Nifi throwing None of the fields in the record map to the columns defined by [table name] - apache-nifi

Am trying execute a sql query on oracle database and inserting the result into another table, for my trial am just performing a simple query as
SELECT 1 AS count
FROM dual
and trying to insert that into a single column table which has the name COUNT.
The content of the record on Nifi seems to be as follows
"COUNT" : "1"
but the logs keeps throwing the error
due to java.sql.SQLDataException:
None of the fields in the record map to the columns defined by
the schema_name.table_name table:
any ideas ?

I believe you get that same error message if your table name doesn't match. The Translate Field Names property only translates the fields (columns), not the table name. Try specifying the schema/table in uppercase to match what Oracle is expecting.


how to get Null records from oracle database if column is Number type and nullable

I have Oracle database table with three columns i.e Id,RTOName,VehicleCode. my table looks like below
RTOName is the varchar2 type and VehicleCode is NUMBER(2,0) and is nullable field.
So I have the data like below and I want to fetch the records with Some VehicleCode and with null value. The table design like this already done so changing that will impact a lot in my application. I have a JPA Native Query that I used like this and I want to fetch the records with null values.
Query query = createNativeQuery("select RTOName,VehicleCode from tbl_vehiclecodes WHERE VehicleCode=#vCode");
query.setParameter("vCode", vehicleCode);
From above Query I will get only Non null valued record. Eg. for vCode parameter 61 I will get
Marathalli,61. If my vCode is null I have a problem and I wont get any record.
How to achieve this in Native Query?
I know that we can use IS NULL in the Query in where clause. Since I have some numbers here In my case how to solve this? Any help
We can use OR here,
Following query will give you records with matched records for parameter vCode along with rows having null and in case of vCode is null you get the records only with null values.
Query query = createNativeQuery("select RTOName,VehicleCode from tbl_vehiclecodes WHERE (VehicleCode is null or VehicleCode=#vCode)");
Edit: considering the doubts from #Ranagal
If you want like in case of null value passed to vCode you want all the records having value in vehiclecode and also with null then we need to change the query like,
Query query = createNativeQuery("select RTOName,VehicleCode from tbl_vehiclecodes WHERE (VehicleCode is null or VehicleCode=coalesce(#vCode,VehicleCode))");

Oracle Forms Post-Query FRM-40735 and ORA-01422

I want to display the item from different table, I am using POST-QUERY trigger
SELECT Stock_code
INTO :exchange.stockcode
FROM Exchange_Stock
WHERE Exchange_code = :exchange.Exchange_code;
it come up with FRM-40735 and ORA-01422
but it display some of the record (not all),
I have no idea what is wrong
Most probably the POST-QUERY trigger fires just after the fields of table-based block with multiple records are populated. Obviously Exchange_code values are not unique throughout the table data, whereas a SELECT .. INTO .. FROM ... clause only can bring one row record.
So, you can try to filter out the results so as to get single rows for each parameter fields combinations such as :exchange.Exchange_code & :exchange.code_order instead of only :exchange.Exchange_code field within the WHERE condition :
SELECT Stock_code
INTO :exchange.stockcode
FROM Exchange_Stock
WHERE Exchange_code = :exchange.Exchange_code
AND code_order = :exchange.code_order;
where important thing is to get single row from the query matching for each record in the data block. You can still add more condition to the query if this condition is not provided yet.

Query two tables and select one field from response

I am using the following code to query a row from two joined tables:
s.database.GetDatabase().Model(&dbUser).Related(&result, "Registrations")
However when i use select as follows:
s.database.GetDatabase().Model(&dbUser).Select("name").Related(&result, "Registrations")
it show the following error and returns zero records
(pq: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """")

Hive inserting values to an array complex type column

I am unable to append data to tables that contain an array column using insert into statements; the data type is array < varchar(200) >
Using jodbc I am unable to insert values into an array column by values like :
INSERT INTO demo.table (codes) VALUES (['a','b']);
does not recognises the "[" or "{" signs.
Using the array function like ...
INSERT INTO demo.table (codes) VALUES (array('a','b'));
I get the following error using array function:
Unable to create temp file for insert values Expression of type TOK_FUNCTION not supported in insert/values
Tried the workaround...
INSERT into demo.table (codes) select array('a','b');
Failed to recognize predicate '<EOF>'. Failed rule: 'regularBody' in statement
How can I load array data into columns using jdbc ?
My Table has two columns: a STRING, b ARRAY<STRING>.
When I use #Kishore Kumar Suthar's method, I got this:
FAILED: ParseException line 1:33 cannot recognize input near '(' 'a' ',' in statement
But I find another way, and it works for me:
INSERT INTO test.table
SELECT "test1", ARRAY("123", "456", "789")
FROM dummy LIMIT 1;
dummy is any table which has atleast one row.
make a dummy table which has atleast one row.
INSERT INTO demo.table (codes) VALUES (array('a','b')) from dummy limit 1;
hive> select codes demo.table;
Time taken: 0.088 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
Suppose I have a table employee containing the fields ID and Name.
I create another table employee_address with fields ID and Address. Address is a complex data of type array(string).
Here is how I can insert values into it:
insert into table employee_address select 1, 'Mark', 'Evans', ARRAY('NewYork','11th
avenue') from employee limit 1;
Here the table employee just acts as a dummy table. No data is copied from it. Its schema may not match employee_address. It doesn't matter.

Hive Hadoop : Need to LOAD data into a table based on conditions on the input file

I am new to Hadoop Hive and have just started to do basic querying in hive.
My intention is I have an input text file (which has large number of records per line). The format of the file is something like this:
(Each integer before a ";" has a meaning which I am intending to put it in Hive table as column names - and each line contains about 400 fields)
So for inserting this I have created a table "test" - using the following query:
CREATE TABLE test (field1 INT, field2 INT, field3 INT, field4 INT, ... field390 INT)
And I load my text file with the records using the LOAD query as below:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/tmp/test.txt'
For now all the fields are getting inserted into the table upto 50 fields accurately. Later I have mismatches.
What I have in my format of input is - at 50th field in the test.txt I have a INT number which decides the number of fields to take following the field.
50th field: 2 -> Hive has to take the next 2*10 field INT values and insert in the table.
50th field: 1 -> Hive has to take the next 1*10 field INT values and insert in the table. And the rest 10 fields can be set NULL.
(The maximum value of 50th field is 2 - so I have reserved 2*10 fields for this in the table)
After 50th+(2*10) fields , the data should be read normally in the sequence as it did before the 50th field.
Do we have a way in which we can have a condition on the input so that the data gets inserted accordingly in Hive.
A help may be appreciated. Need a solution which will not guide me to pre-process the test.txt and then supply to the table.
I have tried to answer it at
Does it make sense?
You can use where clause in Hive.
First load data into Hive raw table or HDFS, then again create table and load data based on where clause.
SELECT * FROM table_reference
WHERE name like "%venu%"
