RxSwift Delegate Binding isn't Generated? - rx-swift

I am trying to bind a delegate this is what was done
/** Delegate Proxy **/
func castOrThrow<T>(_ resultType: T.Type, _ object:Any) throws -> T {
guard let returnValue = object as? T else {
throw RxCocoaError.castingError(object: object, targetType: resultType)
return returnValue
public protocol TestEventGeneratorDelegate:class {
#objc optional func asyncEventResult(int:Int)
open class TestEventGenerator {
public var delegate: TestEventGeneratorDelegate?
func asyncCall() {
DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(1)) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.delegate?.asyncEventResult!(int: 0)
extension TestEventGenerator: HasDelegate {
public typealias Delegate = TestEventGeneratorDelegate
open class RxTestDelegateProxy : DelegateProxy<TestEventGenerator,TestEventGeneratorDelegate>,
TestEventGeneratorDelegate {
public weak private(set) var testGenerator: TestEventGenerator?
public init(testEventGenerator: ParentObject) {
self.testGenerator = testEventGenerator
super.init(parentObject: testEventGenerator, delegateProxy: RxTestDelegateProxy.self)
public static func registerKnownImplementations() {
self.register { RxTestDelegateProxy(testEventGenerator: $0) }
extension Reactive where Base: TestEventGenerator {
public var delegate: DelegateProxy<TestEventGenerator, TestEventGeneratorDelegate> {
return RxTestDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
public var asyncEventResult: Observable<Int> {
let source = delegate.methodInvoked(#selector(TestEventGeneratorDelegate.asyncEventResult(int:)))
.map { (a) in
return try castOrThrow(Int.self,a[0])
return source
/** Delegate Proxy **/
Then when I use it
let testEventGenerator = TestEventGenerator()
textEventGenerator.rx.asyncEventResult.subscribe.... // subscribe here no rx found?
testEventGenerator.asyncCall() // call and wait for the observable to return to the delegate
It doesn't compile and says there is no such rx
I have to bind it because the person who wrote the API didn't use a callback to return the value but rather a delegate.
This is example of how he wrote the code and how I want to wrap it.
Is there a way to bind a delegate that requires a kick off from asyncCall()?
so I can chain it using flatmapLatest in a promiseLike way?
Thanks let me know!
I followed these tutorial:
How to convert Delegate to Observable RxSwift?

have conform to TestEventGenerator:ReactiveCompatible and that will fix it.


How to write getter and setter for HasDelegate protocol in RxSwift?

I am implementing HasDelegate protocol to the IWDeviceManager.
In all the posts which I have read, no one has wrote getter & setter for this public var delegate property.
The compiler is explicitly asking me to write getter & setter for public var delegate. Why it's required in my case?
I tried writing but my code crashes when I try to get or set the delegate.
How do I solve this issue?
I have shared the code below
extension IWDeviceManager: HasDelegate {
public typealias Delegate = IWDeviceManagerDelegate
// Compiler explicitly asks to write getter and setter for this.
public var delegate: IWDeviceManagerDelegate? {
get { // Crashes here
return IWDeviceManager.shared()?.delegate
set(newValue) { // crashes here
IWDeviceManager.shared()?.delegate = newValue
Below is interface for IWDeviceManager
open class IWDeviceManager : NSObject {
weak open var delegate: IWDeviceManagerDelegate!
open class func shared() -> Self!
open func initMgr()
open func initMgr(with config: IWDeviceManagerConfig!)
Instead of using HasDelegate try this:
class IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy
: DelegateProxy<IWDeviceManager, IWDeviceManagerDelegate>
, DelegateProxyType
, IWDeviceManagerDelegate {
init(parentObject: IWDeviceManager) {
super.init(parentObject: parentObject, delegateProxy: IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy.self)
static func currentDelegate(for object: IWDeviceManager) -> Delegate? {
return object.delegate
static func setCurrentDelegate(_ delegate: IWDeviceManagerDelegate?, to object: IWDeviceManager) {
object.delegate = delegate
static func registerKnownImplementations() {
self.register { IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy(parentObject: $0) }

Cocoa: react to keyDown in QLPreviewPanel

I implemented quick look in my project in the following way in Swift 2 (I'm including this here for reference and because it might help someone else set it up).
My NSViewController contains a NSTableView subclass where I implemented keyDown to listen to the spacebar key being pressed (maybe not the best way but it works):
override func keyDown(theEvent: NSEvent) {
let s = theEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers!
let s1 = s.unicodeScalars
let s2 = s1[s1.startIndex].value
let s3 = Int(s2)
if s3 == Int(" ".utf16.first!) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(NSNotification(name: "MyTableViewSpacebar", object: nil))
In my view controller, I have an observer for this notification and the functions required by the QLPreviewPanel:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var myTableView: MyTableView!
var files = [FilesListData]() //array of custom class
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "spaceBarKeyDown:", name: "MyTableViewSpacebar", object: nil)
func spaceBarKeyDown(notification: NSNotification) {
if let panel = QLPreviewPanel.sharedPreviewPanel() {
override func acceptsPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel!) -> Bool {
return true
override func beginPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel!) {
panel.delegate = self
panel.dataSource = self
override func endPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel!) {
extension ViewController: QLPreviewPanelDataSource {
func numberOfPreviewItemsInPreviewPanel(panel: QLPreviewPanel!) -> Int {
return self.myTableView.selectedRowIndexes.count
func previewPanel(panel: QLPreviewPanel!, previewItemAtIndex index: Int) -> QLPreviewItem! {
if self.myTableView.selectedRow != -1 {
var items = [QLPreviewItem]()
let manager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
for i in self.myTableView.selectedRowIndexes {
let path = self.files[i].path //path to a MP3 file
if manager.fileExistsAtPath(path) {
items.append(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path))
} else {
items.append(qm_url) //image of a question mark used as placeholder
return items[index]
} else {
return qm_url //image of a question mark used as placeholder
What I would like to do now is listen to the keys "up arrow" and "down arrow" being pressed while the quick look panel is open, in order to change the selected row in the NSTableView, much like Finder behaves when you preview files with quick look. I have no clue as to how I could implement this. Any ideas?
Finally found what I was looking for and it's actually pretty simple.
Since my main view controller is also my delegate for the QLPreviewPanel, I added this:
extension ViewController: QLPreviewPanelDelegate {
func previewPanel(panel: QLPreviewPanel!, handleEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool {
let kc = event.keyCode
if (kc == 126 || kc == 125) { //up and down arrows
if event.type == NSEventType.KeyDown {
self.myTableView.keyDown(event) //send the event to the table
} else if event.type == NSEventType.KeyUp {
return true
return false
Then in my table view delegate:
func tableViewSelectionDidChange(notification: NSNotification) {
guard myTableView.numberOfSelectedRows > 0 else {
if let panel = QLPreviewPanel.sharedPreviewPanel() {
if panel.visible {
if let panel = QLPreviewPanel.sharedPreviewPanel() {
if panel.visible {
That's it! The QLPreviewPanelDataSource handles the rest.

Accessing PFObject Subclassed Properties from a Query

I am using Parse and have created a subclass of PFObject. When creating objects it makes things much easier. Once objects are created, I am experimenting with querying the database and accessing the custom properties I created. What I am finding is that I cannot use dot notation to access the properties when I am working the the PFObjects returned from the query. Is this normal?
Here is subclass I created.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import Parse
class MessagePFObject: PFObject
#NSManaged var messageSender : String
#NSManaged var messageReceiver : String
#NSManaged var messageMessage : String
#NSManaged var messageSeen : Bool
// Custom Query method.
override class func query() -> PFQuery?
let query = PFQuery(className: MessagePFObject.parseClassName())
return query
init(messageSenderInput: String?, messageReceiverInput: String?, messageMessageInput: String?)
self.messageSender = messageSenderInput!
self.messageReceiver = messageReceiverInput!
self.messageMessage = messageMessageInput!
self.messageSeen = false
override init()
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXTENSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
extension MessagePFObject : PFSubclassing
class func parseClassName() -> String
return "MessagePFObject"
override class func initialize()
var onceToken: dispatch_once_t = 0
dispatch_once(&onceToken) {
Here is my query and what I am required to do to access the properties. createdAt, updatedAt, etc are all available with dot notation but none of my custom properties are. You can see I access messageSeen with element.objectForKey("messageSeen").
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "messageSender == %# OR messageReceiver == %#", self.currentUser!.username!, self.currentUser!.username!)
let query = messagePFObject.queryWithPredicate(predicate)
query!.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock ({ (objects, error) -> Void in
if error == nil && objects!.count > 0
for element in objects!
else if error != nil
If this is normal then that is fine. I just want to make sure I am not missing something.
Take care,
Your object subclass has to implement the PFSubclassing protocol and you need to call MessagePFObject.registerSubclass() in your app delegate.
The parse documentation is very good : https://parse.com/docs/ios/guide#objects-subclasses

Custom NSView Drag and Drop images

I'm working on an OS X App and, I can't seem to get Drag and Drop to work. I've Googled a lot, but most posts about this subject are at least a few years old and none of them tells me the missing link I have in my thoughts.
Anyway, here is what I'm trying to do. I have an image somewhere on my desktop and I want the ability to drag and drop that into my Custom NSView. The custom view is a child object of a custom NSView named CircularImageView and is layer backed and only shows a circular shaped image on the screen.
Here's the code:
import Cocoa
import MCTools
#objc public protocol DragAndDropCircularImageViewDelegate {
func imageDumped(sender: AnyObject!)
#IBDesignable #objc public class DragAndDropCircularImageView: CircularImageView {
// This class provides the Drag And Drop Feature to the CircularImageView Class.
// MARK: New in this class
var highlight: Bool = false
public var delegate: DragAndDropCircularImageViewDelegate?
private func registerForDraggedImages() {
// MARK: CircularImageView Stuff
public override var image: NSImage? {
didSet {
if let newImage = image {
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
public override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
public override func updateLayer() {
if highlight == true {
// MARK: NS Dragging Destination Protocol
public override func draggingEntered(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation {
// When a drag enters our drop zone.
if NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard()) {
if ((sender.draggingSourceOperationMask().rawValue & NSDragOperation.Copy.rawValue) > 0) {
highlight = true
self.needsLayout = true
sender.enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(.Concurrent, forView: self, classes: [NSPasteboardItem.self], searchOptions: [NSPasteboardURLReadingContentsConformToTypesKey: self], usingBlock: { (draggingItem, idx, stop) -> Void in
return NSDragOperation.Copy
return NSDragOperation.None
public override func draggingExited(sender: NSDraggingInfo?) {
// When drag exits our drop zone remove highlight of the drop zone.
highlight = false
self.needsLayout = true
public override func prepareForDragOperation(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
// Update view for hovering drop.
highlight = false
self.needsLayout = true
// Can we accept the drop?
return NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard())
public override func performDragOperation(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
// Handle the drop data.
println("\(self)performDragOperation \(sender)")
if NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard()) {
self.image = NSImage(pasteboard: sender.draggingPasteboard())
return true
// MARK: Interface Builder Stuff
I have seen some posts that I should be using:
instead of:
But this doesn't seem to work in my case, when I'm using NSFileNamesPboardType I get the following debug message even before any of the NSDraggingDestination protocol messages have been called:
2015-05-07 11:07:19.583 CircularImageViewTest[44809:14389647] -[CircularView.DragAndDropCircularImageView copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x608000166d80
(lldb) p 0x608000166d80
(Int) $R0 = 106102873550208
I don't understand how this works. Somewhere the frameworks try to copyWithZone on an integer? Can anyone explain this to me?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Ok, the code below works. It was all caused by sender.enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions in draggingEntered. Something goes wrong in the Apple frameworks when it is called.
import Cocoa
import MCTools
#objc public protocol DragAndDropCircularImageViewDelegate {
func imageDumped(sender: AnyObject!)
#IBDesignable #objc public class DragAndDropCircularImageView: CircularImageView {
// This class provides the Drag And Drop Feature to the CircularImageView Class.
// MARK: New in this class
var highlight: Bool = false
public weak var delegate: DragAndDropCircularImageViewDelegate?
private func registerForDraggedImages() {
// self.registerForDraggedTypes(NSImage.imageTypes())
// MARK: CircularImageView Stuff
public override var image: NSImage? {
didSet {
if let newImage = image {
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
public override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
public override func updateLayer() {
if highlight == true {
// MARK: NS Dragging Destination Protocol
public override func draggingEntered(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation {
// When a drag enters our drop zone.
if NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard()) {
if ((sender.draggingSourceOperationMask().rawValue & NSDragOperation.Copy.rawValue) > 0) {
highlight = true
self.needsLayout = true
return NSDragOperation.Copy
return NSDragOperation.None
public override func draggingExited(sender: NSDraggingInfo?) {
// When drag exits our drop zone remove highlight of the drop zone.
highlight = false
self.needsLayout = true
public override func prepareForDragOperation(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
// Update view for hovering drop.
highlight = false
self.needsLayout = true
// Can we accept the drop?
return NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard())
public override func performDragOperation(sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
// Handle the drop data.
println("\(self)performDragOperation \(sender)")
if NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(sender.draggingPasteboard()) {
self.image = NSImage(pasteboard: sender.draggingPasteboard())
return true
// MARK: Interface Builder Stuff

Delegates in swift?

How does one go about making a delegate, i.e. NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate in swift?
Here's a little help on delegates between two view controllers:
Step 1: Make a protocol in the UIViewController that you will be removing/will be sending the data.
protocol FooTwoViewControllerDelegate:class {
func myVCDidFinish(_ controller: FooTwoViewController, text: String)
Step2: Declare the delegate in the sending class (i.e. UIViewcontroller)
class FooTwoViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: FooTwoViewControllerDelegate?
Step3: Use the delegate in a class method to send the data to the receiving method, which is any method that adopts the protocol.
#IBAction func saveColor(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
delegate?.myVCDidFinish(self, text: colorLabel.text) //assuming the delegate is assigned otherwise error
Step 4: Adopt the protocol in the receiving class
class ViewController: UIViewController, FooTwoViewControllerDelegate {
Step 5: Implement the delegate method
func myVCDidFinish(_ controller: FooTwoViewController, text: String) {
colorLabel.text = "The Color is " + text
controller.navigationController.popViewController(animated: true)
Step 6: Set the delegate in the prepareForSegue:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "mySegue" {
let vc = segue.destination as! FooTwoViewController
vc.colorString = colorLabel.text
vc.delegate = self
And that should work. This is of course just code fragments, but should give you the idea. For a long explanation of this code you can go over to my blog entry here:
segues and delegates
If you are interested in what's going on under the hood with a delegate I did write on that here:
under the hood with delegates
Delegates always confused me until I realized that a delegate is just a class that does some work for another class. It's like having someone else there to do all the dirty work for you that you don't want to do yourself.
I wrote a little story to illustrate this. Read it in a Playground if you like.
Once upon a time...
// MARK: Background to the story
// A protocol is like a list of rules that need to be followed.
protocol OlderSiblingDelegate: class {
// The following command (ie, method) must be obeyed by any
// underling (ie, delegate) of the older sibling.
func getYourNiceOlderSiblingAGlassOfWater()
// MARK: Characters in the story
class BossyBigBrother {
// I can make whichever little sibling is around at
// the time be my delegate (ie, slave)
weak var delegate: OlderSiblingDelegate?
func tellSomebodyToGetMeSomeWater() {
// The delegate is optional because even though
// I'm thirsty, there might not be anyone nearby
// that I can boss around.
// Poor little sisters have to follow (or at least acknowledge)
// their older sibling's rules (ie, protocol)
class PoorLittleSister: OlderSiblingDelegate {
func getYourNiceOlderSiblingAGlassOfWater() {
// Little sis follows the letter of the law (ie, protocol),
// but no one said exactly how she had to respond.
print("Go get it yourself!")
// MARK: The Story
// Big bro is laying on the couch watching basketball on TV.
let bigBro = BossyBigBrother()
// He has a little sister named Sally.
let sally = PoorLittleSister()
// Sally walks into the room. How convenient! Now big bro
// has someone there to boss around.
bigBro.delegate = sally
// So he tells her to get him some water.
// Unfortunately no one lived happily ever after...
// The end.
In review, there are three key parts to making and using the delegate pattern.
the protocol that defines what the worker needs to do
the boss class that has a delegate variable, which it uses to tell the worker class what to do
the worker class that adopts the protocol and does what is required
Real life
In comparison to our Bossy Big Brother story above, delegates are often used for the following practical applications:
Communication: one class needs to send some information to another class.
Code example 1: sending data from one view controller to another
Code example 2: sending text input from a custom keyboard to a text field
Customization: one class wants to allow another class to customize it.
The great part is that these classes don't need to know anything about each other beforehand except that the delegate class conforms to the required protocol.
I highly recommend reading the following two articles. They helped me understand delegates even better than the documentation did.
What is Delegation? – A Swift Developer’s Guide
How Delegation Works – A Swift Developer’s Guide
One more note
Delegates that reference other classes that they do not own should use the weak keyword to avoid strong reference cycles. See this answer for more details.
It is not that different from obj-c.
First, you have to specify the protocol in your class declaration, like following:
class MyClass: NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate
The implementation will look like following:
// NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate implementation
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, didDeliverNotification notification: NSUserNotification) {
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, didActivateNotification notification: NSUserNotification) {
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, shouldPresentNotification notification: NSUserNotification) -> Bool {
return true
Of course, you have to set the delegate. For example:
NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter().delegate = self;
I got few corrections to post of #MakeAppPie
First at all when you are creating delegate protocol it should conform to Class protocol. Like in example below.
protocol ProtocolDelegate: class {
func myMethod(controller:ViewController, text:String)
Second, your delegate should be weak to avoid retain cycle.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: ProtocolDelegate?
Last, you're safe because your protocol is an optional value. That means its "nil" message will be not send to this property. It's similar to conditional statement with respondToselector in objC but here you have everything in one line:
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myMethod:text:)]) {
[self.delegate myMethod:self text:#"you Text"];
Above you have an obj-C example and below you have Swift example of how it looks.
delegate?.myMethod(self, text:"your Text")
Here's a gist I put together. I was wondering the same and this helped improve my understanding. Open this up in an Xcode Playground to see what's going on.
protocol YelpRequestDelegate {
func getYelpData() -> AnyObject
func processYelpData(data: NSData) -> NSData
class YelpAPI {
var delegate: YelpRequestDelegate?
func getData() {
println("data being retrieved...")
let data: AnyObject? = delegate?.getYelpData()
func processYelpData(data: NSData) {
println("data being processed...")
let data = delegate?.processYelpData(data)
class Controller: YelpRequestDelegate {
init() {
var yelpAPI = YelpAPI()
yelpAPI.delegate = self
func getYelpData() -> AnyObject {
println("getYelpData called")
return NSData()
func processYelpData(data: NSData) -> NSData {
println("processYelpData called")
return NSData()
var controller = Controller()
I am explaining with example of Delegate with two viewControllers.In this case, SecondVC Object is sending data back to first View Controller.
Class with Protocol Declaration
protocol getDataDelegate {
func getDataFromAnotherVC(temp: String)
import UIKit
class SecondVC: UIViewController {
var delegateCustom : getDataDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func backToMainVC(sender: AnyObject) {
//calling method defined in first View Controller with Object
self.delegateCustom?.getDataFromAnotherVC(temp: "I am sending data from second controller to first view controller.Its my first delegate example. I am done with custom delegates.")
In First ViewController Protocol conforming is done here:
class ViewController: UIViewController, getDataDelegate
Protocol method definition in First View Controller(ViewController)
func getDataFromAnotherVC(temp : String)
// dataString from SecondVC
lblForData.text = dataString
During push the SecondVC from First View Controller (ViewController)
let objectPush = SecondVC()
objectPush.delegateCustom = self
self.navigationController.pushViewController(objectPush, animated: true)
First class:
protocol NetworkServiceDelegate: class {
func didCompleteRequest(result: String)
class NetworkService: NSObject {
weak var delegate: NetworkServiceDelegate?
func fetchDataFromURL(url : String) {
delegate?.didCompleteRequest(result: url)
Second class:
class ViewController: UIViewController, NetworkServiceDelegate {
let network = NetworkService()
override func viewDidLoad() {
network.delegate = self
network.fetchDataFromURL(url: "Success!")
func didCompleteRequest(result: String) {
Very easy step by step (100% working and tested)
step1: Create method on first view controller
func updateProcessStatus(isCompleted : Bool){
if isCompleted{
self.labelStatus.text = "Process is completed"
self.labelStatus.text = "Process is in progress"
step2: Set delegate while push to second view controller
#IBAction func buttonAction(_ sender: Any) {
let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "secondViewController") as! secondViewController
secondViewController.delegate = self
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondViewController, animated: true)
step3: set delegate like
class ViewController: UIViewController,ProcessStatusDelegate {
step4: Create protocol
protocol ProcessStatusDelegate:NSObjectProtocol{
func updateProcessStatus(isCompleted : Bool)
step5: take a variable
var delegate:ProcessStatusDelegate?
