BCrypt::Password Ruby - ruby

I'm currently working on Ruby and I can't get, what is the difference between
def create_hash_digest(password)
def verify_hash_digest(password)
This sample is taken from Udemy course on complete Ruby on Rails

#create is used to Hash a secret, returning a BCrypt::Password instance i.e encryption
#new is used to decrypt BCrypt::Password instance with the data from a stored hash.
include BCrypt
# hash a user's password
#password = Password.create("my grand secret")
#password #=> "$2a$12$C5.FIvVDS9W4AYZ/Ib37YuWd/7ozp1UaMhU28UKrfSxp2oDchbi3K"
# store it safely #user.update_attribute(:password, #password)
# read it back
#db_password = Password.new(#user.password)
# compare it after retrieval
#db_password == "my grand secret" #=> true
#db_password == "a paltry guess" #=> false

#create converts your password into a hash:
'my_password' ~> '$2a$12$C5.FIvVDS9W4AYZ/Ib37...'
while #new converts it back.


Ruby update all same object data in hash array for JSON.parse

So a = first is
=> <Ng::EntityConfiguration id: 15903, entity_id: 1, entity_type: "Ng::Company", key: "wpa2.psk", value: "[{"ssid":"Main-Hall-Staff","password":"abc123","dhcp":"Enabled"},{"ssid":"Main-Hall-Guest","password":"def456","dhcp":"Disabled"}]", created_at: "2016-11-08 11:03:51", updated_at: "2016-11-08 11:03:51", name: "WIFI/Main Hall">
I have a.value which is will return:
My question is, how to update both password value and save it?
new_pass1 = 'xyz123'
new_pass2 = 'xyz321'
I have tried code (below) but this will only update first password if i only have one hash_array.
Here is my full code
def encrypt_pass
# get the actual password
parse = JSON.parse(self.value)
get_pass = parse.last['password']
# encrypt the password
crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"])
encrypted = crypt.encrypt_and_sign(get_pass)
# save the new encrypted password
parse.first['password'] = encrypted
encrypt_pass = parse.to_json
self.value = encrypt_pass
Just to be clear, you're trying to update both the Main-Hall-Staff password and the Main-Hall-Guest password (all passwords) from your record to be the encrypted version of themselves? I'm assuming this method is called in a before_save callback of some sort? If you show more code related to the model I can give you more details.
def encrypt_pass
# Changed the name to devises, always use easy to understand naming
# Also rescuing from a JSON parse error, this isnt always recommended
# as it hides other errors that might be unrelated to parsing
devices = JSON.parse(self.value) rescue []
crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"])
devices.each do |device|
# get the actual password
password = device['password']
# encrypt the password
encrypted_pass = crypt.encrypt_and_sign(password)
# Save the encrypted password
device['password'] = encrypted_pass
self.value = devices.to_json
Hopefully you have some logic surrounding when this method is called as you dont want to encrypt an already encrypted password.

ruby parameters returning themselves

I'm running Ruby 2.3.1 x64 on Windows 10 x64.
My code:
class Credentials
attr_reader :username, :password
def initialize(username = nil, password = nil)
#username = username
#password = password
get_credentials if !#username || !#password #Gets credentials if none are specified
def get_credentials
#username = ask("Username: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
#password = ask("Password: ") { |q| q.echo = "*" }
Ignore the get_credentials wackyness, it's a gem called Highline that I'm using to hide input for security reasons.
When I do the following:
$user = Credentials.new(username: "foo", password: "bar")
I get this return:
#<Credentials:0x000000038ecf30 #password=nil, #username={:username=>"foo", :password=>"bar"}>
Likewise, calling $user.username returns the following:
{:username=>"foo", :password=>"bar"}
when it should be returning:
and calling $user.password returns nil.
Can someone tell me why in the name of Henry Hamilton this is happening?! I've used hashed parameters many times, and it always works just fine. Why is it stuffing every parameter setting into a single parameter?
$user = Credentials.new(username: "foo", password: "bar")
You are passing just one parameter to the initialize method, a hash. The hash for the username attribute and nil for the password attribute. Try
$user = Credentials.new("foo", "bar")
Or, if you really want keyword arguments then
def initialize(username: nil, password: nil)
When you define a method/constructor you don't pass arguments by name but by value just like any other programming language, So :
Will do what you want.
This is the default in almost every programming language, your question should have been "How did this work", it worked because ruby is dynamically typed and the syntax key1: val1,key2: val2,... is the new hash syntax(since ruby 1.9), a hash is a key-value data structure , so your :
$user=Credentials.new(username: 'foo',password: 'bar')
Is actually calling the constructor with one argument only which is username with the value {username: 'foo',password: 'bar'} and because initialize is defined with default arguments , password got a value of nil.
Now if you do want to pass arguments by name, you have to define the constructor like so :
def initialize(username: nil,password: nil)
After that you can do :
$user=Credentials.new(username: 'foo',password: 'bar')
And expect it to behave like you want.
Notice that keyword arguments(that is passing arguments by name) are introduced in ruby 2, also notice that you can achieve the same with a constructor that accepts one parameter which is a hash like this :
def initialize(params={})
But this way doesn't limit the number of arguments nor their names(you can call Credentials.new(fooprop: 'foovalue') and no error will be thrown), also it needs some change in code.
The Keyword arguments feature is found in some programming languages and it's useful when the function have many parameters or to make it clear for the programmer what is the parameter for.
def initialize(params={})
#username = params[:username]
#password = params[:password]
#username || #password || get_credentials #simply
And then:
$user = Credentials.new(username: "foo", password: "bar")

