POWERSHELL on server 2019 : script not working - windows

Here's powershell script :
copy-item "\\xxx.xlsx" -destination "c:\liste\liste.xlsx" -force
$filepath = "c:\liste\liste.xlsx"
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$Workbook = $excel.Workbooks.open($filepath)
$Worksheet = $Workbook.WorkSheets.item("Feuil1")
$line = 4
$col = 1
while ($worksheet.Cells.Item($line,1).Value())
if ($worksheet.Cells.Item($line,4).Value() -like "*06-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,4).Value() -like "*07-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,4).Value() -like "*???-???-????*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,4).Value() -like "*????-???-????-????*")
$MobilePhone = $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,4).Value()
if ($worksheet.Cells.Item($line,5).Value() -like "*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*")
$DECTPhone = $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,5).Value()
if ($worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*01-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*02-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*03-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*04-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*05-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*09-??-??-??-??*" -or $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value() -like "*????-???-????-????*")
$FixePhone = $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,6).Value()
$NOM = $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,1).Value()
$PRENOM = $worksheet.Cells.Item($line,2).Value()
if ((Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(GivenName=$PRENOM)(Sn=$NOM))" | ft -HideTableHeaders DistinguishedName | Out-String).Trim())
$DN = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(GivenName=$PRENOM)(Sn=$NOM))" | ft -HideTableHeaders DistinguishedName | Out-String).Trim()
#Dans le cas ou l'utilisateur à plusieurs comptes, on place $DN dans un foreach
foreach ( $a in $($DN -split "`r`n") )
if ( $MobilePhone -eq '' )
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Clear mobile
if ($MobilePhone -like "*0?-??-??-??-??*")
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Replace #{mobile=$MobilePhone}
if ( $DECTPhone -eq '' )
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Clear otherTelephone
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Replace #{otherTelephone=$DECTPhone}
if ( $FixePhone -eq '' )
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Clear telephoneNumber
if ($FixePhone -like "*0?-??-??-??-??*")
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Replace #{telephoneNumber=$FixePhone}
Script is working on Windows 2008 R2 but not on Windows server 2019.
Set-ADObject : Type non valide « System.Double ». Nom du paramètre : otherTelephone Au caractère Ligne:63 : 5
+ ... Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Replace #{otherTelephone=$DECT ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument : (CN=XXXX\, Xx...T,DC=XXX,DC=XXX:ADObject) [Set-ADObject], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.SetADObject
When i initialise $NOM and $PRENOM and $DN with get-adobject, set-adobject command works without system.double error.
Thanks for help.

You shall put double quote on every set-adobject lines.
Set-ADObject -Identity $a -Replace #{otherTelephone="$DECTPhone"}


How to get the 'status' column value in Windows explorer by PowerShell or java

when we open a windows explorer, we will see multi-column, like this:
now, I want to get the status column(Circled in red) value by PowerShell or java, Is there a way to do it?
You can include below function and modify as per your need in Powershell.
Below Powershell function can be used to get all details or properties of an item in file explorer.
function Get-FileMetaData {
Small function that gets metadata information from file providing similar output to what Explorer shows when viewing file
Small function that gets metadata information from file providing similar output to what Explorer shows when viewing file
FileName or FileObject
Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Force | Get-FileMetaData | Out-HtmlView -ScrollX -Filtering -AllProperties
Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Force | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -like '*Hidden*' } | Get-FileMetaData | Out-HtmlView -ScrollX -Filtering -AllProperties
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)][Object] $File,
[switch] $Signature
Process {
foreach ($F in $File) {
$MetaDataObject = [ordered] #{}
if ($F -is [string]) {
$FileInformation = Get-ItemProperty -Path $F
} elseif ($F -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
#Write-Warning "Get-FileMetaData - Directories are not supported. Skipping $F."
} elseif ($F -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
$FileInformation = $F
} else {
Write-Warning "Get-FileMetaData - Only files are supported. Skipping $F."
$ShellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$ShellFolder = $ShellApplication.Namespace($FileInformation.Directory.FullName)
$ShellFile = $ShellFolder.ParseName($FileInformation.Name)
$MetaDataProperties = [ordered] #{}
0..400 | ForEach-Object -Process {
$DataValue = $ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_)
$PropertyValue = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($DataValue.Trim()).Replace(' ', '')
if ($PropertyValue -ne '') {
$MetaDataProperties["$_"] = $PropertyValue
foreach ($Key in $MetaDataProperties.Keys) {
$Property = $MetaDataProperties[$Key]
$Value = $ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf($ShellFile, [int] $Key)
if ($Property -in 'Attributes', 'Folder', 'Type', 'SpaceFree', 'TotalSize', 'SpaceUsed') {
If (($null -ne $Value) -and ($Value -ne '')) {
$MetaDataObject["$Property"] = $Value
if ($FileInformation.VersionInfo) {
$SplitInfo = ([string] $FileInformation.VersionInfo).Split([char]13)
foreach ($Item in $SplitInfo) {
$Property = $Item.Split(":").Trim()
if ($Property[0] -and $Property[1] -ne '') {
$MetaDataObject["$($Property[0])"] = $Property[1]
$MetaDataObject["Attributes"] = $FileInformation.Attributes
$MetaDataObject['IsReadOnly'] = $FileInformation.IsReadOnly
$MetaDataObject['IsHidden'] = $FileInformation.Attributes -like '*Hidden*'
$MetaDataObject['IsSystem'] = $FileInformation.Attributes -like '*System*'
if ($Signature) {
$DigitalSignature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $FileInformation.Fullname
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateSubject'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Subject
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateIssuer'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Issuer
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateSerialNumber'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.SerialNumber
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateNotBefore'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.NotBefore
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateNotAfter'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.NotAfter
$MetaDataObject['SignatureCertificateThumbprint'] = $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Thumbprint
$MetaDataObject['SignatureStatus'] = $DigitalSignature.Status
$MetaDataObject['IsOSBinary'] = $DigitalSignature.IsOSBinary
[PSCustomObject] $MetaDataObject
Reference :
Follow Below Link for the complete tutorial.

Why the argument is empty or null

I'm a novice at Powershell.
My script gather Windows Event Viewer logs and export data to csv files. If the input is empty then is used the default values.
But it crashes:
"Export-Csv: Unable to validate argument for "Path" parameter. The argument is empty or NULL. Specify a non-empty, non-null argument and then run the command again."
Could explain to me why??
function exportLogs
param (
$exportFolder=(Read-Host -prompt "exportFolder"),
$applicatiomLogs=(Read-Host -prompt "applicationLogs"),
$systemLogs=(Read-Host -prompt "systemLogs"),
$fromDate=(Read-Host -prompt "fromDate"),
$eventTypes=(Read-Host -prompt "eventTypes")
$comp = $env:computername
#check empty input and assign default values
if (!$exportFolder) { [String]$exportFolder="D:\temp\" }
if (!$applicationLogs) {
if (!$systemLogs) {
if (!$fromDate) { [DateTime]$fromDate=$now.AddDays(-30) }
if (!$eventtypes) { [String[]]$eventtypes=("Error", "Warning") }
if ($applicationLogs)
$exportFile = $exportFolder + "applicationLogs_" + $now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv"
$exportedLog = get-eventlog -ComputerName $comp -log "Application" -After $fromDate -EntryType $eventTypes
exportCsv($exportedLog, $exportFile)
if ($systemLogs)
$exportFile = $exportFolder + "systemLogs_" + $now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv"
$exportedLog = get-eventlog -ComputerName $comp -log "System" -After $fromDate -EntryType $eventTypes
exportCsv($exportedLog, $exportFile)
function exportCsv([String]$exportedLog, [String]$exportFile)
$el_sorted = $exportedLog | Sort-Object TimeGenerated
Write-Host Exporting to $exportFile
$el_sorted|Select MachineName, TimeGenerated, EntryType, Source, Message | Export-CSV $exportFile -NoTypeInfo
Try this refactor... (run on the default Windows Sandbox on Win10)
function New-LogExport
$el_sorted = $exportedLog |
Sort-Object TimeGenerated
Write-Host "Exporting to $exportFile"
$el_sorted |
Select-Object MachineName,
Message |
Export-Csv -Path $exportFile -NoTypeInfo
function Start-ExportLogs
$exportFolder = (Read-Host -prompt 'exportFolder'),
$applicatiomLogs = (Read-Host -prompt 'applicationLogs'),
$systemLogs = (Read-Host -prompt 'systemLogs'),
$fromDate = (Read-Host -prompt 'fromDate'),
$eventTypes = (Read-Host -prompt 'eventTypes')
$comp = $env:computername
$now = Get-Date
if (!$exportFolder)
{[String]$exportFolder = 'C:\temp'}
if (!$applicationLogs)
$applicationLogs = 'True'
if (!$systemLogs)
$systemLogs = 'True'
if (!$fromDate)
{[DateTime]$fromDate = $now.AddDays(-30)}
if (!$eventtypes)
{[String[]]$eventtypes = ('Error', 'Warning')}
if ($applicationLogs)
$exportFile = "$exportFolder\applicationLogs_$($now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')).csv"
$getEventLogSplat = #{
ComputerName = $comp
LogName = 'Application'
EntryType = $eventTypes
After = $fromDate
$exportedLog = Get-EventLog #getEventLogSplat
New-LogExport -exportedLog $exportedLog, -exportFile $exportFile
if ($systemLogs)
$exportFile = "$exportFolder\systemLogs_$($now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')).csv"
$getEventLogSplat = #{
ComputerName = $comp
LogName = 'System'
EntryType = $eventTypes
After = $fromDate
$exportedLog = Get-EventLog #getEventLogSplat
New-LogExport -exportedLog $exportedLog -exportFile $exportFile
# Results
Exporting to C:\temp\applicationLogs_20210120143659.csv
Exporting to C:\temp\systemLogs_20210120143659.csv

Get free disk space for different servers with separate credentials

I'm trying to query Disk space info on Grid box and Export it to CSV.
I was able to use Marc Weisel's script to make it use different credentials. I used computers.csv
to store the computer name and referenced credentials. This is working although the problem I'm facing is that Grid box opens for all the servers mentioned in the csv.
I want to view all disk space information on the same grid box.
Below are my script and module I'm using
Import-Module D:\get.psm1
Import-Module D:\out-CSV.psm1
$ComputerList = Import-Csv -Path d:\Computers.csv;
#$servers = 'laptop-pc','laptop-pc','laptop-pc'
$CredentialList = #{
Cred1 = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'laptop-pc\laptop', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'tamboli' -AsPlainText -Force);
#Cred2 = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'tnt\administrator', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Atlantic12' -AsPlainText -Force);
foreach ($computer in $ComputerList )
Get-DiskFree -ComputerName $Computer.Name -Credential $CredentialList[$Computer.Credential] -Format | ? { $_.Type -like '*fixed*' } | select * -ExcludeProperty Type |
function Get-DiskFree
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential =
function Format-HumanReadable
param ($size)
switch ($size)
{$_ -ge 1PB}{"{0:#.#'P'}" -f ($size / 1PB); break}
{$_ -ge 1TB}{"{0:#.#'T'}" -f ($size / 1TB); break}
{$_ -ge 1GB}{"{0:#.#'G'}" -f ($size / 1GB); break}
{$_ -ge 1MB}{"{0:#.#'M'}" -f ($size / 1MB); break}
{$_ -ge 1KB}{"{0:#'K'}" -f ($size / 1KB); break}
default {"{0}" -f ($size) + "B"}
$wmiq = 'SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size != Null AND DriveType >= 2'
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName)
if ($computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$disks = Get-WmiObject -Query $wmiq `
-ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop
$disks = Get-WmiObject -Query $wmiq `
-ComputerName $computer -Credential $Credential `
-ErrorAction Stop
if ($Format)
# Create array for $disk objects and then populate
$diskarray = #()
$disks | ForEach-Object { $diskarray += $_ }
$diskarray | Select-Object #{n='Name';e={$_.SystemName}},
#{n='Size';e={Format-HumanReadable $_.Size}},
#{n='Used';e={Format-HumanReadable `
#{n='Avail';e={Format-HumanReadable $_.FreeSpace}},
/($_.Size) * 100))}},
foreach ($disk in $disks)
$diskprops = #{'Volume'=$disk.DeviceID;
'Used'=($disk.Size - $disk.FreeSpace);
# Create custom PS object and apply type
$diskobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject `
-Property $diskprops
Write-Output $diskobj
# Check for common DCOM errors and display "friendly" output
switch ($_)
{ $_.Exception.ErrorCode -eq 0x800706ba } `
{ $err = 'Unavailable (Host Offline or Firewall)';
break; }
{ $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -eq 'UnauthorizedAccessException' } `
{ $err = 'Access denied (Check User Permissions)';
break; }
default { $err = $_.Exception.Message }
Write-Warning "$computer - $err"
END {}
You need to append the result of Get-DiskFree to an array in the loop, and pipe that result to the Grid View from outside your loop:
foreach ($computer in $ComputerList )
$result += Get-DiskFree -ComputerName $Computer.Name -Credential $CredentialList[$Computer.Credential] -Format | ? { $_.Type -like '*fixed*' } | select * -ExcludeProperty Type
$result | Out-GridView
Or, better yet, pipe the result from outside the Foreach-Object loop:
$ComputerList | % {
Get-DiskFree -ComputerName $_.Name -Credential $CredentialList[$_.Credential] -Format | ? { $_.Type -like '*fixed*' } | select * -ExcludeProperty Type
} | Out-GridView

Powershell input validition

I am trying to only allow a user to enter 2 letters when they rename a file if its exists.
It is not working as I wanted it. I am allowed to enter numbers.
if ($RenameLargeFiles.Length -gt '2') {
Write-Host " You may only enter 2 letters."
} else {
Rename-Item -Path $LargeFiles $RenameLargeFiles".txt"
$LargeFiles = $RenameLargeFiles
Set-Content -Value $Files -Path $LargeFiles
Set-StrictMode –Version Latest
$LargeFiles = "C:\PSScripts\LargeFiles.txt"
$PSScripts = "C:\PSScripts"
$TestPSScripts = Test-Path "C:\PSScripts"
switch ($TestPSScripts) {
'False' { New-Item -Type directory -Path $PSScripts }
function Test-Files {
$Files8 = ""
$Files8 = Read-Host " Please Enter the Complete Path. "
$TFiles8 = Test-Path $files8
if ($TFiles8 -eq 'True') {
Write-Host $Files8 "LOCATED."
} else {
Write-Host $Files8 "NOT FOUND"
function Test-LargeFiles {
$LargeFiles = "C:\PSScripts\LargeFiles.txt"
$TestLargeFiles = Test-Path $LargeFiles
if ($TestLargeFiles -eq 'True') {
Write-Host $LargeFiles "already present"
} else {
Write-Host $LargeFiles "NOT FOUND."
Write-Host $LargeFiles "created"
function Rename-LargeFiles {
$LargeFiles = "C:\PSScripts\LargeFiles.txt"
[string] $RenameLargeFiles = Read-Host " Please Enter 2 letters to rename" $LargeFiles
if ($RenameLargeFiles.Length -gt '2') {
Write-Host " You may only enter 2 letters."
} else {
Rename-Item -Path $LargeFiles $RenameLargeFiles".txt"
$LargeFiles = $RenameLargeFiles
Set-Content -Value $Files -Path $LargeFiles
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $Files8 | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Length | Select-Object -First 10
Add-Content -Value $Files -Path $LargeFiles
Use a regex like so:
if ($RenameLargeFiles -notmatch '[aA-zZ]{2}') {
... display error message

Powershell Debug Output

I have a powershell script that creates some DotNetZip ZIP files on a persistent connection on multiple servers, then uses Start-BitsTransfer to move the ZIP files from the remote servers to the local.
I run pretty much the same script on two different servers, on one it barely prints anything to the screen. On the other, it outputs a LOT - binary looking stuff. Is this because there is some kind of debug setting that is turned on on the server that is outputting all of this info? Is there a way I can turn it off? I'd rather it be more clean like the first server that runs the script.
Thank you!
Here is almost the entire script (without my servernames in the $webServers array:
Import-Module BitsTransfer
foreach($i in $webServers) {
if (!(Test-Path -path \\$i\d$\newDeploy)) {
New-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy -type directory
if (!(Test-Path -path \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup)) {
New-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup -type directory
if(!(Test-Path \\$i\d$\newDeploy\Ionic.Zip.dll)) {
Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$webDeployServer\d$\newDeploy\Ionic.Zip.dll -Destination \\$i\d$\newDeploy
foreach($i in $webServers) {
$sessionForI = New-PSSession -computername $i
Invoke-Command -Session $sessionForI -ScriptBlock {
if ((Test-Path D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\OffM.zip)) {
Remove-Item D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\OffM.zip
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\OffM", "OffM",1)
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\PaEnterprise", "PaEnterprise",1)
if ((Test-Path D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\Others.zip)) {
Remove-Item D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\Others.zip
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\MstrInt-PO", "MstrInt-PO",1)
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\Maint", "Maint",1)
if ((Test-Path D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\PPO.zip)) {
Remove-Item D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\PPO.zip
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\HC", "HC",1)
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\PaOn", "PaOn",1)
if($i -eq 'PYRALNWSP02V') {
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\HearPl", "HearPl",1)
} else {
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\HearPaPlu", "HearPaPlu",1)
if ((Test-Path D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\TiMan.zip)) {
Remove-Item D:\\newDeploy\\backup\\TiMan.zip
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\TiManView", "TiManView",1)
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\TiManOnline", "TiManOnline",1)
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'","D:\inetpub\wwwroot\TiManPOne", "TiManPOne",1)
remove-PSSession -session $sessionForI
foreach($i in $webServers) {
if(!(Test-Path -path D:\newDeploy\backup\$i)) {
New-Item D:\newDeploy\backup\$i -type directory
Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\OffM.zip -Destination D:\newDeploy\backup\$i
Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\Others.zip -Destination D:\newDeploy\backup\$i
Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\PPO.zip -Destination D:\newDeploy\backup\$i
Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\TiMan.zip -Destination D:\newDeploy\backup\$i
foreach($i in $webServers) {
Remove-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\OffM.zip
Remove-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\Others.zip
Remove-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\PPO.zip
Remove-Item \\$i\d$\newDeploy\backup\TiMan.zip
$directoryToZip = "D:\newDeploy\backup"
$date = get-date -format "M-d-yyyy"
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
$e = $zipfile.AddSelectedFiles("name != '*.e2e'",$directoryToZip, "",1)
There is a debug messages setting like that - $DebugPreference
It's default is SilentlyContinue. See if it is set to something else.
It would help if you also showed the difference in output. It could also be a verbose output as controlled by the $VerbosePreference
Look here to know about the preference varibales - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd347731.aspx
Add a [void] before [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom statements so that the output doesn't pollute the script output.
