How could I set a mark with keybinding `Ctrl+space` on Sublime Text`? - sublimetext

On emacs by default Ctrl+space sets a mark and later when I press up/down arrow the selection expands.
I am using emacs keybindings on Sublime Text via Emacs Pro Essentials.
But on Sublime Text, I need to do Ctrl+space+space in order to set a mark. First space puts a dot next the line and the seconds space actually selects it.
[Q] How could I set a mark with keybinding Ctrl+space on Sublime Text`?

You can change this by adding "sbp_active_mark_mode": true to your Emacs Pro Essentials settings file.
"sbp_active_mark_mode": true,
[some-setting]: [value],
[another-setting]: [value]
The file's default Windows location is C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\<profile name>\sublemacpro.sublime-settings.
You can also find it through the menu bar: Preferences -> Package Settings -> Emacs Pro Essentials -> Settings - <profile name>.
The region between the point and mark is only selected if the mark is active, and this setting causes newly created marks to be active by default.


Xcode: Is it possible to 'Open Quickly' the right pane of the Assistant Editor?

Is it possible to 'Open Quickly' in the right pane of the Assistant Editor? This would increase productivity by like 20x
Yes it's possible, but depending on your Xcode version you may need to adjust the default behavior in Xcode's preferences.
Use ⌘ command+⇧ shift+O to open the "Open Quicky" input box, and then:
Use ⌥ option+Enter to open the file in the right editor.
Use ⌥ option+Shift+Enter to select where you want to open the file using the arrow keys.
On Xcode 12, the default action of ⌥ option+Enter is to open the file in a new "Tab" (which are new in this release, and different from a "Window Tab"). This is still configurable in the preferences.
On Xcode 11, you can split the editor as much as you want. This means ⌥ option+Enter by default will open the file in the editor next to where your cursor currently is.
This behavior is configurable in Xcode's Preferences, under Navigation:
To have ⌥ option+Enter open the selected file in the editor on the right of the Xcode window, select "Optional Navigation: Uses Second Editor".
Make sure that Uses Focused Editor is selected in Preferences > Navigation:
This way, you can open it by focusing the Assistant Editor, pressing ⌘ command+⇧ shift+O to open the Open Quicky input box, and just press Enter to open the selected file, instead of ⌥ alt+Enter.
An even easier way is to hold down the Option key and then click on the file. That will bring open the chosen file in the Assistant Editor. This works great when you TDD your Swift :) You can have your tests on the left and option click on the implementation to open on the right.
Cool thing!
Just to extend the answer you can switch between more then two Tabs or open it new editor tab cool isn't it?
• Open multiple assistant editor .
• ⌘ command+⇧ shift+O.
• Hold ⌥ option and press Enter on the selected item.(Used to open any file in Assistant Editor)
• You can also use ⌥ option+⇧ shift+Enter to toggle more and
open new tab if you're not on stacked editor.
• The multiple selection window will appear
Note: Make sure you have all editor stacked selected
In addition to Guillaume's answer, be mindful that the editor is not in the single editor mode (I don't know what it should be called officially though) that you can disable by selecting this button, otherwise all navigations become "Uses Focused Editor":
EDIT: misread your question above answer is good, just make sure you click into that pane before trying those commands
Sounds like your looking for some hotkeys, check here for a full list
but to open assistant editor use ⌘ command + ⌥ option + ↵ return

PhpStorm terminal shortcuts: switch tab, return to editor, etc. (Mac)

On opening PhpStorm's Terminal Tool Window, I would expect to be able to run commands like Ctrl + Tab to switch terminal tabs, or Cmd + 1 to open the Project Tool Window, but my keyboard is stuck inside the Terminal.
Is there a way to release the keyboard from the Terminal so that I can return to regular commands? (Without using Option + F12 to hide the Terminal Tool Window.)
Switching between Terminal tabs can be done using the same shortcut as Editor tabs: Alt+Left/Right on Windows using Default keymap (on Mac it would be Cmd + Shift + [ and Cmd + Shift + ] (or whatever you have got there for Main Menu | Window | Editor Tabs | Select Next/Previous Tab -- you can verify/change it in your Preferences | Keymap)).
Project View tool window shortcut (Alt+1 on Windows or Cmd+1 on Mac) does not work indeed if used in Terminal.. but shortcuts for Favorites or Structure tool windows still work just fine.
Therefore I may suggest to jump to Structure via Alt+7 (Cmd+7 on Mac) first and then just use Esc to get into Editor). P.S. See if recording macro with such sequence will work for you (you can assign custom shortcut to it).
I'd suggest simply adding another keyboard shortcut for accessing the terminal. E.g. ⌘0
F12 is the default shortcut for Mac and Linux OS.
This shortcut will toggle terminal focus. The default F12 shortcut for Mac (dunno about Windows) will not.
You may need to restart PhpStorm to hijack ⌘0 or whatever you choose.
You can access terminal by Alt + F12 on Windows
PHPStorm and other products of Jet-brains are configurable to your liking. you don't need to learn new keyboard shortcut jus configure the as you prefer.
For example for me i use PHPStorm VS code and Sublime text editor for my coding daily.
So it is good to have same key-map on all of your IDES/Text editors
i am on mac and i use these key-map for all of the mentioned above
Command + ! => toggle Explore tab
Command + ~. => toggle Termina tab
Command + 2. => toggle console tab
So to configure any keyboard of your choice this on PHPStorm (macOs)
Hit Command + , and you will be on PHPStorm Preferences
Go to Key-map if you happen to know the current working shortcut on your PHPStorm
then on you right side after the search box there is a keyboard hit it and press the current working key let say by default toggling terminal is option + F12 (please note for some keyboard you need to add function key(fn) that will make it be option/alt + fn + F12)
Hope you will see terminal with keyboard shortcut at the right side, then two finger click/ right click hope you will have a popup menu to add new keyboard shortcut or remove the existing one.
Add your preferred keyboard shortcut first before removing the existing on (why ? since as soon as you remove the keyboard and you firstly got there via that keyboard shortcut the result will refresh and the thing will disappear from the view)
Note some of the new shortcut you prefer will be already in use that should not scare you away. just remove that and remap with a new binding later which you find useful for you.
Apply and ok then you are good to go !

Visual Studio: how to make pressing tab key indent the whole line

Is there a way to configure a keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio such that tab (or some other key combo) indent the whole line (rather than insert a tab character/spaces at the cursor)?
Trying to determine whether Visual Studio is the dream editor
I'm an experienced VS user, I know about the standard behavior, just curious whether it can be configured with the interesting tab behavior described in the link.
Increase indent:
Select / highlight line(s) or press Home
Press tab
Decrease indent:
Select / highlight line(s) or press Home
Press shift + tab
If you want to add a shortcut to do the same from anywhere in the line without selecting it then you can add a shortcut in Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. There'll be a list of commands including Edit.IncreaseLineIndent and Edit.DecreaseLineIndent. I couldn't find a good key combination for a shortcut though which wasn't already being used for something else. You can't use just tab by itself.

Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working in Visual Studio 2013's Find in Files dialog?

I usually access Visual Studio's Find in Files feature with Ctrl-Shift-F, type in what I'm after and press enter.
Everything is working, I can type what I want to find, Ctrl-A will select all text, arrow keys will navigate within the Find What text control only the enter key press does nothing. The dialog still has focus, just nothing happens.
The accelerator keys that are marked on the various buttons also do not do what I expect. Alt-P will open the Project menu, Alt-F the File menu, Alt-A nothing. When the Find in Files dialog is focussed I expect the Find Previous, Find Next or Find All actions to be performed.
The tab key also does not change focus from one control to another while in that dialog.
The escape key will kill the focus in that dialog and return focus back to the file that I have open in the text editor as expected.
I have tried using the Reset button under Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard to no avail.
I am using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Update 4 on Windows 7 x64.
If you're using Resharper, after applying R# keyboard scheme, it will add it's keyboard shortcuts. For example, it adds Alf+F shortcut in Text Editor scope.
Setting your keyboard shortcut in Global scope is not enough if same keyboard shortcut is set by R# for Text Editor.
To override R# shortcut in Global scope, make sure you delete R# shortcut setting in VS keyboard settings modal dialog.
Rarely, strange keyboard shortcut behavior could be also caused by non-US keyboard setting. If you are using non-English keyboard set in Windows Control Panel settings, try this solution:
Set keyboard layout to US
Reset keyboard shortcuts in VS under Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Assign your shortcuts (e.g. Alt-F)
Set keyboard to your local layout

Unmap ctrl+space in Sublime Text 3

On OS X, I have ctrl+space mapped systemwide to "Help...Search". However, in Sublime Text 3, the default for ctrl+space is auto-complete. In Sublime Text 2, I was able to edit the default keymap and just delete it, but it seems like you can no longer edit the default keymap anymore.
Is there any way in Sublime Text 3 to "undefine" a keymap so that Sublime will allow the operating system wide shortcut to take effect instead?
Select menu. Sublime Text > Preferences > Key Bindings - Default
Default (OSX).sublime-keymap (read-only) will open.
Save as new file has same name to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Default (not exist. create new folder).
Close (2)
Do (1) again.
You can edit default keymap :)
Go to /Applications, left-click on Sublime, and select "Show Package Contents". Open Contents/MacOS/Packages/Default.sublime-package in TextWrangler (it's a free d/l if you don't have it) - it supports editing ZIP files. You should now be able to edit Default (OSX).sublime-keymap and save the whole package. Restart ST3 and you should be good!
