Android Auto custom notification sound - android-auto

I have created a messaging app that support Android Auto and is able to push notifications to it.
My problem is that I can not override the notification sound for my notifications.
I have tried to set sound on Notification Builder and on Notification channel but no luck.
From the documentation, those methods are not forbidden.
Does anyone has an idea if is possible?
I'm also curies if is possible to force Android Auto to auto read the message without waiting the user to click on play button?


Incoming call notification - Android/iOS

I am developing a voip based phone call app specially for video conferencing type calls. Everything works via normal push notifications.
how do I show incoming call screen with sound e.g.
I am trying to implement -
not sure if I am in the right direction.
Note: I don't want to interrupt/intercept normal phone calls.
I have managed to implement this using combination of push notification, broadcast receiver, alarm service, setting window flags on activity with "FullScreenIntent".
"OnMessageReceived" set an alarm for x seconds (500ms) with Broadcast receiver
in receiver setup MainActivity intent and set flags "NewTask" and "frombackground"
In MainActivity - override "OnNewIntent", set the window flags
this will open the app in fullscreen and can be routed to appropriate page for custom UI

Is it possible to disable Notification settings for the application in Xamarin Forms

Is there a way to disable the alert settings from an application through code? I am already enabling these settings using below code, but I cant find any method to disable these settings again on user action.
var pushSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(
UIUserNotificationType.Alert |
UIUserNotificationType.Badge |
new NSSet());
There is below method but it doesn't disable the notification in application settings.
The problem seems to be that iOS prevents registering for push notification with Apple in a manner of time after unregistering. The Apple Docs regarding unregistering say:
You should call this method in rare circumstances only, such as when a
new version of the app removes support for all types of remote
notifications. Users can temporarily prevent apps from receiving
remote notifications through the Notifications section of the Settings
app. Apps unregistered through this method can always re-register.
So, just don't call unregisterForRemoteNotifications as long as you really need to do it (see Apple Doc).
The user has total control on enabling and disabling notifications for your app, if you want to do it in code, I think you could create a popup leads to
setting page. like this questions shows How to turn on and off notifications in iOS?

iOS 11 push notification banner now shown while app in foreground

In doing some testing on the iOS 11 preview, I've noticed that when I get push notifications while my app is foregrounded the OS displays the system notification that you normally only see when your app is not active.
I didn't see anything announced as having been changed, or any new APIs to change this behavior one way or another. Does anyone know or have links to documentation stating if this is intended, a bug, temporary, or what?
There's an option for showing Push Notifications in the foreground in UserNotification framework.
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center
willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification
withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler
Quoting the comment from the Framework:
The method will be called on the delegate only if the application is in the foreground. If the method is not implemented or the handler is not called in a timely manner then the notification will not be presented. The application can choose to have the notification presented as a sound, badge, alert and/or in the notification list. This decision should be based on whether the information in the notification is otherwise visible to the user.
This could be the place to start looking for the answer.

Open Apple Maps by tapping on a WKInterfaceMap in a dynamic notification

My Watch app receives push notifications containing location information and I use that info to show a WKInterfaceMap.
However, when I tap on the map in the notification dynamic interface, my app is opened instead of the Maps app.
I found this forum post stating:
There is no url to call at this time. The user tapping on a WKInterfaceMap object is the only way to launch the Maps app from yours.
Does anyone know why this does not work with WKInterfaceMap objects in a notification?
Since notifications are not interactive, it's not possible to trigger any object interaction in a dynamic notification. Tapping anywhere in the notification area will always launch your watch app.
This is briefly mentioned in the App Programming Guide, under Designing Your Dynamic Interface:
Tapping your notification interface launches the app, so notification interfaces should not contain interactive controls.

Handling Toast and Raw Push Notifications

My WP7 app needs to handle different types of push notification. Some of these are only relevant when the app is running but one type serves as a prompt to the user to start the app as well as needing to be handled while the app is running. Hence, when opening the push channel, my code calls BindToShellToast and registers event handlers for when both raw and toast notifications are received:
if (!_pushChannel.IsShellToastBound)
_pushChannel.HttpNotificationReceived += new EventHandler<HttpNotificationEventArgs>(pushChannel_HttpNotificationReceived);
_pushChannel.ShellToastNotificationReceived += new EventHandler<NotificationEventArgs>(pushChannel_ShellToastNotificationReceived);
Looking at the certification requirements, it appears that I have to provide a user setting to allow them to enable/disable not only push notifications in general, but also specifically toast notifications. See Additional requirements for specific app types for Windows Phone (requirement 6.2.1)
Since the user could potentially enable general push notifications but disable toast notifications, it seems to me that my server would need to send both a raw and a toast notification for the type that needs to be handled when the app is not running. This would make registering for the ShellToastNotificationReceived event pointless. Is my thinking correct here?
You should store a settings on your server for each registered device naming what type of notification the user allowed.
