What is the default H2 console Administration password - h2

I'm trying to figure out what is de default administration password. i've tried to add webAdminPassword=pass in .h2.server.properties but is not working

try this,
The answer is -user "".
else try,
name = "sa"
password = ""
In case you got stuck with the default non-blank user when running the client, the full set of parameters will get you past that:
java -cp \h2.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -url "jdbc:h2:file:" -driver "org.h2.Driver" -user "" -password ""
Please go through the below link for more info,

There is no default in H2 itself. If you have a system tray icon of H2 Console, you can open the console from its context menu and you will be able to access these features without a password in the opened window.
In all other cases you need to set up the password explicitly. You can add it to the configuration file .h2.server.properties in the home directory of your user with webAdminPassword=some_password (don't forget to restart the console) or you can pass it in the command line java -cp h2-1.4.200.jar org.h2.tools.Server -web -webAdminPassword some_password … and such password will be used instead of password from the configuration file.
Your question does not describe how and where the H2 Console was started. If it was started on another system by another user, you need to edit the configuration file on that system in the profile of that user. If another password was passed in the startup parameters, the configuration file has no effect and you need to figure out what was passed to it.

With spring-boot you define the following variable in application properties: spring.h2.console.settings.web-admin-password. For standalone h2 console, you would use the solution posted by Evgenij Ryazanov.


NiFi - Not Seeing user/password in nifi-app.log

In Windows, I've downloaded, installed, and started NiFi 1.16.3.
However when it asks me for a User and Password, I don't see these in nifi-app.log.
Is there a default User/Password?
if you are on linux just run this command to set custom user/password for single user nifi:
cd <nifi_root_folder>
./bin/nifi.sh set-single-user-credentials <username> <password>
for windows there is a workaround to set custom credentials:
cd <nifi_root_folder>
java -cp conf;lib\bootstrap\* -Dnifi.properties.file.path=conf/nifi.properties ^
org.apache.nifi.authentication.single.user.command.SetSingleUserCredentials ^
<username> <password>
if you start a plain new nifi instance you will find the username and password in logs/nifi-app.log.
somewhere should be printed a line like this:
Generated Username [ae7b6dd8-bc89-44b0-a025-abe1230e6327]
Generated Password [DPwOASAEiXKHKAtR6CuzfNrRIVH+iU4o]

Elasticsearch_Installation_asking for username and password

After installation of Elasticsearch and running the elasticsearch.bat command. I need to check in https:localhost9200.
Here I am getting a prompt asking for username and password.
Is there any default username or password???
You can Generate a new password using
/usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto/interactive
interactive is where you will have to enter password for all user.
auto will just print passwords on the shell.
You can turn off x-pack security in elasticsearch.yml
Answer written by #harshit is correct, Adding more information so that it would be more helpful to the users running ES from code or want more context.
When you run it with source there is default username/password(applicable even in the ES 8.0) as mentioned in the ES code contribution guide and elastic is the default username and password is the default password.
Note that, from ES 8.0 even in Basic and trial ES version x-pack security is enabled by default, and it was disabled before ES 8.0. So if you want to disable it you need to add below setting to your elasticsearch.yml and restart ES.(Not recommended though)
xpack.security.enabled: false
Also, elastic is a reserved username in Elasticsearch, and when you install ES from an archive on *nix based system, its password is not generated due to known issue, but if you running it on Docker or on Windows it would be generated and password will be printed in the cluster logs as explained in official doc, where ES advises to store it in secure location.
For Windows:-
Go to C:\xampp\htdocs\elasticsearch-8.2.2\bin folder.
under the above folder or path open the PowerShell terminal.
Now run this command : .\elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic .
NOTE - don't forget to add dott (.) at the last.
Then you will see the reset password on the terminal, so now the browser login details will be -
username - elastic // default username
password - new generated token/password
See the Screenshot for reference -
Read More Here:
1-> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/zip-windows.html#windows-service
2-> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/built-in-users.html

How to run jython script from RAD using credentials from properties file?

According to documentation: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rsawshlp/v7r5m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.ws.ast.jythontools.doc%2Ftopics%2Ftjythondebug.html to run jython script with credentials "As defined in soap.client.props or sas.client.props file":
The sas.client.props and the soap.client.props files are located in
the properties directory for each WebSphere Application Server
profile, for example x:/profilePath/properties
I've created file:
The next part is about setting com.ibm.CORBA and com.ibm.SOAP properties. Because it is not written, which of them are used as credentials, I've set both:
But I can't run the script on WebSphere:
WASX7246E: Cannot establish "SOAP" connection to host "localhost"
because of an authentication failure. Ensure that user and password
are correct on the command line or in a properties file.
I'm using IBM RAD 9.0 and WebSphere 8.5
What I'm doing wrong? I've done everything as I've understood from cited documentation, but it's very laconical and unprecise for me.
Depending on the connector being used (SOAP or RMI), wsadmin retrieves credentials from either soap.client.props or sas.client.props. In your case the connector is SOAP (that's what the error message suggests), so you have to edit two lines in soap.client.props:

Using SC.exe to set service credentials password fails

I know this question has been asked in the past, but a satisfactory answer has not been provided.
I am using the SC command to config the credentials for a service.
SC.exe config "SERVICE NAME" obj= "domain\user" password= "password"
This completes successfully, but when I start the service, it fails
to perform the login.
[NET START "service name"]
If I manually update ONLY the password from the services.msc, then
when I start the service it works fine.
I have hundreds of servers to update this change occurs in the middle of a deployment,
so manual intervention is NOT an option.
I have tried using the config to update the login account and then another config command for the password.
From all accounts, the SC.exe does not work for passwords and Microsoft has NO help.
Besides stopping the service before making the changes, and granting the user permission to logon as a service, I also had to add the type= own parameter, otherwise it would fail with:
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig FAILED 87:
The parameter is incorrect
So this is the command that worked:
SC.EXE config "ServiceName" type= own obj= "domain\user" password= "password"
It even worked with special characters in the password, given I had the password between double brackets.
When you configure a service to run under a specific account via the normal route from the service properties windows automatically grants the account the log in as service right. When you use sc.exe you also have to grant the user the log on as service right.
Log On As Service Right
Before restarting services, you should grant your user permission to logon as a service.
Unfortunately, no way to do it from command line with default windows tools, but you can use small additional util ntright.exe from Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools.
Download it from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17657
After installation you'll get a lot of tools in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools (or in Program Files on 32bit machine).
You need ntrights.exe. You can copy it and run from any place on another host.
To grant your user required permission, you should add to your script:
ntrights.exe +r SeServiceLogonRight -u "%DOMAIN%\%USER%"
After that you can successfully restart services with a new user.
Also there is an option to run ntrights.exe on remote host:
ntrights.exe +r SeServiceLogonRight -u "%DOMAIN%\%USER%" -m %HOSTNAME%
This tool helps me very much when I need reconfigure a lot of hosts remotely.
To enable log on as a service via script I've written this, you can use it as is or pull out what is useful to you
Try to stop the service before setting up the password:
sc.exe stop "<my_service>" 4:4:3
sc.exe config "<my_service>" obj= "\.<local_acc_name>" password= "<local_acc_pass>"
sc.exe start "<my_service>"
I had this issue. Thanks to ST's comment on the original post, I realized I needed to research how to type the password. In my case, I needed to double up the percent sign (%%) in the password.
The link ST provided is helpful: Escaping special characters in cmd.
Run against this problem while doing some Powershell scripting and the issue in my case was the special characters in the password.
Got it working by storing the password in a variable with double quotes around it:
$servicePassword = "`"passwordWithSpecialCharacters`""
cmd /c sc config myService obj= mydomain\myuser password= $servicePassword
Special characters are:
Try This.
Start menu - type "local security policy" without the quotes. Open the "Local Policies", then left-click on "User Rights Assignment". On the right panel, right-click on "Log on as a service", and select "Properties". Click on "Add User or Group" and add your user. Click OK. You might have to reboot your machine.
After adding you can set the user name and password for the service in cmd.

TeamCity forgotten admin password - where to look?

I need to recover/reset the admin password for JetBrain's TeamCity.
I have full RDP access to the server so no problems there. It's just been 2 months since we used it so now I have forgotten my login - my usual ones don't work.
It is setup without a database at the moment, so was hoping the usernames would just be in a file somewhere, but no luck finding it so far.
From TeamCity 8 you can log in as a super user and change the password that way. You just need to use an empty username and last occurrence of the "super user authentication token" found in the logs\teamcity-server.log file as your password.
Please see the following for more information:
TeamCity 8 - http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD8/Super+User
TeamCity 9 - http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/Super+User
TeamCity 10 - https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Super+User
In case none of those works, see http://sebastienlachance.com/post/Resetting-TeamCity-Password.aspx.
Open a command prompt and go to \webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib folder. Now type the following :
..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java.exe -cp server.jar;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword username newpassword
For TeamCity 6.5.4
From a command prompt in the [TeamCity install folder]\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib:
..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java -cp server.jar;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword admin NewPassword
My username was 'admin' in my case (I think I set it during installation but I can't be sure).
I ommitted the path to TeamCity argument, it's smart enough to use the correct path (mine was c:\users\administrator.BuildServer)
When I provided the (wrong) path to TeamCity as an argument I received this message:
Using TeamCity configuration directory path: c:/TeamCity/.BuildServer
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Table not found in statement [UPDATE users SET PASSWORD = ? WHERE USERNAME = ? AND REALM IS NULL]
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.throwError(Util.java:58)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcPreparedStatement.<init>(jdbcPreparedStatement.java:1833)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcConnection.prepareStatement(jdbcConnection.java:580)
at ChangePassword.main(ChangePassword.java:14)
In case this confuses other people too.
Super user direct URL :
Open TeamCity log folder (Example C: drive: C:\TeamCity\logs) : teamcity-server.log, find the key: “Super user authentication”
[2019-03-04 12:14:30,770] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Super user authentication token: `8347518935696887114` (use empty username with the token as the password to access the server)
You could try to reset the installation of TeamCity, by removing TeamCity data directory ($/.BuildServer directory by default)
Try the following:
First stop the TeamCity service (would also stop the build agent if installed).
Next open up a console, go to your java directory and run the following command from there:
java.exe -cp server.jar; hsqldb.jar ChangePassword USERNAME PASSWORD "PATH_TO_YOUR_TEAMCITY_INSTALLATION".BuildServer
I've just had to go through this pain with v5 EAP.
I managed to reset the password successfully by running:
C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib>..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java -cp server.jar;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword admin password c:\TeamCity\.BuildServer
Although you'll need to substitute C:\TeamCity with wherever your installation is located.
In case this helps someone else, whoever installed TeamCity on my server placed the build directory under the Administrator's Profile, not in C:\TeamCity.
Specifically for TeamCity running on Tomcat on Windows it will be C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity
The directory specified as the last parameter needs to be your Data Directory (find in /logs/teamcity-server.log)
You'll get the 'Table not found' error if you don't have this correct.
You'll get a 'The database is already in use' error if you've got TeamCity running.
you can also search you /logs/teamcity-server.log to see whether you created admin, administrator, or some other admin user name.
For everyone that may arrive at this article years after the original answer like I just did, there's a built-in super user account, and the password is regenerated every time team city is started, and the password is in the log. You can use this super user to login and reset any passwords. It's super easy.
TeamCity always uses a database - if you haven't explicitly configured one, it uses a HSQLDB database to store data internally.
When using an external database, user information is stored within that database, so it seems pretty likely that the user information in your case will be stored within the HSQLDB system.
You might be able to gain access to the system by futzing around with the database - but I'd suggest taking a backup first.
Second suggestion - drop the support guys at JetBrains an email. Even before my workplace splashed out on a TeamCity Enterprise license, their support was superb - fast, accurate and helpful.
With TeamCity 5 using MySQL (probably other versions and RDBMs as well, but untested), it's possible to update the password directly via SQL:
mysql> update users set password = md5("mypass123") where username = "bob";
Nevertheless, I'd stick with the CLI versions already mentioned by others if there isn't a good reason not to do so.
First point is if you logout the login screen has the username 'TCAdmin' already filled in, when it should be 'administrator'. TCAdmin is the full name of (I think) the default version 5 admin user. Changing that to administrator and then using the password I thought it was solved my issue.
For resetting...
In case it helps someone else on Windows XP on version 5 of TeamCity, my .BuildServer config info was also under my current logged in user's documents and settings folder. Also I was tripped up by a space in the list of jar files in Sebastien's good answer above.
So I changed to this directory in a command prompt:
and then this command line (to set password: Password1) worked for me:
C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib>..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java.exe -cp server.jar;commonapi.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword administrator Password1
Which gave output:
Using TeamCity configuration directory path: C:/Documents and Settings/tamw/.BuildServer
Password changed successfuly
Stop teamcity
You should pass path to your buildserver
e.g. if you installed build server to dir "c:\.BuildServer"
........\jre\bin\java.exe -cp server.jar;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword username newpassword c:\.BuildServer
To change user password:
Shutdown server
Switch to the /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib directory
Invoke the following command:
Windows platform:
java -cp server.jar;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword
Unix platform:
java -cp server.jar:common-api.jar:commons-codec-1.3.jar:util.jar:hsqldb.jar ChangePassword
You can skip the option, if you are using default path for TeamCity data files: /.BuildServer
[Ref: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD7/Changing+user+password+with+default+authentication+scheme]
Here's what worked for me.
Shut down server services
> cd c:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib>
> ..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java.exe -cp server.jar ;common-api.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;util.jar;hsqldb.jar ChangePassword admin password1 C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\
Without the path at the end, it would fail with:
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Table not found in statement [
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.throwError(Util.java:58)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcPreparedStatement.<init>(jdbcPreparedStatement.ja
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcConnection.prepareStatement(jdbcConnection.java:5
at ChangePassword.main(ChangePassword.java:14)
We are using Teamcity 7 with MS SQL Server as the RDBMS.
To reset your password you can use the following query:
UPDATE users SET password = LOWER(SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('md5','your_new_password')),3,32))
where username = "your_user_name";
Alternatively, You could use the TeamCity Server Log and retrieve the Super User token.
Using the token, go to the URL : http://(server):(port)/login.html?super=1
ie: http://localhost:92/login.html?super=1
Once you logged in, you could always create a new user or reset the password for the account in question.
I passed in the same situation and did login with super user, follow steps below:
1 - Get Token in the "teamcity-server.log" in the path "XX:\TeamCity\logs";
2 - Access and login using token at url: "/login.html?super=1";
More about it:
