Does use of hash tables cause memory fragmentation? - memory-management

My understanding of hash tables is that they use hash functions to relate keys to locations in memory, with a total number of "buckets" pre-allocated in memory. The goal is for there to be enough buckets that I don't have to use chaining, slowing my ideal O(1) access time complexity to n/m x O(1) where n is the number of unique keys to store, and m is the number of buckets.
So if I have 1000 unique items to store, I'll want no less than 1000 buckets, and perhaps a lot more to minimize probability of having to use my chained linked list. If this weren't the case, we'd expect the average hash table to have many, many collisions. Now if we've got 1000 pre-allocated buckets, that means I have 1000 bytes of allocated memory, distributed around my memory. Thus every single unique key in my hash table results in a fragment of memory, fragmenting my RAM.
Does this mean that the use of hash tables is basically guaranteed to result in an amount of fragmentation proportional to the number of unique keys? Further, this seems to indicate that you can greatly minimize fragmentation using some statistics to pick the number of buckets, if you know how many unique keys there are going to be. Is this the case?

1000 bytes of allocated memory, distributed around my memory
No, you have one array of 1000 entries (of some size which is almost certainly larger than 1 byte per entry).
If each entry is big enough to handle the non-collision case in-place, no extra dynamic allocation is required until you have a collision. (e.g. maybe you use a union and a 1-bit flag to indicate whether this entry is a stand-alone bucket or whether it's a pointer to a linked list.)
If not, then when you write an entry, space needs to be allocated for it and a pointer stored in the table array itself. (e.g. a key-value hash table with small keys but large values). An empty hash table can still be full of NULL pointers.
You might still want it to hold structs of pointer and hash value (for single-member buckets). Then you can reject definitely-not-present queries without another level of indirection if the full hash value doesn't match the query; e.g. for a 32 or 64-bit hash that's many more bits than the 10 bits for indexing a 1024-entry table.
To reduce overall fragmentation, you can use a slab allocator or other technique for carving nodes out of a contiguous block you get from a global allocator. Having the hash table maintain its own private free-list could help with spatial locality of the linked-list nodes, so they're at least not scattered across many different virtual pages (TLB misses) and hopefully not DRAM pages (even slower cache misses).


Inverted Page Table in 64bit address space?

In class today, our instructor was teaching Page Tables, and how in the hardware level the system for 64 bits actually utilizes 48bits, with three page tables and then the physical address, which means up to four memory look-ups for given data pieces.
He also mentioned in the 32 bit world that Inverted Page Table was a concept that mapped to physical address space, but look-ups were a concern as the table is stored in memory.
Before, he taught about hash maps, and how look-up was O(1) depending on the hash. When I looked up the Inverted Page Table here on Wikipedia I found that hash collisions could be an issue.
However, in the 64 bit system up to 16 bits of space is unused.
My question is why can we not make a table with 16 bits of space, and then use the rest for the hash of the data? That way, if there's PID hash collisions, we can just map the hash to a different table, allowing upwards 16x hash collisions.
Is there a fundamental problem with this form of addressing for a process? It seems only three memory visits would be needed (one for page, one for hash, and one for data).

Why are tries slower than hash tables when stored on-disk?

I heard that tries are less efficient than hash tables for performing lookups when the data strictures are stored on disk rather than main memory. Why would this be the case?
On disk, random access is slow because in order to read bytes at a particular location, the hard drive has to physically spin around to put those bytes under the read head. The cost of a random access on disk can be millions of times slower than a comparable access to RAM.
On top of this, whenever you read data from disk, a block of memory called a page is read from disk, not just the bytes you asked for. This means that if you read some data from disk, accessing the bytes near that byte will likely be very fast because that data will have been read from the same page and loaded into RAM. This means that sequential access in an array on disk will be fast, since after the first (slow) read to get the bytes for the first array element to read, the bytes for the next array elements will probably already be loaded and available.
Think about what this means for tries versus linear probing hash tables. A trie is a tree structure where lookups require following lots of pointers to nodes laid out in no particular order in memory. This means that the cost of a trie lookup will likely be one disk read per character of the string, which is terribly inefficient. On the other hand, if you have a hash table using linear probing, the cost of a lookup will (roughly) be the cost of one disk read, since after finding the initial spot in the table where the value should be the array reads should not require future disk reads.
Note that not all tries and all hash tables have this property. Cache-oblivious tries are tries that are specifically constructed to minimize disk reads and can be very quick in external memory. Many hash tables, such as chained hash tables or double hashing tables, have more scattered lookup patterns and thus incur more disk reads.
Hope this helps!

Durably reordering values on disk

I have a large number (100s of millions) of fixed-size values stored in a random order on a disk. I have the same set of values stored in memory, in a different order. I need to store the values in the order they are in memory, on disk. The challenge is this: I need to keep at least one copy of each value on disk at any one time – i.e. it needs to be durable.
I have quite a bit of RAM to work with (the values take up only about 60%), a lot of ephemeral storage, but only a very small amount of space on the durable disk, enough for less than a million of the values.
Given a value on disk, I can find it in memory very very quickly. But the converse is not true, given a value in memory, it is very slow to find it on disk.
Given these limitations, what's the best algorithm to transfer the order of the values from memory, to disk, as fast as possible?
Sounds like you have a sorting problem, where your comparator is the order of elements in RAM (element x is 'bigger' than element y, if x appears after y in RAM).
It can be solved using an external sort.
Note that if you allow duplicates, some more processing needs to be done in order to make sure your comparator is valid (can be solved by enumerating the identical values, and assigning a 'dupe_id' to each duplicate - both in RAM and on disk)

Is there a speed difference in ordering by int vs. float?

When retrieving entries in a database, is there a difference between storing values as a float or decimal vs. an int when using ORDERBY in a SELECT statement?
It depends. You didn't specify the RDBMS so I can only speak to SQL Server specifically but data types have different storage costs associated with them. Ints range from 1 to 8 bytes, Decimals are 5-17 and floats are 4 to 8 bytes.
The RDBMS will need to read data pages off disk to find your data (worst case) and they can only fit so many rows on an 8k page of data. So, if you have 17 byte decimals, you're going to get 1/17th the amount of rows read off disk per read than you could have if you sized your data correctly and used a tinyint with a 1 byte cost to store X.
That storage cost will have a cascading effect when you go to sort (order by) your data. It will attempt to sort in memory but if you have a bazillion rows and are starved for memory it may dump to temp storage for the sort and you're paying that cost over and over.
Indexes may help as the data can be stored in a sorted manner but again, if getting that data into memory may not be as efficient for obese data types.
#Bohemian makes a fine point about the CPU efficiency of integer vs floating point comparisons but it is amazingly rare for the CPU to be spiked on a database server. You are far more likely to be constrained by the disk IO subsystem and memory which is why my answer focuses on the speed difference between getting that data into the engine for it to perform the sort operation vs the CPU cost of comparison.
(Edited) Since both int and float occupy exactly the same space on disk, and of course in memory - ie 32 bits - the only differences are in the way they are processed.
int should be faster to sort than float, because the comparison is simpler: Processors can compare ints in one machine cycle, but a float's bits have to be "interpreted" to get a value before comparing (not sure how many cycles, but probably more than one, although some CPUs may have special support for float comparison).
In general, the choice of datatypes should be driven by whether the datatype is appropriate for storing the values that are required to be stored. If a given datatype is inadequate, it doesn't matter how efficient it is.
In terms of disk i/o the speed difference is second order. Don't worry about second order effects until your design is good with regard to first order effects.
Correct index design will result in a huge decrease in delays when a query can be retrieved in sorted order to begin with. However, speeding up that query is done at the cost of slowing down other processes, like processes that modify the indexed data. The trade off has to be considered to see whether it's worth it.
In short, worry about the stuff that's going to double your disk i/o or worse before you worry about the stuff that's going to add 10% to your disk i/o

Searching for membership in array of ranges

As part of our system simulation, I'm modeling a memory space with 64-bit addressing using a sparse memory array and keeping a list of objects to keep track of buffers that are allocated within the memory space. Buffers are allocated and de-allocated dynamically.
I have a function that searches for a given address or address range within the allocated buffers to see if accesses to the memory model are in allocated space or not, and my first cut "search through all the buffers until you find a match" is slowing down our simulations by 10%. Our UUT does a lot of memory accesses that have to be vetted by the simulation.
So, I'm trying to optimize. The memory buffer objects contain a starting address and a length. I'm thinking about sorting the object array by starting address at object creation, and then, when the checking function is called, doing a binary search through the array looking to see if a given address falls within a start/end range.
Are there any better/faster ways to do this? There must be some faster/cooler algorithm out there using heaps or hash signatures or some-such, right?
Binary search through a sorted array works but makes allocation/deallocation slow.
A simple case is to make an ordered binary tree (red-black tree, AVR tree, etc.) indexed by the starting address, so that insertion (allocation), removal (deallocation) and searching are all O(log n). Most modern languages provide such data structure (e.g. C++'s std::map) already.
My first thought was also binary search and I think that it is a good idea. You should be able to insert and remove quickly too. Using a hash would just make you put the addresses in buckets (in my opinion) and then you'd get to the right bucket quickly (and then have to search through the bucket).
Basically your problem is that you have a defined intervals of "valid" memory, memory outside those intervals is "invalid", and you want to check for a given address whether it is inside a valid memory block or not.
You can definitely do this by storing the start addresses of all allocated blocks in a binary tree; then search for the largest address at or below the queried address, and just verify that the address falls within the length of the valid address. This gives you O(log n) query time where n = number of allocated blocks. The same query of course can be used also to actually the find the block itself, so you can also read the contents of the block at the given address, which I guess you'd need also.
However, this is not the most efficient scheme. Instead, you could use additionally one-dimensional spatial subdivision trees to mark invalid memory areas. For example, use a tree with branching factor of 256 (corresponding to 8 bits) that maps all those 16kB blocks that have only invalid addresses inside them to "1" and others to "0"; the tree will have only two levels and will be very efficient to query. When you see an address, first ask form this tree if it's certainly invalid; only when it's not, query the other one. This will speed things up ONLY IF YOU ACTUALLY GET LOTS OF INVALID MEMORY REFERENCES; if all the memory references are actually valid and you're just asserting, you won't save anything. But you can flip this idea also around and use the tree mark to all those 16kB or 256B blocks that have only valid addresses inside them; how big the tree grows depends on how your simulated memory allocator works.
