Can I debug react native app(debug version) without having source code? - debugging

Recently I have created react-native debug apk.
I have given this apk to my testing team , testing team want to debug this apk, but they don't have source code, so they unable to debug apk.
They just want to see performance and api calls.
Is react native app possible to debug without having source code??
I have created app by following below url.
Build and Install unsigned apk on device without the development server?

Why don't they start the APK with Android-Studio. There you have some handy tools to profile and you have logcat to see all actions which happends within the app.
No need for the reactNative - SourceCode.


Image component flickering when navigating between pages React Native + Expo

I'm currently working on an app that has a database that stores the link to the image sources (it's not locally stored) and then in the app, I use that link for the source.
I get a white flickering when navigating and so far, all the solutions I've found are either not compatible with expo (react-native-fast-image) or not compatible with image links (using defaultSource).
Has anyone solved image flickering on Expo with a image not stored locally?
Today, we are pleased to announce that with the arrival of Expo SDK 42, you can now create custom development clients in the cloud using EAS Build, or locally with the new Expo run commands.
You can try it out today:
Create a new project: expo init
Install the packages: expo install react-native-fast-image expo-dev-client
Build the native app:
In the cloud with eas build -p all --profile development (expo build does not support custom builds)
Or locally with expo run:ios and expo run:android (note: see for information on the generated files)
To be clear, react-native-fast-image will not have been added to the Expo Go app that you download from the App Store or Google Play Store.
We still consider this feature to be completed because users can now create a custom client app that includes this library, without needing to write any native code.
We hope you enjoy, and we have big plans to continue improving this workflow going forward!
(с) Brent Vatne

React-Native app reverse engineering and obfuscation

Is react-native expo generated apk obfuscated?
exp build:android
How can I retrieve my react native JS source code back using that apk? Do I need dex to java compilers for this purpose?
Looking for your valuable suggestions as I am concerned about the security of my react native app and trying to compare obfuscated vs non-obfuscated code
There is no need to decompile the app using dex to java tools.
If you generate a production build it will be minified, but this is far from being a high level obfuscation which you can try to achieve with react-native-obfuscating-transformer
You can find the js bundle by opening the apk with a zip archive manager. The bundle will be at:
In anycase, any client side code should be treat as unsafe, if you need security use your backend to handle it.

Using the Nativescript platform-specific project

To my understanding, Nativescript takes the javascript (or typescript) + nativescript code and creates project files for both android and ios in order to be able to run them as native apps. I also know that these files all seem to be located in the Resources directory. However when I try to run a simulator from the xcode project that is created, it fails.
I don't want to know how to fix the simulator failure, I just want to know if it's possible for a swift developer to take the xcode project created by Nativescript and continue developing as a regular native app.
If so, is this possible with the android project as well?
Please check this out
The two articles explain in detail how you can embed the NativeScript runtimes in native Objective-C and Android applications.

Xcode Server Bot integration fails to export archive with Assertion fail: exportArchive: ipatool failed with an exception

I have a build server setup with Xcode 7.2 and Server 5.0.15 so we can have CI. I'm able to create an Xcode Bot that creates an archive, but it's not able to finish the last step, which is exporting the ipa archive to the Server so it can be downloaded via ad hoc builds.
I'm able to create an archive from a local machine, but whenever I run a build bot using Distribution as the scheme, I get this error...
Bot Issue for TEST-BUILD-BOT-3 (build service warning)
Integration #8 of TEST-BUILD-BOT-3
Open in Xcode: xcbot://(null)/botID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01843e862/integrationID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01847dbb0
Assertion: exportArchive: ipatool failed with an exception: #<Errno::EEXIST: File exists - /var/folders/3x/8t3j9vnj48530fxd4g4djp14000087/T/ipatool20160318-45875-5xq2zz/MachOs/iphoneos/armv7/(dylibs)/libswiftContacts.dylib>
File: (null):(null)
Full logs for this integration are attached.
For one thing, I'm not sure where the full logs are attached (this error is shown in the Xcode build bot window).
Some information on my project:
The project consists of an app with three extensions (share photo, share safari and watch).
I'm using Cocoapods with some swift frameworks, so I'm using the use_frameworks! keyword in my podfile.
I've tried the following:
Made sure all targets (including pods) were using the Distribution certificate.
Tried w/ and w/o Bitcode enabled.
The worst part about trying to fix this issue is that the build bot takes 20-30 minutes each time I want to test some changes I made.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I had the same error, in the watchapp and watchapp extension targets, i changed the setting, under Build Settings
Embedded Content Contains Swift Code No
And the error was gone
I found this technical post from apple that says any embedded content needs to be set to No to prevent multiple copies of the swift library being added. I interpreted that as a watch target would be embedded content, (not sure if thats what they meant)

MQA fails after archiving application in XCode

Short Version: I'm having issues while archiving my application. The debug works, the archive doesn't. There is nothing to troubleshoot, anyone has ideas?
Log Version:
I have a hybrid worklight app, fully functional and archiving was working just fine until I've added MQA and I'm using iOS.
Versions are:
Worklight 6.2, MQA 6.3, Xcode 6.1, and iOS 8.1.2
Now I've added MQA following the steps here.
I've copied the framework into my project directory and added in the other_linked_flags a force load for it.
I've also added a few lines of code to for it to work following the same instructions. Basically everything works just fine when I run it from xcode. When I run the app that xcode deploys on iphone, it the app runs normally and MQA also works.
I only have some kind of problem when I try to archive the app to deploy it in a ad hoc environment.
When I do that the iPhone screen remains black after asking me which user it should use on the MQA. It seems that it can load the webview but can't load the html app.
Unfortunately this doesn't even generate a crash log an as such I'm left in the dark about what is happening.
Can someone give me some light on what can I do to troubleshoot this issue?
You may be trying to integration the wrong library into your project.
Right now it looks like you are working on a Hybrid app but try adding the native libraries into it, which is incorrect.
If you are working on a Hybrid app, you need to download the Hybrid SDK.
If you are working on a Native iOS app, you need to add the native library
There is a library specific to Hybrid apps. You can find it in the following link:
All what is required is to do is removing the native library if added, and integrate the worklight SDK into the app code under the common folder in the main.js file.