Digesting value in YAML file into MD5 hash

I have a YAML file containing usernames and passwords.
Overview of YAML:
password: test
password: test2
I want to encrypt the password value into an MD5 hash using Digest::MD5 for example:
Lost Bam:
password: testtesttest #<=I want to overwrite this password with a MD5 hash
In Digest is there a way to encrypt a hash value? If so how do I implement this into a YAML file?
md5.rb Source:
require 'yaml'
require 'digest'
def load_file
File.exist?('info.yml') ? YAML.load_file('info.yml') : {users: {}}
def read_file
def save_file( hash )
File.open('info.yml', 'w') { |f| f.write(hash.to_yaml)}
def add_user
hash = load_file
hash["users"][prompt('Enter username:')] =
{ "password" => prompt('Enter password:') }
puts "Encrypt information?"
information = gets.chomp
case input
when /yes/i
# hash = Digest::MD5.digest(["password"]'value')<-Doesn't work
#This is where I want to be able to encrypt the
#value of the password key that was entered by the user
# save_file( hash )
puts "Add another?"#Not completed yet
save_file( hash )
main.rb Source:
require_relative 'md5.rb'
def main
puts <<-END.gsub(/^\s*>/, '')
>To load information type "L" to quit system type "Q"
input = gets.chomp.upcase
case input
when "L"
when "Q"
def exit_system
puts "Exiting..."
def exit_lock
puts "Locked out, please contact system administrator"
def restart
puts "Encrypt more?"
input = gets.chomp
if input =~ /yes/i
return true
def prompt( message )
puts message
You can use Digest::MD5:
require 'digest'

How should I check passwords in Ruby?

I am using Ruby to manage users in a database.
I am using pass = Digest::MD5.hexdigest() to encrypt passwords before they are being added to the database.
I need to create a function to check that a given password matches that stored in the database but I'm not sure how I should do it.
Do I use pass = Digest::MD5.hexdigest() on the user provided password, and then check that against what is returned from the database?
This is correctpassword?:
def correctpassword?(nick, pass)
user = nick
pass = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pass)
db = SQLite3::Database.new "database.db"
db.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE user = ? and pass = ?", user, pass)
This is attempting to use correctpassword?:
if clt.registered?(#nick)
if clt.correctpassword?(#nick, #pass)
sv_send 'NOTICE', #nick, ":Correct password."
sv_send 'NOTICE', #nick, ":Incorrect password."
I don't see either notices. Using correctpassword? seems to break things.
This works though:
if clt.registered?(#nick)
sv_send 'NOTICE', #nick, ":This account is registered."
There is no assignment for results var. Do results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE user = ? and pass = ?", user, pass)
MD5 is a one-way hash encryption algorithm. There is no way to directly decrypt a MD5 hash. The algorithm itself uses modular arithmetic to package the serialized string and there is no way to go backwards from that.
So I think you should convert the password to MD5 which user try to enter and compare that hash with stored encrypted password in db.
> stored_password_in_db = Digest::MD5.hexdigest('gagan')
#=> "cc18a19beff0bdf874861a4dae6124b6"
> user_enter_password_for_login = Digest::MD5.hexdigest('gagan')
#=> "cc18a19beff0bdf874861a4dae6124b6"
> stored_password_in_db == user_enter_password_for_login
#=> true
> user_enter_password_for_login = Digest::MD5.hexdigest('Gagan')
#=> "f52bb23033354697e8f55abdaed9d94f"
> stored_password_in_db == user_enter_password_for_login
#=> false

Ruby BCrypt hash comparison

I'm trying to implement what seems like a very simple authentication approach using Sinatra and BCrypt but clearly I'm missing something...
Users are preassigned a temporary password which is stored in plaintext in the db.
I authenticate against the temp password and then create both a salt and password_hash and write them as strings to the db (mongo in this case).
To authenticate I fetch the salt from the db and user password to compare.
post "/password_reset" do
user = User.first(:email => params[:email], :temp_password => params[:temp_password])
if dealer != nil then
password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
password_hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], password_salt)
user.set(:password_hash => password_hash)
user.set(:password_salt => password_salt)
post "/auth" do
#user = User.first(:email => params[:email])
#user_hash = BCrypt::Password.new(#user.password_hash) #because the password_hash is stored in the db as a string, I cast it as a BCrypt::Password for comparison
if #user_hash == BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], #user.password_salt.to_s) then
auth = true
auth = false
The value returned by BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], password_salt) is different than what is stored in the db (both are of class BCrypt::Password, but they don't match).
What am I missing here? Many thanks in advance for any insight!
BCrypt::Password is a subclass of String, and it overrides the == method to make checking passwords easier. When you do
if #user_hash == BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], #user.password_salt.to_s)
you end up performing the hash twice, and so they don’t match. If you compared directly with #user.password_hash rather than using BCrypt::Password.new you should see that they match.
The more “correct” way to use bcrypt-ruby for passwords is to not use the Engine class at all, just the Password class. You don’t need to manage the salt yourself, bcrypt takes care of that and includes it in the password hash string:
password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
password_hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret("s3kr1t!", password_salt)
puts password_salt
puts password_hash
produces something like this:
You’ll get something slightly different if you run it, since a different salt will be generated, but you can see that the password hash includes the salt.
In your case, you want something like this:
post "/password_reset" do
user = User.first(:email => params[:email], :temp_password => params[:temp_password])
if dealer != nil then
password_hash = BCrypt::Password.create(params[:password])
user.set(:password_hash => password_hash) # no need to store the salt separately in the database
post "/auth" do
#user = User.first(:email => params[:email])
#user_hash = BCrypt::Password.new(#user.password_hash)
if #user_hash == params[:password] then # overridden == method performs hashing for us
auth = true
auth = false
