how to add privacy policy in manifest for my app in ms teams - microsoft-teams

I need to add a text as a privacy policy in the manifest. Where shall I add it in the manifest?
"developer": {
"name": ,
"websiteUrl": ,
"privacyUrl": ,
"description": {
"permissions": ["identity", "messageTeamMembers"],
"validDomains": [
How can i update this section?

#Anu The privacyUrl only accepts a URL. You cannot add a plain text as privacy policy in the manifest.

Are you using the App Studio tool from Microsoft? It's an app that installs directly into Teams itself, to help with various Teams development tasks, and one of these is to provide a nice graphical interface to create and edit your app manifest. In this tool you can capture the url to your privacy policy, wherever it is hosted (to confirm, it does need to be a url to a page hosted somewhere).
In the final manifest, if you do want to edit it by hand rather, it would look something like this:
"privacyUrl": "[your web address to your own policy goes here]",


Send pdf with smba trafficmanager or botframework

I'm trying to send pdf file as attachment proactively to teams user with and attachment format as below
"attachments": [
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"contentUrl": "",
"name": "sample.pdf",
"content": {
"uniqueId": "1150D938-8870-4044-9F2C-1213213123",
"fileType": "pdf"
I'm able to send txt files but not pdf, every time I'm getting
{"error":{"code":"BadArgument","message":"Unknown attachment type"}}
Is there any other contentType other than application/pdf ?
I agree with Hilton and Dev here. I think it's more convenient to post messages with card attachments referencing existing SharePoint files using the Microsoft Graph APIs.
MS documents referred to 2 ways for bots send attachment. Using the Microsoft Graph APIs works for bots in all scopes in Teams while using the Teams APIs works only in the personal context.
By the way, the document says pdf is ok to be a file type.
#kiran, The below payload works for me. So i am adding the payload for your convenience (below), so that you can copy/test it.
{ "body": { "contentType": "html", "content": "Here's the latest budget. <attachment id=\"153fa47d-18c9-4179-be08-9879815a9f90\"></attachment>" }, "attachments": [ { "id": "153fa47d-18c9-4179-be08-9879815a9f90", "contentType": "reference", "contentUrl": "…", "name": "Budget.pdf" } ] }
Based on the discussion in the comments, it is definitely better to rather provide a link to the document, hosted in SharePoint (files tab) - that's exactly what the Files tab is intended for, rather than every user having to download their own copy. In addition, have a look at the topic of Link Unfurling to see how to provide a better embedded experience for the posted file.

Teams: App policy adding app to every team

is there an option to make a policy or running an powershell command to add a specific app to ever Team.
My problem:
In my School ther are a lot of Teams (100 or so). Now we want to add an App (Sharepoint Document Libary)
to every to a specific channel whithin an team, so the students can use it. Is there an easy or do i have to add it manually to every Team?
You can use Graph APIs to automate this. Use Add a tab Graph APIs to configure new tab to your channel. Please take a look at example on how to Configure Document library tab.
"displayName": "Document%20Library1",
"teamsApp#odata.bind": "",
"configuration": {
"entityId": "",
"contentUrl": "",
"removeUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null

Firefox Android Addon: Add search engine

I've created an extension with the following manifest to add a search engine to Firefox.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Google Browse by Name search engine",
"description": "Adds a search engine that searches Google using its Browse by Name feature",
"version": "1.0",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"strict_min_version": "55.0"
"chrome_settings_overrides": {
"search_provider": {
"name": "Browse by Name",
"search_url": "{searchTerms}",
"keyword": "bbn",
"favicon_url": "",
"is_default": false
This works as expected on Firefox desktop, adding an option to the list of enabled search engines. However, it does not appear to work on Firefox Android, I assume because chrome_settings_overrides is not supported on Android.
Addons making use of the legacy API appear to work correctly (e.g. Startpage), adding search engines to the Android browser, but since Firefox is dropping support for legacy (non webextension) extensions this is no longer a solution.
What is the correct way to add a search engine to Firefox for Android using an addon?
I am aware that users can add a search engine available on a webpage by long-pressing on its search field, but I would like to offer an extension to automatically install the search engine (and save users from having to find a page offering the correct search field).

Google Drive: where are my comments?

The Google API does seem to permit to create comments and replies on any type of files (including binary files)
Also, I can publicly share a link and grant anonymous users having the link the permission to view and comment this file. This is the case of this picture with id=0BxMiPUSrDs2EMWVUQkR3cWsxRWs, yet, browsing this url as an anonymous user, I don't really know where are the comments and how to send a new comment.
Using this Drive API, I successfully created a comment:
Using this Drive API, I successfully listed the file comments:
Result is:
"comments": [
"kind": "drive#comment",
"id": "AAAAA-ZIom0",
"createdTime": "2017-03-28T17:21:18.008Z",
"modifiedTime": "2017-03-28T17:21:18.008Z",
"author": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "Sébastien Lorber",
"photoLink": "//",
"me": true
"htmlContent": "Hello world",
"content": "Hello world",
"deleted": false,
"resolved": false,
"replies": []
So it seems this file does have a comment.
The problem is that, when using both the Drive web UI, and the Drive Android application, I am totally unable to access the content of this comment.
I can only see the comment appears as an entry inside the file activity log, so the Drive UI does know that there is a comment, but I am totally unable to find a way to read the comment content Hello world inside the official UIs.
So: am I missing something, or the Drive comment system is only to be considered as a SaaS backend for comments and the official UIs do not care of the comments we created (unless they are special kind of files, like Google Docs files).
Is there any Drive application out there that actually does show Drive comments for any kind of file?
Google Drive Comments:
View all comments:
Open a document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
In the top right, click Comments.
To close, click Comments again.
This issue is in how Google Drive works. Google drive only displays comments for the following types of files document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
While the API may allow you to add a comment Drive wont display it.
These comments should now be shown directly in the Drive UI:

How to create a desktop app version of a website using NW.js?

I've been using Fluid App (OS X) in the past to create standalone desktop apps of specific web apps I want separated from the browser, have their own dock icon, and not have any of the regular browser fluff (toolbar, address bar, etc.). Fluid app, though, has been neglected for a long time and certain newer web apps (e.g. Inbox from Google) completely fail to load in it.
So I'm looking for a simple way to create a desktop app that will have a single window loading a single website, and I think that NW.js would be ideal for that.
What should be the configuration process for building such a simple desktop app for just a webview for a given URL, using NW.js?
If you simply want to open a single webpage in a NW.js program, it is exceptionally easy.
First make sure you read:
Especially the MacOS section.
Make a directory your_project/
create a file in your_project/package.json
Then configure package.json:
"main": "",
"name": "github app",
"description": "Github demo app",
"version": "0.1.0",
"keywords": [ "demo", "node-webkit" ],
"nodejs": false,
"window": {
"title": "Github",
"icon": "logo.png",
"toolbar": false,
"frame": true,
"width": 1024,
"height": 768,
"position": "mouse",
"min_width": 400,
"min_height": 200
"webkit": {
"plugin": true
You can run nwjs from the path_to_your_project
Note the "nodejs": false option this disables the nodeapi for the application, if you end up needing nodejs in part of your application make sure what whatever webview you use had nodejs disabled as this is a major security flaw, do your research - do it right.
Also note that nothing is preventing the user to access content from other domains in the above example.
You will eventually want to look at packaging your application, which is also quite simple:
