Can #SqlResultSetMapping be used to map a complex Dto object - spring-boot

I currently have a named native query set up in CrudRepository where I'm joinnig few tables and I need to map that query result into a Dto.
event_id, replaced_by_match_id, scheduled, start_time_tbd, status, away_team_competitor_id, home_team_competitor_id, round_round_id, season_season_id, tournament_tournament_id, venue_venue_id,
competitorHome.competitor_id as home_competitor_competitor_id, competitorHome.abbreviation as home_competitor_competitor_abbreviation, competitorHome.country_code as home_competitor_ccountry_code, competitorHome.ioc_code as home_competitor_ioc_code, competitorHome.rotation_number as home_competitor_rotation_number, competitorHome.virtual as home_competitor_virtual,
competitorAway.competitor_id as away_competitor_competitor_id, competitorAway.abbreviation as away_competitor_competitor_abbreviation, competitorAway.country_code as away_competitor_ccountry_code, competitorAway.ioc_code as away_competitor_ioc_code, competitorAway.rotation_number as away_competitor_rotation_number, competitorAway.virtual as away_competitor_virtual,
homeTeamTranslation.competitor_competitor_id as home_team_translation_competitor_competitor_id, homeTeamTranslation.language_language_id as home_team_translation_language_language_id, homeTeamTranslation.competitor_name as home_team_translation_competitor_name, homeTeamTranslation.competitor_country as home_team_competitor_country,
awayTeamTranslation.competitor_competitor_id as away_team_translation_competitor_competitor_id, awayTeamTranslation.language_language_id as away_team_translation_language_language_id, awayTeamTranslation.competitor_name as away_team_translation_competitor_name, awayTeamTranslation.competitor_country as away_team_competitor_country
from "event" as e
left join competitor as competitorAway on competitorAway.competitor_id = e.away_team_competitor_id
left join competitor as competitorHome on competitorHome.competitor_id = e.home_team_competitor_id
left join competitor_translation as homeTeamTranslation on competitorHome.competitor_id = homeTeamTranslation.competitor_competitor_id
left join competitor_translation as awayTeamTranslation on competitorAway.competitor_id = awayTeamTranslation.competitor_competitor_id
where awayTeamTranslation.language_language_id = 'en' and homeTeamTranslation.language_language_id = 'en'
I'm trying to use #SqlResultSetMapping annotation to map result into Dto classes but unsuccessfully.
I've set up mapping this way
name = "mapLocalizedEvent",
classes = [ConstructorResult(
targetClass = TranslatedLocalEvent::class,
columns = arrayOf(
ColumnResult(name = "event_id"),
ColumnResult(name = "scheduled"),
ColumnResult(name = "start_time_tbd"),
ColumnResult(name = "status"),
ColumnResult(name = "replaced_by_match_id")
and it is working fine where all of the ColumnResult used are simple types String or Boolean. It maps to object TranslatedLocalEvent looking like this
class TranslatedLocalEvent(
val eventId: String? = null,
val scheduled: String? = null,
val startTimeTbd: Boolean? = null,
val status: String? = null,
val replacedByMatchId: String? = null
Is there a way I can use this approach to map a complex object? TranslatedLocalEvent object needs to contain TranslatedLocalCompetitor object built from parts of columns query returnes
class TranslatedLocalEvent(
val eventId: String? = null,
val scheduled: String? = null,
val startTimeTbd: Boolean? = null,
val status: String? = null,
val replacedByMatchId: String? = null,
val homeTeam: TranslatedLocalCompetitor? = null
public class TranslatedLocalCompetitor(
val competitorId: String? = null
val competitorName: String? = null
val competitorCountry: String? = null

The easiest way i see is in your TranslatedLocalEvent constructor accept all columns and in the contstructor create and assign the TranslatedLocalCompetitor object.


Get data from 4 tables in Android Room

I'm trying to get data from the database using Room, I want to get the data in the format {registration_number, List, List} but I'm getting an error:
"Cannot find the parent entity column area_name in ... and my intermediate class"
and in fact I hide that maybe I am taking the wrong approach, please guide me, because I am new in this area
to extract the data I use an intermediate class
my class is:
data class LastConfiscats(
#ColumnInfo(name = "registration_number")
var slaugh_num: String,
// #ColumnInfo(name = "area_name",
#Relation(entity = Area::class, parentColumn = "area_name", entityColumn = "name")
var areaName: List<String>,
// #ColumnInfo(name = "confiscation_name")
#Relation(entity = Confiscation::class, parentColumn = "confiscation_name", entityColumn = "name")
var confiscationName: List<String>
and DAO method to select data:
#Query("SELECT registration_number, area.[name] AS area_name, confiscations.[name] AS confiscation_name " +
"FROM car_body, car_body_confiscations" +
"INNER JOIN area ON car_body_confiscations.area_id == " +
"INNER JOIN confiscations ON car_body_confiscations.confiscation_id == " +
"WHERE == car_body_confiscations.car_body_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT :row_count")
fun getLastConfiscats(row_count: Int): LiveData<List<LastConfiscats>>
The linkage scheme between the tables that I am trying to implement is as follows:
There are examples on the internet how to make a relationship between 2 tables but I need to create a relationship between 4 tables.
Please help me to get the data in the right way
My Area entity is:
#Entity(tableName = "area")
data class Area( #PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id: Int?, var name: String? )
but in my Confiscation entity I also have "name" column:
#Entity(tableName = "confiscations")
data class Confiscation( #PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id: Int?, var name: String? )
The actual message you are getting is because when you use #Relation the parent MUST exist and be annotated with #Embedded.
The parent and entity columns MUST be columns in the respective classes.
As an example the following will enable you to get a List of Confiscations, with the related CarBody and the respective Areas (note colum names based upon the screen shots):-
data class LastConfiscats(
var carBodyConfiscations: Car_Body_Confiscations,
#Relation(entity = CarBody::class, parentColumn = "car_body_id", entityColumn = "id")
var carBody: CarBody,
#Relation(entity = Area::class, parentColumn = "areaId", entityColumn = "id")
var area: List<Area>
You could use the above with a query such as:-
#Query("SELECT * FROM Car_Body_Confiscations")
fun getCardBodyJoinedWithStuff(): List<LastConfiscats>
No JOINS needed. That is because Room builds the underlying SQL. First is basically the copy of the supplied query. After retrieving the Car_Body_Confiscations it then uses queries based upon the field names/#ColumnInfo and runs queries for each Car_Body_Connfiscation.
For each #Relationship it populates the respective fields (1 carBody and the List of Areas) using queries that it builds. Here's and example of part of the code, for the above from the java(generated) for the query above :-
Main (parent query)
public List<LastConfiscats> getCardBodyJoinedWithStuff() {
final String _sql = "SELECT * FROM Car_Body_Confiscations";
final RoomSQLiteQuery _statement = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(_sql, 0);
Later Nn (getting the CarBody(s) there will only be 1)
StringBuilder _stringBuilder = StringUtil.newStringBuilder();
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT `id`,`registrationNumber`,`datetime`,`userId`,`testId` FROM `CarBody` WHERE `id` IN (");
final int _inputSize = _map.size();
Even Later On (Areas)
StringBuilder _stringBuilder = StringUtil.newStringBuilder();
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `Area` WHERE `id` IN (");
Now if you want to code your own JOINS etc and alias columns then you will have to consider a few things.
The receiving class MUST be able to be built from the result set and thus column names MUST match the fields in the POJO (unless using #Prefix annotation).
You also need to be aware that the result set will be the cartesian product, thus in the case of doing the above, bypassing how Room does it, the for each combination/permutation of confiscation/carbody/area you get a row (unless grouped/excluded by where clause). So if you have 1 confiscation joined to 1 car but with 10 areas then you would get 10 rows all with the same confiscation and carbody.
You may wish to consider having a look at Room #Relation annotation with a One To Many relationship. Which explains this a little more and includes an example of using a JOINs
Additional - User and TestLists
You may well want to include the CarBody's User and the Test_Lists so you have a result with all of the related data.
This needs to be looked at from a hierarchical perspective. That is the confiscation has a direct link/reference/map to the CarBody but underneath that are the links/references/mappings to the User from the CarBody and to the Test_Lists.
So to incorporate this you need a POJO for a CarBody with it's User and it's Test_Lists. So, for example:-
data class CarBodyWithUserAndWithTestList(
var carBody: CarBody,
entity = Users::class,
parentColumn = "userId",
entityColumn = "id"
var users: Users,
entity = Test_List::class,
parentColumn = "testId",
entityColumn = "id"
var testList: List<Test_List>
With this you can then amend the LastConfiscats to include a CarBodyWithUserAndWithTestList instead of just a CarBody e.g.:
data class LastConfiscats(
var carBodyConfiscations: Car_Body_Confiscations,
#Relation(entity = CarBody::class, parentColumn = "car_body_id", entityColumn = "id")
//var carBody: CarBody, /* REMOVED */
var carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList: CarBodyWithUserAndWithTestList, /* ADDED */
#Relation(entity = Area::class, parentColumn = "areaId", entityColumn = "id")
var area: List<Area>
Note that the #Relation has the CarBody class as the entity. That is because the CarBody is the class that needs to be inspected in order for Room to ascertain the columns used for the links/references/,mappings.
*Working Example/Demo
Here's the entire code for a Working example that inserts some data into all the tables and then extracts the data using the getCardBodyJoinedWithStuff query, it then writes the data to the Log.
the code includes ForeignKey constraints which enforces and helps to maintain referential integrity.
for id's Long rather than Int has been used as Long properly reflects the potential size of the field/value.
autoGenerate = true has not been used as this is inefficient and not needed see, which includes as the very first statement The AUTOINCREMENT keyword imposes extra CPU, memory, disk space, and disk I/O overhead and should be avoided if not strictly needed. It is usually not needed. (autoGenerate = true results in AUTOINCREMENT)
So all the classes/interfaces :-
foreignKeys = [
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["userId"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["testId"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class CarBody(
var id: Long?=null,
var registrationNumber: Int,
var datetime: String,
#ColumnInfo(index = true)
var userId: Long,
#ColumnInfo(index = true)
var testId: Long
data class Users(
var id:Long?=null,
var name: String,
var lastName: String,
var email: String,
var password: String
data class Test_List(
var id: Long?=null,
var date: String,
var is_saved: Boolean
foreignKeys = [
entity = CarBody::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["car_body_id"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
entity = Confiscation::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["confiscation_id"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
entity = Area::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["areaId"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class Car_Body_Confiscations(
var id: Long?=null,
#ColumnInfo(index = true)
var car_body_id: Long,
#ColumnInfo(index = true)
var confiscation_id: Long,
#ColumnInfo(index = true)
var areaId: Long
data class Area(
var id: Long?=null,
var name: String
data class Confiscation(
var id: Long?=null,
var name: String
interface AllDao {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(area: Area): Long
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(carBodyConfiscations: Car_Body_Confiscations): Long
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(carBody: CarBody): Long
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(confiscation: Confiscation): Long
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(users: Users): Long
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(testList: Test_List): Long
#Query("SELECT * FROM Car_Body_Confiscations")
fun getCardBodyJoinedWithStuff(): List<LastConfiscats>
#Database(entities = [
exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getAllDao(): AllDao
companion object {
private var instance: TheDatabase?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"the_database.db")
return instance as TheDatabase
data class LastConfiscats(
var carBodyConfiscations: Car_Body_Confiscations,
#Relation(entity = Confiscation::class, parentColumn = "confiscation_id", entityColumn = "id")
var confiscation: Confiscation,
#Relation(entity = CarBody::class, parentColumn = "car_body_id", entityColumn = "id")
//var carBody: CarBody, /* REMOVED */
var carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList: CarBodyWithUserAndWithTestList, /* ADDED */
#Relation(entity = Area::class, parentColumn = "areaId", entityColumn = "id")
var area: List<Area>
data class CarBodyWithUserAndWithTestList(
var carBody: CarBody,
entity = Users::class,
parentColumn = "userId",
entityColumn = "id"
var users: Users,
entity = Test_List::class,
parentColumn = "testId",
entityColumn = "id"
var testList: List<Test_List>
The following activity code (note that main thread used for brevity and convenience):-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db: TheDatabase
lateinit var dao: AllDao
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
/* example where id is autogenerated */
val marySmithId = dao.insert(Users(name = "Mary", lastName = "Smith", email = "", password = "1234567890"))
dao.insert(CarBody(1000,1234,"2022-01-01",100 /* Fred Bloggs*/,2 ))
/* Extract the data and output to the Log */
for(cbc in dao.getCardBodyJoinedWithStuff()) {
val areaList = StringBuilder()
for (a in cbc.area) {
areaList.append("\n\t\tArea is ${} ID is ${}")
val testList = StringBuilder()
testList.append("\n\t\tThere are ${cbc.carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList.testList.size} TestLists, they are:")
for (t in cbc.carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList.testList) {
testList.append("\n\t\t\t${} Save is ${t.is_saved} ID is ${}")
"CBC ID =${}" +
"\n\tConfiscation Name is ${}" +
"\n\tAreas (there is/are ${cbc.area.size}) they are $areaList}" +
"\n\tCarBody Reg is ${cbc.carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList.carBody.registrationNumber} " +
"Date is ${cbc.carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList.carBody.datetime}" +
"\n\t\tUser is ${}" +
",${cbc.carBodyWithUserAndWithTestList.users.lastName} " +
"email is ${}" +
The Log after running:-
Confiscation Name is C1
Areas (there is/are 1) they are
Area is Area100 ID is 100}
CarBody Reg is 1234 Date is 2022-01-01
User is Fred,Bloggs email is
There are 1 TestLists, they are:
2022-02-02 Save is true ID is 2
Confiscation Name is C4
Areas (there is/are 1) they are
Area is Area400 ID is 400}
CarBody Reg is 4321 Date is 2021-12-05
User is Fred,Bloggs email is
There are 1 TestLists, they are:
2022-01-01 Save is false ID is 1
Confiscation Name is C2
Areas (there is/are 1) they are
Area is Area300 ID is 300}
CarBody Reg is 1111 Date is 2021-09-10
User is Jane,Doe email is
There are 1 TestLists, they are:
2022-02-02 Save is true ID is 2
Re the Comment
I actually have a Cartesian product, I had to process it somehow, although I do not know how yet.
You may find that the above is fine and processes the product pretty easily.
Where Room's relationship handling can become restrictive is if you want to selectively retrieve related data. The way Room handles #Relation means that it retrieves ALL children irrespective of any JOINS and WHERE clauses. They are only effective if they affect the result of the topmost parent.
In your case, where you don't actually cater for lists (such as multiple users per carbody) then Room should suffice.
The original Query - revisited
Changing your query a little to (largely to suit the previous classes ) to:-
#Query("SELECT " +
"registrationNumber, " +
"area.[name] AS area_name, " +
"confiscation.[name] AS confiscation_name " +
"FROM carbody, car_body_confiscations " +
"INNER JOIN area ON car_body_confiscations.areaId == " +
"INNER JOIN confiscation ON car_body_confiscations.confiscation_id == " +
"WHERE == car_body_confiscations.car_body_id " +
"LIMIT :row_count"
fun getLastConfiscats(row_count: Int): /*LiveData<*/List<MyQueryPOJO>/*>*/
see the following re MyQueryPOJO
And adding a suitable class (no #Embeddeds or #Relations needed, so Room doesn't get confused with column names) :-
data class MyQueryPOJO(
/* The output columns of the query */
var registrationNumber: Int,
#ColumnInfo(name = "area_name")
var not_the_area_name: String,
var confiscation_name: String
note how the not_the_area_name field has the #ColumnInfo annotation to tell it to use the area_name output column
In the activity, using:-
for (mqo in dao.getLastConfiscats(10)) {
Log.d("DBINFO","Reg = ${mqo.registrationNumber} Confiscation = ${mqo.confiscation_name} Area Name = ${mqo.not_the_area_name}")
Results in (with the same data) :-
D/DBINFO: Reg = 1111 Confiscation = C2 Area Name = Area300
D/DBINFO: Reg = 4321 Confiscation = C4 Area Name = Area400
D/DBINFO: Reg = 1234 Confiscation = C1 Area Name = Area100
as the relationships all all basically 1-1 (the references are back to front for a 1-many) the cartesian product is fine as there will not be any duplicates.

How to improve my Room database architecture?

I am new to databases. I am not a professional developer. I would like your advice. I want to create a database that manages the students in a class. Students belong to only one class. I present to you my model. Can you let me know if this is correct please?
My data class: Gru
#Entity(tableName = "groupe_table")
data class Gru (
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "idGroup") var idGroup: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nameGroupG") var nameGroupG : String
#Entity(tableName = "user_table", foreignKeys = arrayOf(
ForeignKey(entity = Gru::class,
parentColumns = arrayOf("idGroup"),
childColumns = arrayOf("id"),
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE)
data class User(#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "id") var id: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nameGroup") var nameGroup: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "firstName") var firstName: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "lastName") var lastName: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nbTeam") var nbTeam: String
#Entity(tableName = "eval_table", foreignKeys = arrayOf(
ForeignKey(entity = User::class,
parentColumns = arrayOf("id"),
childColumns = arrayOf("idEval"),
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE)
data class Eval(#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "idEval") var idEval: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_classement") var note_classement: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_attaque") var note_attaque: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_passe") var note_passe: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_afl2") var note_afl2: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_afl3") var note_afl3: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_sur_vingt") var note_sur_vingt: String)
Here my dataclass to create relations
data class GruWithUser(
var idGroup: Int,
var nameGroupG: String,
var id: Int,
var nameGroup: String,
var firstName: String,
var lastName: String,
var nbTeam: String
and the last dataclass relation: User With Eval
data class UserWithEval(
var id: Int,
var nameGroup: String,
var firstName: String,
var lastName: String,
var nbTeam: String,
var note_attaque: String,
var note_passe: String,
var note_classement: String,
var note_afl2: String,
var note_afl3: String,
var note_sur_vingt: String
): Parcelable
Thanks you so much for your help
Issue 1
You appear to have an issue that will likely cause some frustration if not addressed.
That is a User, has it's primary key as the reference to the parent group (Gru). As such a Group could only have a single User (Student) as the primary key, for the User must be unique.
Likewise for Eval's.
