just needed in case `skip` points beyond the end of the file, or
rem there are no more non-empty lines behind the skipped ones: */
goto :EOF
Based on your sample data, the output should be this:
00:00:00 00:03:36 The Meeting Room/The Meeting
00:03:36 00:07:47 Long Distance Runaround
00:07:47 ??:??:?? Wonderous Stories
However, the entire approach could be heavily simplified, when you avoid the file multiple times and do not read each line twice, by simply reading the file line by line once, but return the chapter information from the previous iteration, together with the end time from the current line:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_FILE=%~n1.txt" & rem // (path/name of file to process)
set "_FRMT=??:??:??" & rem // (dummy end time output for last chapter)
rem /* Initialise variables; loop through lines of files, augmented by
rem an additional line at the end, to alyways output last chapter: */
set "STA=" & for /F "tokens=1,*" %%K in ('
type "%_FILE%" ^& echo(%_FRMT%
') do (
rem // Output the chapter from the previous loop iteration:
set "END=%%K" & if defined STA if defined NAME (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo(!STA! !END! !NAME!
rem // Store chapter information for the next loop iteration:
set "STA=%%K" & set "NAME=%%L"
exit /B

Batch - Get block of text between flags, output and iterate over all files

I've got a bunch of text files in a directory that have a block of text I want to extract between two strings into a new text file of a similar name. I've got the single file working but think I've come unstuck with looping through all .txt files. Maybe at the "goto" command?
Here is the original, single file code I used:
Batch File - Find two lines then copy everything between those lines
~Top Break
~ more data title
more foobar
~Bottom Break
Garbage data
I have this code that works for a single file called FileNumber1.txt.
#echo off
set "FIRSTLINE=~Top Break"
set "LASTLINE=~Bottom Break"
set "INFILE=FileNumber1.txt"
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FLAG="
> "%INFILE%_MyData.txt" (
rem findstr configured so that each line in a file is given a "1:" number and colon.
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /N "^" "%INFILE%"') do (
set "LINE=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem this LINE=!LINE:*:=! removes the any character before the Colon. *:
set "LINE=!LINE:*:=!"
rem this block of code checks to see if line of text = Firstline variable, if so FLAG = TRUE
if "!LINE!"=="%FIRSTLINE%" (
rem this block of code checks to see if line of text = Lastline variable, if so goto :Continue and end the loop
) else if "!LINE!"=="%LASTLINE%" (
) else if defined FLAG (
) else (
NewFile1_MyData.txt Output:
~ more data title
more foobar
I've tried to wrap this in another "FOR" loop that looks for all txt files in the same directory.
This is my code that isn't working.
#echo off
set "FIRSTLINE=~Top Break"
set "LASTLINE=~Bottom Break"
for /F %%f in (*.txt) do (
set "INFILE=%%f"
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FLAG="
> "%INFILE%_OldHeader.txt" (
rem findstr configured so that each line in a file is given a "1:" number and colon.
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /N "^" "%INFILE%"') do (
set "LINE=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem this LINE=!LINE:*:=! removes the any character before the Colon. *:
set "LINE=!LINE:*:=!"
rem this block of code checks to see if line of text = Firstline variable, if so FLAG = TRUE
if "!LINE!"=="%FIRSTLINE%" (
rem this block of code checks to see if line of text = Lastline variable, if so goto :Continue and end the loop
) else if "!LINE!"=="%LASTLINE%" (
) else if defined FLAG (
) else (
The Command window gets to the "for /F" statement and exits.
Mmm... I would change the method to extract the lines for a simpler one based on lines to skip at beginning of file and number of lines to extract. After that, I would use a for to process all files and call a subroutine to extract the lines:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "FirstLine=~Top Break"
set "LastLine=~Bottom Break"
rem Process all text files in this folder
for %%f in (*.txt) do (
rem Search for First line and Number of lines
set "FirstNum="
for /F "delims=:" %%n in ('findstr /C:"%FirstLine%" /C:"%LastLine%" /N "%%f"') do (
if not defined FirstNum (
set "FirstNum=%%n"
) else (
set /A "LastNum=%%n-FirstNum-1"
rem Copy the lines
call :CopyLines >"%%~Nf_MyData.out" "%%f", !FirstNum!, !LastNum!
ren *.out *.txt
goto :EOF
:CopyLines File, Skip, Num
set "Num=%3"
for /F "usebackq skip=%2 delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo %%a
set /A Num-=1
if !Num! equ 0 exit /B
exit /B