step6: While go back to previous view controller call delegate method so first view controller notify with data
#IBAction func buttonActionBack(_ sender: Any) {
delegate?.updateProcessStatus(isCompleted: true)
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
#IBAction func buttonProgress(_ sender: Any) {
delegate?.updateProcessStatus(isCompleted: false)
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
Simple Example:
protocol Work: class {
func doSomething()
class Manager {
weak var delegate: Work?
func passAlong() {
class Employee: Work {
func doSomething() {
print("Working on it")
let manager = Manager()
let developer = Employee()
manager.delegate = developer
manager.passAlong() // PRINTS: Working on it
Delegates are a design pattern that allows one object to send messages to another object when a specific event happens.
Imagine an object A calls an object B to perform an action. Once the action is complete, object A should know that B has completed the task and take necessary action, this can be achieved with the help of delegates!
Here is a tutorial implementing delegates step by step in swift 3
Tutorial Link
Here is real life delegate scenario
Lets make our own UITextField and UITextFieldDelegate
protocol UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) -> Void
class UITextField {
var delegate: UITextFieldDelegate?
private var mText: String?
var text: String? {
get {
return mText
init(text: String) {
init() {
func setText(_ text: String) {
mText = text
class Main {
let textfield = UITextField()
func viewDidLoad() {
textfield.delegate = self
extension Main: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
print(textField.text ?? "No string")
let main = Main()
Here Simple Code Example of Delegate:
//MARK: - Protocol ShowResult
protocol ShowResult: AnyObject {
func show(value: Int)
//MARK: - MyOperation Class
class MyOperation {
weak var delegate: ShowResult?
func sum(fNumber: Int, sNumber: Int) {
delegate?.show(value: fNumber + sNumber)
//MARK: - ViewController Class
class ViewController: UIViewController,ShowResult {
var myOperation: MyOperation?
override func viewDidLoad() {
myOperation?.delegate = self
myOperation?.sum(fNumber: 100, sNumber: 20)
private func loadMyOperation() {
if myOperation == nil {
myOperation = MyOperation()
func show(value: Int) {
print("value: \(value)")
The solutions above seemed a little coupled and at the same time avoid reuse the same protocol in other controllers, that's why I've come with the solution that is more strong typed using generic type-erasure.
#noreturn public func notImplemented(){
fatalError("not implemented yet")
public protocol DataChangedProtocol: class{
typealias DataType
func onChange(t:DataType)
class AbstractDataChangedWrapper<DataType> : DataChangedProtocol{
func onChange(t: DataType) {
class AnyDataChangedWrapper<T: DataChangedProtocol> : AbstractDataChangedWrapper<T.DataType>{
var base: T
init(_ base: T ){
self.base = base
override func onChange(t: T.DataType) {
class AnyDataChangedProtocol<DataType> : DataChangedProtocol{
var base: AbstractDataChangedWrapper<DataType>
init<S: DataChangedProtocol where S.DataType == DataType>(_ s: S){
self.base = AnyDataChangedWrapper(s)
func onChange(t: DataType) {
class Source : DataChangedProtocol {
func onChange(data: String) {
print( "got new value \(data)" )
class Target {
var delegate: AnyDataChangedProtocol<String>?
func reportChange(data:String ){
var source = Source()
var target = Target()
target.delegate = AnyDataChangedProtocol(source)
output: got new value newValue
In swift 4.0
Create a delegate on class that need to send some data or provide some functionality to other classes
protocol GetGameStatus {
var score: score { get }
func getPlayerDetails()
After that in the class that going to confirm to this delegate
class SnakesAndLadders: GetGameStatus {
func getPlayerDetails() {
In swift 5
I am a beginner, I think this is easiest way to understand in practical scenario
Note:Any improvisations are most appreciated
protocol APIService {
func onSuccessResponse() -> AnyObject
func onFailureResponse() -> AnyObject
class APIHelper{
var delegate : APIService?
func postUsersDataAPI() {
//assuming API communication is success
let _: AnyObject? = delegate?.onSuccessResponse()
}else if(failure){
let _: AnyObject? = delegate?.onFailureResponse()
func getAllUsersAPI() {
//assuming API communication is success
let _: AnyObject? = delegate?.onSuccessResponse()
}else if(failure){
let _: AnyObject? = delegate?.onFailureResponse()
class ViewController:UIViewController,APIService {
func onSuccessResponse() -> AnyObject {
print("onSuccessResponse") as AnyObject
func onFailureResponse() -> AnyObject {
print("onFailureResponse") as AnyObject
#IBAction func clickBtnToPostUserData(_ sender: Any) {
let apiHelper = APIHelper()
apiHelper.delegate = self
