DDD Event Source raise event for created object - events

I have Category class, that has children property. When creating category, I raise event CategoryCreated in constructor, which registers this event in BaseCategory. Also I have apply method in Category, that applies events to state.
public class Category :BaseCategory
public Category(string id, TranslatableString name, DateTime timestamp)
Raise(new CategoryCreated(id, name, timestamp));
public override void Apply(DomainEvent #event)
switch (#event)
case CategoryCreated e:
this.Id = e.Id;
this.Name = e.Name;
Now suppose I want to create Category and add child to it.
var category = new Category("1","2",DateTime.UtcNow);
category.AddChild("some category", "name", DateTime.UtcNow);
foreach(var e in category.UncomittedEvents)
When adding child I set private property ParentId of newly created category as parent's Id.
public void AddChild(string id, string name,DateTime date)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
if (Children.Any(a => a.Id== Id))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Category already exist ");
Raise(new CategoryAdded(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), this.Id/*parent id*/, name, DateTime.UtcNow));
public class CategoryAdded : DomainEvent
public CategoryAdded(string id, string parentId, string name, DateTime timestamp) {}
The problem is, when applying events, parent id will be null because events were not applied yet and parent's Id property passed as parent id is null:
new CategoryAdded(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), this.Id /*parent id*/, name, DateTime.UtcNow)
Where is design mistake?
Where and when should be CategoryCreated event raised?
How would you tackle this situation?

Where is design mistake? Where and when should be CategoryCreated event raised? How would you tackle this situation?
OK, this is not your fault. The literature sucks.
CPearson's answer shows a common mechanism for fixing the symptoms, but I think it is important to see what is going on.
If we are applying the "event sourcing" pattern in its pure form, our data model would look like a stream of events:
class Category {
private final List[Event] History;
Changes to the current state would be achieved by appending events to the History.
public Category(string id, TranslatableString name, DateTime timestamp) {
History.Add(new CategoryCreated(id, name, timestamp));
And queries of the current state would be methods that would search through the event history looking for data.
public Id Id() {
Id current = null;
History.forEach( e -> {
if (e instance of CreatedEvent) {
current = CreatedEvent.Id(e)
return current
The good news is that the design is relatively simple in principle. The bad news is that the performance is dreadful - reading is usually much more common and writing, but every time we want to read something, we have to go skimming through the events to find the answer.
It's not always that bad -- properties that are constant for the entire life cycle of the entity will normally appear in the first event; to get the most recent version of a property you can often enumerate the history backwards, and stop on the first (most recent) match.
But it is still pretty awkward. So to improve query performance we cache the interesting results in properties -- effectively using a snapshot to answer queries. But for that to work, we need to update the cached values (the snapshot) when we add new events to the history.
So the Raise method should be doing two things, modifying the event history, and modifying the snapshot. Modifying the event history is general purpose, so that work often gets shared into a common base class; but the snapshot is specific to the collection of query results we want to cache, so that bit is usually implemented within the "aggregate root" itself.
Because the snapshot when we restore the aggregate from the events stored in our database should match the live copy, this design often includes an Apply method that is used in both settings.

Where is design mistake?
Your Raise(...) method should also call Apply. Remember that your Aggregate is responsible for maintaining a consistent state. Applying events outside of your Aggregate violates that principle.
protected void Raise(DomainEvent #event)


Recursive linq expressions to get non NULL parent value?

I wrote a simple recursive function to climb up the tree of a table that has ID and PARENTID.
But when I do that I get this error
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The instance of entity type 'InternalOrg' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'Id'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached.
Is there another way to do this or maybe done in one LINQ expression ?
private InternalOrgDto GetInternalOrgDto(DepartmentChildDto dcDto)
if (dcDto.InternalOrgId != null)
InternalOrg io = _internalOrgRepo.Get(Convert.ToInt32(dcDto.InternalOrgId));
InternalOrgDto ioDto = new InternalOrgDto
Id = io.Id,
Abbreviation = io.Abbreviation,
Code = io.Code,
Description = io.Description
return ioDto;
//manually get parent department
Department parentDepartment = _departmentRepo.Get(Convert.ToInt32(dcDto.ParentDepartmentId));
DepartmentChildDto parentDepartmenDto = ObjectMapper.Map<DepartmentChildDto>(parentDepartment);
return GetInternalOrgDto(parentDepartmenDto);
Is there a way to get a top-level parent from a given child via Linq? Not that I am aware of. You can do it recursively similar to what you have done, though I would recommend simplifying the query to avoid loading entire entities until you get what you want. I'm guessing from your code that only top level parent departments would have an InternalOrg? Otherwise this method would recurse up the parents until it found one. This could be sped up a bit like:
private InternalOrgDto GetInternalOrgDto(DepartmentChildDto dcDto)
var internalOrgid = dcDto.InternalOrgId
?? FindInternalOrgid(dcDto.ParentDepartmentId)
?? throw new InternalOrgNotFoundException();
InternalOrgDto ioDto = _context.InternalOrganizations
.Where(x => x.InternalOrgId == internalOrgId.Value)
.Select(x => new InternalOrgDto
Id = x.Id,
Abbreviation = x.Abbreviation,
Code = x.Code,
Description = x.Description
return ioDto;
private int? FindInternalOrgid(int? departmentId)
if (!departmentId.HasValue)
return (int?) null;
var details = _context.Departments
.Where(x => x.DepartmentId == departmentId.Value)
.Select(x => new
if (details.InternalOrgId.HasValue)
return details.InternalOrgId;
return findInternalOrgId(details.parentDepartmentId);
The key considerations here are to avoid repository methods that return entities or sets of entities, especially where you don't need everything about an entity. By leveraging the IQueryable provided by EF through Linq we can project down to just the data we need rather than returning every field. The database server can accommodate this better via indexing and help avoid things like locks. If you are using repositories to enforce low level domain rules or to enable unit testing then the repositories can expose IQueryable<TEntity> rather than IEnumerable<TEntity> or even TEntity to enable projection and other EF Linq goodness.
Another option to consider where I have hierarchal data where the relationships are important and I want to quickly find all related entities to a parent, or get to a specific level, one option is to store a breadcrumb with each record which is updated if that item is ever moved. The benefit is that these kinds of checks become very trivial to do, the risk is that anywhere/anything that can modify data relationships could leave the breadcrumb trail in an invalid state.
For example, if I have a Department ID 22 which belongs to Department 8 which belongs to Department 2 which is a top-level department, 22's breadcrumb trail would be: "2,8". If the breadcrumbs are empty we have a top-level entity. (and no parent Id) We can parse the breadcrumbs using a simple string.Split() operation. This avoids the recursive trips to the DB entirely. Though you may want a maintenance job running behind the scenes to periodically inspect recently modified data to ensure their breadcrumb trails are accurate and alerting you if any get broken. (Either by faulty code or such)

Entity Framework Code-First: "The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key."

I'm running into an issue with Entity Framework code-first in MVC3. I'm hitting this exception:
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager.
The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same
This is addressed many times on SO, but I'm having trouble utilizing any of the suggested solutions in my situation.
Here is a code sample:
FestORM.SaleMethod method = new FestORM.SaleMethod
Id = 2,
Name = "Test Sale Method"
FestContext context = new FestContext();
//everything works without this line:
string thisQueryWillMessThingsUp =
context.SaleMethods.Where(m => m.Id == 2).Single().Name;
context.Entry(method).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
EDITED to clarify: I am attempting to update an object that already exists in the database.
Everything works fine without the query noted in the code. In my application, my controller is instantiating the context, and that same context is passed to several repositories that are used by the controller--so I am not able to simply use a different context for the initial query operation. I've tried to remove the entity from being tracked in the ObjectStateManager, but I can't seem to get anywhere with that either. I'm trying to figure out a solution that will work for both conditions: sometimes I will be updating an object that is tracked by the ObjectStateManager, and sometimes it will happen to have not been tracked yet.
FWIW, my real repository functions look like this, just like the code above:
public void Update(T entity)
//works ONLY when entity is not tracked by ObjectStateManager
_context.Entry(entity).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
public void SaveChanges()
Any ideas? I've been fighting this for too long...
The problem is that this query
string thisQueryWillMessThingsUp =
context.SaleMethods.Where(m => m.Id == 2).Single().Name;
brings one instance of the SaleMethod entity into the context and then this code
context.Entry(method).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
attaches a different instance to the context. Both instances have the same primary key, so EF thinks that you are trying to attach two different entities with the same key to the context. It doesn't know that they are both supposed to be the same entity.
If for some reason you just need to query for the name, but don't want to actually bring the full entity into the context, then you can do this:
string thisQueryWillMessThingsUp =
context.SaleMethods.Where(m => m.Id == 2).AsNoTracking().Single().Name;
If what you are tying to do is update an existing entity and you have values for all mapped properties of that entity, then the simplest thing to do is to not run the query and just use:
context.Entry(method).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
If you don't want to update all properties, possibly because you don't have values for all properties, then querying for the entity and setting properties on it before calling SaveChanges is an acceptable approach. There are several ways to do this depending on your exact requirements. One way is to use the Property method, something like so:
var salesMethod = context.SaleMethods.Find(2); // Basically equivalent to your query
context.Entry(salesMethod).Property(e => e.Name).CurrentValue = newName;
context.Entry(salesMethod).Property(e => e.SomeOtherProp).CurrentValue = newOtherValue;
These blog posts contain some additional information that might be helpful:
The obvious answer would be that your not actually saving the method object to the database before you call:
//everything works without this line:
string thisQueryWillMessThingsUp = context.SaleMethods.Where(m => m.Id == 2).Single().Name;
However, I think perhaps this is just a bit a code you left out.
What if you make your entities inherit from an abstract class ie.
public abstract class BaseClass
public int Id { get; set; }
Then update your Repository to
public class Repository<T> where T : BaseClass
public void Update(T entity)
_context.Entry(entity).State = entity.Id == 0 ? System.Data.EntityState.Added : System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
Also you might want to not set the ID of your SaleMethod and let it be generated by the database. Problem could also be because SaleMethod Object in the database has Id of 2 and then you try to add another SaleMethod object with Id 2.
The error you see stems from trying to add another SaleMethod object with ID of 2 to the ObjectStateManager.

Linq query is triggered multiple times without any apparent reason

I’m trying to optimize my app, and I notice that one query is triggered multiple times without any apparent reason.
Is a MVC 3 App, razor and I’m using Linq and EF.
I have ViewModel class with a couple of properties.
One of these properties is the model for to view.
This is my controller (I omit all the others properties initialization):
public ActionResult companyDetail(Guid id)
companyDetailsViewModel myModel = new companyDetailsViewModel();
myModel.companyDetail = companiesRepository.getCompany(id);
return View(myModel);
This is my getCompany method:
public company getCompany(Guid id)
return db.companies.Single(c => c.id == id);
The view is too long to paste here, but is a simple view.
This is a part for example:
<div id="companyName">
<div id="companyInfoWapper">
<div class="companyInfo">
industry: #Model.companyDetail.industry<br />
revenue: #String.Format("{0:C}", Model.companyDetail.revenue)
I’m using AnjLab SQL Profiler to view the transactions..
When I call the view, the query it’s
called 3 times.
The Generated SQL is
the exact same on all 3.
The transaction ID is different, and also
the duration varies a little bit.
The rest are pretty much the same.
Any Idea what can be making this query to run multiple times?
Another Question!
Anyone know why db.companies.Single(c => c.id == id) ask for top 2? Like this:
[Extent1].[id] AS [id], ….
Thanks in Advance!
The third call was my fault, and I fix it. However, I find this:
The application is Multi-language, so I write a class that implements Controller.
I trace the problem to this class. The query is triggered the second time at the end of the class when I call the Base:
and of course, the action is called again.
Any Idea how to prevent this?
Another Update!
Linkgoron ask why I call Base.Execute(), the answer is because of the localizedController implementation.
But his question make me think, and there is another part of the code:
public abstract class LocalizedControllerBase : Controller
public String LanguageCode { get; private set; }
private String defaultLanguage = "es";
private String supportedLanguages = "en|es|pt";
protected override void Execute(RequestContext requestContext)
if (requestContext.RouteData.Values["languageCode"] != null)
LanguageCode = requestContext.RouteData.Values["languageCode"].ToString().ToLower();
if (!supportedLanguages.ToLower().Contains(LanguageCode))
LanguageCode = defaultLanguage;
else {
LanguageCode = defaultLanguage;
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(LanguageCode);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;
My controller are defined like this:
public class companiesController : LocalizedControllerBase
I put a break point in “Base.Execute” and another in the “return View(myModel)” in the controller.
When I call the view companyDetail, the first stop is in base.Execute, the second is in return view, but for some reason there is a third stop in Base.Execute and a fourth in Return View, and finally the view is render.
This is making me crazy!
Anyone know why db.companies.Single(c
=> c.id == id) ask for top 2? Like this:
SELECT TOP (2) [Extent1].[id] AS [id],
Single() throws an exception if there is not exactly one match - so the Linq to Entities provider translates that as a top 2 query which is enough data to make a decision - throw an exception if the query returns 2 results or none, return the only result otherwise.
This doesn't make sense. If the query is executed multiple times you must call GetCompany method multiple times. Once you call Single the query is executed and Company instance is materialized so using it multiple times in view will not cause new executions. Those another calls must be caused by different part of your code.
Btw. you can avoid them by using Find (in EF 4.1) or GetObjectByKey (in EFv1 and EFv4) instead of Single. Single always executes query in database whereas Find first checks if the entity with the same entity key was already loaded and returns the instance without executing db query:
This is code for DbContext API (EF 4.1):
public company getCompany(Guid id)
// Id must be primary key
return db.companies.Find(id);
Code for ObjectContext API is little bit complicated because you first have to build EntityKey which requires entity set name. Here I described full example which works with different key types and names.

IList with an implicit sort order

I'd like to create an IList<Child> that maintains its Child objects in a default/implicit sort order at all times (i.e. regardless of additions/removals to the underlying list).
What I'm specifically trying to avoid is the need for all consumers of said IList<Child> to explicitly invoke IEnumerable<T>.OrderBy() every time they want to enumerate it. Apart from violating DRY, such an approach would also break encapsulation as consumers would have to know that my list is even sorted, which is really none of their business :)
The solution that seemed most logical/efficient was to expose IList<Child> as IEnumerable<Child> (to prevent List mutations) and add explicit Add/Remove methods to the containing Parent. This way, I can intercept changes to the List that necessitate a re-sort, and apply one via Linq:
public class Child {
public string StringProperty;
public int IntProperty;
public class Parent{
private IList<Child> _children = new List<Child>();
public IEnumerable<Child> Children{
return _children;
private void ReSortChildren(){
_children = new List<Child>(child.OrderBy(c=>c.StringProperty));
public void AddChild(Child c){
public void RemoveChild(Child c){
Still, this approach doesn't intercept changes made to the underlying Child.StringProperty (which in this case is the property driving the sort). There must be a more elegant solution to such a basic problem, but I haven't been able to find one.
I wasn't clear in that I would preferable a LINQ compatible solution. I'd rather not resort to using .NET 2.0 constructs (i.e. SortedList)
What about using a SortedList<>?
One way you could go about it is to have Child publish an event OnStringPropertyChanged which passes along the previous value of StringProperty. Then create a derivation of SortedList that overrides the Add method to hookup a handler to that event. Whenever the event fires, remove the item from the list and re-add it with the new value of StringProperty. If you can't change Child, then I would make a proxy class that either derives from or wraps Child to implement the event.
If you don't want to do that, I would still use a SortedList, but internally manage the above sorting logic anytime the StringProperty needs to be changed. To be DRY, it's preferable to route all updates to StringProperty through a common method that correctly manages the sorting, rather than accessing the list directly from various places within the class and duplicating the sort management logic.
I would also caution against allowing the controller to pass in a reference to Child, which allows him to manipulate StringProperty after it's added to the list.
public class Parent{
private SortedList<string, Child> _children = new SortedList<string, Child>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<Child> Children{
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Child>(_children.Values); }
public void AddChild(string stringProperty, int data, Salamandar sal){
_children.Add(stringProperty, new Child(stringProperty, data, sal));
public void RemoveChild(string stringProperty){
private void UpdateChildStringProperty(Child c, string newStringProperty) {
if (c == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("c");
c.StringProperty = newStringProperty;
public void CheckSalamandar(string s) {
if (_children.ContainsKey(s))
var c = _children[s];
if (c.Salamandar.IsActive) {
// update StringProperty through our method
UpdateChildStringProperty(c, c.StringProperty.Reverse());
// update other properties directly
I think that if you derive from KeyedCollection, you'll get what you need. That is only based on reading the documentation, though.
If this works, it won't be easy, unfortunately. Neither the underlying lookup dictionary nor the underlying List in this guy is sorted, nor are they exposed enough such that you'd be able to replace them. It might, however, provide a pattern for you to follow in your own implementation.

Using DataObjectTypeName in DataObjectSource

The functionality I am trying to use is:
- Create a ObjectDataSource for selection and updating controls on a web page (User Control).
- Use the DataObjectTypeName to have an object created that would send the data to an UpdateMethod.
- Before the values are populated in the DataObjectTypeName’s object, I would like to pre-populate the object so the unused items in the class are not defaulted to zeros and empty strings without me knowing whether the zero or default string was set by the user or by the application.
I cannot find a way to pre-populate the values (this was an issue back in 2006 with framework 2.0). One might ask “Why would anyone need to pre-populate the object?”. The simple answer is: I want to be able to randomly place controls on different User Controls and not have to be concerned with which UpdateMethod needs to handle which fields of an object.
For Example, let’s say I have a class (that reflects a SQL Table) that includes the fields: FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip. I may want to give the user the option to change the FirstName and LastName and not even see the Address, City, State, Zip (or vice-versa). I do not want to create two UpdateMethods where one handled FirstName and LastName and the other method handles the other fields. I am working with a Class of some 40+ columns from multiple tables and I may want some fields on one screen and not another and decide later to change those fields from one screen to another (which breaks my UpdateMethods without me knowing).
I hope I explained my issue well enough.
This is hardly a solution to the problem, but it's my best stab at it.
I have a GridView with its DataSourceID set to an ObjectDataSource.
Whenever a row is updated, I want the property values in the object to be selectively updated - that is - only updated if they appear as columns in the GridView.
I've created the following extension:
public static class GridViewExtensions
public static void EnableLimitUpdateToGridViewColumns(this GridView gridView)
_gridView = gridView;
if (_gridView.DataSourceObject != null)
.Updating += new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler(objectDataSource_Updating);
private static GridView _gridView;
private static void objectDataSource_Updating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e)
var newObject = ((object)e.InputParameters[0]);
var oldObjects = ((ObjectDataSource)_gridView.DataSourceObject).Select().Cast<object>();
Type type = oldObjects.First().GetType();
object oldObject = null;
foreach (var obj in oldObjects)
if (type.GetProperty(_gridView.DataKeyNames.First()).GetValue(obj, null).ToString() ==
type.GetProperty(_gridView.DataKeyNames.First()).GetValue(newObject, null).ToString())
oldObject = obj;
if (oldObject == null) return;
var dynamicColumns = _gridView.Columns.OfType<DynamicField>();
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
if (dynamicColumns.Where(c => c.DataField == property.Name).Count() == 0)
property.SetValue(newObject, property.GetValue(oldObject, null), null);
And in the Page_Init event of my page, I apply it to the GridView, like so:
protected void Page_Init()
This is working well for me at the moment.
You could probably apply similar logic to other controls, e.g. ListView or DetailsView.
I'm currently scratching my head to think of a way this can be done in a rendering-agnostic manner - i.e. without having to know about the rendering control being used.
I hope this ends up as a normal feature of the GridView or ObjectDataSource control rather than having to hack it.