So you could consider the following:-
#Entity(tableName = "groupe_table")
data class Gru (
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "idGroup") var idGroup: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nameGroupG") var nameGroupG : String
): Parcelable
#Entity(tableName = "user_table", foreignKeys = arrayOf(
ForeignKey(entity = Gru::class,
parentColumns = arrayOf("idGroup"),
//childColumns = arrayOf("id"), //<<<<< REMOVED
childColumns = ["gru_id_reference"], //<<<<< REPLACED WITH
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE)
data class User(#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "id") var id: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nameGroup") var nameGroup: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "firstName") var firstName: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "lastName") var lastName: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "nbTeam") var nbTeam: String,
#ColumnInfo(index = true) //<<<<< ADDED (may be more efficient)
var gru_id_reference: Int //<<<<< ADDED
#Entity(tableName = "eval_table", foreignKeys = arrayOf(
ForeignKey(entity = User::class,
parentColumns = arrayOf("id"),
childColumns = arrayOf("user_id_reference"), //<<<<< CHANGED
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE)
data class Eval(#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) #ColumnInfo(name = "idEval") var idEval: Int=0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_classement") var note_classement: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_attaque") var note_attaque: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_passe") var note_passe: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_afl2") var note_afl2: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_afl3") var note_afl3: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "note_sur_vingt") var note_sur_vingt: String,
#ColumnInfo(index = true) var user_id_reference: Int //<<<<< ADDED
See the comments
note that there is no need to use #ColumnInfo to name a column the same name as the field/member (hence the added code doesn't, but instead uses the annotation to introduce an index on the additional column use to reference the parent).
Without going into all the other code, the following code:-
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
val g1id = dao.insert(Gru(nameGroupG = "Group001"))
val g2id = dao.insert(Gru(nameGroupG = "Group002"))
val g3id = dao.insert(Gru(nameGroupG = "group003"))
val u1id = dao.insert(User(nameGroup = "Why have this here?", firstName = "Fred", lastName = "Bloggs", nbTeam = "TeamA", gru_id_reference = g1id.toInt()))
val u2id = dao.insert(User(nameGroup = "?????", firstName = "Jane", lastName = "Doe", nbTeam = "TeamX", gru_id_reference = g1id.toInt()))
val u3id = dao.insert(User(nameGroup = "?????", firstName = "Mary", lastName = "Smith", nbTeam = "TeamB", gru_id_reference = g2id.toInt()))
val u4id = dao.insert(User(nameGroup = "?????", firstName = "Tom", lastName = "Cobbely", nbTeam = "TeamC", gru_id_reference = g3id.toInt()))
var baseEval = Eval(note_classement = "CMENT_", note_attaque = "ATTQ_", note_afl2 = "AFL2_", note_afl3 = "AFL3_", note_passe = "PASSE_", note_sur_vingt = "SV_",user_id_reference = -99)
for (i in 1..10) {
note_classement = baseEval.note_classement + i,
note_attaque = baseEval.note_classement + i,
note_afl2 = baseEval.note_afl2 + i,
note_afl3 = baseEval.note_afl3 + i,
note_passe = baseEval.note_passe + i,
note_sur_vingt = baseEval.note_sur_vingt + i,
user_id_reference = Random.nextInt(4) + 1
results in a database (i.e. tests the changed code) as per :-
The 3 Groups (Gru's/Classes) :-
The 4 users :-
Note how Fred and Jane are both in Group001
And the 10 Eval's spread across the 4 Users
A query that joins the data according to the relationships looks like:-
- here you can see that there are 3 evaluations for Group001, 2 of them for Fred and 1 for Jane etc
- (note Eval's reference a random User)
The above data was obtained by running the code above and then using App Inspection (available in Android Studio).
Issue 2
You may well encounter subsequent issues due to both the user_table and the eval_table having a column named id. From an SQL point of view this can be overcome by qualifying the column with it's table name (see SQL used above where the tablename . column is used to disambiguate the ambiquity). However, as far as the resultant output there would still be 2 id columns. This ambiguity can be overcome using AS to rename the output column but you may then encounter issues. I would suggest ensuring that all column names are unique (so perhaps have column names userId and evalId instead of just id).

How do you make composite primary key with one being autogenerated?

I have the following object:
#Entity(tableName = "Section", primaryKeys = ["sectionID","number","numberOfServers"])
data class Section(
#ColumnInfo(name = "number")
var number: Int,
#ColumnInfo(name = "numberOfServer")
var numberOfServers: Int
#ColumnInfo(name = "sectionID")
var id: Long = 0
then I have the DAO method to insert into room as such:
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
suspend fun insertSection(section: Section): Long
My goal is for an insert operation to be ignored if a Section object with the same pair of number and numberOfServers already exists in the database. In addition I want the section to have an id which is autogenerated by room. I have seen posts that use indexes and the unique attribute to achieve the composite primary key part of my goal and then use the #PrimaryKey(autogenerate = true) to generate the id. However I am not sure that using indexes works the same as primaryKeys does. As far as I see it if I use indexes and set those to unique room will check
if(index1 != unique){
}else if(index2 != unique){
while what I want is more of a
if((index1 && index2 combination) != unique){
It seems that indexes do offer the functionality I need according to the documentation and so I ended up with this:
#Entity(tableName = "Section", indices = [Index(value = ["number","numberOfServer"], unique = true)])
data class Section(
#ColumnInfo(name = "number")
var number: Int,
#ColumnInfo(name = "numberOfServer")
var numberOfServers: Int
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
#ColumnInfo(name = "sectionID")
var id: Long = 0
Thank you for participating

Checking for nullable columns from a JdbcTemplate with Spring and Kotlin

In my Spring application with Kotlin, I am reading a sql table that has many nullable columns. For a nullable column I using this if-expression:
if (rs.getObject("ordernumber") != null) rs.getInt("ordernumber") else null
Is there an easier way than writing an if-expression for each nullable column?
I have simplified the example to one nullable column, but of course I have many more nullable columns with String, Integer, Timestamp and so on.
fun getEmployeePayRecord(employee: Employee): List<EmployeePayRecord> {
val rowMapper: RowMapper<EmployeePayRecord> = RowMapper { rs, _ ->
uuid = rs.getString("uuid"),
workingDay = rs.getTimestamp("working_day").toLocalDateTime(),
orderNumber = if (rs.getObject("ordernumber") != null) rs.getInt("ordernumber") else null
return jdbcTemplate.query(
"""select uuid
, working_day
, ordernumber
from plrv11.employee_pay_record
where employee_number = :employeeNumber
order by working_day
""", rowMapper, employee.employeeNumber
I have taken up M. Deinum's and David's ideas and added extension functions, like this:
fun ResultSet.getIntOrNull(columnName: String): Int? {
val result = getInt(columnName)
return if (wasNull()) null else result

How to handle null in LINQ query for nullable int if value not found

Here i am using simple list and one of the ageto string column is null
I am check in linq query if value not found then to return null. But value cannot be null error is coming up
var list = new[]
new { AgeFrom = "0", AgeTo="24"},
new { AgeFrom = "70", AgeTo= (string)null}
var result = from r in list
select new EmployeeDTO
//AgeFrom Column is int? in DTO
AgeFrom = Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeFrom),
//AgeTo Column is int? in DTO
AgeTo = Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeTo ?? null)
Try this:
AgeTo = String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.AgeTo) ? (int?)null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeTo);
Which makes your code:
var list = new[]
new { AgeFrom = "0", AgeTo="24"},
new { AgeFrom = "70", AgeTo= (string)null}
var result = from r in list
select new EmployeeDTO
//AgeFrom Column is int? in DTO
AgeFrom = Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeFrom),
//AgeTo Column is int? in DTO
String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.AgeTo) ? (int?)null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeTo)
Convert.ToInt32 can not convert null to an integer, that will always throw an exception.
One option would be to change:
AgeTo = Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeTo ?? null)
AgeTo = r.AgeTo != null ? Convert.ToInt32(r.AgeTo) : null
The statement r.AgeTo ?? null is an example of the null-coalescing operator, which, in your case, is essentially saying that if r.AgeTo is null, then use null instead. As this isn't what you were trying to achieve, you are in fact passing null into Convert.ToInt32, which is causing your error.
