WebLogic in Docker: how to start managed servers automatically - bash

I am learning Docker, and creating an image for Oracle WebLogic server.
My image is ready, working fine. It contains
an admin server
two managed servers
When I run my image with docker run -d -p 7001:7001 --name WL oracle/weblogic- the admin server starts automatically because I added the following line at the end of my Dockerfile:
CMD /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/$DOMAIN_NAME/startWebLogic.sh
But I need to start managed servers manually. I need to login into the container and start them by hand:
docker exec -it WL /bin/bash
./startManagedWebLogic.sh MANAGED_SERVER_1 http://localhost:7001 &
./startManagedWebLogic.sh MANAGED_SERVER_2 http://localhost:7001 &
This is not what I want. I want to start managed servers automatically after admin server is up and running.
I was thinking about to create a new bash script, copy it into the image and use it to boot up the admin and managed servers. Like this:
/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/$DOMAIN_NAME/startWebLogic.sh &
# there are a more sophisticated way to check the status of the admin server but it is okay for test
sleep 60
./startManagedWebLogic.sh MANAGED_SERVER_1 http://localhost:7001 &
./startManagedWebLogic.sh MANAGED_SERVER_2 http://localhost:7001 &
This script can be called from Dockerfile with CMD command.
But with this solution, I lost the ability to see the output on the default Docker log. The docker logs WL -f will display nothing.
Another issue with this bash script solution is if this script finished the container will stop running. Do I need an infinite loop at the end of this script?
If possible I would like to have a solution without start-wls-domain.sh.
What is the best and easiest way to start Weblogic managed servers automatically within a Docker container?

I followed the suggestions and I run different servers in different containers. That way I was able to start properly the server.
I published the solution on Github, here.


How to execute script by host after starting docker container

I have docker-compose.yml file and I start a container with DB via
docker-compose up -d db command.
I need to execute script by host machine that, briefly speaking, export dump to db in container.
So, now it looks like:
docker-compose up -d db
But I want to combine these two commands into one.
My question is "Is it possible?"
I found out that Docker Compose doesn't support this feature.
I know that I can create another script with these commands in it, but I want to leave only
docker-compose up -d db
UPD: I would like to mention that I am using mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest image
Also, have to say one more time that I need to execute script exactly on host machine
You can't use the Docker tools to execute commands on the host system. A general design point around Docker is that containers shouldn't be able to affect the host.
Nothing stops you from writing your own shell script that runs on the host and does the steps you need:
docker-compose -d up
./wait-for.sh localhost 1433
(The wait-for.sh script is the same as described in the answers to Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y that don't depend on Docker health checks.)
For your use case it may be possible to run the data importer in a separate container. A typical setup could look like this; note that the importer will run every time you run docker-compose up. You may want to actually build this into a separate image.
version: '3.8'
db: { same: as you have currently }
image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest
entrypoint: ./wait-for.sh db 1433 -- ./script.sh
workdir: /import
volumes: [.:/import]
The open-source database containers also generally support putting scripts in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d that get executed the first time the container is launched, but the SQL Server image doesn't seem to support this; questions like How can I restore an SQL Server database when starting the Docker container? have a complicated setup to replicate this behavior.

docker deamon is not work in windows

I try to run docker in bash ubuntu on windows. But every time I get this message
"Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?". If i run it in powershell - it work. Can somebody help?
Connecting to the docker deamon requires some privilidges that you don't have when starting the bash terminal.
You can however use the docker command terminal which will allow you to interact with the docker deamon.
Found the solution on this post: https://blog.jayway.com/2017/04/19/running-docker-on-bash-on-windows/
Connect Docker on WSL to Docker on Windows
Running docker against an engine on a different machine is actually quite easy, as Docker can expose a TCP endpoint which the CLI can attach to.
This TCP endpoint is turned off by default; to activate it, right-click the Docker icon in your taskbar and choose Settings, and tick the box next to “Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS”.
With that done, all we need to do is instruct the CLI under Bash to connect to the engine running under Windows instead of to the non-existing engine running under Bash, like this:
$ docker -H tcp:// images
There are two ways to make this permanent – either add an alias for the above command, or better yet, export an environment variable which instructs Docker where to find the host engine:
$ echo "export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Now, running docker commands from Bash works just like they’re supposed to.
$ docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

How do I run the Hetionet v1.0 docker container?

I'm trying to run the Hetionet v1.0 docker container mentioned in this SO post.
I've setup a digitalocean droplet with Docker
I ran docker pull dhimmel/hetionet and it worked
Now I run docker run dhimmel/hetionet and the following happens (and never returns to the interactive shell prompt).
If that completed successfully I think the last thing I'm supposed to do is run sh ~/run-docker.sh. Furthermore nothing is live at my droplet's ip_address:7474.
The error in the screenshot above looks a lot like it could be related to some redundant #Path("/") annotation, as described in this SO post's comment, buried in the docker container but I'm not sure.
Is the output from running docker run dhimmel/hetionet supposed to hang my shell? I'm running a 2 GB Memory / 40 GB Disk Droplet on Ubuntu 16.04 with Docker 1.12.5.
Thanks for your interest in the Hetionet Docker.
The output in 3 is expected. It looks like a Docker container successfully launched, downloaded the Hetionet database, and launched the Neo4j server. I'll look into fixing the warnings, but they're not errors, as Neo4j is still launching.
For production, we use a more advanced Docker run command. Depending on your use case, you may want to use the development docker run command:
docker run \
--publish=7474:7474 \
--publish=7687:7687 \
--volume=$HOME/neo4j/hetionet-data:/data \
--volume=$HOME/neo4j/hetionet-logs:/var/lib/neo4j/logs \
Both the production and development command map ports. This will make it so the Neo4j server running inside your Docker container is available at http://localhost:7474/. This is most likely what you want. If you're doing this on DigitalOcean, you would replace http://localhost with the IP address of your droplet.
For an interactive shell session in a dhimmel/hetionet container, you can use:
docker run --interactive --tty dhimmel/hetionet bash
However, that command does not launch the Neo4j server -- it just let's you explore the image.
Does this clear things up?

Windows containers 2016 run powershell as a domain user

I want to be able to either run a Windows Container as a domain user
Example (no idea on how to run as a different user)
docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver powershell
Or alternatively being able to run powershell script in the container as a domain user. I would have to pass in -e to docker run .. but that is ok.
The reason for this is to run something like (but the application uses domain resources like SQL and file shares)
dotnet app.dll
the answer to your question eventually found it's way to the container docs and is brand new.
please refer to this link until it will be published in the MSDN container site.
and live link has moved again:

How to run multiple Docker Containers in different terminals using Docker compose or with Shell?

I have to pull docker image from Docker Hub and start running multiple peers as containers.
now, I am manually opening terminal and executing my docker run command on downloaded image but I am planning to automate this process like if I/user want 2 peers to run then I should be able to provide IP Address and Port information to Docker run command and start these peers in different terminals without manual step.
After executing these commands I should be able to store these IP address and port numbers in a JSON file further transactions.
Could you please help me!!! Thanks!!
Got quick solution for the above problem.. Below is the command I have applied docker run -d IMAGE NAME /bin/bash above command runs the container in background process. Also, I am taking network credentials by applying docker inspect <Container Id>
