Pipe Curl Output with Grep ending o Txt File in Ruby - ruby

im encountering problems using curl within ruby. I want to run a ruby script and it should store a JSON type object like this
"remote": [
{"name": "cast-1",
"id": 1212
{"name": "cast-1",
"id": 1214
{"name": "home-11",
"id": 3212
{"name": "cast-3",
"id": 3212
{"name": "cast-3",
"id": 3213
{"name": "cast-4",
"id": 4211
in a text file. I mapped and grepped the curl input to get the desired entries.
Now when i run the script, my txt file pops out empty.
example of what i tried
`curl -m 10 -s -H '[...]' "https://example_with_json_file.com" | jq -r .remote | group_by(.name) | map({ (.[0].name): map(.id) }) | "\(.[])" | grep '3\|4\|11' > file.txt`
foo = []
File.open(file.txt) do |file|
foo = file.readlines
running the above input in my temrinal works. I tried using Kernel.system order system within my ruby example. Nothing worked.
How can i pipe this output into a txt file
Or in general, is it possible to run the curl input in a single line, that is executable using ruby?

Always it's better to do stuff in one language. Like:
response = HTTParty.get('https://path/to/json')
If you want mix it with Bash, try:
bar = `curl -m 10 -s -H '[...]' "https://example_with_json_file.com" | jq -r .remote | group_by(.name) | map({ (.[0].name): map(.id) }) | "\(.[])" | grep '3\|4\|11'`
foo = bar.split(/\n/)
File.write('/path/to/file', bar)


looping through json object using jq

I have a json file which i have obtained using curl command and it looks as below.
"Storages": [
"Creation": "2020-04-21T14:01:54",
"Modified": "2020-04-21T14:01:54",
"Volume": "/dev/null",
"id": 10000,
"version": "20190925-230722"
"Creation": "2020-04-22T14:01:54",
"Modified": "2020-04-22T14:01:54",
"Volume": "/opt/home",
"id": 10001,
"version": "22a-20190925-230722"
"Creation": "2020-04-23T14:01:54",
"Modified": "2020-04-23T14:01:54",
"Volume": "/home/abcd",
"id": 10003,
"version": "21c-20190925-230722"
Now I need to loop thorough array and get id and volume values into 2 variables if version startswith 21a. No need to form another json
For educational purposes, here's a jq command that does both the things you want, but in 2 separate steps:
jq -r 'del(.Storages[] | select(.version | startswith("21a") | not))
.Storages[] | {id, version}'
The first part (del(.Storages[] | select(.version | startswith("21a") | not))) filters out the array elements that don't have a version starting with 21a. The second part (.Storages[] | {id, version}) drills and extracts the specific information you need.
You can use startswith builtin function such as
jq -r '.Storages[] | select(.version | startswith("21a")) | {id, Volume}'
Edit : Assuming the JSON embedded into a file(Storages.json), then you can assign the results into shell variables such as
$ readarray -t vars < <( jq -r '.Storages[] | select(.version|startswith("21a"))| .id, .Volume' Storages.json )
and display those variables as
$ declare -p vars
declare -a vars='([0]="10003" [1]="/home/abcd")'

How to extract simple text and store into a file?

I'm writing a bash script for hetzner's cloud API, and I need to store the server's ID to a text file. After the command using it will output the below,
"server": {
"id": 12345678,
"name": "servertest-101",
"status": "initializing",
"created": "2020-09-18T09:22:21+00:00",
This is just a snippet, but that's from the first line of the response.
How can I extract and store that value?
The api returns in json format: You've not given much information but use jq to parse it:
$ cat myinput.json
"server": {
"id": 12345678,
"name": "servertest-101",
"status": "initializing",
"created": "2020-09-18T09:22:21+00:00"
$ jq -r .server.id myinput.json
redirect to a file:
$ jq -r .server.id myinput.json > myoutputfile
$ cat myoutputfile
You can pipe output of your command to process it further as this:
cat yourjson.json | grep -m 1 -E -o '\"id\": [0-9]+' | cut -d" " -f 2 > yourtextfile.txt
First, get your json content, then send it through the grep command that extracts only part "id": 1234567 using regular expression. Then pipe this result to cut command that splits it by a space and selects the second part, which is your value. Lastly, you redirect result of the job to the desired text file.
If you are sure that your value is going to always be the first number in the input, you can just simply select it by grep:
cat yourjson.json | grep -m 1 -E -o '[0-9]+' > output.txt

Loop json Output in shell script

I have this output variable
OUTPUT=$(echo $ZONE_LIST | jq -r '.response | .data[]')
The Output:
"accountId": "xyz",
"addDate": "2020-09-05T10:57:11Z",
"content": "\"MyContent\"",
"id": "MyID",
"priority": null
"accountId": "xyz",
"addDate": "2020-09-05T06:58:52Z",
"content": "\"MyContent\"",
"id": "MyID",
"priority": null
How can I create a loop for this two values?
echo "$content - $id"
I tried this, but then I get a loop through every single value
for k in $(echo $ZONE_LIST | jq -r '.response | .data[]'); do
echo $k
My complete JSON:
"errors": [],
"metadata": {
"transactionId": "",
"response": {
"data": [
"accountId": "xyz",
"addDate": "2020-09-05T10:57:11Z",
"content": "\"abcd\"",
"id": "myID1",
"lastChangeDate": "2020-09-05T10:57:11Z",
"accountId": "xyz",
"addDate": "2020-09-05T06:58:52Z",
"content": "\"abc\"",
"id": "myID2",
"lastChangeDate": "2020-09-05T07:08:15Z",
"limit": 10,
"page": 1,
"totalEntries": 2,
"status": "success",
"warnings": []
Now I need a loop for data, because I need it for a curl
The curl NOW:
curl -s -v -X POST --data '{
"deleteEntries": [
}' https://URL_to_Update 2>/dev/null)
Now I want to create a new variable from my JSON data. My CURL should look like this at the end:
curl -s -v -X POST --data '{
"deleteEntries": [
"readID": "myID1",
"date": "2020-09-05T10:57:11Z", <--Value from addDate
"content": "abcd"
"readID": "myID2",
"date": "2020-09-05T06:58:52Z", <--Value from addDate
"content": "abc"
}' https://URL_to_Update 2>/dev/null)
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS=$'\37' read -r -d '' id content; do
echo "$id" "$content"
done < <(
jq -j '.response | .data[] | .id + "\u001f" + .content + "\u0000"' \
jq -j: Forces a raw output from jq.
.id + "\u001f" + .content + "\u0000": Assemble fields delimited by ASCII FS (Hexadecimal 1f or Octal 37), and end record by a null character.
It then becomes easy and reliable to iterate over null delimited records by having read -d '' (null delimiter).
Fields id content are separated by ASCII FS, so just set the Internal Field Separator IFS environment variable to the corresponding octal IFS=$'37' before reading.
The first step is to realize you can turn the set of fields into an array like this using a technique like this:
jq '(.accountId + "," + .addDate)'
Now you can update your bash loop:
for k in $(echo $ZONE_LIST | jq -r '.response | .data[]' | jq '(.content + "," + .id)'); do
echo $k
There is probably a way to combine the two jq commands but I don't have your original json data for testing.
UPDATE - inside the loop you can parse the comma-delimited string into separate fields. This are more efficient ways to handle this task but I prefer simplicity.
ID=$(echo $k | cut -d',' -f1)
PRIORITY=$(echo $k | cut -d',' -f2)
Try this.
for k in $(echo $ZONE_LIST | jq -rc '.response | .data[]'); do
echo $k|jq '.content + " - " + .id' -r

fetch the number of record from a JSON file using shell

I have a test.txt file in this format
"user": "sthapa",
"ticket": "LIN-5867_3",
"start_date": "2018-03-16",
"end_date": "2018-03-16",
"demo_nos": [692],
"service_names": [
I need to look for a tag called demo_nos and provide the count of it.
For example in the above file "demo_nos": [692] which means only one demo nos...similarly if it had "demo_nos": [692,300] then the count would be 2
so what shell script can i write to fetch and print the count?
The output should say the demo nos = 1 or 2 depending on the values inside the tag [].
i.e I have a variable in my shell script called market_nos which should give me it's count
The gold standard for manipulating JSON data from the command line is jq:
$ jq '.demo_nos | length' test.txt
.demo_nos returns the value associated with the demo_nos key in the object, and that array is piped to the length function which does the obvious.
I'm assuming you have python and the file is JSON :)
$ cat some.json
"user": "sthapa",
"ticket": "LIN-5867_3",
"start_date": "2018-03-16",
"end_date": "2018-03-16",
"demo_nos": [692],
"service_names": [
$ python -c 'import sys,json; print(len(json.load(sys.stdin)["demo_nos"]))' < some.json
Not the most elegant solution but this should do it
cat test.txt | grep -o -P 'demo_nos.{0,200}' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | awk -F',' '{ print NF }'
Please note that this is a quick and dirty solution treating input as raw text, and not taking into account JSON structure. In exceptional cases were "demo_nos" string would also appear elsewhere in the file, the output from the command above might be incorrect.

Generate json file with formatting

I have a curl command which generates json output. I want to add a few characters in generated file to be able to process it further.
curl -sN --negotiate -u foo:bar "http://hostname/db/tbl_name/" >> db.json
This runs under a for loop which runs it for a db and tbl_name combination. Hence it ends up generating a number of json outputs(one for each table) concatenated together without any delimiter.
Output looks like :
Desired output is to start and end the output with []. Also I want to include "," between the end and beginning where column list starts.
So for ex: if the curl command runs against 3 tables as shown above, then the three generated jsons should be created like :
Number 1,2,3 ...etc corresponds to different tables in curl command running in for loop against a particular db whose json should be created in one file but with desired format.
instead of what I'm currently getting :
In the output pasted above, JSON 1 is :
JSON 2 is :
JSON 3 is :
I hope the requirement is clear, thanks in advance, looking to achieve this via bash.
Use jq -s.
--slurp/-s: Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the input, read the entire input stream into a large array
and run the filter just once.
Here's an example:
$ cat file.json
{ "key": "value1" }
{ "key": "value2" }
{ "key":
"value3"}{"key": "value4"}
$ jq -s < file.json
"key": "value1"
"key": "value2"
"key": "value3"
"key": "value4"
I'm not sure if I got it correctly, but I think you are looking for something like
echo "[$(cat *.json | paste -sd ',')]" > result.json
This works by creating a string that starts with [ and ends with ], and in the middle, there are the contents of the json files concatenated (cat) and separated by commas (with the help of paste). That string is echoed and written to a new file.
Presuming input in valid JSONL format (one JSON document per line of input), you can embed a Python script inside your bash script:
import json, sys
json.dump([json.loads(line.strip()) for line in sys.stdin], sys.stdout, indent=4)
slurpjson() { python -c "$slurpjson_py" "$#"; }
If called as:
slurpjson <<EOF
{ "first": "document", "starting": "here" }
{ "second": "document", "ending": "here" }
...output is correctly:
"starting": "here",
"first": "document"
"second": "document",
"ending": "here"
I managed to achieve this by running curl command and adding a "," with every line break using
sed 's/$/,/'
And then remove the last "," and added first and end [] using :
for i in *; do cat $i | sed '$ s/.$//' | awk '{print "["$0"]"}' > $json_dir/$i; done