Creating Each line of text as variable and them constantly changing in a loop in batch

So what I'm trying to do is create a find for multiple people where it in the text file it will say names and numbers like
Example of text file:
This is the best way I can explain what I'm trying to do:
#echo off
set "file=Test1.txt"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
<"!file!" (
for /f %%i in ('type "!file!" ^| find /c /v ""') do set /a n=%%i && for /l %%j in (1 1 %%i) do (
set /p "line_%%j="
set /a Name=1
set /a Number=2
Echo Line_%Name%> %Name%.txt (Im trying to get this to say line_2 to say 1st line in the text file)
Echo Line_%Number%> %Name%.txt (Im trying to get this to say line_2 to say 2nd line in the text file)
set /a Name=%Name%+2 (These are meant to take off after 1 so lines 3,5,7,9 so on)
set /a Number=%Number%+2 (These are meant to take off after 2 so lines 4,6,8,10 so on)
Echo Line_%Name%
Echo Line_%Number%
GOTO :Start
so the outcome would be
In Beth.txt:
So every name will be a file name and the first line in a file. I will change it later so I can do a addition in each text file.
Name: Beth
Number: 1234567891
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q65417881.txt"
rem make sure arrays are empty
For %%b IN (name number) DO FOR /F "delims==" %%a In ('set %%b[ 2^>Nul') DO SET "%%a="
rem Initialise counter and entry array
SET /a count=0
SET "number[0]=dummy"
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO (
IF DEFINED number[!count!] (SET /a count+=1&SET "name[!count!]=%%a") ELSE (SET "number[!count!]=%%a")
rem clear out dummy entry
SET "number[0]=dummy"
FOR /L %%c IN (1,1,%count%) DO (
rem replace spaces with dashes
SET "name[%%c]=!name[%%c]: =-!"
rem report to console rem report to console
ECHO Name: !name[%%c]! Number: !number[%%c]!
rem generate name.txt file
ECHO !name[%%c]!
ECHO !number[%%c]!
You would need to change the values assigned to sourcedir and destdir to suit your circumstances. The listing uses a setting that suits my system.
I deliberately include spaces in names to ensure that the spaces are processed correctly.
I used a file named q65417881.txt containing your data for my testing.
The line data read from the file is assigned to %%a is assigned to and number[!count!] alternately. The data is retained in these arrays for use by further processing.
[Edited to include conversion of spaces within names to dashes]
If I understand correctly, you want to precede every second line with Number: + SPACE and every other line with Name: + SPACE. For this you do not need to store each line in a variable first, you can use a single for /F loop lo read the file line by line and process every line individually. There are two possibilities:
Temporarily precede every line with a line number plus : using findstr /N:
#echo off
rem // Loop through lines and precede each with line number plus `:`:
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%K in ('findstr /N "^" "Test1.txt"') do (
rem // Calculate remainder of division by two:
set /A "MOD=%%K%%2" 2> nul
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid issues with `!`:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Conditionally return line string with adequate prefix:
if !MOD! neq 0 (
endlocal & echo Name: %%L
) else (
endlocal & echo Number: %%L
This will fail when a line begins with the a :.
Check whether numeric representation of current line string is greater than 0:
#echo off
rem // Loop through (non-empty) lines:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("Test1.txt") do (
rem // Determine numeric representation of current line string:
set /A "NUM=%%L" 2> nul
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid issues with `!`:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Conditionally return line string with adequate prefix:
if !NUM! equ 0 (
endlocal & echo Name: %%L
) else (
endlocal & echo Number: %%L
This fails when a name begins with numerals and/or when a numeric line is 0.
And just for the sake of posting something different:
#SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion & (Set LF=^
% 0x0A %
) & For /F %%G In ('Copy /Z "%~f0" NUL') Do #Set "CR=%%G"
#For /F "Tokens=1,2* Delims=:" %%G In ('%__AppDir__%cmd.exe /D/V/C ^
"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /NR "^[a-Z]*!CR!!LF![0123456789]" "Test1?.txt" 2>NUL"
') Do #(SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
(Set /P "=Name: %%I!CR!!LF!Number: " 0<NUL & Set "_="
For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%J In (' +%%H "%%G"') Do #(
If Not Defined _ Set "_=_" & Echo %%J)) 1>"%%I.txt" & EndLocal)
This file should be run with the Test1.txt file in the current working directory. It is important that along side Test1.txt, there are no other .txt files with the same basename followed by one other character, (for example Test1a.txt or Test12.txt). Should you wish to change your filename, just remember that you must suffix its basename in the above code with a ? character, (e.g. MyTextFile.log ⇒ MyTextFile?.log).
I had the rare opportunity to verify that this script worked against the following example Test1.txt file:

Loop recursively into subfolders and look for a substring into files

I would like to create a script that loops reccursively through subfolders of D:\MyFolder\ for example, to find multiple files named MyFile.txt
then look into each file for the keyword FROM and retrieve the string between the FROM and the next semicolon ;.
Sample of MyFile.txt:
Somewhere ;
The desired result is: Somewhere.
(The position of the semicolon ; can be in another line).
I did some tries but I did not succeed in writing a correct script:
#echo off
SET PATH="D:\MyFolder\"
FOR /R %PATH% %%f IN (MyFile.txt) DO (
FOR /F "delims=FROM eol=;" %%A in (%%f) do (
set str=%%A
ECHO %str%
If it can't be done in batch, please let me know in which language I can do it easily. I would like to have an executable script in the end.
There are some issues in your code:
The delims option of for /F defines characters but not words to be used as delimiter for parsing text files. To find a word, use findstr instead (you could use its /N option to derive the position/line number of the search string).
The eol option of for /F defines a character to ignore a line in case it occurs at the beginning (or it is preceded by delimiters only).
for /R does actually not search for files in case there are no wild-cards (?, *) in the set (that is the part in between parentheses). The dir /S command does, so you can work around this by wrapping a for /F loop around dir /S.
The PATH variable is used by the system to find executables, like findstr, so you must not overwrite it; use a different variable name instead.
Here is the way I would probably do it (supposing any text following the keyword FROM needs to be returned also):
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=D:\MyFolder" & rem // (root directory of the tree to find files)
set "_FILE=MyFile.txt" & rem // (name of the files to find in the tree)
set "_WORD=FROM" & rem // (keyword to be searched within the files)
set "_CHAR=;" & rem // (character to be searched within the files)
rem // Walk through the directory tree and find matching files:
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /S "%_ROOT%\%_FILE%"') do (
rem // Retrieve the line number of each occurrence of the keyword:
for /F "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /N /I /R "\<%_WORD%\>" "%%~F"') do (
rem // Process each occurrence of the keyword in a sub-routine:
call :PROCESS "%%~F" %%N
exit /B
rem // Ensure the line number to be numeric and build `skip` option string:
set /A "SKIP=%~2-1"
if %SKIP% GTR 0 (set "SKIP=skip^=%SKIP%") else set "SKIP="
rem // Read file starting from line containing the found keyword:
set "FRST=#"
for /F usebackq^ %SKIP%^ delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ("%~1") do (
set "LINE=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Split off everything up to the keyword from the first iterated line:
if defined FRST set "LINE=!LINE:*%_WORD%=!"
rem /* Split read line at the first occurrence of the split character;
rem the line string is augmented by preceding and appending a space,
rem so it is possible to detect whether a split char. is there: */
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=%_CHAR% eol=%_CHAR%" %%S in (" !LINE! ") do (
set "TEXT=%%S"
set "RMND=%%T"
set "ITEM=%~1"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Check whether a split character is included in the line string:
if not defined RMND (
rem // No split char. found, so get string without surrounding spaces:
set "TEXT=!TEXT:~1,-1!"
) else (
rem // Split char. found, so get string without leading space:
set "TEXT=!TEXT:~1!"
rem // Trimm leading white-spaces:
for /F "tokens=*" %%E in ("!TEXT!") do (
set "TEXT=%%E"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Return string in case it is not empty:
if defined TEXT echo(!ITEM!;!TEXT!
rem // Leave sub-routine in case split char. has been found:
if defined RMND exit /B
set "FRST="
exit /B

