async update(params, data, { files } = {}) does not work - strapi

my project was created with Strapi 3.0.0-beta.18.6.
But in the service of the content type "Orders" the (new) "update" method does not work, only the (old) "edit" works.
Can someone give me a tip?
// ---------------- "update" does not work :( ------------------
async update(params, data, { files } = {}) {
const query = strapi.query('order');
const entry = await query.update(params, data);
if (files) {
// automatically uploads the files based on the entry and the model
await this.uploadFiles(entry, files, { model: strapi.models.order });
return this.findOne({ id: });
return entry;
by the way, query.update(params, data); cannot be executed, the process is canceled, but there is no error message.
// ---------------- old "edit" works ------------------
async edit (params, values) {
// Extract values related to relational data.
const relations = _.pick(values, => ast.alias));
const data = _.omit(values, => ast.alias));
// Create entry with no-relational data.
const entry = Order.forge(params).save(data);
// Create relational data and return the entry.
return Order.updateRelations(Object.assign(params, { values: relations }));
Thanks in advance!

Strapi generated controllers are based on the shadow core controller function.
If you want to customize the default function you can refer to this documentation :
I just tried it and it works fine.


Strapi V4 how to modify data response for a component (dynamic zone)

Imagine a case where an editor adds a “Latest Products” component to a page using dynamic zone: they add a title, a summary, and then the latest products will automatically be fetched to be available in the response. How can I add this data to the response of the component?
I know we can override the response for content types using a custom controller, but I can't find anything for how to modify the response for a component.
Maybe there's an alternative approach I haven't thought of, but coming from a Drupal preprocess-everything background this is all I can think of.
Any help appreciated!
I'm sure this isn't the best way, but I created a service for components that can be used in the content type controller to modify the response. Any improvements appreciated!
'use strict';
* custom-page controller
const { createCoreController } = require('#strapi/strapi').factories;
module.exports = createCoreController('api::custom-page.custom-page', ({ strapi }) => ({
async find(ctx) {
const componentService = strapi.service('api::components.components');
let { data, meta } = await super.find(ctx);
data = await Promise.all( (entry, index) => {
await Promise.all( (section, index) => {
const component = await componentService.getComponent(section);
entry.attributes.sections[index] = component;
return entry;
return { data, meta };
'use strict';
* components service.
module.exports = () => ({
getComponent: async (input) => {
// Latest products
if(input.__component === 'sections.latest-products'){
input.products = 'customdatahere';
return input;

Next.js seems to cache files as in a route of _next/data/[path].json preventing getStaticProps from running in server side render

The issue appears to happen when I post the link on platforms like Discord and Slack, where then to produce a URL preview they send a request to the link. The link which in this case follows this structure (normal format)[...ids].
Within [...ids] I either pass one of two ids for the same object, the object has the following structure:
type Catalogue {
id: ID!
edit_id: String!
user_id: String!
title: String
The first id I could pass into [...ids] would be
The second id I could pass into [...ids] would be Catalogue.edit_id
Whenever either of those inputs for [...ids] is passed as part of a request the following getStaticProps is ran:
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
const { ids } = params;
let catalogue: CatalogueType | null = await fetchFullCatalogue(ids[0]);
return {
props: {
catalogue_prop: catalogue,
with fetchFullCatalogue being:
export const fetchFullCatalogue = async (
id: string
): Promise<CatalogueType | null> => {
let catalogue: CatalogueType;
const fetchToUrl =
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
? "http://localhost:4000/graphql"
: process.env.BACKEND_URL + "/graphql";
// create a axios fetch request to the http://localhost:4000/graphql
const query = `
fragment AllCatalogueFields on Catalogue {
labels {
listings {
query Catalogues($id: ID, $edit_id: String) {
catalogues(id: $id, edit_id: $edit_id) {
const config: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "post",
url: fetchToUrl,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
variables: { id: id, edit_id: id },
let response = await axios(config);
if ( return null;
catalogue =[0];
console.log("catalogue", catalogue);
return catalogue;
The request it is making is to the following API endpoint
Query: {
catalogues: async (
_: null,
args: { id: string; edit_id: string }
): Promise<Catalogue[]> => {
let catalogues: Catalogue[];
// when both id and edit_are passed
if ( && args.edit_id) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(, "id", true);
// the following convoluted request is the result of
// me responding to the fact that only the edit_id was working
if (catalogues.length === 0) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(args.edit_id, "edit_id", true);
if (catalogues.length === 0) {
throw new UserInputError("No catalogues found");
} else {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(
console.log("catalogues", catalogues);
} else if ( {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(;
} else if (args.edit_id) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(args.edit_id, "edit_id");
} else {
const res = await db.query(fullCatalogueQuery());
catalogues = res.rows;
return catalogues;
This results in the following output within the deployed logs:
The logs show the data when the Catalogue is first created which simultaneously navigates me to the URL of "normal format" with which is interpreted as /_next/data/qOrdpdpcJ0p6rEbV8eEfm/ctg/dab212a0-826f-42fb-ba21-6ebb3c1350de.json. This contains the default data when Catalogue is first generated with Catalogue.title being "Untitled List"
Before sending both requests I changed the Catalogue.title to "asd".
Notice how the request with the Catalogue.edit_id which was sent as the "normal format" was interpreted as /ctg/ee0dc1d7-5458-4232-b208-1cbf529cbf4f?edit=true. This resulted in the correct data being returned with Catalogue.title being "asd".
Yet the following request with the although being of the same "normal format" never provoked any logs.
(I have tried sending the request without the params ?edit=true and the same happens)
Another important detail is that the (faulty) request with the produces the (faulty) URL preview much faster than the request with Catalogue.edit_id.
My best theory as to why this is happening is that the data of the URL with is somehow stored/cached. This would happen as the Catalogue is first created. In turn it would result in the old stored being returned instead of making the fetch again. Whereas the Catalogue.edit_id makes the fetch again.
Live site:
Anything helps, I felt like ive tried everything under the sun, thanks in advance!
I learned that For my purposes I had to use getServerSideProps instead of getStaticProps

