Control over scheduling/placement in Apache Storm - apache-storm

I am running a wordcount topology in a Storm cluster composed on 2 nodes. One node is the Master node (with Nimbus, UI and Logviewer) and both of then are Supervisor with 1 Worker each. In other words, my Master node is also a Supervisor, and the second node is only a Supervisor. As I said, there is 1 Worker per Supervisor.
The topology I am using is configured so that it is using these 2 Workers (setNumWorkers(2)). In details, the topology has 1 Spout with 2 threads, 1 split Bolt and 1 count Bolt. When I deploy the topology with the default scheduler, the first Supervisor has 1 Spout thread and the split Bolt, and the second Supervisor has 1 Spout thread and the count Bolt.
Given this context, how can I control the placement of operators (Spout/Bolt) between these 2 Workers? For research purpose, I need to have some control over the placement of these operators between nodes. However, the mechanism seems to be transparent within Storm and such a control is not available for the end-user.
I hope my question is clear enough. Feel free to ask for additional details. I am aware that I may need to dig into Storm's source code and recompile. That's fine. I am looking for a starting point and advices on how to proceed.
The version of Storm I am using is 2.1.0.

Scheduling is handled by a pluggable scheduler in Storm. See the documentation at
You may want to look at the DefaultScheduler for reference This is the default scheduler used by Storm, and has a bit of handling for banning "bad" workers from the assignment, but otherwise largely just does round robin assignment.
If you don't want to implement a cluster-wide scheduler, you might be able to set your cluster to use the ResourceAwareScheduler, and use a topology-level scheduling strategy instead. You would set this by setting config.setTopologyStrategy(YourStrategyHere.class) when you submit your topology. You will want to implement this interface and you can find an example implementation at
Edit: If you implement either an IStrategy or IScheduler, they need to go in a jar that you put in storm/lib on the Nimbus machine. The strategy or scheduler needs to be on the classpath of the Nimbus process.


Execute a method only once at start of an Apache Storm topology

If I have a simple Apache Storm topology with a spout (set to a parallelism of 2) running on two separate nodes. How can I write a method that will be run once, and only once, at the start of the topology before any processing of tuples has begun?
Any implementation of a singleton/static class, or synchronized method alone will not work, as the two instances are running on separate nodes.
Perhaps there are some Storm methods that I can use to decide if I'm the first Spout to be instantiated, and run only then? I tried playing around with the getThisTaskId() & getThisWorkerTasks() methods, but was unsuccessful.
NOTE: The parallelism of 2 is to keep things simple. A solution should work for any number of nodes/workers.
Edit: Thought of an easier solution. I'll leave the original answer below in case it is helpful.
You can use TopologyContext.getThisTaskIndex to do this. If you make your spout open method run the code only if TopologyContext.getThisTaskIndex == 0, then your code will run only once, before any tuples are emitted.
If the worker that ran this code crashes, the code will be run again when the spout instance with task index 0 is restarted. In order to fix this, you can use Zookeeper to store state that should carry over across restarts, e.g. put a flag in Zookeeper once the only-once code has run, and have the spout open check that the flag is not set before running the code.
You can use TopologyContext.getStormId to get a constant unique string to identify the topology, so you can tell whether the flag was set by this topology or a previous deployment.
Original answer:
The easiest way to run some code only once on deployment of a topology, is to call the code when you submit the topology. You can call the only-once code at the same time as you wire your topology with TopologyBuilder. This will only get run once. The downside is it will run on the machine you're calling storm jar from.
If you for some reason can't do it this way or need to run the code from one of the worker nodes, there isn't anything built in to Storm to allow you to do this. The reason there isn't such a mechanism is that it requires extra coordination between the worker JVMs, and I don't think anyone has needed something like this.
The best option for you would probably be to look at Zookeeper/Curator to do this coordination (see This should allow you to make only one worker in the cluster run your code. You'll have to consider what should happen if the worker chosen to run your code crashes/stalls.
Storm already uses Zookeeper for coordination, so you can just connect to that cluster.

Spark Health check scripts

I planning for spark streaming on on multi node cluster. What kind of health check scripts do i need to on spark cluster.Can any one provide any sample?
Like to check if spark is running well or not or any node goes down etc..
Well not all the things you wanted to do comes in one piece.
For spark jobs - you need to make a decision on how you want to handle the failures. This is based on your business requirements like - should the entire job fail for one bad row, or just continue job and accumulate bad records. This would be on assumption that all worker nodes are good
Based on which distribution you used, you can manage the node health. Cloudera Distribution gives lot of details about the health, and when you see red signals regarding the memory etc.
With oozie or any workflow management, you can also configure email alerts for your jobs when they fail

Storm: What happens with multiple workers?

Say I deploy a topology with 2 workers, the topo has 1 spout and 1 bolt with 2 tasks. Then my understanding is, 1 worker will run spout executor and 1 bolt executor, the other worker will run 1 bolt executor.
Is my understanding correct?
If my understanding is correct, then my question comes. Say the bolt is implemented by Python. Since storm transfers data between multi-lang bolts via stdout/stdin, if the 2 workers run on different hosts, how spout can send data to bolt that locates on the other host?
Little more clarification to your question. Storm uses various types of queue for data/tuple transfer between various components of topology
Example :
1) Intra-worker communication in Storm (inter-thread on the same Storm node): LMAX Disruptor
2) Inter-worker communication (node-to-node across the network): ZeroMQ or Netty
3) Inter-topology communication: nothing built into Storm, you must take care of this yourself with e.g. a messaging system such as Kafka/RabbitMQ, a database, etc.
For further reference :
To give a more detailed answer:
Storm will sent the data to both bolt executors. For the spout-local bolt, this happens in-memory; for the other bolt via network. Afterwards, each bolt-instance will deliver the input to an local-running python process. Thus, your describe stdout/stdin delivery happens locally on each machine. The data is transfer to each bolt before the data delivery from Java to Python happens.
Thus, stdout/stdin bridge is used within each bolt, and not from spout to bolt.
I have done a test by myself. Storm can properly deliver spout emitted data to bolts on different hosts.

Configuring parallelism in Storm

I am new to Apache Storm, and I am trying to figure for myself about configuring storm parallelism. So there is a great article "Understanding the Parallelism of a Storm Topology", but it only arouses questions.
When you have a multinode storm cluster each topology is distributed as a whole according to TOPOLOGY_WORKERS configuration parameter. So if you have 5 workers, then you have 5 copies of spout (1 per worker), and the same thing is with bolts.
How to deal with situation like this inside a storm cluster (preferably without creating external services):
I need exactly one spout used by all instances of topology, for example if input data is being pushed to cluster via a net folder, which is scanned for new files.
Similar issue with concrete type of bolts. For example when data is processed by licensed third-party library which is locked to a concrete physical machine.
First, the basics:
Workers - Run executors, each worker has its own JVM
Executors - Run tasks, each executor is distributed across various workers by storm
Tasks - Instances running your spout/bolt code
Second, a correction... having 5 workers does NOT mean you will automatically have 5 copies of your spout. Having 5 workers means you have 5 separate JVMs where storm can assign executors to run (think of this as 5 buckets).
The number of instances of your spout is configured when you first create and submit your topology:
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("0-spout", new MySpout(), spoutParallelism).setNumTasks(spoutTasks);
Since you want only one spout for the entire cluster, you'd set both spoutParallelism and spoutTasks to 1.

specify execution of a set tuples in a worker node in a storm topology

Is it possible to execute a set of tuples (based on a particular field) on a particular worker node in the storm topology. Need to minimize network load in the cluster.
You can go for a custom scheduler ... it will allow you to bind a specific task to a supervisor , might worth taking a look into it
