How to pass random particular value in loadrunner..? - jmeter

I have 10 values I want pick values randomly but 2nd position value Hyderabad next time Hyderabad value position 5th position how to capture Hyderabad value in loadrunner? to capture Hyderabad value in loadrunner?
Capture is a question of correlation. This will likely be a manual correlation effort


Calculate mean value between two dates

I'm trying to calculate the mean temperature between two dates in different ID groups. In this case, would I calculate the mean temperature from the first bud to the first opening bud, and then the mean temperature from the first opening bud to the first flower in all ID groups.
I have calculated the date for the first flowering event in R. Used this R-code:
your textgrowth <- df1 %>%
group_by(CameraID) %>%
enter image description here
I think that I have to go back to df1 to calculate the mean temperature from the first event to the next event.
Used this R-code to calculate the mean temperature. But do not know to add r-codes that calculate mean temperature between the first bud to the first opening bud, and then the mean temperature from the first opening bud to the first flower and so on for each group.
test <- dft%>% group_by(CameraID,Vekst) %>% summarize(temp_mean=mean(T2_mean,na.rm=T))%>% filter(!duplicated(Vekst))

Return column headers (columns B onwards) based on a text value in Column A and number value in other columns - in a Google spreadsheet

I have a matrix - 1,172 words down column A, then the same 1,172 names across row 1. Then each word is cross-referenced with all the other names to give a similarity score (this is already done).
In another sheet, I want to look up a word, and return all the words with which it has a certain similarity score - in this case, greater than or equal to 0.33. I attach a MWE, in which I give an idea of the answer I am looking for by looking it up manually.
I think it's some sort of reverse lookup. As in, instead of finding the value corresponding to a particular row and a particular column, it's finding the column based on value in the main sheet and row. I'm just really stuck at this point and would massively appreciate some help. Thanks! MWE here
If your words on the second sheet are in the same order then:
=IFERROR(TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTER(Scores!B$1:W$1,(Scores!B2:W2>=0.33)*((Scores!B2:W2<1)))),"-")
Drag down.
Filter the values from row 1 according to the similarity score condition, using FILTER.
Concatenate the filtered values using TEXTJOIN.

Display count for a day using counter metrics in data dog

We have a counter metric in one our micro services which pushes data to DataDog. I want to display the total count for given time frame, and also the count per day (X axis would have the date and Y axis would have count). How do we achive this?
I tried using sum by and diff with Query value representation. It gives the total number of the count for given time frame. But I would like to get a bar graph with the X axis as the date and the Y axis as the count. Is this possible in DataDog?
It seems like there are 2 main questions here:
display the total count for a given time frame.
the count per day.
I think the rollup method is going to be your friend for both questions.
For #1 you need to pass in the time frame you want a total over: sum:<metric_name>.rollup(sum, <time_frame>) and the single value can be displayed using the Query Value visualization.
For #2 the datadog docs say you can get metrics per a day by
graphed using a day-long rollup with .rollup(avg,86400)
So this would look something like sum:<metric_name>.rollup(sum, 86400) and can be displayed a Timeseries with bars.

How to get minimum value from range date in DAX

I need to get a calculated measure of the minimum date of a range of values, ie I have a fact table with a date and two measures. When I filter by range date, I need to get the second measure of the minimum date of that range, in the example, the measure 1 of 1st january, something like this:
The picture on the left is as I have the data in the fact table, data from the right as they should be when I filter from date (from 1st to 6 january). The measure 1 is added for a group, and measure 2 is the minimum value of the range of dates and must be repeated for each resulting record (highlighted).
I need the solution for PowerBI Desktop (DAX)
I would greatly appreciate your help with this.
Thank you for your time

Reading Matrix Simulink Robot Arm

I am building the trajectory of a robot arm and I have computed the position of the degrees of freedom in matrix format, i.e. the first position is row 1 of the matrix (x1,y1,z1), the 2nd position is row 2 (x2,y2,z2) etc.
I am trying to read a row at a time in Simulink and change to the following row when the first position has been reached. However it is not possible for me to solve this with a script. Any suggestions?
If I am understanding your question correctly you have a matrix of desired states and some sort of control loop inside of Simulink.
In brief, loops in Simulink are best represented by switches. And the easiest way to access individual rows of your matrix of desired states (x,y,z) is through the "Select Rows" block.
For example you can feed your matrix into the "Select Rows" simulink block "In1". Then you can take the difference (using sum block) between the output of the the "Select Rows" block and your current state (x,y,z) and feed the norm of this difference into a compare block set to "less than". Feed the result of the compare block into a switch so that the switch will be thrown on when the result of the compare block is less than some tolerance. The switch can be set to 0 when False and 1 + the previous output value of the switch when True. The output value of this switch can then be used to choose the index on the "row selector."
You might encounter a scenario in which the switch will stay true for too long in which case you can either reduce your tolerance or create your own transient switch by using an AND gate to the TRUE input to switch.
