Label auto resizing for the bar charts dc.js - d3.js

I have a bar chart with in dc.js. The x axis is dimension and y is the measure ranging from 1 - 10k. I want to show all the bars and their labels not overlapping each other. Chart looks fine when there are few bars when the number of bars starts to increase they look not okay. I am looking to auto resize the labels for the bar-chart.
Sample Chart
I tried this method of renderlet to change the fontsize automatically
stackedBarChart.on('renderlet', function(chart) {
.attr('transform', function(d) {
//How do i get/set the width of the label here ?

I tried the below and I am able to do dynamic label sizing. I used pretransistion and inside that fetched all bar lables and altered their font-size. The font sizing is altered according to Gordon's Idea, Getting each bar's size and and assigning the font size dynamically. For testing I have used .2 as a factor to reduce the font size.
.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
var chart_width = chart.width();
chart.selectAll("text.barLabel").attr('font-size', function(data) {
let total_bars =;
let sing_bar_width = Math.floor(chart_width / total_bars);
return (sing_bar_width * .2) + "px";


D3 - resizable chart with brush

I've created a timeseries chart with brush selection based on MB's example however I am trying to make my chart resizable.
I need the brush selection to persist between resize's so that the "focus" chart is showing the same data range before and after a resize event.
I believe I need to save the selection (as t1, t2) and then re-apply it after all elements have been resized but I'm not sure of the best way to achieve this.
I've read the documentation and can't find any suggestion regarding programatically getting/setting the selection from t values.
I gather a call to brush.move will be necessary:"g.brush")
.call(brush.move, x.range());
but i'm not sure how to modify this to regain the previous selection.
In-case it helps, I've created a fiddle which is working, except for the brush selection which resets on every resize.
Firstly, on resize - record the ratio of change in width:
var widthBefore = width;
width = svgWidth - margin.left - margin.right;
and then, determine the current brush selection
var brushSelection = null;
var brushNode ="g.brush").node();
if (brushNode)
brushSelection = d3.brushSelection(brushNode);
modify the selection according to the ratio of change
if (brushSelection) {
brushSelection = {
return x * (width / widthBefore);
if there isn't a selection, fallback to something valid
brushSelection = x.range();
then apply this to the brush"g.brush")
.call(brush.move, brushSelection);

DC.JS/Crossfilter: Percentage on y-axis of a bar chart with linear x-axis?

I want to display percentages on the y-axis of a dc.js barchart that can dynamically change when filtering the chart itself or some other charts.
Here is my case:
var ndx = crossfilter(dataCsvInitial);
var all = ndx.groupAll();
var accCredLimDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.acct_curr_crlimit;});
Then, I group by bins:
var value_range_credlim = maxCredLim - minCredLim; // defined earlier...
var nb_of_bins_credlim = 50,
bin_width_credlim = value_range_credlim/nb_of_bins_credlim;
var accCredLimGrp = {return Math.floor(d/bin_width_credlim)*bin_width_credlim;});
And draw my bar chart:
var creditBar = dc.barChart("#creditDistrib");
.margins({top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 50})
.x(d3.scaleLinear().domain([minCredLim, maxCredLim]))
.xUnits(function(){return nb_of_bins_credlim;})
.xAxisLabel("Credit Limit")
I succeeded to do what I want initially just by customizing the yAxis().tickFormat() attribute of the bar chart, by dividing the tick value by the total number of rows being filtered at the moment:
creditBarChart.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
return 100*d/all.value() + '%';
And I recompute these ticks every time a transition is being made, because my y-axis is elastic:
.on("pretransition", function(){
creditBar.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
if (!creditBar.hasFilter()){
return Math.trunc(100*d/all.value()) + '%';
As you can see, I don't update the ticks when the bar chart is being filtered. Indeed, when it is filtered I want the ticks to remain unchanged, as the y-axis should not change. However, because I am dividing the tick value by all.value() this rule cannot work when filtering the bar chart itself. The displayed percentages are obviously wrong.
This question is quite close to solving my problem: link but it is applicable only for categorical bar chart...
How can I display percentages on the y-axis ticks, that can change of values when filtering other charts and also when filtering the chart itself?
Is there a sort of all.value() that would be computed excluding the effect of filtering a specified chart?
Since you want the groupAll not to observe the filter on this chart, you should use the chart dimension's groupAll not the one on the crossfilter object. From the docs:
Note: a grouping intersects the crossfilter's current filters, except
for the associated dimension's filter. Thus, group methods consider
only records that satisfy every filter except this dimension's filter.
So, if the crossfilter of payments is filtered by type and total, then
groupAll by total only observes the filter by type.
That's kind of a mouthful, but I hope the intention is clear.
var accCredLimDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.acct_curr_crlimit;});
var all = accCredLimDim.groupAll();
Once you do that, you don't have to put an if statement in your tickFormat definition:
.on("pretransition", function(){
creditBar.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
return Math.trunc(100*d/all.value()) + '%';
The if statement was incorrect for a couple of reasons. First, there could be a filter on this chart and also filters on the other charts. Second, any accessor you call, like tickFormat, needs to return a value every time it is called. But this would return undefined if there was any filter on this chart, because that is the default return value in JS.

dc.js Can a Pie Legend be recentered after filtering

I would like to be able to recenter a Pie charts legend after it has been filtered. Slices/Legends will removed when filtering because we remove empty bins. I added a pretransition listener to chart2, but that seems to be to late because the legend y value is the previous value and not current.
.on('pretransition', chart => buildLegend (chart))
If Male is selected on the Gender Pie chart I want the 4 legend items on the Job Pie chart to be re-centered. Any suggestions?
You can see a jsFiddle example.
A little more digging around showed me how to reference and update SVG elements.
function recenterLegend(chart) {
.attr('transform', function(d) {
let legendY = (300 - ( * 16)) / 2;
let translate = 'translate(220,' + legendY + ')';
return translate ;
Here is the updated jsfiddle.

dc.js pieChart set specific x axis value

I am working on dc.js, i have draw pieChart
.group(startValueGroup, "StartValue")
.title(function(d) {
return d.key + ": " + d.value;
.on("filtered", function (chart) { () {
Now, I want to set specific x axis value. Currently, pieChart taking center position of define width and height. That mean it's taking position of (150,100). I want to change this position to (100, 100).
How can i change position of x axis as per above code?
You can't set this directly in the dc options, but you can modify these values after the chart has been rendered. Assuming that "pie" is the ID of the DOM element that you rendered the pie chart into, you can do"#pie > svg > g").attr("transform", "translate(100,100)");
I know it is an old post and that the answer works perfectly but when the chart is part of a bigger system (several charts) I found easier to add the above command directly to the chart by doing this:
pieChart.on('renderlet', function (chart) {"svg > g").attr("transform", "translate("100,100)");
Actually I just found out you can do:
which will set the centre of the pie chart to 100, 100 before render.

How do you set the width of the legend of a Microsoft .Net chart control?

The legend currently auto-sizes according to the max width of the labels it contains, which is throwing my layout. I need to set a width or min-width. Here is my legend creation method:
public Legend CreateLegend()
var legend = new Legend();
legend.Enabled = true;
legend.Font = new Font("Arial", 11F);
legend.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(102, 102, 102);
return legend;
It seems like anything I do which accesses the Position object for the legend (defines X an Y coords, width and height) makes the legend disappear completely.
So legend.Position.Width = 5 would make it disappear...
Okay, turns out that if you do not define all four properties of the Position object, it sets them to height was it disappeared. Awesome.
