How to correcly use HTML tags in translation Laravel? - laravel

I have a code <span>{{ trans('lang.color.' . $bet->color) }}</span></div> which displays the bet amount for a specific color.
My lang file:
'color' => [
'red' => 'red',
'zero' => 'green',
'black' => 'black',
Which is responsible for the fact that if the bet was placed on red, the site will say: set to red.
How can I correctly display HTML code in color variables? For example, if i write 'red' => '<div style="font-color:#FF0000">red</div>' site does not convert the text to HTML, and writes the div with text. How to make read text file HTML?
My laravel version: 5.1.10.

Displaying Unescaped Data
By default, Blade {{ }} statements are automatically sent through PHP's htmlentities function to prevent XSS attacks. If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:
{!! trans('lang.color.' . $bet->color) !!}
Note: Be very careful when echoing content that is supplied by users of your application. Always use the double curly brace syntax to escape any HTML entities in the content.


How to render HTML when inside {{}} on Brade with ternary operator in Laravel 5.7?

I have the follow code in Blade using a ternary operator:
<td>{{isset($arrTemp[$ccc->id]) ? "<a hfet='".url('/cc/'.$cc->id)."'>".count($arrTemp[$cc->id])."</a>": 'N/A'}}</td>
If it find somenthing for the array key $cc->id, should thisplay the value with the link atteched to it.
But the page is rendering <a hfet='http://my.test/cc/56526235'>4</a> the string itself.
What am I missing?
When you use {{ }} the output is automatically escaped to prevent XSS attacks. You can use {!! !!} instead, which will not escape the string.

Dynamic basic link in mail markdown with Laravel - not a button

I can generate a basic link like so:
This is an [example link](
I can generate a button with a dynamic link like so:
#component('mail::button', ['url' => \URL::to('/subscriptions/'.$recipient->id.'/'.$recipient->email.'?action=subscribe')])
Sign Me Up
But how do I generate a dynamic link, not button?
I tried:
[Safe Unsubscribe]( url('/subscriptions/'.$recipient->id.'/'.$recipient->email.'?action=unsubscribe') )
[Safe Unsubscribe]( \URL::to('/subscriptions/'.$recipient->id.'/'.$recipient->email.'?action=unsubscribe') )
but these output in a literal way:
You are still in a blade template. So if you are not in a blade directive and you want to echo content, you have to use the curly brackets.
[Safe Unsubscribe]({{ url('/subscriptions/'.$recipient->id.'/'.$recipient->email.'?action=unsubscribe') }})

How to sanitalize string with nested html tags but keep <em> tag?

I am trying to sanitalize Solr search results, cause it has html tags inside:
ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize( result_string )
It is easy to sanitalize not highlighted string like: I know <ul><li>ruby</li> <li>rails</li></ul>.
But when results is highlighted I have additional important tags inside - <em> and </em>:
I <em>know</em> <<em>ul</em>><<em>li</em>><em>ruby</em></<em>li</em>> <<em>li</em>><em>rails</em></<em>li</em>></<em>ul</em>>.
So, when I sanitalize string with nested html and highlighting tags, I get string with peaces of htmls tags. And it is bad :)
How can I sanitalize highlighted string with <em> tags inside to get correct result (string with <em> tags only)?
I found the way, but it's slow and not pretty:
string = 'I <em>know</em> <<em>ul</em>><<em>li</em>><em>ruby</em></<em>li</em>> <<em>li</em>><em>rails</em></<em>li</em>></<em>ul</em>>'
['p', 'ul', 'li', 'ol', 'span', 'b', 'br'].each do |tag|
string.gsub!( "<<em>#{tag}</em>>", '' )
string.gsub!( "</<em>#{tag}</em>>", '' )
string = ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize string, tags: %w(em)
How can I optimize it or do it using some better solution?
to write some regex and remove html_tags, but keep <em> and </em> e.g.
Please help, thanks.
You could call gsub! to discard all tags but keep only tags that are independent, or that are not included in html tag.
result_string.gsub!(/(<\/?[^e][^m]>)|(<<em>\w*<\/em>>)|(<\/<em>\w*<\/em>>)/, '')
would do the trick
To explain:
# first group (<\/?[^e][^m]>)
# find all html tags that are not <em> or </em>
# second group (<<em>\w*<\/em>>)
# find all opening tags that have <em> </em> inside of them like:
# <<em>li</em>> or <<em>ul</em>>
# third group (<\/<em>\w*<\/em>>)
# find all closing tags that have <em> </em> inside of them:
# </<em>li</em>> or </<em>ul</em>>
# and gsub replaces all of this with empty string
I think you can use the sinitize:
Custom Use (only the mentioned tags and attributes are allowed, nothing else)
<%= sanitize #article.body, tags: %w(table tr td), attributes: %w(id class style) %>
So, something like that should work:
sanitize result_string, tags: %w(em)
With an additional parameter to sanitize, you can specify which tags are allowed.
In your example, try:
ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize( result_string, tags: %w(em) )
It should do the trick

Laravel/Blade - Extend same template multiple times on same page

So there must be a simple way around this... On my site there are multiple modals, depending on the page. I've created a modal template that these can all extend. However, the last modal I include on the page ends up 'taking over' the rest of them, and so all my modals end up with the same sections from that last include. How can I make it so that each extension is unique to the file from which it extends?
Example of what's happening:
<htmls and stuff>
</htmls and stuff>
//Modal 1
Some words
More words
//Modal 2
Instead of two unique modals being loaded, I end up with two modals full of Rabbit Stew.
Try using the #overwrite command instead of #endsection
Stuff goes here...
I personally would use includes in this instance, unless you've got markup in your sections. If it's just text you could do something like this:
<htmls and stuff>
{{ $section1 }}
{{ $section2 }}
</htmls and stuff>
//Modal 1
#include('template', ['section1' => 'Some words', 'section2' => 'More words'])
//Modal 2
#include('template', ['section1' => 'Rabbit', 'section2' => 'Stew'])
I had the same problem. I really wanted to use Blade templates too, but ended up using php includes, even with basic html markup.
//Modal 1
#include('layout.template', array(
'section1' =>
'<h1>Modal 1</h1><p><b>Some</b> words</p>',
'section2' =>
'<p>Some <u>words</u></p>'
//Modal 2
#include('layout.template', array(
'section1' =>
'<h1>Modal 2</h1><p><b>Some</b> words</p>',
'section2' =>
'<p>Some <u>words</u></p>
The markup all works just fine, including links. Where I ran into trouble was when I wanted to use includes inside the include arrays, which I understand is not possible. That is why I wanted to use Blade Templates.

Smarty Variable - Hyphen in Array Key

Trying to display a Smarty variable with a hyphen in the key. Nothing I can do to change the fact that it has a hyphen in the key.
For example, a phone number may be stored within the $form array as:
phone-1-1 => Array (9)
name => "phone-1-1"
value => "(555) 555-5555"
type => "text"
frozen => false
required => false
error => null
id => "phone-1-1"
label => "<label for="phone-1-1">Phone Number (..."
html => "<input maxlength="32" size="20" name=..."
Trying to print the smarty variable using:
fails because of the hyphens.
Any ideas how I get around that?
The only workaround you can use is:
{assign var="mykey" value="phone-1-1"}
The bult-in Smarty function {assign} let you create variables directly in the template. (for Smarty 3) (for Smarty 2)
