I'm beginner in SWI-Prolog and I have a problem. Please help me.
How can I delete the last occurence of 9 from a list?
?- delete([9,9,9])
?- delete([9,4,1,2,3,9,53,2,9,2])
You have to 1) decompose the list into a Prefix list (which may contains 9s), a [9] one-element list and a Suffix list (which contains no 9s), then concatenate the Prefix and Suffix lists. Write a predicate which discovers the Prefix and the Suffix given a list L.
If we don't think procedurally or along the line of "how much is that gonna cost in CPU", the predicate decompose(List,Prefix,Suffix) which discovers Prefix and Suffix can be written in one single clause, a pure logical statement, using append/2 and member/2 and negation as failure.
One just needs a second line to cover the case where there are no 9s in the List to start with.
I am trying to figure out how to do this little thing. I have 2 lists for example [1,1,2,3,4] and [2,1,4,3,1], I need to confirm if all elements from list 1 are included in list 2, soo if i give the above lists as input this should be true, but if its like this [1,1,2,3,4] and [2,1,4,3,1,1] (three 1's) it should give false, this has to be done without using sort function.
I assume you know how to write a list as head and tail ([H|L]).
So you could use the predicate member/2 to ask for every element from the first list to be in the second list as well, but this would not solve the issue of duplicates. Using the predicate length/2 will not help in this case. So you need something that retracts one matching element from a list. You can either write your own find-and-remove-predicate or use the predicate append/3 to do so. append/3 is thought to append 2 lists to form a third one, but it can also be used to divide one list into two. If you state that your element as the head element of the second divided list you basically get a 'remove element' functionality. Once you've got the 2 divided lists, combine them into a new list and call the predicate again, but this time without the head element from list one and with the reappended-list. So in each step you remove one element from each list until you finally hit two empty lists (permut([],[]).). If something other than this two cases should appear, then the two lists are not permuations of each other and the predicate fails.
Since there is no use in backtracking other positions I inserted a cut (!) after successfully finding an element in the second list. The predicate works without the cut as well.
permut([H|T], Compare):-
append(C1, [H|C2], Compare),
append(C1, C2, Cnext),
permut(T, Cnext).
gives the output
?- permut([1,2,3,4,5],[5,4,3,2,1]).
?- permut([1,2,3,4,5],[5,4,3,2,1,1]).
?- permut([1,2,3,4,5,6],[5,4,3,2,1]).
I am new to Prolog and wanted to start learning the functionality of [H|T] by trying to write the prefix function on my own. The prefix function returns all possible prefixes to a list, such as for L = [a,b,c] would be [], [a], [a,b] and [a,b,c]. I am confused about how my own Prolog function would be able to return so many different solutions. I have it splitting the head and tail of the list, and appending the head to my new list that is going to be the different prefixes returned. This is what I have so far, but I think I am oversimplifying, and don't know how else to recursively call it to get all the different possibilities.
myPrefix([H|T],List) :- myPrefix(T, [H|List]).
I looked at a lot of the other answers, but those just deal with getting the first element off of a list, not listing all possible prefixes. Any advice of how to go from here or more explanation as to how this head and tail of list manipulation functionality works is appreciated.
Assuming the first argument if instantiated is indeed is a proper list, then this should do it:
myPrefix(_, []).
myPrefix([H|T], [H|NT]):-
myPrefix(T, NT).
First clause ignores the first argument and unifies the second with the empty list.
Second clause takes the head of first argument list and puts it as the head of the second argument, and calls itself recursively.
So in effect, the second clause takes one by one as many items as desired and the first clause drops the tail.
I am trying to write a predicate that succeeds if and only if the numbers in the list are in non-decreasing order. I am having a hard time trying to figure this out. I know that if each element is less than or equal to the previous one then it should return false but I am lost on how to do it.
ordered(L) :-
Recursion should usually be your first thought for approaching any problem in Prolog. This means:
Defining a base case, where you can easily determine that the predicate is true or false
In other cases, splitting the problem into parts - one part you can resolve immediately, another you can resolve recursively. These parts of the problem generally correspond to portions of the list.
In the simplest cases, the recursive logic is simply to apply some test to the first element of the list; if it passes, recursively apply the predicate to the remainder of the list.
In your case I think it is a bit more complex, as there is no meaningful way you can test an individual element for orderedness (and maybe that gives you a hint what the base case is ...).
ordered(L) :- ordered2(L).
% empty list is ordered
ordered2([]) :- true.
% list with one element is ordered
ordered2([_]) :- true.
% list is ordered if two first elements are ordered
% and the rest of list is ordered
ordered2([A,B|T]) :- A=<B, ordered2([B|T]).
During my exploration of different ways to write down lists, I am intrigued by the following list [[a,b]|c] which appears in the book 'Prolog and Natural Language Analysis' by Pereira and Shieber (page 42 of the digital edition).
At first I thought that such a notation was syntactically incorrect, as it would have had to say [[a,b]|[c]], but after using write_canonical/1 Prolog returned '.'('.'(a,'.'(b,[])),c).
As far as I can see, this corresponds to the following tree structure (although it seems odd to me that structure would simply end with c, without the empty list at the end):
I cannot seem to find the corresponding notation using comma's and brackets though. I thought it would correspond to [[a,b],c] (but this obviously returns a different result with write_canonical/1).
Is there no corresponding notation for [[a,b]|c] or am I looking at it the wrong way?
As others have already indicated, the term [[a,b]|c] is not a list.
You can test this yourself, using the | syntax to write it down:
?- is_list([[a,b]|c]).
You can see from write_canonical/1 that this term is identical to what you have drawn:
| ?- write_canonical([[a,b]|c]).
In addition to what others have said, I am posting an additional answer because I want to explain how you can go about finding the reason of unexpected failures. When starting with Prolog, you will often ask yourself "Why does this query fail?"
One way to find explanations for such issues is to generalize the query, by using logical variables instead of concrete terms.
For example, in the above case, we could write:
?- is_list([[A,b]|c]).
In this case, I have used the logical variable A instead of the atom a, thus significantly generalizing the query. Since the generalized query still fails, some constraint in the remaining part must be responsible for the unexpected failure. We this generalize it further to narrow down the cause. For example:
?- is_list([[A,B]|c]).
Or even further:
?- is_list([[A,B|_]|c]).
And even further:
?- is_list([_|c]).
So here we have it: No term that has the general form '.'(_, c) is a list!
As you rightly observe, this is because such a term is not of the form [_|Ls] where Ls is a list.
NOTE: The declarative debugging approach I apply above works for the monotonic subset of Prolog. Actually, is_list/1 does not belong to that subset, because we have:
?- is_list(Ls).
with the declarative reading "There is no spoon list." So, it turns out, it worked only by coincidence in the case above. However, we could define the intended declarative meaning of is_list/1 in a pure and monotonic way like this, by simply applying the inductive definition of lists:
list([_|Ls]) :- list(Ls).
This definition only uses pure and monotonic building blocks and hence is monotonic. For example, the most general query now yields actual lists instead of failing (incorrectly):
?- list(Ls).
Ls = [] ;
Ls = [_6656] ;
Ls = [_6656, _6662] ;
Ls = [_6656, _6662, _6668] .
From pure relations, we expect that queries work in all directions!
I cannot seem to find the corresponding notation using comma's and brackets though.
There is no corresponding notation, since this is technically speaking not a real list.
Prolog has syntacical sugar for lists. A list in Prolog is, like a Lisp list, actually a linked list: every element is either an empty list [], or a node .(H,T) with H the head and T the tail. Lists are not "special" in Prolog in the sense that the intepreter handles them differently than any other term. Of course a lot of Prolog libraries do list processing, and use the convention defined above.
To make complex lists more convenient, syntactical sugar was invented. You can write a node .(H,T) like [H|T] as well. So that means that in your [[a,b]|c]. We have an outer list, which has one node .(H,c) and the ? is another list, with two nodes and an empty list H = .(a,.(b,[])).
Technically speaking I would not consider this a "real" list, since the tail of a list should have either another node ./2, or an empty list.
You can however use this with variables like: [[a,b]|C] in order to unify the tail C further. So here we have some sort of list with [a,b] as first element (so a list containing a list) and with an open tail C. If we later for instance ground C to C = [], then the list is [[a,b]].
I can't understand clearly the use of cut. For example in this case: flatten, is it really needed? It works for me even without both cut predicates (I tried removing). What are the cases that can cause the backtracking going to the cut?
Removing the cuts you have the same implementation of the book "The art of prolog" (Shapiro E.,Sterling L.) that is:
flatten([X|Xs],Ys) :-
flatten(X,[X]) :-
which leads me to another question: is it necessary in the second clause to check if it's not a list? If it's a single term won't unify with the first clause...isn't it?
The program linked in your question uses cut ! operator to prevent the code in the answer from unifying with other clauses. Without these cuts flatten2/2 from the answer would unify an empty list in the first argument with clauses one and three, i.e.
flatten2([], []) :- !.
flatten2(L, [L]).
Similarly, without a cut in the second clause flatten2/2 would unify a non-empty list in clauses two and three, leading to incorrect behavior.
Your code, on the other hand, has explicit checks to ensure that each clause of flatten/2 deals with one specific situation:
First clause recursively flattens non-empty lists
Second clause makes a single-item list from constants other than empty lists
Third clause "flattens" empty lists.
Since each clause applies exclusively to a single type of item on the left, the cut is not necessary. You could have rewritten your code with a cut by switching the second and the third clause, and adding a cut after matching an empty list, but I would strongly recommend against doing this (demo).
is it necessary in the second clause to check if it's not a list?
This check is necessary because an empty list [] is considered a constant, so your program would have incorrect behavior when empty lists are present in the list being flattened (demo).