How to maintain cleanup of the Sonar table PROJECT_MEASURES - oracle

We have Sonarqube version 6.7.1, with Oracle DB. We see that the table PROJECT_MEASURES is full of a huge amount of records: 130216515.
What is the best way to maintain clean up there? currently, it is causing many failures in the job with timeout for Sonarqube
Example from today 12:15 to 12:30:
430,574 rows were inserted to that table, 1,300,848 were deleted.

As we suspected, the issue came from PROJECT_MEASURES bad performance.
The steps we did to improve it:
A new index was added to the table for ANALYSIS_UUID_CUSTOM_IDX2
Afterward, rebuild the indexes
db-cache was 300MB, where the minimum we allocated was 2GB. We increased it to 4GB (the DB server has 16GB RAM)
Redologs files – size was 300MB, we increased to 1GB
Increase the cache of the sequence from the default 20 to 1000
Shrink the PROJECT_MEASURES table with the COMPACT option
after it, scans worked much faster, and all builds passed with sonarqube stage


Index is not scanning after made it unusable

For existing table i have added the index to check the performance. Table has 1.5 million records. The existing cost is "58645". Once created the index the cost is reduced to "365". So that often time I have made the index as "unusable". Then I alter and rebuild the index to check. For yesterday known the index is being used by explain plan in oracle. But today when I unusable the index and rebuild, in explain plan the index scan was not working. But performance remains fast than older. I have dropped and created again. But still the issue is remaining. Fetching is fast. But the explain plan showing that the index is not being used and the cost is showing "58645". Am stuck with this.
Many times when you create the new index or rebuild it from scratch it doesn't show up in explain plan and sometime is not used for a while as well. To correct the explain plan the stats should be gathered on index.
Blocks of data are cached in the BUFFER_POOL, which will affect your results such that:
Run Query;
Change Index;
Run Query; - buffered data from 1 will skew the preformance
Flush buffer pool
Run Query - now you get a truer measure of how "fast" the query is.
Did you flush the buffer?

Can I reduce the size of my catalog_product_index_eav table or increase my indexing speed?

In Magento table catalog_product_index_eav contains 3.802.998 records and catalog_product_index_eav_idx contains 2.447.411 records. The sizes of other tables are 100000 records or less, normal sizes I think.
Reindexing table catalog_product_attributes takes a lot of time in the CLI, more then 10 minutes or fails because losing the mysql connection.
I think the big size of table catalog_product_index_eav is related to taking a lot of time indexing Product Attributes.
There are no files in the var/locks directory. In my magento test environment I have truncated table catalog_product_index_eav and reindexing again. Table catalog_product_index_eav stays empty and indexing takes a lot of time.
I have 8GB mysql memory with mysql server mariaDB on Ubuntu.
Is there a way to reduce the size of catalog_product_index_eav or speed up indexing?
I have found a workaround to speed up indexing by deleting the foreign key FK_INDEX_PROCESS_EVENT_PROCESS_ID_INDEX_PROCESS_PROCESS_ID from the table index_process_event.

mysqldump big MyISAM table starts fast and suddenly slows down

calling mysqldump for a database containing innodb & myisam tables.
Dump still runs very fast when it comes to a fat MyISAM table with 11GB size.
Fast means iotop shows me more than 70MB/s write performance.
I view the process in mytop so i know it happens at a big table.
Dump files grows up to 8GB and then suddenly the I/O is only about 1 MB/s.
Server Load is OK, no other processes running.
Tried to change my.cnf settings but nothing worked.
Performance depends on a few factors.
I had to create an alternative solution to Mysqldump for a client to make them load a 42GB dump file (with more than 1 billion rows)
For reference: originally, MySQLDump took 3.9 days on a 16 core server with 64Gb ram and a 10 disk SSD array.
Using uniVocity We loaded the same data in 90 minutes, using a 3 year old laptop. You can use it with a 30 day evaluation license to load this.
Other than that, here are a few things that may impact performance:
Check if you have this on your dump file to disable constraints:
If it doesn't add them or alter the create table script to remove all constraints. If you have constraints enabled (primary keys, foreign keys, etc) while running your dump load, the process will get slower over time as the database will validate these contraints on every insert against a growing number of possibilities (more PK's and FK's).
If you are using InnoDB (not exactly your case but it may help someone else), add this to your my.cfg file:
innodb_doublewrite = 0
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8000M
# innodb_log_file_size = 512M - If I enable this one the server won't start. Couldn't identify why.
log-bin = 0
innodb_support_xa = 0
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0