Apollo GraphQL Deconstruction of data not working

I am digging graphql so I followed a tutorial, And I stucked in this part.
function Home() {
const {
data: { getPosts: posts } // <===## Here ##
} = useQuery(FETCH_POSTS_QUERY);
return (
{loading ? (
<h1>Loading posts..</h1>
) : (
posts && => (
const FETCH_POSTS_QUERY = gql`
getPosts {
export default Home;
Query: {
async getPosts() {
try {
const posts = await Post.find().sort({ createdAt: -1 });
return posts;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err);
Whole code:
In above example is working well, and it use it use data: { getPosts: posts } for deconstruction of returned data. but In my code, I followed it but I got an error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getPosts' of undefined
Instead, If I code like below,
function Home() {
const {
data // <===## Here ##
} = useQuery(FETCH_POSTS_QUERY);
if(loading) return <h1>Loading...</h1>
const { getPosts: posts } = data // <===## Here ##
return (
{loading ? (
<h1>Loading posts..</h1>
) : (
posts && => (
It working well. Seems like my code try to reference data before it loaded. But I don't know why this happen. Code is almost same. Different things are 1. my code is on nextjs, 2. my code is on apollo-server-express. Other things are almost same, my resolver use async/await, and will return posts. Am I miss something?
my resolver is like below.
Query: {
async getPosts(_, { pageNum, searchQuery }) {
try {
const perPage = 5
const posts =
await Post
.find(searchQuery ? { $or: search } : {})
.skip((pageNum - 1) * perPage)
return posts
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err)
Your tutorial may be out of date. In older versions of Apollo Client, data was initially set to an empty object. This way, if your code accessed some property on it, it wouldn't blow up. While this was convenient, it also wasn't particularly accurate (there is no data, so why are we providing an object?). Now, data is simply undefined until your operation completes. This is why the latter code is working -- you don't access any properties on data until after loading is false, which means the query is done and data is no longer undefined.
If you want to destructure data when your hook is declared, you can utilize a default value like this:
const {
data: { getPosts: posts } = {}
You could even assign a default value to posts as well if you like.
Just keep in mind two other things: One, data will remain undefined if a network error occurs, even after loading is changed to true, so make sure your code accounts for this scenario. Two, depending on your schema, if there's errors in your response, it's possible for your entire data object to end up null. In this case, you'll still hit an issue with destructuring because default values only work with undefined, not null.

Vue js function countSubcategories() returns [object Promise]

