Dividing a file to several chunks - go

Let's assume that we have a file of 100k lines or ~2gB and we want to split it in 10 chunks of 10k lines each, so that the chunks can then be processed in parallel. Is there any way to create pointers in the starting line of each of the 10 chunks, without needing to traverse the whole file ? I was thinking of somehow dividing the file with regards to its size, so that the pointers are created every 200mB. Is this even feasible ?

Yes, of course. But you need to make some assumptions and accept that your chunks will not be exact.
Either assume a standard line length or scan a few lines and measure it. Then you multiply that by the number of lines you are aiming for and just hope it's a good estimate.
Or if you just want 10 chunks take the file size and divide by 10.
So then you jump to that point in the file, either by using lseek and read, pread, or mmap. Then you scan forward until you find the end of a line and the start of the next.
It won't be exact line counts unless you actually count every line. But it will be pretty close.
I was bored and curious so check this out:


Searching for ordered series in a file

I have 2 file where each line contain an ordered series of id/value pairs of different sizes as follow
Each line/series is considered a coverage point. File one is a list of all the coverage points that i need to find(this file could be big 5000000 lines +). This file should never change as it is a master list of all the points I need to cover. The second file is a run report that is generate by my program.
What I have to do now is write a script that first takes the report file and for every point line/coverage point I need to search to master file and see if there is an exact line that matches the coverage point. I need to find the line number so i can save the number of time I hit that coverage point.
First option I go trough each line in the report file and compare it to each line of the master file
Second option I have some way of initially sorting the master file so it is easier to search
Third option I make some sort of "hash function" that would take a line and give it a unique ID.
Fourth option I use some sort of data structure initially loaded with the master file
Linked list
Tree structure
I think there is many ways of doing this but I want to do it as efficiently and without being to complex . if there are others I can't think about let me know. Any guidance at this point would be great
Here are a few points as example
Let m= number of lines in the master-file
Let n= number of lines in the report-file
For 5000000 lines + it is most likly infeasable to load it to into memory. So you have to cope with slow file-IO.
Some Comments:
First option I go trough each line in the report file and compare it to each line of the master file
This would be extremely slow (O(m*n)) and all of it is very slow file-IO
If you can load the whole report-file into RAM you could do so and read the master-file line by line and search for it in the report-file (in ram)
line in
still O(m*n)) but you read both files only once
Second option I have some way of initially sorting the master file so it is easier to search
This would only be an advantage if you find a way to search in the file at random line-positions. [Without extra effort this is only possible if all lines have the exact same size]. So searching would speed up from O(m) to O(log M).
So overall performance would still be (O((log m)*n)) and all of it is very slow file-IO
Third option I make some sort of "hash function" that would take a line and give it a unique ID.
Implementing a hash-function working on files is possible but kind of tricky. You could split up the master-file in a lot of files. Each file includes all lines corresponding to the same hash-value (witch is also the file-name).
Fourth option I use some sort of data structure initially loaded with the master file
My Answer:
You cannot keep the whole master-file in RAM (most likely).
If your repot-file is much smaller, you can keep it in RAM.
1. Approach (quite simple):
Make a HashSet of the report-file in Ram and than iterate over the master-file (once) and check each line if it is in your HashSet.
Takes O(m) time [+ O(n) to create the HashSet]
2. Approach: split the master-file in smaller files matching their hash-value:
Load your report-file and store it in a HashSet. Than for each hasgh-value in our report-file-hash-set, we look in the corresponding master-file-hash-value-part to check for a match.
Takes O(n) time [+ O(n) to create the HashSet + O(m) to create the master-file-hash-files]

Searching a file non-sequentially

Usually when I search a file with grep, the search is done sequentially. Is it possible to perform a non-sequential search or a parallel search? Or for example, a search between line l1 and line l2 without having to go through the first l1-1 lines?
You can use tail -n +N file | grep to begin a grep at a given line offset.
You can combine head with tail to search over just a fixed range.
However, this still must scan the file for end of line characters.
In general, sequential reads are the fastest reads for disks. Trying to do a parallel search will most likely cause random disk seeks and perform worse.
For what it is worth, a typical book contains about 200 words per page. At a typical 5 letters per word, you're looking at about 1kb per page, so 1000 pages would still be 1MB. A standard desktop hard drive can easily read that in a fraction of a second.
You can't speed up disk read throughput this way. In fact, I can almost guarantee you are not saturating your disk read rate right now for a file that small. You can use iostat to confirm.
If your file is completely ASCII, you may be able to speed things up by setting you locale to the C locale to avoid doing any type of Unicode translation.
If you need to do multiple searches over the same file, it would be worthwhile to build a reverse index to do the search. For code there are tools like exuberant ctags that can do that for you. Otherwise, you're probably looking at building a custom tool. There are tools for doing general text search over large corpuses, but that's probably overkill for you. You could even load the file into a database like Postgresql that supports full text search and have it build an index for you.
Padding the lines to a fixed record length is not necessarily going to solve your problem. As I mentioned before, I don't think you have an IO throughout issue, you could see that yourself by simply moving the file to a temporary ram disk that you create. That removes all potential IO. If that's still not fast enough for you then you're going to have to pursue an entirely different solution.
if your lines are fixed length, you can use dd to read a particular section of the file:
dd if=myfile.txt bs=<line_leght> count=<lines_to_read> skip=<start_line> | other_commands
Note that dd will read from disk using the block size specified for input (bs). That might be slow and could be batched, by reading a group of lines at once so that you pull from disk at least 4kb. In this case you want to look at skip_bytes and count_bytes flags to be able to start and end at lines that are not multiple of your block size.
Another interesting option is the output block size obs, which could benefit from being either the same of input or a single line.
The simple answer is: you can't. What you want contradicts itself: You don't want to scan the entire file, but you want to know where each line ends. You can't know where each line ends without actually scanning the file. QED ;)

How to Find Exact Row in Log File

If you have a big log file, billions of lines long. The files have some columns, like IP addresses: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
How can I find exact one line quickly, like if I want to find
A naive line-by-line search seems too slow.
If you don't have any other information to go on (such as a date range, assuming the file is sorted), then line-by-line search is your best option. Now, that doesn't mean you need to read in lines. Also, it might be more efficient for you to search backwards because you know the entry is recent.
The general approach (for searching backwards) is this:
Declare a buffer. You will read chunks of the file at a time into this buffer as fast as possible (preferably by using low-level operating system calls that can read directly without any buffering/caching).
So you seek to the end of your file minus the size of your buffer and read that many bytes.
Now you search forwards through your buffer for the first newline character. Remember that offset for later, as it represents a partial line. Starting at next line, you search forward to the end of the buffer looking for your string. If it has to be in a certain column but other columns could contain that value, then you need to do some parsing.
Now you continue to search backwards through your file. You seek to the last position you read from minus the chunk size plus the offset that you found when you searched for a newline character. Now, you read again. If you like you can move that partial line to the end of the buffer and read fewer bytes but it's not going to make a huge difference if your chunks are large enough.
And you continue until you reach the beginning of the file. There is of course a special case when the number of bytes to read is less than the chunk size (namely, you don't ignore the first line). I assume that you won't reach the beginning of the file because it seems clear that you don't want to search the entire thing.
So that's the approach when you have no idea where the value is. If you do have some idea on ordering, then of course you probably want to do a binary search. In that case you can use smaller chunk sizes (enough to at least catch a full line).
You really need to search for some regularity in the file and exploit that, Barring that, then if you have more processors you could split the file into sections and search in parallel - assuming I/O would not then be a bottleneck.

How to get the line count of a large file, at least 5G

How to get the line count of a large file, at least 5G. the fastest approach using shell.
Step 1: head -n filename > newfile // get the first n lines into newfile,e.g. n =5
Step 2: Get the huge file size, A
Step 3: Get the newfile size,B
Step 4: (A/B)*n is approximately equal to the exact line count.
Set n to be different values,done a few times more, then get the average.
The fastest approach is likely to be wc -l.
The wc command is optimized to do exactly this kind of thing. It's very unlikely that anything else you can do (other than doing it on more powerful hardware) is going to be any faster.
Yes, counting lines in a 5 gigabyte text file is slow. It's a big file.
The only alternative would be to store the data in some different format in the first place, perhaps a database, perhaps a file with fixed-length records. Converting your 5 gigabyte text file to some other format is going to take at least as wrong as running wc -l on it, but it might be worth it if you're going to be counting lines a lot. It's impossible to say what the tradeoffs are without more information.

Log combing algorithm

We get these ~50GB data files consisting of 16 byte codes, and I want to find any code that occurs 1/2% of the time or more. Is there any way I can do that in a single pass over the data?
Edit: There are tons of codes - it's possible that every code is different.
EPILOGUE: I've selected Darius Bacon as best answer, because I think the best algorithm is a modification of the majority element he linked to. The majority algorithm should be modifiable to only use a tiny amount of memory - like 201 codes to get 1/2% I think. Basically you just walk the stream counting up to 201 distinct codes. As soon as you find 201 distinct codes, you drop one of each code (deduct 1 from the counters, forgetting anything that becomes 0). At the end, you have dropped at most N/201 times, so any code occurring more times than that must still be around.
But it's a two pass algorithm, not one. You need a second pass to tally the counts of the candidates. It's actually easy to see that any solution to this problem must use at least 2 passes (the first batch of elements you load could all be different and one of those codes could end up being exactly 1/2%)
Thanks for the help!
Metwally et al., Efficient Computation of Frequent and Top-k Elements in Data Streams (2005). There were some other relevant papers I read for my work at Yahoo that I can't find now; but this looks like a good start.
Edit: Ah, see this Brian Hayes article. It sketches an exact algorithm due to Demaine et al., with references. It does it in one pass with very little memory, yielding a set of items including the frequent ones you're looking for, if they exist. Getting the exact counts takes a (now-tractable) second pass.
this will depend on the distribution of the codes. if there are a small enough number of distinct codes you can build a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_distribution in core with a map. otherwise you probably will have to build a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram and then make multiple passes over the data examining frequencies of codes in each bucket.
Sort chunks of the file in memory, as if you were performing and external sort. Rather than writing out all of the sorted codes in each chunk, however, you can just write each distinct code and the number of occurrences in that chunk. Finally, merge these summary records to find the number of occurrences of each code.
This process scales to any size data, and it only makes one pass over the input data. Multiple merge passes may be required, depending on how many summary files you want to open at once.
Sorting the file allows you to count the number of occurrences of each code using a fixed amount of memory, regardless of the input size.
You also know the total number of codes (either by dividing the input size by a fixed code size, or by counting the number of variable length codes during the sorting pass in a more general problem).
So, you know the proportion of the input associated with each code.
This is basically the pipeline sort * | uniq -c
If every code appears just once, that's no problem; you just need to be able to count them.
That depends on how many different codes exist, and how much memory you have available.
My first idea would be to build a hash table of counters, with the codes as keys. Loop through the entire file, increasing the counter of the respective code, and counting the overall number. Finally, filter all keys with counters that exceed (* overall-counter 1/200).
If the files consist solely of 16-byte codes, and you know how large each file is, you can calculate the number of codes in each file. Then you can find the 0.5% threshold and follow any of the other suggestions to count the occurrences of each code, recording each one whose frequency crosses the threshold.
Do the contents of each file represent a single data set, or is there an arbitrary cutoff between files? In the latter case, and assuming a fairly constant distribution of codes over time, you can make your life simpler by splitting each file into smaller, more manageable chunks. As a bonus, you'll get preliminary results faster and can pipeline then into the next process earlier.
