Two the same classes in maven dependencies. sealing violation - maven

today I have bumped with an unusual situation..
For testing Java EE I am going to use glassfish-embedded-all.
In production I am going to use apache derby data base.
So when I wrote small test class for testing DB I got this error:
java.lang.SecurityException: sealing violation: can't seal package already loaded
My pom:
The problem is that embedded server also has derby classes.
So I have dervy classes for compile and I have derby classed for tests.
And during test It causes the conflict which I don't knwo how to solve.
Seems I need to ignore derиy classes in embedded server during test. Any ideas?
My tests:
public class JpaTest {
private static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "people";
private EntityManagerFactory factory;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME);
// Error appear here
EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();
Ican't undersnat how Maven shade plugins work. Seems this plugin ia aimed for final jar. Not for unit test right now...
If i try to execute test in some Main method it works fine (becase there is no glassfish dependency)

If i don't remember wrong, maven compile scope is used in every phase of the lifecicle, so dependencies with compile scope are used on test phase too. The solution claims to exclude the derby dependencies from glassfish one to force to use yours.
More on, you have dependencies with explicit scope defined as compile, and others than nothing is specified...theese are the same, as maven takes as default scope compile one


How should I perform integration testing on a SpringBoot library, that isn't an application

First up, a disclaimer, I'm not entirely happy with the architecture of what I'm about to ask about!
We have a Spring based project that produces a library as a jar. That library includes all the usual controller/service/jpa (repositories) layers you might expect but no boot application to start it all up.
The idea being various projects within our organisation can import the jar and get instant addition of a common (HTTP) API.
Unit tests work ok.
* tests are another matter.
Run in isolation by the IDE from the test/java/ hierarchy they run ok and pass.
However when running via maven as part of the build they fail.
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
We have a Boot configuration in the test hierarchy which the ITs must be using when run via the IDE, but when running the maven build it seems it can't be found to start up the application (understandably as it is in the test package tree).
The boot file we do have is intended to be no more than a test harness to run the lib, to run the ITs.
We have h2 in the Maven test scope, but it isn't wanted in the final library (that is up to the host application to provide a datasource/connection etc).
Start up the API library in an application for testing
Run the tests as part of Maven build
H2 should not end up in final jar
Symptoms when running mvn install
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
Presumably need some config somewhere in pom? Already using package.Boot in the Springboot maven plugin config.
Maybe just need to figure out the magic config to point it at the src/test/... Boot.class rather than src/main/...Boot.class
Does spring have a 'correct' way to achieve what we want (I'd go with MicroServices, but not an option because ... reasons)?
How should we go about implementing ITs against a H2 driven SpringBoot application when we don't want to include the bootable class (or H2 lib) in product jar?
Should we be creating a separate Maven module just for the ITs (with a dependency on the library module)?
Abbreviated Maven pom:
<!-- other dependencies excluded for brevity -->
<!-- file lives in test hierarchy -->
<skip>true</skip><!-- Skipping unit tests while trying to sort ITs -->
The Spring Boot config:
public class Boot extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
IT configuration:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ControllerIT
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
Number 2 lead me to looking into params of #SpringBootTest.
I ended up with ...
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
classes = ITConfig.class)
Where ITConfig is:
public class ITConfig extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
That appears to be working. Thanks for the hint.
Let me propose one way of solving this issue, there are might be others:
#SpringBootTest annotation is intended to mimic the startup of the full fledged spring boot application.
It scans the packages up to the point where it finds #SpringBootConfiguration annotataion (this annotation is placed on #SpringBootApplication already) and this way it understands that the packages down to the package in which the main class is found should be scanned (to find all the beans).
Besides that, it does many other things that spring boot application does during the start: loading configurations ( obeying the conventions of spring boot application, loading auto-configurations (stuff inside spring.factories) and so forth.
Bottom line you'll have a full-fledged spring boot application (usually microservice) loaded inside the test.
So far so good, but you say that you don't really have a spring boot application. So I see three ways:
Introduce an artificial class with #SpringBootConfiguration in the src/test/java/whatever-package-close-to-root folder (note, its in 'test', not in src/main)
Use #SpringBootTest with a parameter of "Configuration". This will mean that SpringBootTest won't use all this scanning up-and-then-down process and instead you'll instruct it to use the concrete context configuration.
Do not use #SpringBootTest annotation at all, and prefer a "usual" #ContextConfiguration - yes, you won't have the power of spring boot but as I've said above you probably won't need it. In addition these tests will be way faster, especially if you'll provide many "#Configuration" classes and will load only "relevant" parts of the library during the tests.
For example, if you test the DAO, there is no point in loading web related stuff.

WebDriverManager The import io.github cannot be resolved

I added the below WebDriverManager maven dependency in pom.xml
In my java class I am unable to import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager; automatically. If manually write the import, I get error at io.github which says: The import io.github cannot be resolved.
What is the issue here? I tried clean, restart and different versions of webdrivermanager in pom.xml.
The dependency you used is reduced to <scope>test</scope> but what that actually means?
It indicates that the dependency is NOT required for the compilation but only for execution.
It appears during the runtime and test but not during compilation.
The default scope is compile. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of the project.
<scope>test</scope> makes the dependency available for execution but not for compilation. What does it mean?
It means that the classpath is available for src/test folder in your project.
Default scope makes classpath available for src/main AND src/test. So if you make any classes manage WebDriver and you put them under source folder, you should use a scope which allows the dependency to be available at compilation time.
In the scope replace with compile instead of test, it will import.*
You also can not specify the scope, it will work too :
Windows 10
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers - 2020-12
Java JDK 15.0.2
Maven 3.6.3

Spring Boot No Class found error though starter dependency has added classes in classpath

Despite having appropriate jars in classpath Spring Boot throws - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.camel.spring.spi.XmlCamelContextConfigurer
Any suggestions what is missing here.
I have added the respective starters in pom.xml as shown below:
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The project maven dependencies also shows the class availability, as in given image attachment.
the answer is here - It all depends how maven loads the class. There are 2 version of camel-spring.jars available in classpath (2.20.1 and 2.19.3. Ref: my original post image)
And org.apache.camel.spring.spi.XmlCamelContextConfigurer class is available only in 2.20.1 jars. And maven by default looks in earlier one and once package found matching but no class found throws error (?)
And the reason I believe 2.19.3 get loaded is Apache-cxf jars is of 2.19.3. Unfortunately our project repository does not have apache-cxf starter jars.
Solution: - I hope it may be helpful for future references
By adding options I could resolve the issue,by having exclusion clause added as given below. Thus I could load only required version jars.

Surefire able to run test, failsafe not

I have some integration-tests that run perfectly using the surefire plugin with command:
mvn surefire:test
When I run the same integrationtest with the failsafe plugin using
mvn verify
the test fails indicating it is missing a dependency (jackson lib, "No Message body writer found for response class ").
The needed dependency is added to the pom with scope test. What is the difference in how surefire and failsafe executes tests?
Some more context:
My pom contains the following:
The test class uses applicationcomposer
public class PdaServiceIT {
public Properties config() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory");
properties.setProperty(OpenEjbContainer.OPENEJB_EMBEDDED_REMOTABLE, "true");
properties.setProperty("cxf.jaxrs.providers", "com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider");
return properties;
The problem might be caused because the class used as Json provider is not on the classpath. This can be solved by adding a module that contains the class to the integration test:
public class PdaServiceIT {
public Properties config() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory");
properties.setProperty(OpenEjbContainer.OPENEJB_EMBEDDED_REMOTABLE, "true");
properties.setProperty("cxf.jaxrs.providers", "com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider");
return properties;
public static Class<?>[] myJaxbProviders() {
return new Class<?>[] { com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider.class };
Then the required class will be available when using both maven-surefire and maven-failsafe plugins.
A similar integration test setup is described here.
I'm not really sure about what is happening here but there is a full documentation page about Class loading issues that might be related to your problem.
This page explains that, while using the parameter forkMode=never (Which is apparently deprecated), the plugin have to use an isolated classloader.
One of the limitation of having an isolated class loader is explained here:
For example, the system property java.class.path won't include your
jars; if your app notices this, it could cause a problem
I agree that it is a bit esoteric in this case but I can't stop thinking it is related to your issue.
Did you try to change the current configuration you have? I don't know, maybe dropping the forkMode and threadCount and see how the default configuration is handling all that?
If it doesn't work, I would try to
tinker with these three settings: forkCount, useSystemClassLoader,
and useManifestOnlyJar.
As the document says.

What's the correct Maven dependencies to use Spring JMS and ActiveMQ?

This is quite a common problem and I have found plenty solutions that do not work for me on the web. I am declaring:
And jetty plug-in
But I keep on getting the following exception when issuing "mvn jetty:run":
org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: NamespaceHandler class
[org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanNamespaceHandler] for
namespace [] not found; nested
exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
What would be the correct maven dependencies to run Jetty, ActiveMQ and Spring JMS?
You need dependency on xbean-spring
If your intent is to have those dependencies as 'provided' dependencies to your webapp then make them dependencies of the jetty-maven-plugin itself, you can add tags inside of the decl of the jetty-maven-plugin. Assuming you validated the classes your missing exist in those dependencies or their transitive deps.
