Dynamic Configuration with Laravel Horizon - laravel

I am trying to change the mail driver's username and password on the fly like the following.
* Execute the job.
* #return void
public function handle()
config(['mail.username' => $this->username]);
config(['mail.password' => $this->password]);
Mail::to('me#me.com')->send(new OrderShipped());
The dynamic config setting was inside the queue job. For queue processing, I am using the Laravel horizon. But, when I execute the queue job. It's still using the default config. Not the config I set dynamically.
Note: when I log right after config set it was showing the dynamic value.
How can I set the config dynamically and make Laravel horizon to use dynamic configuration?

From Laravel version 7.x onwards you can now state the mail driver to use while sending an email. All you need to configure all your connections & credentials properly in app/config/mail.php. Once configured, you can specify the name of the driver via mailer() function as below:
->send(new OrderShipped($order));

public function handle()
'mail.username' => $this->username,
'mail.password' => $this->password,
I did it like that. I think the important part is that you get the data you will use in the Job class from outside.
public function __construct($username,$password)
$this->username= $username;
$this->receiver = $password;


Laravel 5.7: prevent auto load injection in controller constructor

I have a HomeController with his constructor that takes a Guzzle instance.
* Create a new controller instance.
* #param \GuzzleHttp\Client|null $client
* #return void
public function __construct(Client $client = null)
if ($client === null) {
$param = [
'base_uri' => 'http://httpbin.org/',
'defaults' => [
'exceptions' => false,
'verify' => false
$client = new Client($param);
I would use via __constructor() to be able to mock it in tests.
My issues is that Laravel automatically auto-load the injection and the Guzzle Client injected has blank defaults (and cannot anymore edit it). In other words: at first call of HomeController Client is not null. And I need as null.
How can I stop this behaviour (only for the __construct() for HomeController)? I really use the DI in every part of my webapp.
I just find that if I don't type-hints the Client, of course Laravel cannot auto-load. Is this the right mode to work?
New constructor:
public function __construct($client = null)
Thank you
I had a simular situation when testing apis. I ended up binding an instance of GuzzleClient to the service container (see documentation). Something like:
$this->app->instance('GuzzleHttp\Client', new MockClient);
To successfully mock the instance, I then checked to see whether or not it had a certain property value (in my case base_url being set). That determined whether or not the instance was a test as base_url would be set.
Along side this method, GuzzleHttp\Client does have a MockHandler you may want to explore. This can be used to fake response bodies, headers and status codes.

How can I change SMTP details globally at runtime?

I'm using Laravel 5.5. The nature of the website is a 'multisite' architecture where multiple websites/domains are run from the same codebase.
I've come across an issue when sending email. I need to change the from name and address as well as the transport (SMTP, etc) options depending on which website is being viewed. I have these details stored in a config file.
The easiest way is to just pull those details in the Controller before I call Mail::send/Mail::queue and to update them. However, this brings back 2 issues:
There is a heavy reliance on remembering to actually do that every time I send any email in the code. In short, it's not abiding by DRY.
I'd be forced to use Mail::send instead of Mail::queue, because the queue wouldn't have any idea of the config update from the time it was queued only from when it is processed .
How can I achieve what I am looking to do here in a clean way?
I thought about extending all of my 'Mailable' classes with a custom class that updates the SMTP details, but it doesn't look like you can update the SMTP/Transport information after the class is initiated; you can only update the from name and address.
I managed to find a way to do this.
I had my mailable class (ContactFormMailable) extend a custom class, as follows:
namespace CustomGlobal\Mail;
use CustomGlobal\Mail\CustomMailable;
use CustomGlobal\ContactForm;
class ContactFormMailable extends CustomMailable
public $contact_form;
* Create a new message instance.
* #return void
public function __construct(ContactForm $contact_form)
$this->contact_form = $contact_form;
* Build the message.
* #return $this
public function build()
$view = $this->get_custom_mail_view('contact_form', $this->contact_form);
return $this->subject('Contact Form Enquiry')
You'll notice I'm calling get_custom_mail_view. This is in my extended class and used to calculate the view and template I need to use for my mail, depending on the website being viewed. In here I also set the location of my config folder.
namespace CustomGlobal\Mail;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Swift_Mailer;
use Swift_SmtpTransport;
use CustomGlobal\Website;
use CustomGlobal\Territory;
class CustomMailable extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $layout_view_to_serve;
public $host_folder;
* Override Mailable functionality to support per-user mail settings
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer $mailer
* #return void
public function send(Mailer $mailer)
app()->call([$this, 'build']);
$config = config($this->host_folder .'.mail');
// Set SMTP details for this host
$host = $config['host'];
$port = $config['port'];
$encryption = $config['encryption'];
$transport = new Swift_SmtpTransport( $host, $port, $encryption );
$mailer->setSwiftMailer(new Swift_Mailer($transport));
$mailer->send($this->buildView(), $this->buildViewData(), function ($message) use($config) {
$message->from([$config['from']['address'] => $config['from']['name']]);
* Calculate the template we need to serve.
* $entity can be any object but it must contain a
* $website_id and $territory_id, as that is used
* to calculate the path.
public function get_custom_mail_view($view_filename, $entity)
if(empty($view_filename)) {
throw new Exception('The get_custom_mail_view method requires a view to be passed as parameter 1.');
if(empty($entity->website_id) || empty($entity->territory_id)) {
throw new Exception('The get_custom_mail_view method must be passed an object containing a website_id and territory_id value.');
// Get the website and territory
$website = Website::findOrFail($entity->website_id);
$territory = Territory::findOrFail($entity->territory_id);
$view_to_serve = false;
$layout_view_to_serve = false;
// Be sure to replace . with _, as Laravel doesn't play nice with dots in folder names
$host_folder = str_replace('.', '_', $website->website_domain);
$this->host_folder = $host_folder; // Used for mail config later
Truncated for readability. What's in this area isn't really important to this answer.
$this->layout_view_to_serve = $layout_view_to_serve;
return $view_to_serve;
It's important to remember that mail can be queued. If you do this is another way, such as setting a config at runtime, then you'll find that the process that runs the queue has no visibility/scope of your runtime config changes, and you'll end up firing out email from your default values.
I found a few answers similar to this one, which helped me out, but none of them worked completely, and some are out-dated (Swift_SmtpTransport is changed considerably since those answers).
Hopefully this helps someone else out.

Change SMTP user according to the user in Laravel 5

I want to assign different SMTP hosts to different authenticated users so that the privileged users can send mails faster through a dedicated SMTP server.
I can change the host in the service provider like:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->extend('swift.transport', function ($transportManager, $app) {
$app->make('config')->set('mail.host', 'just.testing.com');
return new TransportManager($app);
However since I need the authenticated user I created a listener listening to "Authenticated" event and moved the code there like:
class ChangeSmtpServer
public function handle($event)
app()->extend('swift.transport', function ($transportManager, $app) use ($event) {
$app->make('config')->set('mail.host', $event->user->smtp_server);
return new TransportManager($app);
The host is not changed this time... So inside the service provider I can overwrite the setting but not inside the listener.
Any ideas why?
Your code works on my setup just fine. Actually it should still work if you keep it in AppServiceProvider because Laravel will only resolve bindings when they are relevant. So the code pertaining to Mail driver configuration will not be run until you actually try to send a Mail. By that point your user will already be authenticated. However...
This will only work when you send your mail synchronously. When you want to send from a Queue worker, there won't be any authenticated user and the Authenticated event will never be called. You need a way to keep track of which user is sending the e-mail.
Here is my solution:
Add a sender argument to your Mail class constructor (the one in App\Mail) that takes in the User object that's sending the e-mail.
public $sender;
* Create a new message instance.
* #return void
public function __construct(User $sender)
$this->sender = $sender;
Then add this method that configures your SwiftMailer instance
private function usingSendersSmtp()
$mailTransport = app()->make('mailer')
if ($mailTransport instanceof \Swift_SmtpTransport) {
/** #var \Swift_SmtpTransport $mailTransport */
// Port and authentication can also be configured... You get the picture
return $this;
And finally call it inside your build method:
public function build()
return $this->usingSendersSmtp()
When sending the mail, instantiate your class like new YourMailClass(auth()->user()) and then send it or queue it with the Mail facade to whomever you like. It also might be a good idea to create an abstract class that inherits Illuminate\Mail\Mailable and move these extra stuff over there so you won't have to duplicate this in every other mail class. Hope this helps!

How to set dynamic SMTP data in Laravel 5.4 for queued emails?

In my application each user can use his own SMTP server. Therefor the config must be provided. I'm using Laravel Notifications to send the emails. If I'm using no queue (that means sync), there is no problem.
I made a CustomNotifiable Trait:
'mail.host' => $setting->smtp_host,
'mail.port' => $setting->smtp_port,
'mail.username' => $setting->smtp_username,
'mail.password' => $setting->smtp_password,
'mail.encryption' => $setting->smtp_encryption,
'mail.from.address' => $setting->smtp_from_address,
'mail.from.name' => $setting->smtp_from_name,
(new \Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider(app()))->register();
After that, I restore the original config:
'mail' => $originalMailConfig
(new \Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider(app()))->register();
No problem until now.
But if it's queued, just the first config after starting the queue worker will be taken for all further emails, even if any other SMTP config is provided. The default config from config/mail.php will be overridden. But this only works the first time.
I've made in the AppServiceProvider::boot method (the SMTP config is stored at the notification):
Queue::before(function (JobProcessing $event) {
// Handle queued notifications before they get executed
if (isset($event->job->payload()['data']['command']))
$payload = $event->job->payload();
$command = unserialize($payload['data']['command']);
// setting dynamic SMTP data if required
if (isset($command->notification->setting))
'mail.host' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_host,
'mail.port' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_port,
'mail.username' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_username,
'mail.password' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_password,
'mail.encryption' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_encryption,
'mail.from.address' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_from_address,
'mail.from.name' => $command->notification->setting->smtp_from_name,
(new \Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider(app()))->register();
Of course, the original config get restored:
Queue::after(function (JobProcessed $event) use ($originalMailConfig) {
$payload = $event->job->payload();
$command = unserialize($payload['data']['command']);
// restore global mail settings
if (isset($command->notification->setting))
'mail' => $originalMailConfig
(new \Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider(app()))->register();
It seems, as the Swift Mailer has a cache or something like that. I registered a new MailServiceProvider, which should simply replace the old one. So if I set the config with the new SMTP data, the new registered provider should take them. Logging the config shows even in the TransportManager, that the correct SMTP data were set, right before sending the mail, but the mail was sent with the first set config.
I found this thread and tried the linked solution, but with the same result: How to set dynamic SMTP details laravel
So I need a way to override the Services / ServiceProvider / SMTP config. Even if the Supervisor restarts the queue, there is a chance that multiple emails with different configs should be send at the same time.
In Laravel 5.4+, as I see that the Mailer Class is a singleton that hold a MailTransport Class, which is responsible for the config of SMTP mail and is a singleton,too; I just have to override the config using the following approach:
First, I setup a trait so I can just turn this feature on some Mails:
trait MailSenderChangeable
* #param array $settings
public function changeMailSender($settings)
$mailTransport = app()->make('mailer')->getSwiftMailer()->getTransport();
if ($mailTransport instanceof \Swift_SmtpTransport) {
/** #var \Swift_SmtpTransport $mailTransport */
Then, in the build() method of your mail class, you can utilize the above trait and call:
Boom, let the Laravel do the rest.
After a lot of researching I stumbled upon the different queue commands. I tried queue:listen (which is not described in the Laravel 5.4 docs) instead of queue:work and the problems are gone.
Of course, this doesn't really explain the described behavior, but fortunately it doesn't matter, because I can live with this solution/workaround.
Another strange behavior is, that from time to time the queue worker throws an exception because the database was locked. No idea, when or why this happened.
This post explained a little bit, why things can happen: What is the difference between queue:work --daemon and queue:listen
In a nutshell, queue:listen solved my problem and another very strange db lock problem as well.

Laravel Socialite initiate credentials

I would like to integrate Socialite in a Laravel based CMS and I try to figure out how would I initiate Socialite to send requests if client_id and client secret are saved in database?
from the docs basic usage
return Socialize::with('github')->redirect();
and credentials are saved in config/services.php
* Create an instance of the specified driver.
* #return \Laravel\Socialite\Two\AbstractProvider
protected function createGithubDriver()
$config = $this->app['config']['services.github'];
return $this->buildProvider(
'Laravel\Socialite\Two\GithubProvider', $config
I would like to define $this->app['config'] on Factory calling
can you not just create a middleware class, apply it to the relevant route then just set the Config using:
$v = Auth::user()->github // or however you work it out, not sure how you've got it stored
Config::set('services.github', $v);
Setting config like this sets it for the current request only
