dnf broken: all mirrors were tried - installation

I don't know how to describe my problem because I don't understand why it happen ... When i enter
sudo dnf install (any packet)
It return me this
Tor Project Repo 407 B/s | 264 B 00:00
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'Tor': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
Its obvious that Tor is related to that mess but i don't know why.
I tried nothing because I'm afraid to do something wrong. I'm on fedora 30.
(english baguette)

It seems like you have a broken repository. Probably you will find this repository in:
ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
there will probably be a file named tor*.repo. If you remove that file (or edit it to contain enabled=0), then dnf should start working correctly again.

Failed to download metadata for repo ‘bintray–resin-io-redhat’: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml
I was getting same error for kubernetes.repo. It got resolved by setting enabled=0 in /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo. Now I can download other package (example Nginx that I was unable to download).

I tried this command and my problem fixed:
sudo rm -r /var/cache/dnf

This worked for me -
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
rm -rf .
yum upgrade
yum update
Note: redhat.repo will regenerate itself on the next yum run, and in the process some repositories will stay lost, be careful.


Centos: yum install ffmpeg fails?

I'm trying to install ffmpeg on my server.
The problem is that when i run the following command:
yum install ffmpeg
I get the following error:
http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/dag/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'apt.sw.be'"
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: dag. Please verify its path and try again
I have this is in etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
name=Dag RPM Repository for Centos
I know the issue is the http://apt.sw.be as they are down...
I cannot find an alternative mirrors for it... could someone please let me know if there are any working mirrors for this?
Dag/rpmforge is dead. Just download a static binary of ffmpeg or compile ffmpeg instead of using an old, outdated repository.
Extract it from the archive file and move it to /usr/local/bin if you want it available to all users, or just ~/bin if you don't have superuser/root.

Cannot install Logentries Mac Agent on OS X Yosemite

I tried to install Logentries (Mac Agent) as instructed by the website itself. I followed the steps as instructed.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/logentries/le/master/install/mac/install.sh
I downloaded the install.sh script and ran sudo ./install.sh. But that didn't work so I tried sudo sh install.sh.
When I do sudo le then I get same error message as marked in pic above.
I googled but didn't find the solution.
Thank you in advance.
Here is composer.json content
it's missing the formats directory.
sudo pip install formats
should resolve your issue here, then sudo sh install.sh
#user5384112 is correct, the error is being caused by a missing dependancy.
I have a PR to fix this for the Mac installer which should go live shortly.
You can install directly with by downloading with curl or download and install it. You should first look for missing dependencies before installing anything. You should have looked carefully in the documentation and error messages. The error clearly suggests you should have formats. for that do following
sudo pip install formats

Unable to install fedy on Fedora 22

I am following this guide:- Here
In short it tells to do following:-
Download the latest version using the command:
wget http://satya164.github.io/fedy/fedy-installer
Set executable permission and install as shown below:
chmod +x fedy-installer
sudo ./fedy-installer
To install Fedy on Fedora 22.
But I am getting the following error.
[root#localhost Downloads]# sudo ./fedy-installer
Adding repositories...
Installing fedy...
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'ozonos' from 'http://goodies.ozon-os.com/repo/22/': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried, disabling.
Last metadata expiration check performed 1:27:26 ago on Fri Jul 24 14:11:58 2015.
No package fedy available.
Error: no package matched: fedy
I tried opening goodies.ozon-os.com/repo/22/ but it is not opening on my firefox browser....is there another way to install fedy on fedora 22?
Thank you.
To install fedy, try the steps provided here: http://folkswithhats.org/
The host site for Ozon OS repository (http://goodies.ozon-os.com/) seems to be down, probably permanently, not sure if it has been moved or abandoned. It's no longer needed for upgrading fedy.
You can either remove the repo from your list...
rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/ozonos.repo
...or, if still unsure, just disable it
dnf config-manager --set-disabled ozonos
bash -c 'su -c "curl http://folkswithhats.org/fedy-installer -o fedy-installer && chmod +x fedy-installer && ./fedy-installer"'

brew install maven 404 error

I did a brew install maven and it resulted in below:
==> Downloading http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz
==> Best Mirror http://apache.oss.eznetsols.org/maven/binaries/apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
Error: Download failed: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz
At first I thought it is a mirror problem with my network. But I changed to another network, and it is still the same. And still the same error after 4 days. I wonder if others are affected.
What should I do to install maven with brew?
If you are still getting errors with the url, try brew update and then brew install maven. Fixed the problem for me.
There is something strange with this mirror. You can change this with
brew edit maven
and change the url to
require 'formula'
class Maven < Formula
homepage 'http://maven.apache.org/'
#url 'http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz'
url 'http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/maven-3/3.0.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz'
sha1 '0de5dc162bafde3fcb0a6b009cfeea81a042523b'
def install
# Remove windows files
rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"]
# Fix the permissions on the global settings file.
chmod 0644, Dir["conf/settings.xml"]
prefix.install %w{ NOTICE.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt }
# Install jars in libexec to avoid conflicts
libexec.install Dir['*']
bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"]
ZenBalance's answer worked for me. I first attempted Emoloney's answer, which caused the following error when I ran brew update:
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
Aborting Error: Failure while executing: git pull -q origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
To fix it:
cd /usr/local/Library/Formula
git reset --hard
brew update
brew install maven
You need to modify the URL using brew edit like Emoloney said,
but most important, don't forget to modify the sha1 code (get it from the same download page of the url). It is important to verify that you downloaded safely the exact file
For me, the following commands did the work:
brew update
brew install maven
update the mirror list of brew first
brew update
and then, try to install again. For this case
brew install maven

How can i install hudson on ubuntu 10.10

When i try t install, i get error:
aptitude install hudson
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 279 not upgraded.
Need to get 38.8MB of archives. After unpacking 39.7GB will be used.
WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!
Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that
this is what you want to do.
Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
To continue, enter "Yes"; to abort, enter "No": Yes
Get:1 http://hudson-ci.org/debian/ binary/ hudson 1.397 [38.8MB]
Fetched 1B in 0s (2B/s)
E: Failed to fetch http://hudson-ci.org/debian/binary/hudson_1.397_all.deb: Size mismatch
apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get install hudson
this should work.
This question is probably best posted to serverfault.com; but regardless; it appears the mirror you are using is busted and you most likely downloaded an error page (which is why the failure). Try doing an update for your repository to get the latest mirror information.
apt-get update
execute aptitude update first
I had the same problem.
I followed the steps here: http://makeitfaster.wordpress.com/2010/12/14/install-the-hudson-build-server-on-ubuntu-10-10-server/
Which then also failed at the "sudo dpkg --install /tmp/hudson.deb" line. Then I did this:
aptitude install openjdk-6-jre
At which point hudson finished installing and came on line.
I've got the same problem...
Need to get 38.8MB of archives. After
this operation, 39.7GB of additional
disk space will be used. WARNING: The
following packages cannot be
hudson Install these
packages without verification [y/N]? y
Get:1 http://hudson-ci.org/debian/
binary/ hudson 1.397 [38.8MB] Fetched
38.8MB in 59s (655kB/s)
Failed to fetch
Size mismatch E: Unable to fetch some
archives, maybe run apt-get update or
try with --fix-missing?
I have done
apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get install hudson
as root.
Still don't understand what the size mismatch is - I can't see any errors downloaded.
The main difference between me and the original poster is that I am downloading 38.8MB, but it still reports the wrong size.
