Error Undefined error:addition in laravel - laravel

I am creating some code using laravel in controller and i want send array from controller to blade file i face problem 1/1) ErrorException
Undefined variable: addition It runs but now face this error
$get_details=DB::select('SELECT deliver_date,GROUP_CONCAT(orders_qty) as orders_qty FROM `orders` WHERE order_status=? and deliver_date between ? AND ? GROUP BY deliver_date',[6,'2019-02-01','2020-02-05']);
foreach($get_details as $date_wise_details)
return view('dashboard',['get_data'=>$get_details])->with('addition',$addition);

You need to define addition array to resolve this issue
$addition = []; // define your array here
foreach($get_details as $date_wise_details)


How can i get the buyers to still be able to purchase the product even if its unavailable?

I'm trying to create waitlist to buy product, but change the status of the transaction from 'Confirmed' to 'Waitlist'.
For that I have added a variable 'status' and a function in Transaction Model as follows:
const CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION = 'confirmed';
const WAITLIST_TRANSACTION = 'waitlist'; //waitlist product
public function isConfirmed() {
return $this->status == Transaction::CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION;
Default value of Transaction->status is 'CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION'.
Now every time the Product->status changes to 'unavailable' i would like to change the value of the Transaction->status to 'WAITLIST_TRANSACTION' when the transaction is created.
I am trying to achieve it using Event Listeners as:
Transaction::created(function($transaction) {
if(!$product->isAvailable()) {
$transaction->status = Transaction::WAITLIST_TRANSACTION;
But this gives me error :
**ErrorException: Undefined variable: product in file /home/vagrant/restfulapi7/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php on line 29**
How can I achieve the same in a better way?
You're using what's called a lambda or anonymous function, which has a different scope to the rest of your code.
function($transaction) does not have access to a variable named $product. So you're trying to call ->isAvailable() on a variable which doesn't exist.
Transaction::created(function($transaction) {
if(!$product->isAvailable()) {
$transaction->status = Transaction::WAITLIST_TRANSACTION;
Assuming it exists in the scope in which you call Transaction::created(), you can pass the $product variable into your lambda function like this:
function($transaction) use ($product) { ... }
For more information on lambda functions, read the php docs here
This solves the issue:

Laravel: Function name must be a string

I'm currently working on a project. It was all working just fine until i tried to migrate some tables that I edited. I got this error:
Function name must be a string
Since I doesn't directly show me where the error is, I couldn't find it. Last things I changed before I tried to migrate tables:
Laravel colletive/html forms
Store method in my controller
As I know, migrations and forms shouldn't be a problem with this error, so here's my controller code:
public function store(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user();
$input = $request->all();
if ($file = $request->file('photo_id')){
$name = time().$file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->move('images', $name);
$photo = Photo::create(['file'=>$name]);
$input['photo_id'] = $photo->id;
return redirect('/userPanel');
If the error isn't even in a controller code, where could it be. Any help appreciated.
I have found out it was because of a very silly mistake, i was calling a variable as a function...
$ownedMacs = intval($data()['owned_mac']);
Changed to
$ownedMacs = intval($data['owned_mac']);
This error message usually appears when we are doing something real stupid! :)
Same issue in Laravel can solve
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalThrowableError (E_ERROR)
Function name must be a string
When you checked on storage/logs/laravel.log
local.ERROR: Function name must be a string {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Function name must be a string at E:\\Project\\workspace\\turttyKidsProject\\app\\Http\\Controllers\\SiteContactController.php:52)
Data field requesting another format but you are trying to save an object.
$objectSave= new ObjectClass;
$objectSave->feild_db = $request->post('request_name');
Check whether you access request with your form submit method. it may be POST or GET

Property [specifications] does not exist on this collection instance

SOLVED: Answer below.
I upgraded my Laravel project from 5.3 to 5.4 and then 5.5.
Only thing that is broken at the moment is when I go to a product edit page I get error:
Property [specifications] does not exist on this collection instance.
public function __get($key)
if (! in_array($key, static::$proxies)) {
throw new Exception("Property [{$key}] does not exist on this collection instance.");
return new HigherOrderCollectionProxy($this, $key);
Which is caused by this line in the blade template:
$categories variable is passed to view from ProductController like this:
$categories = Category::with('specifications.attributes')->find($product->getCategoryId());
What has changed in 5.4/5.5 that could have broken this line of code?
For some reason I had to add ->first() to $categories before accessing specifications.
On the same view this $product->categories->first() works fine and is returned the same way as categories in controller, but doesn't require another ->first(). No idea why.

Laravel - Undefined property: stdClass::$text

Why would $text be providing an Undefined Property error?
If I run dd($mentions) prior to the function it definitely exists and contains the text property.
If I run dd($mention->text) before return and in the function I also get what is expected.
However, the function will not return a value for $text and instead errors out.
$text = $mentions->map(function ($mention) {
return $mention->text;
I'd bet that you have 1 object in the $mentions collection that doesn't have the ->text property ?
to find out which one.

Error handling custom component Joomla

How to set and retrieve error inside component in model I have:
if (empty($coupon->coupon_id))
$this->setError( JText::_( "Invalid Coupon" ) );
return false;
How to retrieve this error inside controller? this->getError gives nothing :(
Do you want to return the error to the screen?
If so,
In your controller you need to invoke your model and use the $model->getError(); function instead of $this->getError();