Loop through CSV file with batch - line break issue

This is extension to another question (Loop through CSV file with batch - Space issue)
I have csv file content like this
venu,m,16,test mesg,2012-05-01
test,f,22,"He is good guy
I am looping this file using this command.
For /F "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims=" %%x in (test.csv) Do (
But since there is line break in second row, I am getting 3 records even though there are two records in the file.
How to fix this? Thanks in advance.
The main problem seems to be to count the quotes in a line.
If the count of quotes is odd then you need to append the next line and count again the quotes.
Counting of characters in a string is a bit tricky, if you won't iterate through all charachters.
I used here the delayed reduction technic, each quote will be effectivly replaced by a +1 and all other characters are removed.
To begin and terminate the line in a proper way there is always one extra +1 at the beginning, which will be compensated by a -1 in front.
The main trick is to replace the complete text from one quote to the next with exactly one +1 by replacing each quote with !!#:#=.
This works as !#:#=...<some text>...! will always be expanded to +1, as the content of the variable # is +1 and so the search pattern # can't be found.
The other replacements are only necessary to avoid problems with exclamation marks and carets int the text.
:CountQuotes <stringVar> <result>
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "line=!%~1!"
set "#=+1"
rem DelayedExpansion: double all quotes
set "line=!line:"=""!"
rem DelayedExpansion: remove all carets ^
set "line=!line:^=!"
rem PercentExpansion: Remove all !
set "line=%line:!=%"
rem PercentExpansion: Replace double quotes to !!#:#=
set "line=-1^!#:#=%line:""=^!^!#:#=%"
for /F "delims=" %%X in ("!line!") do (
set /a count=%%X!
set %~2=%count%
exit /b
And the logic for appending lines and inserting linefeeds
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "lastLine="
set LF=^
rem Two empty lines
for /F "delims=" %%A in (test.csv) do (
set "line=%%A"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "line=!line:\=\x!"
if defined lastLine (
set "line=!lastLine!\n!line!"
call :CountQuotes line quoteCnt
set /a rest=quoteCnt %% 2
if !rest! == 0 (
for %%L in ("!LF!") DO set "line=!line:\n=%%~L!"
set "line=!line:\\=\!"
echo Complete Row: !Line!
set "lastLine="
) ELSE (
set "lastLine=!line!"
for /F "delims=" %%X in (""!lastLine!"") DO (
set "lastLine=%%~X"
exit /b
:CountQuotes <stringVar> <result>
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "line=!%~1!"
set "#=+1"
rem DelayedExpansion: double all quotes
set "line=!line:"=""!"
rem DelayedExpansion: remove all carets ^
set "line=!line:^=!"
rem PercentExpansion: Remove all !
set "line=%line:!=%"
rem PercentExpansion: Replace double quotes to !!#:#=
set "line=-1^!#:#=%line:""=^!^!#:#=%"
for /F "delims=" %%X in ("!line!") do (
set /a count=%%X!
set %~2=%count%
exit /b
The Batch file below do what you want:
#echo Off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call :processFile < test.csv
goto :EOF
set line=
set /P line=
if not defined line exit /b
set "line=!line:,,=,#,!"
for %%a in (name sex age description mydate) do set %%a=
for %%a in (!line!) do (
if not defined name (
set "name=%%a"
) else if not defined sex (
set "sex=%%a"
) else if not defined age (
set "age=%%a"
) else if not defined description (
set "description=%%a"
) else if not defined mydate (
set "mydate=%%a"
if defined mydate goto show
set /P line=
for /F "tokens=1* delims=," %%a in ("!line!") do (
set "description=!description! %%a"
set "mydate=%%b"
goto checkDate
for %%a in (name sex age description mydate) do set /P "=%%a=!%%a!, " < NUL
goto processFile
I added the requirements you requested in your previous topic, that is, the sex may be empty (and is changed by # character as I explained in my answer to that topic), and the name may include commas. I tested the program with this data file:
venu,m,16,"test mesg",2012-05-01
test,,22,"He is good guy
And get these results:
name=name, sex=sex, age=age, description=description, mydate=date,
name=venu, sex=m, age=16, description="test mesg", mydate=2012-05-01,
name=test, sex=#, age=22, description="He is good guy and brilliant", mydate=2012-05-01,
name="venu,gopal", sex=m, age=16, description="Another multi-line description", mydate=2012-05-02,
Note that any field that contain commas or spaces must be enclosed in quotes.
