How to operate on a neighborhood or patch of surrounding pixels? - halide

This question is for the Halide language.
Say for a particular (x, y), I want to operate on a KxK patch around (x, y). E.g. sum them, square them, etc., to get the obtain the new value for (x, y).
Most of the Halide examples I've found "hard-code" selecting the neighboring coordinates. Like in this example, and also the blur algorithm example on the home page:
Func blur_x, blur_y; Var x, y;
// hard codes selecting x-1:x+1 and y-1:y+1
blur_x(x, y) = (input(x-1, y) + input(x, y) + input(x+1, y))/3;
blur_y(x, y) = (blur_x(x, y-1) + blur_x(x, y) + blur_x(x, y+1))/3;
But let's say I want to paramertize the size of my KxK patch. How would I select and then operate on a neighborhood of arbitrary size around (x, y)?

Regarding your questions in the comments, I think what you need is a Func with 4 Vars: output(x, y, xi, yi)
x, y is the coordinate of the pixel in the center of each patch, which is effectively the ordinary coordinate of the pixel in an image. And xi, yi is the inner coordinate of the pixels within each patch.
output(x, y, xi, yi) = input(x + xi, y + yi)
In this way, you get a group of pixels that you can operate on.

Maybe this is an answer.
// First add the boundary condition.
Func clamped = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge(input);
// Define a 5x5 box that starts at (-2, -2)
RDom r(-2, 5, -2, 5);
// Compute the 5x5 sum around each pixel.
Func local_sum;
local_sum(x, y) = 0; // Compute the sum as a 32-bit integer
local_sum(x, y) += clamped(x + r.x, y + r.y);


Why don't translate(${x},${y}) and translate(${-x},${-y}) cancel out?

This is a snippet from , which controls the transformation of the shape of states.
function transform(d, year) {
const [x, y] = path.centroid(d);
return `
Since x and y are constants, shouldn't translate(${x},${y}) and translate(${-x},${-y}) cancel out?
Further, why does this mechanism secure the centroid in its old position?
It is important to understand that SVG transformations are applied consecutively, i.e. order does matter. You cannot just add up numbers to consolidate a list of various transform definitions. In the words of the spec:
The value of the ‘transform’ attribute is a <transform-list>, which is defined as a list of transform definitions, which are applied in the order provided.
Each transform definition of that list manipulates the coordinate system that is the basis for all following transformations. Although, in your example, the translations are nominally of the same amount in opposing directions they do not cancel out because the scaling that happens in between changes the coordinate system along the way. Thus, the second translation does not cover the same distance as the first one.
To understand why those transformations keep the centroid in place it is helpful to write them down a bit more formally. Given the centroid's coodinates (xc, yc) and the scaling factor k we can write them as:
x ↦ xc + k (x − xc)
y ↦ yc + k (y − yc)
Every original point (x, y) is mapped to the centroid (first terms) and then moved outwards to its original position, yet it is only moved a scaled down portion of the original distance (second terms).
Plugging the centroid itself into these rules shows the second terms cancelling out which keeps the centroid in its original place whereby centering the whole transformation on the centroid:
xc ↦ xc + k (xc − xc) = xc
yc ↦ yc + k (yc − yc) = yc

GPU blob bounding box connected component labeling

I have a binary image that will have one or more blobs. I want a list of pixels for each blob. If I can find one seed point for each blob, I can flood fill to find the pixels of the blob.
Doing some research for this problem, I think the algorithm I want is "Connected component labeling." Most examples I see just color code the blobs output. With this algorithm will I be able to gather: one point on the blob, and the axis aligned bounding box of the blob?
Does connected component labeling sound like the right algorithm for what I need? Does anyone have a good CUDA implementation?
Your suggestion is a good starting point.
Scan the image row by row and when you meet a black pixel start flood filling it. While you fill, you can keep the bounding box updated. After filling, you just continue the scan.
Fill(img, x, y, xm, xM, ym, yM):
img[x][y]= white
xm= min(xm, x); xM= max(xM, x); ym= min(ym, y); yM= max(yM, y);
if x >= 0 and img[x-1][y] == black:
Fill(img, x-1, y)
if x < w and img[x+1][y] == black:
Fill(img, x+1, y)
if y >= 0 and img[x][y-1] == black:
Fill(img, x, y-1)
if y < h and img[x][y+1] == black:
Fill(img, x, y+1)
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if Img[x][y] == black:
xm= xM= x; ym= yM= y
Fill(img, x, y, xm, xM, ym, yM)
Store(x, y, xm, xM, ym, yM)
As flood filling is stack-intensive, a scanline-based approach is recommended.

How to perform operations over neighbourhoods of specific pixels in Halide?

There are a number of specific pixels in an image around which I want to find the minimum local gradient. I can do this easily enough for all pixels in the image:
Func grad, gradmin;
grad(x, y) = pow(input(x+1, y) - input(x-1, y), 2) + pow(input(x, y+1) - input(x, y-1), 2);
RDom r(-1, 3, -1, 3);
gradmin(x, y) = minimum(grad(x + r.x, y + r.y));
But how does one do this for a set of specific pixels within in the image? If they are patterned, is it possible to do something like this?:
RDom r(-1, 3, -1, 3);
gradmin(x, y, i) = minimum(grad(x*f(i) + r.x, y*f(i) + r.y));
assuming (x, y) run from (0 .. n, 0 .. m). The effect I'm going for is the same as incrementing a loop counter by a step greater than 1.
Also, is there a way to record what the x, y coordinates of the minimum gradient point were?
There is nothing stopping you do define the expression that accesses the coordinates.
To my understanding grad(x*f(i)) should work. Have you tried it ?
Regardings the second question you can simply use the Halide argmin function.

How to determine a semi-sphere's point x-y-z coordinates?

I'm having serious problems solving a problem illustrated on the pic below.
Let's say we have 3 points in 3D space (blue dots), and the some center of the triangle based on them (red dot - point P). We also have a normal to this triangle, so that we know which semi-space we talking about.
I need to determine, what is the position on a point (red ??? point) that depends on two angles, both in range of 0-180 degrees. Doesnt matter how the alfa=0 and betha=0 angle is "anchored", it is only important to be able to scan the whole semi-sphere (of radius r).
If anybody could help me, I'd be really thankful.
Kind regards,
From the drawing it looks as if the position of the point on the sphere is given by a form of spherical coordinates. Let r be the radius of the sphere; let alpha be given relative to the x-axis; and let beta be the angle relative to the x-y-plane. The Cartesian coordinates of the point on the sphere are:
x = r * cos(beta) * cos(alpha)
y = r * cos(beta) * sin(alpha)
z = r * sin(beta)
But for a general coordinate frame with axes (L, M, N) centered at (X, Y, Z) the coordinates are (as in dmuir's answer):
(x, y, z) =
(X, Y, Z)
+ r * cos(beta) * cos(alpha) * L
+ r * cos(beta) * sin(alpha) * M
+ r * sin(beta) * N
The axes L and N must be orthogonal and M = cross(N, L). alpha is given relative to L, and beta is given relative to the L-M plane. If you don't know how L is related to points of the triangle, then the question can't be answered.
You need to find two unit length orthogonal vectors L, M say, in the plane of the triangle as well as the the unit normal N. The points on the sphere are
r*cos(beta)*cos(alpha) * L + r*cos(beta)*sin(alpha)*M + r*sin(beta)*N

drawing circle without floating point calculation

This is a common interview question (according to some interview sites) but I can find no normal answers on the Internet - some are wrong and some point to complex theory I expect not to be required in an interview (like the Bresenham algorithm).
The question is simple:
The circle equation is: x2 + y2 = R2.
Given R, draw 0,0-centered circle as best as possible without using any
floating point (no trig, square roots, and so on, only integers)
Bresenham-like algorithms are probably the expected answer, and can be derived without "complex theory". Start from a point (x,y) on the circle: (R,0) and maintain the value d=x^2+y^2-R^2, initially 0. D is the squared distance from the current point to the circle. We increment Y, and decrement X as needed to keep D minimal:
// Discretize 1/8 circle:
x = R ; y = 0 ; d = 0
while x >= y
print (x,y)
// increment Y, D must be updated by (Y+1)^2 - Y^2 = 2*Y+1
d += (2*y+1) ; y++
// now if we decrement X, D will be updated by -2*X+1
// do it only if it keeps D closer to 0
if d >= 0
d += (-2*x+1) ; x--
Honestly, isn't the Midpoint circle algorithm enough? Just mirror it in all quadrants. And by all means no -- unless you're trying to get a job as a window application tester, Bresenham's Line Algorithm isn't complex theory.
From the second method on this page:
for each pixel, evaluate
x2+y2 and see if
it is in the range from
R2-R+1 to R2+R
inclusive. If so, color the pixel on
the screen, and if not, don't.
Further details and explanation given on the aforementioned page, but the crux is that you are looking for pixels that are a distance between R-0.5 and R+0.5 from the origin, so the distance squared is x2+y2 and the threshold distances squared are R2-R+0.25 and R2+R+0.25.
For other methods, Google "draw a circle using integer arithmetic only".
Pretty old question but I will try to provide the end solution with visual tests in python as an alternative to Bresenham's algorithm - the best and the shortest solution for this task. I think this idea also can have a place and perhaps is simpler to understand but needs more code. Someone maybe also end up with this solution.
The idea is based on the following facts:
Every point on circle lies on the same distance to circle central point
A circle contains 4 quadrant which starts and ends in points (r, 0), (2r, r), (r, 2r) and (0, r) if r is radius and central point is in (r, r) point.
A circle is a continues figure and every point can have 8 neighbor points. If move on circle in one direction only three points are interesting for us - 3 lie in opposite direction and 2 are too far from center. For example for point (r, 0) with direction to (2r, r) interesting points will be (r + 1, 1), (r, 1) and (r + 1, 0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import chain
def get_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
Calculates squared distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) points
return (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2);
def get_next_point(x, y, dx, dy, cx, cy, r):
Returns the next circle point base on base point (x, y),
direction (dx, dy), circle central point (cx, cy) and radius r
r2 = r * r
# three possible points
x1, y1 = x + dx, y + dy
x2, y2 = x, y + dy
x3, y3 = x + dx, y
# calculate difference between possible point distances
# with central point and squared radius
dif1 = abs(get_distance(x1, y1, cx, cy) - r2)
dif2 = abs(get_distance(x2, y2, cx, cy) - r2)
dif3 = abs(get_distance(x3, y3, cx, cy) - r2)
# choosing the point with minimum distance difference
diff_min = min(dif1, dif2, dif3)
if diff_min == dif1:
return x1, y1
elif diff_min == dif2:
return x2, y2
return x3, y3
def get_quadrant(bx, by, dx, dy, cx, cy, r):
Returns circle quadrant starting from base point (bx, by),
direction (dx, dy), circle central point (cx, cy) and radius r
x = bx
y = by
# maximum or minimum quadrant point (x, y) values
max_x = bx + dx * r
max_y = by + dy * r
# choosing only quadrant points
while (dx * (x - max_x) <= 0) and (dy * (y - max_y) <= 0):
x, y = get_next_point(x, y, dx, dy, cx, cy, r)
yield x, y
def get_circle(r, cx, cy):
Returns circle points (list) with radius r and center point (cx, cy)
north_east_quadrant = get_quadrant(cx, cy - r, 1, 1, cx, cy, r)
south_east_quadrant = get_quadrant(cx + r, cy, -1, 1, cx, cy, r)
south_west_quadrant = get_quadrant(cx, cy + r, -1, -1, cx, cy, r)
north_west_quadrant = get_quadrant(cy - r, cy, 1, -1, cx, cy, r)
return chain(north_east_quadrant, south_east_quadrant,
south_west_quadrant, north_west_quadrant)
# testing
r = 500
circle_points = get_circle(r, r, r)
for x, y in circle_points:
plt.plot([x], [y], marker='o', markersize=3, color="red")
I will use the Bresenham's Circle drawing algorithm or the Midpoint Circle drawing algorithm. Both produce the same coordinate points. And with the symmetry between the eight octants of the circle, we just need to generate one octant and reflect and copy it to all the other positions.
Here would be my interview answer (no research, this is on the spot)...
Set up two nested for loops that collectively loop over the square defined by {-R, -R, 2R, 2R}. For each pixel, calculate (i^2 + j^2) where i and j are your loop variables. If this is within some tolerance to R^2, then color that pixel black, if not then leave that pixel alone.
I'm too lazy to determine what that tolerance should be. You may need to store the last calculated value to zero-in on which pixel best represents the circle... But this basic method should work pretty well.
Has anyone considered they might be looking for a lateral answer such as "with a compass and pencil" or "use the inside of a roll of sellotape as a template".
Everyone assumes all problems have to be solved with a computer.
You can easily calculate the x in x^2= r^2- y^2 using the first order Taylor approximation
sqrt(u^2 + a) = u + a / 2u
This is a program for that in Mathematica (short, but perhaps not nice)
rad=87; (* Example *)
Calcy[r_,x_]:= (
y2 = rad^2 - x^2;
u = Ordering[Table[ Abs[n^2-y2], {n,1,y2}]] [[1]]; (* get the nearest perfect square*)
Return[ u-(u^2-y2)/(2 u) ]; (* return Taylor approx *)
lista = Flatten[Table[{h Calcy[rad, x], j x}, {x, 0, rad}, {h, {-1, 1}}, {j, {-1, 1}}], 2];
ListPlot[Union[lista, Map[Reverse, lista]], AspectRatio -> 1];
This is the result
Not too bad IMHO ... I don't know anything about graphic algorithms ...