Deletes Slow on a Oracle BIG Table

I have a table which has around 180 million records and 40 indexes. A nightly program, loads data into this table but due to certain business conditions we can only delete and load data into this table. The nightly program will bring new records or updates to existing records in the table from the source system.We have limited window i.e about 6 hours to complete the extract from the source system, perform business transformations and finally load the data into this target table and be ready for users to consume the data in the morning. The issue which we are facing is that the delete from this table takes a lot of time mainly due to the 40 indexes on the table(an average of 70000 deletes per hour). I did some digging on the internet and see the below options
a) Drop or disable indexes before delete and then rebuild indexes: The program which loads data into the target table after delete and loading the data needs to perform quite a few updates for which the indexes are critical. And to rebuild 1 index it takes almost 1.5 hours due to the enormous amount of data in the table. So this approach is not feasible due to the time it takes to rebuild indexes and due to the limited time we have to get the data ready for the users
b) Use bulk delete: Currently the program deletes based on rowid and deletes records one by one as below
FROM <table>
WHERE rowid = g_wpk_tab(ln_i);
g_wpk_tab is the collection which holds rowids to be deleted which is read by looping via FOR ALL and I do an intermediate commit every 50000 row deletes.
Tom of AskTom says in this discussion over here says that the bulk delete and row by row delete will take almost the same amount of time
So this wont be a feasible option as well
c)Regular Delete: Tom of AskTom suggests to use the regular delete and even that takes a long time probably due to the number of indexes on this table
d)CTAS: This approach is out of question because the program needs to recreate the table , create the 40 indexes and then proceed with the updates and I mentioned above an index will take atleast 1.5 hrs to create
If you could provide me any other suggestions I would really appreciate it.
UPDATE: As of now we have decided to go with the approach suggested by to archive instead of delete. Approach is to add a flag to the table to mark the records to be deleted as DELETE and then have a post delete program run during the day to delete off the records. This will ensure that the data is available for users at the right time. Since users consume via OBIEE we are planning to set content level filter on the table to not look at the archival column so that users needn't know about what to select and what to ignore.
Parallel DML alter session enable parallel dml;, delete /*+ parallel */ ...;, commit;. Sometimes it's that easy.
Parallel DDL alter index your_index rebuild nologging compress parallel;. NOLOGGING to reduce the amount of redo generated during the index rebuild. COMPRESS can significantly reduce the size of a non-unique index, which significantly reduces the rebuild time. PARALLEL can also make a huge difference in rebuild time if you have more than one CPU or more than one disk. If you're not already using these options, I wouldn't be surprised if using all of them together improves index rebuilds by an order of magnitude. And then 1.5 * 40 / 10 = 6 hours.
Re-evaluate your indexes Do you really need 40 indexes? It's entirely possible, but many indexes are only created because "indexes are magic". Make sure there's a legitimate reason behind each index. This can be very difficult to do, very few people document the reason for an index. Before you ask around, you may want to gather some information. Turn on index monitoring to see which indexes are really being used. And even if the index is used, see how it is used, perhaps through v$sql_plan. It's possible that an index is used for a specific statement but another index would have worked just as well.
Archive instead of delete Instead of deleting, just set a flag to mark a row as archived, invalid, deleted, etc. This will avoid the immediate overhead of index maintenance. Ignore the rows temporarily and let some other job delete them later. The large downside to this is that it affects any query on the table.
Upgrading is probably out of the question, but 12c has an interesting new feature called in-database archiving. It's a more transparent way of accomplishing the same thing.

Oracle SQL*loader running in direct mode is much slower than conventional path load

In the past few days I've playing around with Oracle's SQL*Loader in attempt to bulk load data into Oracle. After trying out different combination of options I was surprised to found the conventional path load runs much quicker than direct path load.
A few facts about the problem:
Number of records to load is 60K.
Number of records in target table, before load, is 700 million.
Oracle version is 11g r2.
The data file contains date, character (ascii, no conversion required), integer, float. No blob/clob.
Table is partitioned by hash. Hash function is same as PK.
Parallel of table is set to 4 while server has 16 CPU.
Index is locally partitioned. Parallel of index (from ALL_INDEXES) is 1.
There's only 1 PK and 1 index on target table. PK constraint built using index.
Check on index partitions revealed that records distribution among partitions are pretty even.
Data file is delimited.
APPEND option is used.
Select and delete of the loaded data through SQL is pretty fast, almost instant response.
With conventional path, loading completes in around 6 seconds.
With direct path load, loading takes around 20 minutes. The worst run takes 1.5 hour to
complete yet server was not busy at all.
If skip_index_maintenance is enabled, direct path load completes in 2-3 seconds.
I've tried quite a number of options but none of them gives noticeable improvement... UNRECOVERABLE, SORTED INDEXES, MULTITHREADING (I am running SQL*Loader on a multiple CPU server). None of them improve the situation.
Here's the wait event I kept seeing during the time SQL*Loader runs in direct mode:
Event: db file sequential read
P1/2/3: file#, block#, blocks (check from dba_extents that it is an index block)
Wait class: User I/O
Does anyone has any idea what has gone wrong with direct path load? Or is there anything I can further check to really dig the root cause of the problem? Thanks in advance.
I guess you are falling fowl of this
"When loading a relatively small number of rows into a large indexed table
During a direct path load, the existing index is copied when it is merged with the new index keys. If the existing index is very large and the number of new keys is very small, then the index copy time can offset the time saved by a direct path load."
from When to Use a Conventional Path Load in:
