Fibonacci series sequence in ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to write a Fibonacci sequence program in ruby without using the recursion.
can you please help me to write this function.

def fibonacci(n)
final = []
(0..n).each_with_index do |i, _|
next final << i if || i == 1
final << final[i - 1] + final[i - 2]
puts fibonacci(10)


ruby not equal operator doesn't work but equal does [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm very puzzled with this simple method I have where I'm just trying to puts a character of an array if, when compared with the character of another array, it is different.
This works with the == operator but not with the !=
Maybe it has to do with the each loops but I can't see what the error is. Any ideas?
def remove_vowels(s)
nw_s = s.chars
vowels = "aeiou".chars
result = []
nw_s.each do |char|
vowels.each do |vowel|
if char != vowel
print char
Nested each is no ruby way of doing this kind of task. You can write this
def remove_vowels(s)
nw_s = s.chars
vowels = "aeiou".chars
result = {|k| k unless vowels.include?(k) }.compact
One line of code instead seven

How can I print out the value of each key in a hash represented by *'s? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Here is my code:
class String
def frequency
chars.each_with_object( do |char, h|
h["#{char.upcase}:"] += 1 if char[/[[:alpha:]]/]
I've tried breaking it down in smaller bit's of code, such as using a .times do loop but I couldn't figure it out
for example:
str = "\*"
h["A:"] = count('a').times do
Are you trying to do something like:
counts = 'aassssvvvvv'.frequency
counts.each{|key,count| puts key + '*'*count}
# A:**
# S:****
# V:*****
Or if you want to change the key you can do:
counts.each{|key,amount| counts[key] = '*'*amount}

How to use code block in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following code
animals.each{|a| puts a}
I wanted to print only tiger in this array for that I wrote something like this
animals.each{|a| if a==1 puts animals[a]}
But it's not working why?
You can play with enumerable like this:{ |a| a == 'tiger' }.each{ |a| puts a }
The wrong you did in your case:-
animals.each{|a| if animals[a]==2 puts a}
inline if statement you put in a wrong way.
#each passes element of the array,not the index. So animals[a] will not work. It will throw error as no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError).
Do this as below using Array#each_index
animals.each_index{|a| puts animals[a] if animals[a] == 'tiger' }
# >> tiger
Maybe you are looking for this
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| puts animal if index==1}
Please not that "tiger" occurs at index 1 and not 2.
you can simply do this
animals.fetch(animals.index('tiger')) if animals.include? 'tiger'
animals[animals.index('tiger')] if animals.include? 'tiger'

How to split a Number to Natural Numerals in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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for example:
input: 15
15 = 1+2+3+4+5
15 = 4+5+6
15 = 7+8
input: 4
output: cannot split
Here's one way:
def natural_numerals(value)
results = []
(1..value-1).each {|i| (i..value-1).each {|j| results << (i..j).to_a.join("+") if (i+j)*(j-i+1)/2 == value}}
if results.empty? then nil else results end
output1 = natural_numerals(15)
output2 = natural_numerals(4)
puts output1.inspect #=> ["1+2+3+4+5", "4+5+6", "7+8"]
puts output2.inspect #=> nil

Simple: Need help refactoring this awkward looking method [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How do I clean this up? It reads awkward and is way too long.
def report_total(feed_event, advisor)
count = 0
advisor.activity_feed_events.each do |lead|
if lead == SignupFeedEvent
count += 1
if lead.is_a?(feed_event)
if lead.event_date > ( - 7.days)
count += 1
return count
Maybe you can use:
def report_total(feed_event, advisor)
advisor.activity_feed_events.count do |lead|
lead == SignupFeedEvent ||
(lead.is_a?(feed_event) && lead.event_date > ( - 7.days))
Does the same, way less code.
Read a good book, for example Refactoring Ruby edition.
Good OO practices recommend not to check for class equality or is_a?, but rather check for the capabilities of the object, for example using respond_to?.
if lead.respond_to?(:event_date) ...
