BASH: parse a variable with awk - bash

I have a variable that contains the result of the command whereis ls which is:
ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz
I need to search through this variable and retrieve this specific portion and save it into a new variable, newVar:
I have tried echo $var | awk '{print $2}'
but this grabs /bin/ls
I then need to search through my $PATH variable finding the substring /bin: (I was thinking with my newVar as a match somehow) and somehow remove this portion of $PATH and update $PATH to reflect that change.
Quite new to bash scripting and any help would be greatly appreciated.

You might just use dirname and which:
dirname "$(which ls)"

You may use this awk:
whereis ls | awk '{sub(/\/ls$/, "", $2); print $2}'
sub function strips trailing /ls from 2nd column of whereis output.

$ echo "$var" | cut -d/ -f2


Bash read filename and return version number with awk

I am trying to use one or two lines of Bash (that can be run in a command line) to read a folder-name and return the version inside of the name.
So if I have myfolder_v1.0.13 I know that I can use echo "myfolder_v1.0.13" | awk -F"v" '{ print $2 }' and it will return with 1.0.13.
But how do I get the shell to read the folder name and pipe with the awk command to give me the same result without using echo? I suppose I could always navigate to the directory and translate the output of pwd into a variable somehow?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: As soon as I asked I figured it out. I can use
result=${PWD##*/}; echo $result | awk -F"v" '{ print $2 }'
and it gives me what I want. I will leave this question up for others to reference unless someone wants me to take it down.
But you don't need an Awk at all, here just use bash parameter expansion.
printf "%s\n" "${string##*v}"
You can use
basename "$(cd "foldername" ; pwd )" | awk -Fv '{print $2}'
to get the shell to give you the directory name, but if you really want to use the shell, you could also avoid the use of awk completetly:
Assuming you have the path to the folder with the version number in the parameter "FOLDERNAME":
echo "${FOLDERNAME##*v}"
This removes the longest prefix matching the glob expression "*v" in the value of the parameter FOLDERNAME.

How to do basename on second field in a file and replace it in line

I'm trying to get something like basename of second field in a file and replace it:
$ myfile=/var/lib/jenkins/myjob/myfile
$ sha512sum "$myfile" | tee myfile-checksum
$ cat myfile-checksum
deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 /var/lib/jenkins/myjob/myfile
Desired output:
deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 myfile
So people can easily do sha512sum -c myfile-checksum with no manual edits.
With sed or awk, that is how far i made it for now :)
awk -F/ '{print $NF}' myfile-checksum
sed -i "s|${value}|$(basename $value)|" myfile-checksum
You can set the field separators to both spaces and slashes and print the first and last fields:
awk -F" |/" '{print $1, $NF}'
With your input:
$ awk -F" |/" '{print $1, $NF}' <<< "deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 /var/lib/jenkins/myjob/myfile"
deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 myfile
In case your filename contain spaces, do remove everything from the first field up to the last slash, as indicated by Ed Morton:
$ awk '{hash=$1; gsub(/^.*\//,""); print hash, $0}' <<< "deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 /var/lib/jenkins/myjob/myfile with spaces"
deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 myfile with spaces
$ awk 'sub(".*/",$1" ")' <<< "deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 /var/lib/jenkins/myjob/myfile"
deb32b1c7122fc750a6742765e0e54a821 myfile
The will work for any file name except one that contains newlines. If you have that case let us know.
sha512sum will simply use the file name you've passed to it - unchanged.
If you pass
sha512sum /path/to/file
it will give you:
123456.. /path/to/file
But if you:
pushd /path/to
sha512sum file
it will give you
123456.. file
If the filename is a variable you can use parameter expansion like this:
pushd "${file%/*}"
sha256sum "${file##*/}"
or even
# cd will not change the PWD of the current shell since
# the command runs in a sub shell
(cd "${file%/*}"; sha256sum "${file##*/}")
Having that $file contains the filename, ${file%/*} expands to the path without the filename and ${file##*/} expands to the filename without the path.

Bash - nested variable expansion inside command assignment

I'm sure this is simple, but I'm new to bash scripts and the syntactical process here is beyond me. I can't seem to find the right search terms to find what I need. This script is really just a stepping stone to my final version.
Invocation: ./ testFile
awk='{print $9}' # do not expand $9
awk="'/$file/$awk'" # DO expand file argument
echo "$awk" # prints '/graphic/{print $9}' (as expected)
echo "ls -l | awk $awk" # prints ls -l | awk '/graphic/{print $9}' (as expected)
test="$(ls -l | awk $awk)" # error
echo "$test"
'/testFile/{print $9}'
ls -l | awk '/testFile/{print $9}'
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
>>> ' <<<
missing }
awk: bailing out at source line 1
Even though I can copy and run the second echo'd line and it works successfully, the failure of the command leads me to believe this is not simple string concat but some crazier voodoo.
I've tried some other version as well like making a variable containing the whole command, but then I get even less expected output.
If I do test="$($awk)" I get
'/testFile/{print $9}'
ls -l | awk '/testFile/{print $9}'
ls: $9}': No such file or directory
ls: '/testFile/{print: No such file or directory
ls: awk: No such file or directory
ls: |: No such file or directory
If I do test=$(awk) I get
'/testFile/{print $9}'
ls -l | awk '/testFile/{print $9}'
usage: awk [-F fs] [-v var=value] [-f progfile | 'prog'] [file ...]
Since my Google queries basically only contain the words "bash command variable assignment", I can't get anything related to the nested variable expansion that I have here. I understand what it's doing based on the error, but I couldn't say why or how to fix it.
If someone could provide a fix as well as explain or point me to a resource explaining what's going on here, it would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe there's even another approach that would simplify the logic.
Change to:
test="$(ls -l | awk "$awk")" # error
awk requires the script to be a single argument. But when you expand a variable outside double quotes, the shell performs word splitting, so $awk is expanded into two arguments:
The quotes keep the expansion as a single argument.
Also, take the single quotes out of
Single quotes are not processed after expanding a variable, so they'll be passed literally to awk. Putting double quotes around $awk achieves the result you were trying to get with these quotes.

Bash removing path from path variable and sed command

Working with this code
What is the most elegant way to remove a path from the $PATH variable in Bash?
export PATH=`echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/SDE/ {next} {print}'` | sed 's/:*$//'
In this instance if I run just the:
export PATH=`echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/SDE/ {next} {print}'`
I can get the path containing /SDE/ removed; however a : remains. The sed command after I am assuming should remove that. When I run this entire command at once nothing gets removed at all. What is wrong with the sed statement that is causing the path not to update and how can I make the sed command remove the colon : after the /SDE/ path variable is removed.
The problem is the placement of the closing back-quote ` in the command:
export PATH=`echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/SDE/ {next} {print}'` | sed 's/:*$//'
If you used the recommended $(...) notation, you'd see that this is equivalent to:
export PATH=$(echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/SDE/ {next} {print}') | sed 's/:*$//'
which pipes the output of the export operation to sed, but export is silent.
export PATH=$(echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/SDE/ {next} {print}' | sed 's/:*$//')
I have fixed the answer from which the erroneous command was copied verbatim. As tripleee notes in a comment, I'm not wholly convinced by the awk solution, but the question was 'what was wrong with the code' and the answer is 'where the back-quotes are placed'. The awk script does handle removing elements of a PATH at any position in the PATH; the sed script simply ensures there is no trailing : so that there is no implicit use of the current directory at the end of the PATH.
See also: How do I manipulate PATH elements in shell scripts and the clnpath script at How to keep from duplicating PATH variable in csh — the script is for POSIX-ish shells like the Bourne, Korn, Bash shells, despite the question's subject. One difference between clnpath and the notation used here is that clnpath only removes full pathnames; it does not attempt to do partial path element matching:
export PATH=$(clnpath $PATH /opt/SDE/bin)
if the path element to be removed was /opt/SDE/bin. Note that clnpath can be used to maintain LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CDPATH, MANPATH and any other path-like variable; so can the awk invocation, of course.
I note in passing that that the /SDE/ pattern in the awk script will remove /opt/USDER/bin; the slashes in the regex have nothing to do with slashes in the pathname.
$ PATH="$( awk -v rmv="/SDE/" -v path="$PATH" 'BEGIN{sub(rmv,"",path); gsub(/:+/,":",path); print path}' )"
The above is a guess since you didn't provide sample input or expected output so it may not be quite what you want but it is the right approach.
Just in bash:
[[ $tmp =~ :[^:]*/SDE/[^:]* ]] && tmp=${tmp/${BASH_REMATCH[0]}/}

Shell scripting and using backslashes with back-ticks?

I'm trying to do some manipulation with Wordpress and I'm trying to write a script for it...
# cat /usr/local/uftwf/
# $Id$
table_prefix=`grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'`
echo $table_prefix
Yet I'm getting following output
# /usr/local/uftwf/
Running from command line, I get the correct output that I'm looking for:
# grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'
What is going wrong in the script?
The problem is the grep command:
table_prefix=`grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'`
It either needs three backslashes - not one - or you need to use single quotes (which is much simpler):
table_prefix=$(grep '^$table_prefix' wp-config.php | awk -F"'" '{print $2}')
It's also worth using the $( ... ) notation in general.
The trouble is that the backquotes removes the backslash, so the shell variable is evaluated, and what's passed to grep is, most likely, just ^, and each line starts with a beginning of line.
This has all the appearance as though the grep is not omitting all the lines that are not matching, when you issue the echo $table_prefix without quotes it collapses all the white space into a single output line, if you issue an: echo "$table_prefix", you would see the match with all the other white-space that was output.
I'd recommend the following sed expression instead:
table_prefix=$(sed -n "s/^\$table_prefix.*'\([^']*\)'.*/\1/p" wp-config.php)
You should try
table_prefix=$(awk -F"'" '/^\$table_prefix/{print $2}' wp-config.php)
echo $table_prefix
Does this one work for you?
awk -F\' '/^\$table_prefix/ {print $2}' wp-config.php
If you are using shell scripting, there is no need to call up awk, grep:
while read varName op varValue theRest
if [ "_$varName" = "_\$table_prefix" ]
table_prefix=${varValue//\'/} # Remove the single quotes
table_prefix=${table_prefix/;/} # Remove the semicolon
done < wp-config.php
echo "Found: $table_prefix"
