ansible: How to change $HOME directory - ansible

I am running ansible 2.9.6 in my control machine Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop
to control single server Ubuntu 16.04 server which doesn't have /home/username/ directory.
I don't intend to create one aswell.
I am just trying to create a new folder "/usr/local/src/fromcontrolmachine" in slave machine from control machine
So I ran below command
dinesh#dinesh-VirtualBox:/etc/ansible$ ansible all -u dira
--become -m file -a "dest=/usr/local/src/fromcontrolmachine mode=755 owner=dira group=dira state=directory" -K
BECOME password:
> | FAILED! => {
> "changed": false,
> "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n",
> "module_stdout": "Could not chdir to home directory /home/dira: No such file or directory\r\n\r\n",
> "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error",
> "rc": 1 }
I thought of changing the $Home directory by adding below line in
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg. It just created an empty folder called ansible
remote_tmp = usr/local/src/ansible
How to tell ansible to change the default $Home directory by pointing to other location than default /home/dira ?
I wanted to clear this annoying error
"module_stdout": "Could not chdir to home directory /home/dira271641: No such file or directory
Also tried creating playbook pb.yml & add home_dir: /usr/local/src/ansible as mentioned below.
- hosts: all
become: true
- set_fact:
home_dir: /usr/local/src/ansible
become: true
- name: ansible create directory example
path: /tmp/devops_directory
state: directory
When i run above using command ansible-playbook pb.yml -K
But it gives the same error as mentioned above.
I tried environment: HOME:
- hosts: all
become: true
HOME: /usr/local/src/ansible
- name: ansible create directory example
path: /tmp/devops_directory
state: directory
Throws same error
Could not chdir to home directory /home/dira: No such file or directory\r\n\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1}}, "msg": "The following modules failed to execute: setup\n"}

Adding below line.
become_user: dira
solved this problem. Note: dira is my username. So replace your username instead.
So full playbook script will look like
- hosts: all
become: true
become_user: dira
HOME: /usr/local/src/ansible
- name: ansible create directory example
path: /tmp/devops_directory
state: directory


Unable to create a directory using Ansible

I have tried something like this
- name: Create a directory
path: /etc/fail2ban
state: directory
mode: '0755'
and I am a getting a error
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "There was an issue creating /etc/fail2ban as requested: [Errno 13] Permission denied: b'/etc/fail2ban'", "path": "/etc/fail2ban"}
I am trying to create a directory on a remote server.
Need Help !!!
Thanks in advance.
Have you already tested the execution with become: yes?
- name: Create a directory
path: /etc/fail2ban
state: directory
mode: '0755'
become: yes
See the Ansible docs for more information on become and privilege escalation.
Otherwise the output of stat might help you to understand what is going on. You could add the following two tasks before your file task:
- name: Get file stat
path: /etc/fail2ban
register: stat_result
- name: Print file stat
var: stat_result

Ansible Failed to set permissions on the temporary files

I'd like to make a playbook that shows me the user currently in use.
this is my ansible cfg:
allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=none -o ControlPersist=no
pipelining = false
and this is my playbook
- name: show currenty users
hosts: server_a
- name: test user - root
shell: "whoami"
register: myvar_root
- name: test user - user2
become: true
become_user: user2
shell: "whoami"
register: myvar_user2
- name: print myvar root
var: myvar_root.stdout_lines
- name: print myvar user2
var: myvar_user2.stdout
taks "test user - root" work fine and give me output
ok: [] => {
"myvar_root.stdout_lines": [
taks "test user - user2" give me output
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Failed to set permissions on the temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user (rc: 1, err: chown: changing ownership `/var/tmp/ansible-tmp-1621340458.2-11599-141854654478770/': Operation permited\nchown: changing ownership `/var/tmp/ansible-tmp-1621340458.2-11599-141854654478770/': Operation permited\n}). For information on working around this, see"}
adminek- sudoer user
User2 - non sudoers users
OS - Scientific Linux release 6.9
Additionaly I hgad similar problem on ubuntu 18.04 but when i installed acl begun works
Someone know what is wrong?
Thanks for help!
One of the following options should fix your issue:
Ensure sudo is installed on the remote host
Ensure acl is installed on the remote host
Uncomment the following lines in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg:
allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True
pipelining = True
#F1ko thanks for reply.
I did what you wont and I installed acl on my host, but steal was wrong.
I added to visudo.
Defaults:user2 !requiretty
Defaults:adminek !requiretty
I dont know it's ok and secure but work.
for me it worked installing the acl package in host
- name: Install required packaged
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- acl
- python3-pip
in my case I used centos/07, if you use ubuntu, change yum to apt.

