grantOfflineAccess is not working with scope - google-api

I am using google API's in my angular 8 website. I have to integrate Google Drive and YouTube account on different buttons.
YouTube Connect button
Google Drive Connect button
I init gapi as
initGoogleAccounts() {
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
this.googleUser = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: this.env.google_client_id,
fetch_basic_profile: false,
scope: 'profile'
On Youtube button click
this.googleUser.grantOfflineAccess('').then(({code}) => {
But this is not asking for Youtube permissions.
Is there anything which i am doing wrong?


cy.origin() unable to find any elements on Auth0 page

I'm trying to automate a login process for our site which uses Auth0 & Google Sign in. On the login page if you click Google sign in you get sent to an Auto0 page with a form and another Google sign in link, the page contains a URL something like:*REMOVED*
It's the first time I'm trying to use cy.origin() In my test I'm trying this:
cy.origin('', () => {
The problem is whatever I try to do in the origin block just returns a timeout trying to find the element.
I've set experimentalSessionAndOrigin: true is there something I'm doing wrong? Unfortuantly the way we are using Auth0 and Google Sign in means it's not possible to do it via API calls.
try without cy.origin()
I had the same problem, and it was fixed by removing the cy.origin()
Try this one:
Cypress.Commands.add('loginSession', (email, password) => { cy.session([email, password], () => {
cy.visit('/').then(() => {
//cy.origin('', { args: [email, password] }, ([email, password]) => {
cy.get("button[type='submit']").click({ force: true })
// })

Google Sign-in User Changed Listener

When user lands on page, the Google auth is loaded and initiated. The Google Sign-in API provides a listener function that's triggered if the user changes (GoogleAuth.currentUser.listen()). The expected behavior for the feature that I want to implement involves watching for users logging into gmails within other tabs in the browser.
const userChanged = user => {
if (user) {
console.log('CHANGED TO USER: ', user);
const loadGoogleAuth = () => {
window.gapi.load('auth2', () => {
const gapiAuth = window.gapi.auth2;
client_id: '<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>',
cookie_policy: 'none', //my hunch is this could be affecting listener capabilities?
scope: 'profile email openid',
const authInstance = gapiAuth.getAuthInstance();
const element = document.getElementById('googleSignIn');
googleUser => {
console.log(`Signed in: ${googleUser.getBasicProfile().getName()}`);
error => {
console.log('Sign-in error', error);
const withLifeCycles = lifecycle({
componentDidMount() {
if (window.gapi) {
This is working, but only for the first gmail that the user signs in with or the gmail that is already signed in before the user lands on the page. In other words, if I log in with Gmail A, it detects the user change but it won't detect Gmail B if I log out of Gmail A and log into Gmail B afterwards. However, it will detect relogins for Gmail A subsequently and not for any other gmail addresses. Is it possible for the listener function to detect sign-ins on any gmail address or only for the firs gmail that is detected?
You need to listen to signed-in changes too. That way you will detect that user signed out from account A and signed in to B.

Google login oauth integration doesn't work in Windows PWA app

I have developed a PWA application with google and microsoft oauth login integration.Now I want the PWA application to run as windows PWA app in windows mobile and desktop applications, so I tried registering the app using AppX as stated in the following link,
and ran the application in development mode using PowerShell in windows 10 OS version, the microsoft login works great, However when I try to login using google the application starts loading and exits after some time.[the popup to show the login window also doesn't come up].
Could anyone throw a light on what's happening ?.I researched but I couldn't get any solutions.
The following API is used for login with google, in the client[react]
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
this.auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: constant.CLIENT_ID,
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: constant.SCOPE,
loginWithGoogle = () => {
const options = {
scope: constant.SCOPE,
options.prompt = 'select_account';
this.provider = 'google';
this.auth2.grantOfflineAccess(options).then((data) => {
Maybe is because your browser´s popup blocker, anyway you could use redirection instead popup mode, using ux_mode option (you have to configure the redirection url on OAuth 2.0 client IDs options)
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
this.auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
ux_mode: 'redirect',
client_id: constant.CLIENT_ID,
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: constant.SCOPE,

How capture audio message receive or image receive in BotKit Facebook

I have been using Botkit Facebook Messenger and I can receive text messages from Facebook perfectly, however I can not capture audio messages, images or attachments.
Has anyone been able to capture these types of messages?
var Botkit = require('botkit');
var controller = Botkit.facebookbot({
access_token: process.env.access_token,
verify_token: process.env.verify_token,
var bot = controller.spawn({
// if you are already using Express, you can use your own server instance...
// see "Use BotKit with an Express web server"
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port,function(err,webserver) {
controller.createWebhookEndpoints(controller.webserver, bot, function() {
console.log('This bot is online!!!');
// this is triggered when a user clicks the send-to-messenger plugin
controller.on('facebook_optin', function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'Welcome to my app!');
// user said hello
controller.hears(['hello'], 'message_received', function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'Hey there.');
controller.hears(['cookies'], 'message_received', function(bot, message) {
bot.startConversation(message, function(err, convo) {
convo.say('Did someone say cookies!?!!');
convo.ask('What is your favorite type of cookie?', function(response, convo) {
convo.say('Golly, I love ' + response.text + ' too!!!');;
there is an example for stickers, images, and audio replies in the facebook starter project:
If you have trouble using them, feel free to create an issues on the github!

Google Sign-In gives error when swiching to secondary Youtube accounts

I am currently trying to use gapi.auth2 from Google Sign-In for Websites API and this is the code I have:
-- load the library with:
<script src="" async defer></script>
-- initialize an auth2 variable:
var auth2;
window.onLoadGapiCallback = () => {
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
'client_id': 'CLIENT_ID',
'scope': 'profile email'
-- and when a botton is clicked do:
auth2.signIn().then(() => {
console.log('auth is:', auth2.currentUser.get().getAuthResponse().access_token);
This works well, it initializes the auth2 variable, when I click the button, it shows the SingIn prompt and I choose one of my Google Accounts. The problem is from now on when I have to choose a YouTube account, if I choose other account than the main one, I'll get an Exception Object like this one:
{type: "tokenFailed", idpId: "google", error: "USER_LOGGED_OUT"}
also there's an XHR request being sent lastly that has this response:
{"error":"USER_LOGGED_OUT","detail":"No active session found."}
So it only works if I choose the main account, but I cannot choose other YouTube accounts.
What am I missing here?
I've looked into all these docs but none helped me:
Getting profile information
Google Sign-In JavaScript client reference
Monitoring the user's session state
Running the code from this example (but with this scope: 'profile email') will only work if I choose the first Youtube account for each Google account. If I choose any other Youtube account, I'll get this alert error:
