I have the part of the script:
- name: To Display SPLUNK Status
shell: service splunk status | grep PID
register: STATUS
- name: Showing SPLUNK Status
debug: var=STATUS.stdout_lines
- name: Getting Process IDs of the SPLUNK
shell: ps -ef|grep -i splunk
register: pids_of_SPLUNK
- name: Printing the process IDs obtained
debug: var=pids_of_SPLUNK.stdout_lines
#- name: SPLUNK is NOT running
- debug: msg="Splunk is NOT running"
when: not STATUS.stat.exists
#- name: SPLUNK is Running
- debug: msg="Splunk is Restarted and Running"
that line getting me the error: when: not STATUS.stat.exists
when splunk is running it has the status:
Splunk status:
splunkd is running (PID: 7198).
splunk helpers are running (PIDs: 7200).
When splunk is not running:
Splunk status:
splunkd is not running.
how I can use: when condition for it ?
Thank you.
Use service_facts. For example
- 'splunk'
- 'apache2'
- 'ssh'
- service_facts:
- debug:
msg: "Service {{ item }} is not available."
loop: "{{ my_services }}"
when: item not in ansible_facts.services.keys()|list
- debug:
msg: "Service {{ item }} is available."
loop: "{{ my_services }}"
when: item in ansible_facts.services.keys()|list
- debug:
msg: "{{ item }} is {{ ansible_facts.services[item].state }}"
loop: "{{ my_services }}"
when: item in ansible_facts.services.keys()|list
"msg": "Service splunk is not available."
"msg": "Service apache2 is available."
"msg": "Service ssh is available."
"msg": "apache2 is stopped"
"msg": "ssh is running"
I have a list with shell lines that I want to execute on inventory hosts so I can determine if the database is working. For the test purposes I have 1 server with PostgreSQL and 1 with MySQL.
This is my playbook so far:
- name: Check db statuses
shell: "{{ item }}"
- ps -fp $(pgrep -u postgres) | grep /usr/lib/postgresql
- ps -fp $(pgrep -u mysql) | grep mysqld
register: http
ignore_errors: yes
changed_when: item.failed == false
this is failing with:
"http": {
"failed": true,
"msg": "The conditional check 'item.failed == false' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item.failed == false): 'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode object' has no attribute 'failed'"
I want to assign only the item.failed==false result in the register variable (http) but ignore the failed ones.
You can't select what will be registered in a loop. Instead, you'll have to evaluate the registered results in the next task(s), e.g.
- hosts: localhost
- command: "{{ item }}"
- /bin/true
- /bin/false
register: http
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.item }} failed: {{ item.failed }}"
loop: "{{ http.results }}"
label: "{{ item.cmd }}"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['/bin/true']) =>
msg: '/bin/true failed: False'
ok: [localhost] => (item=['/bin/false']) =>
msg: '/bin/false failed: True'
Below playbook works where inventory groups has multiple servers and to check the status of each service and display its status on console.
Problem is, I wanted to consolidate the status of each service on every server and send in an email, but it seems array (uistatus_app, uistatus_status, uistatus_print) gets re-initiated for each server run.
Is there any way where I can store the status in the global variable of each run and display?
for example:
server1: nginx is active
server1: PHP is active
server2: nginx is active
server2: PHP is unknown
- name: checking services
shell: 'systemctl is-active {{item}}'
- nginx
- php74-php-fpm
failed_when: false
register: uistatus
when: 'inventory_hostname in groups[''stg-ui]'
- name: get ui status in arrray
uistatus_app: '{{uistatus_app}}+[ ''{{item.item}}'']'
uistatus_status: '{{uistatus_app}}+[ ''{{item.stdout}}'']'
with_items: '{{ uistatus.results }}'
when: 'inventory_hostname in groups[''stg-ui]'
- name: consolidate
uistatus_print: '{{uistatus_print}}+{{inventory_hostname}}: {{item[0]}} is item[1]}}]'
loop: '{{ query(''together'',uistatus_app, uistatus.status }}'
when: 'inventory_hostname in groups[''stg-ui]'
Set the variable with the list of the statuses in each host, e.g.
- hosts: all
- name: checking services
command: "echo {{ item }} is active"
- nginx
- php74-php-fpm
failed_when: False
register: uistatus
when: inventory_hostname in groups.stg_ui
- set_fact:
my_services: "{{ uistatus.results|default([])|
list }}"
- debug:
var: my_services
ok: [server1] =>
- nginx is active
- php74-php-fpm is active
ok: [server2] =>
- nginx is active
- php74-php-fpm is active
Then run_once, extract the lists and create the dictionary all_services, e.g.
- set_fact:
all_services: "{{ dict(ansible_play_hosts|zip(stats)) }}"
stats: "{{ ansible_play_hosts|
map('extract', hostvars, 'my_services')|
list }}"
run_once: true
- debug:
var: all_services
run_once: true
ok: [server1] =>
- nginx is active
- php74-php-fpm is active
- nginx is active
- php74-php-fpm is active
The dictionary is available to all hosts in the playbook.
I am trying to shutdown databases in a loop, the catch is some databases run as a different user and others just run as oracle. I login as oracle user and run the playbook and if the database is run as oracle user it goes through fine. If it is running as a different user I would like to become that user (oracle user has permissions to do that).
Here is my main playbook:
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat test.yml
- hosts: testdrive
- set_fact:
db_list: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars/' ~ inventory_hostname ~ '.dblist')|from_yaml }}"
- name: Shutdown running databases
include_tasks: shutdowndb.yml
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
DB list is as follows:
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat vars/dbsrv.localdomain.dblist
- ebs1
- ebs2
- ndb1
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat shutdowndb.yml
- debug: msg='Shutting down {{ item }}'
- name: Execute shutdown
shell: id "{{ item }}"
register: shutdown_output
become: "{{ item is search('ebs') | ternary('yes','no') }}"
become_user: "{{ item }}"
- debug: msg="{{ shutdown_output.stdout }}"
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat inventory
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory test.yml
TASK [Execute shutdown] ***
fatal: [dbsrv1.localdomain]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to dbsrv1.localdomain closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1} ...ignoring
I tried this question on another thread but got closed, so trying another hand after realizing a few issues myself such as being unable to run blocks of code with a loop, etc.
Appreciate any help.
Set become user conditionally
Fix the line
shell: id "{{ item }}"
correct syntax (use shell only when necessary)
command: "id {{ item }}"
The playbook below
- hosts: testdrive
- set_fact:
db_list: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars/' ~ inventory_hostname ~ '.dblist')|from_yaml }}"
- name: Shutdown running databases
include_tasks: shutdowndb.yml
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
with the included tasks
$ cat shutdowndb.yml
- debug:
- "shell: {{ 'shutdown.sh ' ~ item }}"
- "become: {{ item is search('ebs')|ternary('yes', 'no') }}"
- "become_user: {{ item }}"
"msg": [
"shell: shutdown.sh ebs1",
"become: yes",
"become_user: ebs1"
"msg": [
"shell: shutdown.sh ebs2",
"become: yes",
"become_user: ebs2"
"msg": [
"shell: shutdown.sh ndb1",
"become: no",
"become_user: ndb1"
Q: "Why the command whoami is still giving oracle rather than ebs1?"
A: Short answer: Because become is not set to True.
1) Is it possible to become all of the users in db_list? Yes.
- hosts: test_01
become: no
remote_user: admin
db_list: ['ebs1', 'ebs2', 'ndb1']
- command: whoami
become_user: "{{ item }}"
become: true
register: result
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ result.results|json_query('[].stdout') }}"
"msg": [
2) Does search and ternary work properly? Yes.
- debug:
msg: "{{ item is search('ebs')|ternary(true, false) }}"
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
"msg": true
"msg": true
"msg": false
3) Does become and become_user work properly?. Yes.
- command: whoami
become_user: "{{ item }}"
become: "{{ item is search('ebs')|ternary(true, false) }}"
register: result
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ result.results|json_query('[].stdout') }}"
"msg": [
I am using Ansible and trying to make a simple playbook to check if a service is up.
service... account-daemon.service
part of my playbook which included this is as follows:
- name account daemon service get status
command: systemctl show -p SubState account-daemon
register: status
- debug: msg="{{ status.stout }}"
Please note there is no spaces between playbook.
You can use as below to check the status of services, example below for rscd
- name: populate service facts
- debug:
var: ansible_facts.services
- debug:
msg: "service is running"
when: ansible_facts.services['account-daemon.service'].state == "running"
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "service is running"
Reference: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/service_facts_module.html
- name: check rscd
path: /etc/init.d/rscd
register: serv
- name: populate service facts
- debug:
var: ansible_facts.services
- debug:
msg: "rscd is running"
when: serv.stat.exists and ansible_facts.services['rscd.service'].state == "running"
FYI, I'm running my Ansible playbook in "pull-mode" not push mode. Therefore, my nodes will publish the results of their task via Hipchat.
With that said, I have a task that installs RPMs. When the installs are successful, the nodes notify via Hipchat that the task was successfully run. Now, in the event that a task fails, i force it to notify hipchat w/ the "--force-handlers" paramter. My question, is there a way to call a particular handler depending on the outcome of the task?
- name: Install Perl modules
command: sudo rpm -Uvh {{ rpm_repository }}/{{ item.key }}-{{ item.value.svn_tag }}.rpm --force
with_dict: deploy_modules_perl
notify: announce_hipchat
- name: announce_hipchat
local_action: hipchat
token={{ hipchat_auth_token }}
room={{ hipchat_room }}
msg="[{{ ansible_hostname }}] Successfully installed RPMs!"
In this case, I use multiple handlers. See following example :
file site.yml
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
force_handlers: true
- cmds:
echo: hello
eccho: hello
- name: echo
command: "{{ item.key }} {{ item.value }}"
register: command_result
with_dict: "{{ cmds }}"
changed_when: true
failed_when: false
- "hipchat"
- name: "hipchat"
command: "/bin/true"
- "hipchat_succeeded"
- "hipchat_failed"
- name: "hipchat_succeeded"
var: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ command_result.results | selectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"
- name: "hipchat_failed"
var: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ command_result.results | rejectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"
Use command
ansible-playbook -c local -i "localhost," site.yml
CAUTION: use test filter 'equalsto' added in jinja2 2.8