countSubcategories() function returns [object Promise] where it should return row counts of mapped subcategories.
This code is in vue.js & Laravel, Any suggestions on this?
<div v-for="(cat,index) in" :key="">
{{ countSubcategories( }} // Here subcategories row counts should be displayed.
export default {
data() {
return {
cats: {},
childcounts: ""
created() {
methods: {
countSubcategories(id) {
return axios
.get("/api/user-permission-child-count/" + `${id}`)
.then(response => {
this.childcounts =;
getCategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
let url = helper.getFilterURL(this.filterpartnerForm);
.get("/api/get-user-permission-categories?page=" + page + url)
.then(response => (this.cats =;
As Aron stated in the previous answer as you are calling direct from the template the information is not ready when the template is rendered.
As far as I understood you need to run getCategories first so then you can fetch the rest of your data, right?
If that's the case I have a suggestion:
Send an array of cat ids to your back-end and there you could send back the list of subcategories you need, this and this one are good resources so read.
And instead of having 2 getCategories and countSubcategories you could "merge" then like this:
fetchCategoriesAndSubcategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
let url = helper.getFilterURL(this.filterpartnerForm);
.get("/api/get-user-permission-categories?page=" + page + url)
.then(response => {
this.cats =;
let catIds = => (;
return this.countSubcategories(catIds) // dont forget to change your REST endpoint to manage receiving an array of ids
.then(response => {
this.childcounts =
Promises allow you to return promises within and chain .then methods
So in your created() you could just call this.fetchCategoriesAndSubcategories passing the data you need. Also you can update your template by adding a v-if so it doesn't throw an error while the promise didn't finish loading. something like this:
<div v-if="childCounts" v-for="(subcategorie, index) in childCounts" :key="">
{{ subcategorie }} // Here subcategories row counts should be displayed.
Based on the provided information, it could be 2 things. First of all, you may try replacing:
and look in the console if you have the correct information logged. If not, it may be the way you send the information from Laravel.
PS: More information may be needed to solve this. When are you triggering the 'countSubcategories' method?
I would do all the intial login in the component itself, and not call a function in template like that. It can drastically affect the performance of the app, since the function would be called on change detection. But first, you are getting [object Promise], since that is exactly what you return, a Promise.
So as already mentioned, I would do the login in the component and then display a property in template. So I suggest the following:
methods: {
countSubcategories(id) {
return axios.get("..." + id);
getCategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
// or use async await pattern
axios.get("...").then(response => {
this.cats =;
// gather all nested requests and perform in parallel
const reqs = => this.countSubcategories(;
axios.all(reqs).then(y => {
// merge data
this.cats =, i) => {
return {...item, count: y[i].data}
Now you can display {{cat.count}} in template.
Here's a sample SANDBOX with similar setup.
This is happen 'cause you're trying to render a information who doesn't comeback yet...
Try to change this method inside created, make it async and don't call directly your method on HTML. Them you can render your variable this.childcounts.

Can't get meteor FileCollection package to work

I am (unfortunately) working on a Windows machine so I had to manually add the FileCollection package to my app, but when I run my app, I can access the file collection and file collection methods from the browser console. However, I can't seem to get the event listeners set up on an actual page. (FYI, I am using iron-router for my templating architecture.)
It seems like the code that needs to be called is just not coming in the right order, but I've experimented with where I place the code and nothing seems to make a difference.
The server side code:
// Create a file collection, and enable file upload and download using HTTP
Images = new fileCollection('images',
{ resumable: true, // Enable built-in resumable.js upload support
http: [
{ method: 'get',
path: '/:_id', // this will be at route "/gridfs/images/:_id"
lookup: function (params, query) { // uses express style url params
return { _id: params._id }; // a mongo query mapping url to myFiles
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Only publish files owned by this userId, and ignore
// file chunks being used by Resumable.js for current uploads
function () {
return Images.find({ 'metadata._Resumable': { $exists: false },
'metadata.owner': this.userId });
// Allow rules for security. Should look familiar!
// Without these, no file writes would be allowed
remove: function (userId, file) {
// Only owners can delete
if (userId !== file.metadata.owner) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Client file document updates are all denied, implement Methods for that
// This rule secures the HTTP REST interfaces' PUT/POST
update: function (userId, file, fields) {
// Only owners can upload file data
if (userId !== file.metadata.owner) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
insert: function (userId, file) {
// Assign the proper owner when a file is created
file.metadata = file.metadata || {};
file.metadata.owner = userId;
return true;
The client side code (currently in main.js at the top level of the client dir):
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This assigns a file upload drop zone to some DOM node
// This assigns a browse action to a DOM node
// When a file is added via drag and drop
Images.resumable.on('fileAdded', function(file) {
// Create a new file in the file collection to upload
_id : file.uniqueIdentifier, // This is the ID resumable will use
filename : file.fileName,
contentType : file.file.type
}, function(err, _id) {// Callback to .insert
if (err) {throwError('Image upload failed');}
// Once the file exists on the server, start uploading
Images.resumable.on('fileSuccess', function(file) {
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var url = '/gridfs/images/' + file._id;
Meteor.users.update(userId, {
$set : {
"profile.$.imageURL" : url
Session.set('uploading', false);
Images.resumable.on('fileProgress', function(file) {
Session.set('uploading', true);
I think the issue might be with using IronRouter. I'll assume you are using some layout.html via Iron router and inside it you've added your template for your file table to be shown. (I'm guessing your are following the sampleApp that came with fileCollection.). I had a problem when I did this and it had to do with where I had the code that attached the listeners. The problem is where you have the code "Images.resumable.assignDrop($(".fileDrop"));" in your client file. The way you have it now, that line of code is running before your template is rendered within the layout.html. So the code can not find the DOM element ".fileDrop". To fix this create a layout.js file and use the rendered method like this...
Template.layout.rendered = function(){
