How to add Qt kits to Qt creator after installed? - qt-creator

I download the installer from the official site .
When installing Qt creator I skipped the Qt kit selecting step. Now I already installed Qt creator but cannot start any new project for Android because its kits selection step only contains a desktop option.
How to add Qt kits to Qt creator after installed? Or can only be solved by reinstall Qt creator? Please help.
Here is the installer view witch I skipped.

You can launch the same setup and install more features.
Also in the directory where Qt was installed there exists a Maintanance executable. Just start that one and you will get the setup wizard and the chance to add the android kit.


It is possible to install qt 5.10 with qt creator 7+?

I've to recreate a work environment in a new pc and I would like to use the newest Qt Creator to work on a project that was developed in 5.10 but the maintenace tool does not allow to select that version:
I'm currently using windows 11, should I install Qt Creator 4.x that was shipped with 5.10 and then install the new Qt Creator over it?
it is actually possible to have what I would like to use?
I don't know why you are not seeing Qt 5.10 there, I do.
Anyhow, you can always install Qt Creator from an offline installer ( or from and use the "Link with Qt" banner that is shown when you start that (if the banner doesn't show up, the same functionality is accessible via Tools > Options > Kits > Qt Versions > Link with Qt). Point that to the base directory of a Qt offline or online installer to make everything known to that Qt Creator installation automatically.

Can't run Qt 5.12.2 on macOS 10.12

There is a project I need to build using Qt. I am running macOS 10.12.6 and I have installed XCode 9.2 along with its command line tools. But after installing Qt 5.12.2 (the oldest 5.12 available through its online installer). It will not launch Qt. When I look into the ~/Qt directory, the "Qt Creator" App is showing that it is for macOS 10.13. But Qt's site says 10.12 is supported.
It has a footnote of: Note: Xcode 9 is only supported for application development (to be able to opt out of features such as layer-backing and dark mode), not for development of Qt itself.
Am I misunderstanding the requirement? I don't want to upgrade my OS at this points as I don't want to destabilize my other development.
While the Qt online installer ships various Qt versions, it only ships the latest Qt Creator, which is currently Qt Creator 4.11.0, based on Qt 5.14.0. Thus it is too new, as Qt 5.14.0 only supports macOS 10.13 and later.
You'll have to install Qt Creator 4.9.2, which is using Qt 5.12.4 (Qt Creator 4.10 might also work, as Qt 5.13 is supposed to still run on macOS 10.12, but I find the documentation a bit unclear - give it a try).
Install the Qt Creator simply to /Applications, to avoid any clashes with the online installer-based Qt installation. You might have to configure the installed Qt versions and kits manually then, as the alternate Qt Creator probably won't auto-detect them.

Is Xcode required to install Qt Creator with Nokia Qt SDK on Mac?

I want to start developing apps in Qt for Nokia Belle/Meego/BB10 Platforms.
I have downloaded the Nokia Qt SDK 1.2.1 (including Qt 4.7.4, Qt Mobility, Qt Quick and other components).
I'm trying to install Nokia Qt SDK on a Mac, but it asks for Xcode. I have Xcode, but don't want to install it because it occupies a lot of space. Do I need it if I have Qt Creator? What does it need it for???? I thought Qt Creator can compile things itself. Can I uninstall Xcode after I install the SDK?
The Qt Creator is just an IDE. It needs the entire C/C++ development environment. Xcode provides such an environment.
The Qt SDK 1.2.1 is very old. Unless you need it to support an old Nokia platform, you shouldn't be using it. Go to and get yourself a recent version of Qt (5.1.1 at the moment). It comes with Qt Creator. You still need Xcode for the compilers for the desktop platforms.
The SDK should come with compilers and simulators for the target devices, but I don't know offhand if it will need some non-compiler tools from Xcode.

How do you configure Qt Creator to use both Qt4 and Qt5?

I download Qt Creator 2.7.0 (Based on Qt 5.0.2 (64 bit)).
This seems to compile everything with Qt5.
I know you can download the Qt4 SDK, but then how can i configure projects to use Qt4 instead if I need to? Please provide detailed instructions. I'm on Ubuntu and not using any repository supplied Qt tools/libraries.
Answer: You download Qt4, compile it (if necessary) then in the menu Tools->Options->Build & Run->Qt Versions, you add Qt4 manually similar to the Qt5 config. You just need the path to the qmake file. Then go to the Kits tab in the same Options box, and add a manual Qt 4 Kit. You can change the Kit available to your app via the Projects tile and the Add Kit button. Add the Qt4 kit, remove the Qt5 kit, rebuild all. Simple.

Qt example named Boxes working on Ubuntu but not on Windows (Qt 5.0.2)

I have been searching for a cross platform GUI application development framework (Same code for building Linux, Android, Windows apps and OS X) and I found Qt is best for that (Inspired because VLC media player is build with Qt).
First installed it in Ubuntu I had some problem in building examples but I managed to solve it and every examples given in Qt is working fine.
But in Windows every example is working except the "Boxes" example.
warning: Qt was built with ANGLE, which provides only OpenGL ES 2.0 on top of DirectX 9.0c
error: This example requires Qt to be configured with -opengl desktop
After installing Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, OpenGL, 476 MB)
error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
So, I checked Build & Run Option and it shows
you need to have qt built with opengl desktop option.
look for Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, OpenGL, 476 MB)
after installing this qt release your example should work
Problem resolved after installing :
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, OpenGL, 476 MB)
But, running the program form Qt alone works when I open the compiled exe file it shows Qt5***.dll missing.
Solving missing dll :
Open compiled exe in Dependency Walker and it will show all missing dll. Now go to
there we can find all Qt5***.dll copy it and past it in exe location.
