Document a method returning a lambda - ruby

I have an object with a method returning a lambda:
class Book
def mark_page(marker_color)
lambda do |page|
And I want to document this Book#mark_page method using yardoc syntax. However, I cannot find anything about lambdas in this documentation.
Intuitively, I'd go for something like:
# #return [Proc(Page)]
Since is parsing it as:
a Proc containing (a Page)
PS: not so sure about the documentation tag. Feel free to remove it if not appropriate...


AFMotion HTTP GET request syntax for setting variable

My goal is to set an instance variable using AFMotion's AFMotion::HTTP.get method.
I've set up a Post model. I would like to have something like:
class Post
def self.all
response = AFMotion::HTTP.get("localhost/posts.json")
objects = JSON.parse(response)
results ={|x|}
But according to the docs, AFMotion requires some sort of block syntax that looks and seems to behave like an async javascript callback. I am unsure how to use that.
I would like to be able to call
#posts = Post.all in the ViewController. Is this just a Rails dream? Thanks!
yeah, the base syntax is async, so you don't have to block the UI while you're waiting for the network to respond. The syntax is simple, place all the code you want to load in your block.
class Post
def self.all
AFMotion::HTTP.get("localhost/posts.json") do |response|
if result.success?
p "You got JSON data"
# feel free to parse this data into an instance var
objects = JSON.parse(response)
#results ={|x|}
elsif result.failure?
p result.error.localizedDescription
Since you mentioned Rails, yeah, this is a lil different logic. You'll need to place the code you want to run (on completion) inside the async block. If it's going to change often, or has nothing to do with your Model, then pass in a &block to yoru method and use that to call back when it's done.
I hope that helps!

How to YARD document a method that returns nothing

I have a method like this
def self.import(file_name, opts = {})
which I'm trying to document with YARD. However this is a method which is 100% side effect (I know, I know, side effects, urgh!). But for users of this method there is effectively no returned object of any type, however YARD generates a signature like this:
+ (Object) import(file_name, opts = {})
Is there any way to tell yard that the import method returns nothing?
I can tell it to return nil, but that's not really the same thing
All methods return something, the void key word might be what you are looking for.
# #return [void]
def method_returning_unknown_object

ruby - Sharing a class across modules

I'm trying to mimic ActiveRecord with a simple set of ruby objects for running raw sql queries. Below is a spike I've been experimenting with:
module Runable
def run
module Query
class Results
def initialize
#results = Object.find_by_sql()
def to_a
module Scored
extend Runable
include Query
QUERY = 'a raw sql query string'
module Unseen
extend Runable
include Query
QUERY = 'a different raw sql query string'
What I want to be able to do is create simple Modules for each type of raw sql query I'm going to run, put them into a file like Scored or Unseen above and call .run on them to get back a results object. So like this: #=> #<Scored::Results:0x0000000000> #=> #<Unseen::Results:0x0000000000>
but instead I get this... #=> #<Query::Results:0x0000000000> #=> #<Query::Results:0x0000000000>
I've been doing ruby and rails for over a year but I'm just beginning to get into more advanced ruby usage. This is my first big step into using modules and mixins.
The issue, as far as I can tell, is that module class methods have self scoped to the module they're defined in. So I get Query::Results because the initialize method for Results is defined in the Query module. That make sense?
Thank you for the help!
Update 5/30 16:45
Basically, I want to wrap a handful of raw SQL statements into modules like this:
module ScoredUsers
include Queryable
QUERY="SELECT * FROM users ..."
and interact with the queries like this:
r = #=> ScoredUsers::Results
REDIS.zadd user:5:cache, r.to_a
I want to keep everything in modules and classes, the ruby way (I think?) so when I want to create a new query object I can simple use the boilerplate module like Scored above.
The reason why you are getting such a results is that class Results is created just once. When the module is included new constant is created within including class (Scored::Results), but it is pointing to same memory space as constant Query::Results.
What you need is that you have to create a new class for each class this module is being included in. This is perfect opportunity to use included method:
module Query
def self.included(mod)
results = do
def initialize
#results = Object.find_by_sql()
def to_a
mod.const_set('Results', results)
Now of course we are left with the question - do we really need to do this? This depends on how you are planning to use those classes.

How to set a method dynamically as other class method

Im new to Ruby, and im creating a cli app with Thor and some additional gems. My problem is that i take user input (from the console) and pass the data as a variable to a existing method (This method is from a gem)
My method
def search(searchtype, searchterm)
search =
result = keyword: "#{searchterm}"
puts result
# is not a method in the gem im using.
The OtherClass gem has these search methods: users, repos
The users method
def users(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:keyword])
get_request("/legacy/user/search/#{escape_uri(keyword)}", arguments.params)
The repos method
def repos(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:keyword])
get_request("/legacy/repos/search/#{escape_uri(keyword)}", arguments.params)
So how can i pass in the user data to the method from the OtherClass? Heres something like what i would want to do. The SEARCHTERM would be dynamically passed to the object as a method parameter.
def search(SEARCHTYPE, searchterm)
search =
result = keyword: "#{searchterm}"
puts result
The "#{searchterm}" works as expected, but i also want to pass in the method to the object dynamically, this could probably be done with if's but im sure theres a better way, maybe the Ruby way to solve this problem.
Finally i would want to be able to use this little program like this (the serch method)
./search.rb search opensource linux
(where opensource could be users, or another type of search, and linux could be the search keyword for the searchtype)
If this is possible i would apprechiate any help!
If you'd like to call a method dynamically, use Object#send.
I would caution against sending a method that was obtained by user input though, for security reasons.

How to return the receiver instance's self from should_receive block

I'd like to have instance methods of a class return self, and be init with another class instance self.
However I'm struggling to see how to spec this succintly:
::Api.should_receive(:new).once do |arg|
arg.should be_an_instance_of(::Cli)
When running this spec, this ensures that the next method is called on true instead of the Api instance, as expected, that is the return value of the block. Example:
class Cli
def eg
api =
api.blowup # undefined method for true
I'd really like the block to return the Api instance self without invoking another call to in the spec, the example below does this and to my mind a non-rspec reader would wonder why the spec passes when clearly has been called more than once.
Can anyone suggest how best to do this?
Current solution:
This reads like is called thrice: once to create api, once to create cli, once to create start. Yet the spec of one call passes. I understand why and that this is correct, so not a bug. However I'd like a spec that a reader not familiar with rspec could scan and not have the impression that has been called more than once. Also note that ...once.and_return(api){...} does not work, the block needs to return api in order to pass.
let(:cli){ ::Cli.start(['install']) }
let(:start){ ::Cli.start(['install']) }
it 'is the API' do
api =
::Api.should_receive(:new).once do |arg|
arg.should be_an_instance_of(::Cli)
You can save the original method (new) in a local variable and then use it to return the new api from within the block:
original_method = ::Api.method(:new)
::Api.should_receive(:new).once do |arg|
arg.should be_an_instance_of(::Cli)
This will run the expectation, checking that the argument is an instance of ::Cli, and then return the value from the original method (i.e. the api).
