Handsontable Dropdown Filter - handsontable

I am having a bit of problem with Handsontable.
Is there a way to check if the small window for the dropdown Filter is opened?
For example, if someone clicks the head of the column you get a log in your console that the dropdown-filter is opened and if the settings for the filter are done you get another log "filter window closed"
example of dropdown filter

Handsontable provides some hooks you can use in your case.
You can hook the dropdown menu opening with beforeDropdownMenuShow (documentation) and you can hook the event when filters are applied with beforeFilter (documentation).
I hope it helps you. If you want more details on how to use them please provide StackBlitz.


Button Click events with Dynamic actions in Oracle Apex

I have created an Edit button with associated Dynamic Action. In the dynamic action, set it to the Click event of the Edit button. I've created the actual action by reference to a JavaScript executing code. And then an update of the area.
In JavaScript code I wanted to enable items that are read only by pressing the edit button.
This was the check I made in the JavaScript code.
In this way I enabled edit mode for the region where I am applying.
ADMIN is a role.
How can I make the button click so that the items associated with the region that are just as read only, when clicking appear in an editable way?
In my opinion, you're reinventing the wheel.
OK, there's the ADMIN role (perhaps some other roles as well). If you know which user (identified by :APP_USER) has which role, then use
server-side condition (to decide whether to render (or process) certain page component (items, buttons, ...)
read only property (to decide whether user will be able to modify the value or not)
authorization scheme (under "Security")
So, there's no need for the EDIT button you currently have. Everything can be done declaratively by setting certain properties within Apex.
this function
is a plsql function, did you use it in your javascript code or as a server side condition?
you can make an ajax request to get the user role using that function and after getting the role in your javascript code you can disable/enable the items using the javascript api.
apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).enable() ;

Tracking Submit form button click with Google Tag Manager

I am trying to track a specific submit button click on a form I have on my website using tag manager. I have already:
Set up a form submit listener tag with a rule set to fire on every page.
Set up an analytics event tag, with a rule set to fire when the event equals gtm.formSubmit, AND when the element ID equals submit1 (the ID of the submit button).
However, it doesn't seem to be showing any events tracked in Analytics when I test this out.
Have I implemented this incorrectly?
Have you tested first in Debug mode of Tag Manager? That is the best way to confirm first that the tag fires. Once that works, only then look in Analytics, in Real Time area. If you see it firing in Debug mode but not in Analytics then some filter might be at fault. Once it starts working Publish it in GTM.
There are two important things to notice and remember:-
1) The element ID is the ID of the form and not the submit button.
2) You should also create a new Tag with "Tag Type = Form Submit Listener"
This article should be helpful: http://www.bwired.com.au/blogs/services-domain/getting-started-with-google-tag-manager

Lotus Web Form Scroll and Popup issue

I am trying to create a web form in Lotus Notes that is web enabled. So far this has all worked fine, however there are 2 issues.
When Creating a Java Script Alert in the OnLoad Event, it Pops up everytime a user selects a radio button or dropdown option since this reloads the page. Is there any way to make this only for the initial opening of the form?
When a user selects an option, the form reloads and puts that form field on the top which is proving to be very disorrienting for users. Is there a way to have it not scroll on reload?
Thanks in advance!
The best advice would be: use XPages for web development that is "state of the art". If you can't, you have to code a lot of JavaScript to make the form not behave like "havoc".
First of all: the field property "refresh fields on keyword change" is the reason for the jumping / reload.
What does domino do?
All events / formulas that occur when you normally press F9 or use the Option above (that can be field values, input translations, hide whens, etc.) are not "converted" to HTML and javascript but are executed by the server. Therefor each change in a field with the option set submits the form and adds an &Seq=x to the url to keep track of the state. X increments on every reload. Of course this reload causes all events to be triggered again.
For you this means:
disable the option to reload the form after keyword change.
Unfortunately you have to recode every dependency / calculation / hide when with javascript. Using a framework like jquery or dojo this is possible, but a lot of work.
If there IS no dependency then just disable the option...
Live with the "jumping" and let your onload event check for the existance of an URL- parameter called seq... And only if it does not exist, then it is a "real" OnLoad...
Both options are not quite nice and not very easy to code...
That's one reason why IBM started XPages... There all this stuff is already handled by default...

Suggestion for FullCalendar event removal UI

I have my fullCalendar functioning well, however, I need to allow the users to remove events from the calendar. I can use the clickEvent method to bring up a confirmation window with a "do you want to remove" message. But this seems kind of clunky. Is there a better UI way of removing events?
Google calendar uses a qTip on click that offers "edit event details" and "delete". At first I didn't like sending users to a different "event details page" but after thinking about this for awhile it is a really good way to go.
It is always safer to ask for a confirm before removing something.
Anyway you can customize the rendering of the event using the eventRender callback
In particular you can:
attach custom markup to render an X image that when clicked will ajax call a delete function
you can attach other jQuery plugins to reproduce exactly the qTip effect
Have a look at the link for more details. Hope it helps

How to change behavior of items in Firefox context menu

I'm trying to change the behavior of <popup id="placesContext"> in placesOverlay.xul. My goal is to disable the Properties entry upon conditions that I need to figure out using Javascript.
I am new to XBL bindings and handlers and don't know how to register such a handler for an existing/browser-defined XUL element. Or is there a simpler way?
The best way is to add a event listener for "popupshowing" events on the popup that contains the option you want to disable. It will be called just before the pop up shows and at that point you can do whatever checks you want to do and disable or enable to menuitem.
There is more information here: https://developer-stage.mozilla.org/en/XUL/PopupGuide/ContextMenus#Hiding_and_Showing_Menu_Items_based_on_Context
