How to update invoice using XERO API? - laravel

I am using xero api to integrate it with my web app to manage invoices, currently i want to update invoice through invoice id, i have an helper xero.php file to handle crud operations. I have a function get invoice by invoice id, i want to update the InvoiceNumber. What is the best way to update invoice?
public function update_invoice(){
$invoice_id = '******-***-****-****-************';
$updated_invoice = Xero::find_invoice_by_id($invoice_id);
$updated_invoice['response']->TotalDiscount = "1";
$updated_invoice['response']->Date = "2020-01-20";
$updated_invoice['response']->Status = "DRAFT";
$get_invoice_response = Xero::update_invoice_by_id($invoice_id,$updated_invoice['response']);
update_invoice_by_id function
public static function update_invoice_by_id($invoice_id,$updated_invoice){
$update = self::$xero->loadByGUID('Accounting\\Invoice',$invoice_id);
$invoice_response = self::$xero->save($update);
$response = [
'error' => false,
'status' => 200,
'message' => 'Invoice updated successfully',
'response' => $invoice_response->getElements()
catch (Exception $e){
$response = [
'error' => true,
'status' => $e->getCode(),
'message' => $e->getMessage()
return $response;

we have an example app that shows some sample calls to things like createInvoice.. However worth noting that there was recently a breaking change for the newer version of the API to support batch calls for invoice Create & Updates:
Older Way
$result = $apiInstance->updateInvoice($xeroTenantId, $guid, $invoice);
New Way
-> updateOrCreateInvoices is the newest way.. I recommend looking at your version of the package you are running as the function has changed.
However - in general, doing a POST on an existing invoice with the invoice ID and the New Number will enable you to update it.
"InvoiceID": "292532ba-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-60e7c39c4360",
"InvoiceNumber": "INV-im-a-new-number"
Hope this un-blocks you!


Attach TCPDF to mail in Laravel

I want to attach pdf generated with tcpdf library without save.
I'm able to attach the pdf generated but it's corrupt.
I search a lot examples but any seems don't work
This my code:
public function index($id) {
$viaje = Viaje::find($id);
$users = User::orderBy('id', 'asc')->get();
// usersPdf is the view that includes the downloading content
$view = \View::make('usersPdf', ['viaje' => $viaje, 'users' => $users]);
$html_content = $view->render();
// Set title in the PDF
PDF::SetTitle("List of users");
PDF::writeHTML($html_content, true, false, true, false, '');
$fileatt = PDF::Output($name='yourfilename.pdf', $dest='E');
$pdf = chunk_split($fileatt);
$contactopro = Contactoviajespro::find($id);
$data = [
'link' => 'http://',
'contacto' => $contactopro->name,
Mail::send('emails.notificacion', $data, function($msg) use($pdf) {
$msg->from('', 'Javier');
$msg->attachData($pdf, 'orden.pdf');
return redirect()->route('home')
->with(['message' => 'Email enviado correctamene']);
Use "S" to generate pdf and do not do chunk_split(), Laravel will do that. Additionally, if you are using queue() instead of send(), it will fail because of the attachment. To queue, write a job and send with the job queue.

Rollback not working in laravel multiple database in 5.2

Rollback not working in laravel multiple database in 5.2. What can i do? please help me. Advance thanks.
public function TestingRegistration(){
$now=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
'user_id' =>'466297',
'name' => 'Hello',
$view2= \DB::connection('mysql_2')->table('users')->insert($faculty_user_account);
$view3 = \DB::connection('mysql_3')->table('users')->insert($faculty_user_account);
return \Redirect::back()->with('message',"Faculty Registration Successfull!");
}catch(\Exception $e){
$message = "Message : ".$e->getMessage().", File : ".$e->getFile().", Line : ".$e->getLine();
return \Redirect::back()->with('errormessage',$message);
The easy way to do transaction is to use it as a callback, this way it will be handle it automatically for you.
public function TestingRegistration(){
$now = \Carbon::now(); // Where is this use?
$faculty_user_account = [
'user_id' => '466297',
'name' => 'Hello',
$success = \DB::transaction(function () use ($faculty_user_account) {
$save_registration = \DB::table('users')->insert($faculty_user_account);
$view2 = \DB::connection('mysql_2')->table('users')->insert($faculty_user_account);
$view3 = \DB::connection('mysql_3')->table('users')->insert($faculty_user_account);
return (bool) $view2 && $view3;
if (! $success) {
return \Redirect::back()->with('errormessage', 'Unable to save.');
return \Redirect::back()->with('message',"Faculty Registration Successfull!");
PS: I can't remember what insert returns, let me check later to make sure it can be use like that for testing success.

new created model with related table output and then to json

How do get the related user table of a newly created Contact model and then in the response header content-length out put it toJson().
public function store(Request $request) {
try {
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->email_address = Helper::strip_tags($request->get('email_address'));
$contact->firstname = ucfirst($request->get('firstname'));
$contact->lastname = ucfirst($request->get('lastname'));
$contact->company = ucfirst($request->get('company'));
$contact->phone = $request->get('phone');
$contact->mobile = $request->get('mobile');
$contact->description = Helper::strip_tags($request->get('description'));
if($contact->save()) {
// here is the part I'm having trouble with
$contact = $contact->with('user')->get();
return response()->json($contact, 200, ['Content-Length' => strlen($contact->toJson())]);
} else {
return response()->json(array('error' => true, 'messages' => $contact->errors), 400);
} catch(Exception $e) {
return response()->json(array('error' => true, 'type' => 'exception', 'message' => $e->getMessage()), 500, ['Content-Length' => $e->getMessage()]);
As you already have the model loaded (when you created it) you wouldn't use with() as it is for eager loading relationships.
If I understand you question correctly, to get the User relationship included in the output you would instead use lazy eager loading which would look like:

Updates records more than one time on laravel

I am trying to update values in laravel. I have a userupdate profile api which I can update the values first time with given parameters and their values but 2nd time when I update same values it gives me user profile does not exist.
My Code is :
public function UpdateUserProfile(Request $request)
$id = $request->input('id');
$client_gender = $request->input('client_gender');
$client_age = $request->input('client_age');
$client_weight = $request->input('client_weight');
$client_height = $request->input('client_height');
$client_dob = $request->input('client_dob');
$profile= DB::table('clients')
$resultArray = ['status' => 'true', 'message' => 'User profile updated Successfully!'];
return Response::json( $resultArray, 200);
$resultArray = ['status' => 'false', 'message' => 'User profile does not exist!'];
return Response::json($resultArray, 400);}
first time when I update the value it gives me the response like this:
"status": "true",
"message": "User profile updated Successfully!"
and when I hit the update request through a postman it gives a 400 Bad request and response is :
"status": "false",
"message": "User profile does not exist!"
I'd recommend rewriting that function to look like the following; mostly because it reads better and uses the Model methods that are more commonly found in Laravel
public function UpdateUserProfile(Request $request)
// this code fails if there is no client with this id
$client = App\Client::findOrFail($request->id);
// attach new values for all of the attributes
$client->client_gender = $request->input('client_gender');
$client->client_age = $request->input('client_age');
$client->client_weight = $request->input('client_weight');
$client->client_height = $request->input('client_height');
$client->client_dob = $request->input('client_dob');
// save
return ['status' => 'true', 'message' => 'User profile updated Successfully!'];

Does anyone have a working example of Omnipay and Sagepay Server or Sagepay Direct (with 3D Secure)?

I'm struggling to get either to work and Omnipay doesn't come with much documentation. I've successfully used it for other payment gateways but not with Sagepay. I'm trying to integrate it into CodeIgniter but can work from examples in other frameworks - I'm getting desperate!
Thanks to some great help on github (see comments in my original post for the thread link), I now have some workable code which I will share here in case it helps someone else in the future.
use Omnipay\Omnipay;
class PaymentGateway {
//live details
private $live_vendor = 'xxx';
//test details
private $test_vendor= 'xxx';
//payment settings
private $testMode = true;
private $api_vendor = '';
private $gateway = null;
public function __construct()
//setup api details for test or live
if ($this->testMode) :
$this->api_vendor = $this->test_vendor;
else :
$this->api_vendor = $this->live_vendor;
//initialise the payment gateway
$this->gateway = Omnipay::create('SagePay_Server');
public function initiate()
//get order details
$orderNo = customFunctionToGetOrderNo(); //get the order number from your system however you store and retrieve it
$params = array(
'description'=> 'Online order',
'currency'=> 'GBP',
'transactionId'=> $orderNo,
'amount'=> customFunctionToGetOrderTotal($orderNo)
$customer = customFunctionToGetCustomerDetails($orderNo);
$params['returnUrl'] = '/payment-gateway-process/' . $orderNo . '/'; //this is the Sagepay NotificationURL
$params['card'] = array(
'firstName' => $customer['billing_firstname'],
'lastName' => $customer['billing_lastname'],
'email' => $customer['billing_email'],
'billingAddress1' => $customer['billing_address1'],
'billingAddress2' => $customer['billing_address2'],
'billingCity' => $customer['billing_town'],
'billingPostcode' => $customer['billing_postcode'],
'billingCountry' => $customer['billing_country'],
'billingPhone' => $customer['billing_telephone'],
'shippingAddress1' => $customer['delivery_address1'],
'shippingAddress2' => $customer['delivery_address2'],
'shippingCity' => $customer['delivery_town'],
'shippingPostcode' => $customer['delivery_postcode'],
'shippingCountry' => $customer['delivery_country']
try {
$response = $this->gateway->purchase($params)->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) :
//not using this part
elseif ($response->isRedirect()) :
$reference = $response->getTransactionReference();
customFunctionToSaveTransactionReference($orderNo, $reference);
else :
//do something with an error
echo $response->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//do something with this if an error has occurred
echo 'Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.';
public function processPayment($orderNo)
$params = array(
'description'=> 'Online order',
'currency'=> 'GBP',
'transactionId'=> $orderNo,
'amount'=> customFunctionToGetOrderTotal($orderNo)
$customer = customFunctionToGetCustomerDetails($orderNo);
$transactionReference = customFunctionToGetTransactionReference($orderNo);
try {
$response = $this->gateway->completePurchase(array(
'transactionId' => $orderNo,
'transactionReference' => $transactionReference,
customFunctionToSaveStatus($orderNo, array('payment_status' => $response->getStatus()));
customFunctionToSaveMessage($orderNo, array('gateway_response' => $response->getMessage()));
//encrypt it to stop anyone being able to view other orders
$encodeOrderNo = customFunctionToEncodeOrderNo($orderNo);
$response->confirm('/payment-gateway-response/' . $encodeOrderNo);
} catch(InvalidResponseException $e) {
// Send "INVALID" response back to SagePay.
$request = $this->gateway->completePurchase(array());
$response = new \Omnipay\SagePay\Message\ServerCompleteAuthorizeResponse($request, array());
customFunctionToSaveStatus($orderNo, array('payment_status' => $response->getStatus()));
customFunctionToSaveMessage($orderNo, array('gateway_response' => $response->getMessage()));
public function paymentResponse($encodedOrderNo)
$orderNo = customFunctionToDecode($encodedOrderNo);
$sessionOrderNo = customFunctionToGetOrderNo();
if ($orderNo != $sessionOrderNo) :
//do something here as someone is trying to fake a successful order
$status = customFunctionToGetOrderStatus($orderNo);
switch(strtolower($status)) :
case 'ok' :
case 'rejected' :
case 'notauthed' :
//do something to handle failed payments
case 'error' :
//do something to handle errors
//do something if it ever reaches here
I gave a talk last night about this, and have put the working demo scripts on github here:
SagePay Direct is a one-off action - OmniPay sends the transaction details and gets an immediate response.
SagePay Server involves a redirect of the user to the SagePay website to authorise the transaction using their card details. This API uses a notify message, where SagePay will call your application directly with the authorisation results. This happens outside of the user's session, and so requires the transaction to be stored in the database so it can be shared between the two transactions.
All this is in the scripts linked above. authorize.php will do the authorisation. Edit that to use SagePay\Direct or SagePay\Server to see how it works. The notification handler for SagePay\Server is sagepay-confirm.php and that ultimately sends the user to final.php where the result can be read from the transaction stored in the database.
The scripts are all commented and should make sense, but feel free to ask more questions about them here or in the issue tracker of that github repository.
I've not tried SagePay\Direct with 3D-Secure though. The scripts may need some modification to support that, assuming that combination is a thing.
