Set default timeout on a per test basis - nightwatch.js

I'm looking for a way to set the default timeout on a per-test basis.
I'm writing some end to end tests in nightwatch. One of the tests requires hitting an API a few times to set up the initial test conditions. Its necessary to populate some user data in order to run the test. This happens in the before() method.
The problem is, before() will timeout when it hits the default timeout interval. I've read the documentation for setting the global default timeout, but I don't want to increase it everywhere. How can I do this on a per-test basis?
Async Before/After
Setting Global asyncHookTimeout
The test code is as follows:
const { TEST_USER } = require('../../definitions/users');
const { TEST_USER_DATA } = require('../../definitions/users/data');
module.exports = {
async before(browser, done) {
// the default interval is here, but changing it doesn't have any effect
console.log(browser.options.globals.asyncHookTimeout); // 10000
const usersPO =;
// get the user from the API to test with
const testUser = await usersPO.getUser(TEST_USER);
// post test data to the user
await usersPO.postUserData(, TEST_USER_DATA); // this will exceed the timeout.
// finished with async test setup
// Tests

One Way you can do that is setting browser.options.globals.asyncHookTimeout value in every test which will override the default value from the config file.
I hope this will help you.


How to wait for next #Composable function in jetpack compose test?

Suppose I have 3 #Composable functions: Start, Loading, Result.
In the test, I call the Start function, click the Begin button on it, and the Loading function is called.
The Loading function displays the loading procedure, takes some time, and then calls the Result function.
The Result function renders a field with the text OK.
How to wait in the test for the Result or few seconds function to be drawn and check that the text is rendered OK?
// Here you have to wait ...
You can use the waitUntil function, as suggested in the comments:
composeTestRule.waitUntil {
.fetchSemanticsNodes().size == 1
There's a request to improve this API but in the meantime you can get the helpers from this blog post and use it like so:
So the options are:
It is possible to write to the global variable which function was last called. The disadvantage is that you will need to register in each function.
Subscribe to the state of the screen through the viewmodel and track when it comes. The disadvantage is that you will need to pull the viewmodel into the test and know the code. The plus is that the test is quickly executed and does not get stuck, as is the case with a timer.
I made this choice. I wrote a function for starting an asynchronous timer, that is, the application is running, the test waits, and after the timer ends, it continues checking in the test. The disadvantage is that you set a timer with a margin of time to complete the operation and the test takes a long time to idle. The advantage is that you don't have to dig into the source code.
Implemented the function like this.
fun asyncTimer (delay: Long = 1000) {
AsyncTimer.start (delay)
composeTestRule.waitUntil (
condition = {AsyncTimer.expired},
timeoutMillis = delay + 1000
object AsyncTimer {
var expired = false
fun start(delay: Long = 1000){
expired = false
Timer().schedule(delay) {
expired = true
Then I created a base class for the test and starting to write a new test, I inherit and I have the necessary ready-made functionality for tests.
Based on Pitry's answer I created this extension function:
fun ComposeContentTestRule.waitUntilTimeout(
timeoutMillis: Long
) {
condition = { AsyncTimer.expired },
timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis + 1000
object AsyncTimer {
var expired = false
fun start(delay: Long = 1000) {
expired = false
Timer().schedule(delay) {
expired = true
Usage in compose test

JasmineJS + AngularJS: How to mock the delay inside Spy#callFake()

Let's assume I have a service function that returns me the current location. And the function has callbacks to return the location. We can easily mock the function like as follows. But I wanted to introduce some delay (let's say 1 sec) before the callFake() invokes the successHandler(location).
Is there a way to achieve that?
spyOn(LocationService, 'getLocation').and.callFake(function(successHandler, errorHandler) {
//TODO: introduce some delay here
const location = {...};
function getLocation(successCallback, errorCallback) {
let location = {...};
Introducing delay in Javascript is easily done with the setTimeout API, details here. You haven't specified if you are using a framework such as Angular, so your code may differ slightly from what I have below.
It does not appear that you are using Observables or Promises for easier handling of asynchronous code. Jasmine 2 does have the 'done' callback that can be useful for this. Something like this could work:
it( "my test", function(done) {
let successHandler = jasmine.createSpy();
spyOn(LocationService, 'getLocation').and.callFake(function(successHandler, errorHandler) {
setTimeout(function() {
const location = {...};
}, 1000); // wait for 1 second
// Now invoke the function under test
functionUnderTest(/* location data */);
// To test we have to wait until it's completed before expecting...
// check what you want to check in the test ...
// Let Jasmine know the test is done.
}, 1500); // wait for longer than one second to test results
However, it is not clear to me why adding the timeouts would be valuable to your testing. :)
I hope this helps.

Elegant Protractor Logging on browser.wait()

For some time now, our team has been using the Protractor/Jasmine combo in order to do E2E testing and it has worked out great for us.
Recently, I've been assigned the task of improving the logging and have noticed 2 areas in our code where the logging could be improved.
One of these areas is with using browser.wait(). We're currently using the method in the form of browser.wait(condition, timeOut) and excluding the third parameter which is a message to be written to the console in case of a failure.
I decided to comb the code and insert a message into each of these methods and the result has been OK. Although the code works, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing this.
I'm currently saving the XPath of whatever element I'm waiting on and then if that fails, displaying a message in the form: getWait() timeout due to <element_name> { XPath = <element_XPath> } being not visible or enabled such that you can click it. The pattern changes if we're using isPresent(), elementToBeClickable(), visibilityOf(), etc.
Is there a way of getting the current context of the code I'm executing when browser.wait() is executed? Can I instead display the element or more information on what caused the timeOut?
Let me know if I can clarify further. Thanks
Even I came faced the same problem when using browser.wait where it won't show any detailed log on time out. So what I have done is, I created a wrapper class for waitHandling and added failure messages based on the wait type. Kindly have a look at below code.
var browserWaitHandler = function () {
var expectedConditions = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var defaultWaitTime = 5000;
this.waitForElementPresent = function (_element,customWaitTime) {
return browserWait(expectedConditions.presenceOf(_element),customWaitTime,"Wait timeout after waiting for element to be Present with locator "+_element.locator().toString());
this.waitForElementVisible = function (_element,customWaitTime) {
return browserWait(expectedConditions.visibilityOf(_element),customWaitTime,"Wait timeout after waiting for element to be Visible with locator "+_element.locator().toString());
this.waitForElementClickable = function (_element,customWaitTime) {
return browserWait(expectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(_element),customWaitTime,"Wait timeout after waiting for element to be clickable with locator "+_element.locator().toString())
this.waitForElementContainsText = function (_element,expectedText,customWaitTime) {
return browserWait(expectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(_element,expectedText),customWaitTime,"Wait timeout after waiting for element to Contain text as "+expectedText+" with locator "+_element.locator().toString())
var browserWait = function (waitCondition,customWaitTime,timeoutMessage) {
return browser.wait(waitCondition,customWaitTime | defaultWaitTime,timeoutMessage);
And also in protractor we have a method called locator() which can be used with ElementFinder and ElementArrayFinder objects to get the locator that is used to find the element.Refer below example code,
var loginButton = element(by.buttonText("Login"));
console.log("Locator used for login button is:"+loginButton.locator().toString());
Locator used for login button is:by.buttonText("Login")

Time-based cache for REST client using RxJs 5 in Angular2

I'm new to ReactiveX/RxJs and I'm wondering if my use-case is feasible smoothly with RxJs, preferably with a combination of built-in operators. Here's what I want to achieve:
I have an Angular2 application that communicates with a REST API. Different parts of the application need to access the same information at different times. To avoid hammering the servers by firing the same request over and over, I'd like to add client-side caching. The caching should happen in a service layer, where the network calls are actually made. This service layer then just hands out Observables. The caching must be transparent to the rest of the application: it should only be aware of Observables, not the caching.
So initially, a particular piece of information from the REST API should be retrieved only once per, let's say, 60 seconds, even if there's a dozen components requesting this information from the service within those 60 seconds. Each subscriber must be given the (single) last value from the Observable upon subscription.
Currently, I managed to achieve exactly that with an approach like this:
public getInformation(): Observable<Information> {
if (!this.information) {
this.information = this.restService.get('/information/')
.cache(1, 60000);
return this.information;
In this example, restService.get(...) performs the actual network call and returns an Observable, much like Angular's http Service.
The problem with this approach is refreshing the cache: While it makes sure the network call is executed exactly once, and that the cached value will no longer be pushed to new subscribers after 60 seconds, it doesn't re-execute the initial request after the cache expires. So subscriptions that occur after the 60sec cache will not be given any value from the Observable.
Would it be possible to re-execute the initial request if a new subscription happens after the cache timed out, and to re-cache the new value for 60sec again?
As a bonus: it would be even cooler if existing subscriptions (e.g. those who initiated the first network call) would get the refreshed value whose fetching had been initiated by the newer subscription, so that once the information is refreshed, it is immediately passed through the whole Observable-aware application.
I figured out a solution to achieve exactly what I was looking for. It might go against ReactiveX nomenclature and best practices, but technically, it does exactly what I want it to. That being said, if someone still finds a way to achieve the same with just built-in operators, I'll be happy to accept a better answer.
So basically since I need a way to re-trigger the network call upon subscription (no polling, no timer), I looked at how the ReplaySubject is implemented and even used it as my base class. I then created a callback-based class RefreshingReplaySubject (naming improvements welcome!). Here it is:
export class RefreshingReplaySubject<T> extends ReplaySubject<T> {
private providerCallback: () => Observable<T>;
private lastProviderTrigger: number;
private windowTime;
constructor(providerCallback: () => Observable<T>, windowTime?: number) {
// Cache exactly 1 item forever in the ReplaySubject
this.windowTime = windowTime || 60000;
this.lastProviderTrigger = 0;
this.providerCallback = providerCallback;
protected _subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): Subscription {
// Hook into the subscribe method to trigger refreshing
return super._subscribe(subscriber);
protected _triggerProviderIfRequired() {
let now = this._getNow();
if ((now - this.lastProviderTrigger) > this.windowTime) {
// Data considered stale, provider triggering required...
this.lastProviderTrigger = now;
this.providerCallback().first().subscribe((t: T) =>;
And here is the resulting usage:
public getInformation(): Observable<Information> {
if (!this.information) {
this.information = new RefreshingReplaySubject(
() => this.restService.get('/information/'),
return this.information;
To implement this, you will need to create your own observable with custom logic on subscribtion:
function createTimedCache(doRequest, expireTime) {
let lastCallTime = 0;
let lastResult = null;
const result$ = new Rx.Subject();
return Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
const time =;
if (time - lastCallTime < expireTime) {
return (lastResult
// when result already received
? result$.startWith(lastResult)
// still waiting for result
: result$
const disposable = result$.subscribe(observer);
lastCallTime = time;
lastResult = null;
.do(result => {
lastResult = result;
.subscribe(v => result$.next(v), e => result$.error(e));
return disposable;
and resulting usage would be following:
this.information = createTimedCache(
() => this.restService.get('/information/'),
usage example:,console

Xcode Unit Testing, wait in `class setUp()`

I'm currently adding a lot of unit tests in my app, to check if WS are in a running state.
I know perfectly how to wait inside a testMethod, using expectations.
What I want is less common. I have a test case working on user favorites data. To be sure of the state of this user, I want to create a fully new user before the case ( and not before each test )
So I want to use
public class func setUp() {
//call here WS ( async call )
My issue is, as I am in a class func, I cannot use expectation and waitForExpectation because these are instance methods.
Does anybody as an idea on how to wait for my WS complete before executing the tests ?
You can use semaphore technique to accomplish what you want.
let fakeWSCallProcessingTimeInSeconds = 2.0
let delayTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(fakeWSCallProcessingTimeInSeconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
let semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
dispatch_after(delayTime, dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0)) {
let timeoutInNanoSeconds = 5 * 1000000000
let timeout = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(timeoutInNanoSeconds))
if dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, timeout) != 0 {
XCTFail("WS operation timed out")
This code will fake a webservice call with 2 seconds delay (dispatch_after) which in your case should be replaced with the actual call. Once the call is done and your user object is set up, you use "dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore)" to free up the semaphore object. If it's not available within 5 seconds (see timeoutInNanoSeconds), then the test is treated as failed. Obviously, you can alter the values as you wish.
The rest of the tests will run either after semaphore is free or when timeout happened.
More info on semaphores can be found in Apple docs.
I found it myself. I should not use expectation because, the setup part is not part of the testing.
I should instead use dispatch_group:
override class func setUp() {
let group = dispatch_group_create()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)) {
let account = MyAccount()
WS.worker.createAccount(account, password: "test") { (success, error) in
dispatch_group_wait(group, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(50 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))))
