Searching an algorithm of Counter propagation neural network - algorithm

Im running through the Internet, and I can't find any algorithm of counter-propagation neural network or any info about it.
Actually I need to use it in my school project, where I import the data from txt file(mostly strings) and then set the amount of neurons on every hidden layer.
Does anybody know something about that type of neural network?


Temporal Difference (Reinforcement Learning) by h2o

I am wondering to know if h2o is capable of implementing Temporal Difference (reinforcement learning)?
I know TensorFlow has the capability.
H2O's list of available algorithms can be found here. The short answer to your question is no. Details on the Deep Learning algorithm that is available here and I will repost for your convenience:
H2O-3's Deep Learning algorithm is based on a multi-layer feedforward artificial neural network that is trained with stochastic gradient descent using back-propagation. The network can contain a large number of hidden layers consisting of neurons with tanh, rectifier, and maxout activation functions. Advanced features such as adaptive learning rate, rate annealing, momentum training, dropout, L1 or L2 regularization, checkpointing, and grid search enable high predictive accuracy. Each compute node trains a copy of the global model parameters on its local data with multi-threading (asynchronously) and contributes periodically to the global model via model averaging across the network.
A feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) model, also known as deep neural network (DNN) or multi-layer perceptron (MLP), is the most common type of Deep Neural Network and the only type that is supported natively in H2O-3. Several other types of DNNs are popular as well, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). MLPs work well on transactional (tabular) data; however if you have image data, then CNNs are a great choice. If you have sequential data (e.g. text, audio, time-series), then RNNs are a good choice.

Filters for feature map in convolutional neural network

What kind of filter should I use to extract feature maps in convolutional NN?
I been reading about convolutional NN recently and I understood that we use a set of filters to generate a set of feature maps in each convolution layer by convoluting those filters over outputs from the previous layer.
1)How do we get these filters?
2)Do we pick filters randomly and do some 'trial and error'?
3)How do we find perfect filters for our project?
Thank you.
1) You don't directly get it, you let the network get it by showing some examples (training data)
2) We do initialise the filters randomly so that they can learn something useful and different to each.
3) By providing lots of data that are relevant to your project.
Neural networks are trained using backpropagation algorithm, you can get familiar with it here. Simply saying it computes the derivatives of the weights(filter values in your case) with respect to the loss function which measures the perfomance of the network. The backpropagation algorithm is a bit ore complicated for convolutional neural networks, but it's still intuitive.

What are some algorithms for symbol-by-symbol handwriting recognition?

I think there are some algorithms that evaluate difference between drawn symbol and expected one, or something like that. Any help will be appreciated :))
You can implement a simple Neural Network to recognize handwritten digits. The simplest type to implement is a feed-forward network trained via backpropagation (it can be trained stochastically or in batch-mode). There are a few improvements that you can make to the backpropagation algorithm that will help your neural network learn faster (momentum, Silva and Almeida's algorithm, simulated annealing).
As far as looking at the difference between a real symbol and an expected image, one algorithm that I've seen used is the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm. Here is a paper that describes using the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm for character recognition (edit: I had the wrong link earlier. The link I've provided requires you to pay for the paper; I'm trying to find a free version of the paper).
If you were using a neural network to recognize your characters, the steps involved would be:
Design your neural network with an appropriate training algorithm. I suggest starting with the simplest (stochastic backpropagation) and then improving the algorithm as desired, while you train your network.
Get a good sample of training data. For my neural network, which recognizes handwritten digits, I used the MNIST database.
Convert the training data into an input vector for your neural network. For the MNIST data, you will need to binarize the images. I used a threshold value of 128. I started with Otsu's method, but that didn't give me the results I wanted.
Create your network. Since the images from MNIST come in an array of 28x28, you have an input vector with 784 components and 1 bias (so 785 inputs), to your neural network. I used one hidden layer with the number of nodes set as per the guidelines outlined here (along with a bias). Your output vector will have 10 components (one for each digit).
Randomly present training data (so randomly ordered digits, with random input image for each digit) to your network and train it until it reaches a desired error-level.
Run test data (MNIST data comes with this as well) against your neural network to verify that it recognizes digits correctly.
You can check out an example here (shameless plug) that tries to recognize handwritten digits. I trained the network using data from MNIST.
Expect to spend some time getting yourself up to speed on neural network concepts, if you decide to go this route. It took me at least 3-4 days of reading and writing code before I actually understood the concept. A good resource is I recommend starting with trying to implement neural networks to simulate the AND, OR, and XOR boolean operations (using a threshold activation function). This should give you an idea of the basic concepts. When it actually comes down to training your network, you can try to train a neural network that recognizes the XOR boolean operator; it's a good place to start for an introduction to learning algorithms.
When it comes to building the neural network, you can use existing frameworks like Encog, but I found it to be far more satisfactory to build the network myself (you learn more that way I think). If you want to look at some source, you can check out a project that I have on github (shameless plug) that has some basic classes in Java that help you build and train simple neural-networks.
Good luck!
I've found a few sources that use k-nearest-neighbors for digit and/or character recognition:
Bangla Basic Character Recognition Using Digital Curvelet Transform (The curvelet coefficients of an
original image as well as its morphologically altered versions are used to train separate k–
nearest neighbor classifiers. The output values of these classifiers are fused using a simple
majority voting scheme to arrive at a final decision.)
The Homepage of Nearest Neighbors and Similarity Search
Fast and Accurate Handwritten Character Recognition using Approximate Nearest Neighbors Search on Large Databases
Nearest Neighbor Retrieval and Classification
For resources on Neural Networks, I found the following links to be useful:
CS-449: Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks: A neural network tutorial
An introduction to neural networks
Neural Networks with Java
Introduction to backpropagation Neural Networks
Momentum and Learning Rate Adaptation (this page goes over a few enhancements to the standard backpropagation algorithm that can result in faster learning)
Have you checked Detexify. I think it does pretty much what you want
It is open source, so you could take a look at how it is implemented.
You can get the code from here (if I do not recall wrongly, it is in Haskell)
In particular what you are looking for should be in Sim.hs
I hope it helps
If you have not implemented machine learning algorithms before you should really check out:
It's a free class taught by Andrew Ng, Director of the Stanford Machine Learning Centre. The course is an entirely online-taught course specifically on implementing a wide range of machine learning algorithms. It does not go too much into the theoretical intricacies of the algorithms but rather teaches you how to choose, implement, use the algorithms and how diagnose their performance. - It is unique in that your implementation of the algorithms is checked automatically! It's great for getting started in machine learning at you have instantaneous feedback.
The class also includes at least two exercises on recognising handwritten digits. (Programming Exercise 3: with multinomial classification and Programming Exercise 4: with feed-forward neural networks)
The class has started a while ago but it should still be possible to sign up. If not, a new run should start early next year. If you want to be able to check your implementations you need to sign up for the "Advanced Track".
One way to implement handwriting recognition
The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including what kind of resource constraints you have (embedded platform) and whether you have a good library of correctly labelled symbols: i.e. different examples of a handwritten letter for which you know what letter they represent.
If you have a decent sized library, implementation of a quick and dirty standard machine learning algorithm is probably the way to go. You can use multinomial classifiers, neural networks or support vector machines.
I believe a support vector machine would be fastest to implement as there are excellent libraries out there who handle the machine learning portion of the code for you, e.g. libSVM. If you are familiar with using machine learning algorihms, this should take you less than 30 minutes to implement.
The basic procedure you would probably want to implement is as follows:
Learning what symbols "look like"
Binarise the images in your library.
Unroll the images into vectors / 1-D arrays.
Pass the "vector representation" of the images in your library and their labels to libSVM to get it to learn how the pixel coverage relates to the represented symbol for the images in the library.
The algorithm gives you back a set of model parameters which describe the recognition algorithm that was learned.
You should repeat 1-4 for each character you want to recognise to get an appropriate set of model parameters.
Note: steps 1-4 you only have to carry out once for your library (but once for each symbol you want to recognise). You can do this on your developer machine and only include the parameters in the code you ship / distribute.
If you want to recognise a symbol:
Each set of model parameters describes an algorithm which tests whether a character represents one specific character - or not. You "recognise" a character by testing all the models with the current symbol and then selecting the model that best fits the symbol you are testing.
This testing is done by again passing the model parameters and the symbol to test in unrolled form to the SVM library which will return the goodness-of-fit for the tested model.

Best neural network for certain type of pattern analysis?

I'm working on a system that will send telemetry data on machine operation back to a central server for analysis. One of the machine parameters we're measuring is motor current drawn vs time. After an operation is finished we plan to send back an array of currents vs time to the server. A successful operation would have a pattern like a trapezoid, problematic operations would have a pattern completely different, more like a large spike in values. Can anyone recommend a type of neural network that would be good at classifying these 1D vectors of current values into a pass/fail type output?
Maybe taking the FFT and passing it through a radial basis function neural network will do the trick. It seems like the features you are looking for are periodic features which will be captured by the FFT, and RBF can do the learning.
Many types of neural network might be used to solve this problem, but I imagine that a relatively simple scoring function might work as well and be much easier to implement. If you can identify the likely locations of the beginning and ending of your trapezoid, I suggest trying something like average "absolute difference from a trapezoidal template shape" as a measure of machine performance.

Neural Network settings for fast training

I am creating a tool for predicting the time and cost of software projects based on past data. The tool uses a neural network to do this and so far, the results are promising, but I think I can do a lot more optimisation just by changing the properties of the network. There don't seem to be any rules or even many best-practices when it comes to these settings so if anyone with experience could help me I would greatly appreciate it.
The input data is made up of a series of integers that could go up as high as the user wants to go, but most will be under 100,000 I would have thought. Some will be as low as 1. They are details like number of people on a project and the cost of a project, as well as details about database entities and use cases.
There are 10 inputs in total and 2 outputs (the time and cost). I am using Resilient Propagation to train the network. Currently it has: 10 input nodes, 1 hidden layer with 5 nodes and 2 output nodes. I am training to get under a 5% error rate.
The algorithm must run on a webserver so I have put in a measure to stop training when it looks like it isn't going anywhere. This is set to 10,000 training iterations.
Currently, when I try to train it with some data that is a bit varied, but well within the limits of what we expect users to put into it, it takes a long time to train, hitting the 10,000 iteration limit over and over again.
This is the first time I have used a neural network and I don't really know what to expect. If you could give me some hints on what sort of settings I should be using for the network and for the iteration limit I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you!
First of all, thanks for providing so much information about your network! Here are a few pointers that should give you a clearer picture.
You need to normalize your inputs. If one node sees a mean value of 100,000 and another just 0.5, you won't see an equal impact from the two inputs. Which is why you'll need to normalize them.
Only 5 hidden neurons for 10 input nodes? I remember reading somewhere that you need at least double the number of inputs; try 20+ hidden neurons. This will provide your neural network model the capability to develop a more complex model. However, too many neurons and your network will just memorize the training data set.
Resilient backpropagation is fine. Just remember that there are other training algorithms out there like Levenberg-Marquardt.
How many training sets do you have? Neural networks usually need a large dataset to be good at making useful predictions.
Consider adding a momentum factor to your weight-training algorithm to speed things up if you haven't done so already.
Online training tends to be better for making generalized predictions than batch training. The former updates weights after running every training set through the network, while the latter updates the network after passing every data set through. It's your call.
Is your data discrete or continuous? Neural networks tend to do a better job with 0s and 1s than continuous functions. If it is the former, I'd recommend using the sigmoid activation function. A combination of tanh and linear activation functions for the hidden and output layers tend to do a good job with continuously-varying data.
Do you need another hidden layer? It may help if your network is dealing with complex input-output surface mapping.
