How to install and run in command prompt? - cmd

I have a error in command prompt:
brew is not recognized as an internal or external command

Homebrew is only for MacOSX.
For Windows you can try with followings:-
OneGet for Windows 10


uncompile6 in pip list but i can use it

I try install uncompyle6 for decompyle .pyc file. I install it with pip install uncompyle6, so I can see it with pip list, but I recieve a message: "not recognized as an internal or external command". How can I fix it? My OS: Windows 10.

Airflow - Failed normally launch first command

I installed Airflow through
pip install apache-airflow
in Conda Promt. It's installed normally, but when i'm trying to launch this command through Conda Prompt:
airflow initdb
It gives me an error that "airflow is not an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file"
How to solve it?
I assume you are running this in windows, you can find more info here:
In short: Airflow doesn't officially support running on Windows

How to process json in bash script in windows environment

I am writing bash script that is supposed to work both on linux and windows environment. To enable bash on windows we have installed cygwin.
Seems jq lib can handle json but not sure will it work on windows environment too?
Same with sed not sure how to enable it in windows environment?
Some other libraries?
I have jq installed on cygwin and it can handle json data in Windows.
You can install jq on Cygwin by two ways
1) Run this in cmd. setup-x86_64.exe is your cygwin installation binary
setup-x86_64.exe -q -P jq
2) Install apt-cyg(the package manager of cygwin similar to yum) and run on cygwin
apt-cyg install jq
NOTE: The details of installing packages on Cygwin is mentioned How do I install cygwin components from the command line?

Wine is installed but running command wine returns "bash: wine: command not found"

I recently successfully installed wine 3.0 rc2, and double checked to make sure it was installed.
I did this all through commandline using homebrew.
However, when I run the command
wine APP.exe
it returns
-bash: wine: command not found
I tried
brew unlink wine
brew link wine
but got
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/wine
Any help? It is installed, 100%. I tried reinstalling as well, but to no avail.

Can openssh be installed on MSYS?

I'm using MSYS in windows 7 and now i need it to provide ssh server service. can openssh be installed in msys like it is in cygwin?
i can find ssh in /msys/bin, and it can be used as ssh client. but no server seems to be installed. how can i install one? i googled a lot but almost every theads leads to openssh in cygwin, that does not apply to my situation.
i compared cygwin and msys and decide to use msys. We need to run some applications both built and supposed to be ran in windows.
what i've tried:
mingw-get install mysys-openssh
test#WIN-L3L622JBT6G ~
$ mingw-get install msys-openssh
install: openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzm
installing openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.
install: openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-doc.tar.lzm
installing openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-doc.tar.
install: openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-lic.tar.lzm
installing openssh-5.4p1-1-msys-1.0.13-lic.tar.
test#WIN-L3L622JBT6G ~
$ openssh
sh: openssh: command not found
the package seems to be installed but i don't know how to find the service. do i need to link it or modify the profile?
The answer would be "NO".
Msys provide ssh client but not ssh server, as it's document indicates.
And Openssh cannot be installed on windows without cygwin. you can install a full cygwin and install openssh in cygwin. It's also feasible to only install partial cygwin.
Msys is outdated. Use Msys2, which does support sshd:
