Parse Platform list all classes/tables - parse-platform

How do I get a list of all classes/tables that exist in an instance of Parse Platform?
I looked around and can't find a way. Essentially I'm trying to do the same thing as Oracle query:
select * from all_table but for Parse Platform.

Using the Parse Js SDK you can use Parse.Schema.all(). Reference:


Paw: Possible to copy/paste data from Hash/Dictionary source in target language?

I'm using Paw to integrate with an API and it's a great tool, but the codebase I'm working in has lots of data in Ruby Hashes already that I would like to bring into Paw for testing. Moreover, I would like to be able to copy the data out of a Paw response for use in Ruby code rather than having to copy JSON and either store it as a String and parse it in my code or manually convert it to a native dictionary data structure. Is this possible?

Why are FSGetCatalogInfo and getResourceValue giving different results?

I have a piece of file access code which uses FSGetCatalogInfo to get info about a bundle (say .xyz) which itself contains a file with extension .xyz. Because FSGetCatalogInfo has been updated, I am looking to replace it with 'getResourceValue' API from Foundation layer. However, the OSType is coming incorrect from the new API.
I have also looked into the related FSSetCatalogInfo API. Do I need to do something equivalent such that the 'getResourceValue' API will start giving correct results?

Getting current Parse Cloud code release version programatically

Whenever you deploy to cloud code, outputs the new release version.
"New release is named v296 (using Parse JavaScript SDK v1.4.2)"
Is there anyway to get this information programatically within cloud code?
I could not find a way to do that without a small trick:
I capture the console everytime I deploy a new version and then I parse the last line to get the version number. With that information, I update a collection in my Parse environment with this version code.
Whenever I need this information in cloud code (or even in the client), I query this collection to get it.
That's not the best way to do it, but it works...
Note: if, for some reason, you could not capture the console after deploy, you can also use "parse logs" and search for a string like "Deployed v296 with triggers:" and do the same after parsing it.
Hope this helps!

Is there any way to get a non-iOS tablet's geolocation using FileMaker?

FileMaker Go has Location and LocationValues functions available for getting geolocation data. I have a client who is using FileMaker Pro on Microsoft Surface tablets, and would like to find some way to get this same data, basically latitude and longitude, into FileMaker.
I've looked for plugins without success, but perhaps someone else here knows of one that will do the job. Other solutions I've thought of but not yet found specifics for include using Java via the ScriptMaster plugin or using a website via the Insert from URL script step.
HTML5 has built in support for geolocation, so you could get this with a web viewer and return the result to FileMaker via an FMP url.
The geolocation function is documented here:

NSRunningApplication, return list of recently used applications?

I'm trying to get a list of the most recently used applications. NSWorkspace returns a list of active applications and I can sort them on a few options using NSRunningApplication. see list below:
- launchDate
- finishedLaunching
- processIdentifier
I don't want the launch date but the most recent 'active' date (like the way cmd-tab sorts).
Does anyone know the solution for this?
There is no documented way of doing this that I'm aware of, but I wrote exactly what you are asking for using private APIs:
Also, see Getting the list of running applications ordered by last use for solutions that do not use private APIs.
You can look at this sample provided by Apple:
In this sample, they are using NSRunningApplications Class in order to get all the bundle data about running applications.