Copy & fetch files in Ansible/Cygwin

Question - - how do you navigate the cygwin path structure for file transfers, copies and fetches?
I've installed ansible on a windows 10 machine using cygwin. Everthing works except for the ansible.builtin.copy task. Here is the setup
Relevant Directory Structure
│ └───workflows
The playbook sits in the documents directory of the user, so . is C:/Users/user/Documents/
Ansible Task
- name: Download YAML payloads
src: payload
dest: /some/directory/
The ansible cygwin command line actually runs from /cygdrive/c/Users... path. I can navigate to the payload directory from either windows cli or the cygwin cli using their native paths. [Must be a symlink?] In any event - when I run the above task, the src directory is not found.
What I've tried - both absolute and relative path variables in the src line, for both the cywgin and the windows paths. I've also tried using the inventory environment variables ({{ playbook_dir }}). fileglob: didn't work either.
What I haven't tried - {{ role_path }}. I'd like to keep the source YAMLs all together in the top directory. But not sure if this would work by putting the files directory under a role.
added details
Path to playbook from windows
Path to playbook from cygwin
files & directories
files // these are the files/dirs I'm looking to copy
hosts.ini //contains playbook hosts.
test.yml //this is the playbook I'm running
playbook cat
- hosts: master
gather_facts: yes
become: yes
- name: Download YAML payloads
src: payload
dest: /home/bill/
Run #1
src: payload <-- this is the method per docs (for linux).
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source payload not found"}
Run #2
src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/payload"
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Run #3
src: "/cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload"
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Run #4
src: "c:/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload"
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source c:/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Note that I can see the files from the cygwin terminal with ls and I can see the files from the windows cli with dir.
Final Notes
Cygwin Github Issue Link

"[Errno 13] Permission denied error" while running Py script in Ansible

When, I'm running a Python script via an Ansible playbook, I get the following error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/Dest/To/Repo/", "failed": true, "msg": "[Errno 13] Permission denied", "rc": 13}
I did add the sudo: yes line:
Here is my yaml file:
- name: a play that runs entirely on the ansible host
sudo: yes
connection: local
- name: check out a git repository
git: repo={{ repo_url }} dest=/Dest/To/Repo/ accept_hostkey=yes
- name: Running the Python Script
command: /Dest/To/Repo/
The script is just print("Hello World")
Is there anything which I need to do, regarding the permissions error?
You need to use umask to add execution rights in you git module call :
- name: a play that runs entirely on the ansible host
sudo: yes
connection: local
- name: check out a git repository
git: repo={{ repo_url }} dest=/Dest/To/Repo/ accept_hostkey=yes
umask: 0022

Ansible: Shared connection to xxx closed

Hello guys I make a simple playbook to practice with Ansible but I have a problem when I try to run the playbook (ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini playbook.yml) to configure an instance ec2 the output returns:
> fatal: [XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]: FAILED! => {
> "changed": false,
> "failed": true,
> "invocation": {
> "module_name": "setup"
> },
> "module_stderr": "Shared connection to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX closed.\r\n",
> "module_stdout": "/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\r\n",
> "msg": "MODULE FAILURE" } to retry, use: --limit #/home/douglas/Ansible/ansible_praticing/projeto2.retry
> *********************************************************************
> XX.XXX.XXX.XXX : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
When I try to connect with the instance via ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem ubuntu#public.ip it works well but the provisioning not.
My playbook:
- hosts: projeto
sudo: True
remote_user: ubuntu
- vars.yml
- name: "Update"
apt: update_cache=yes
- name: "Install the Ansible"
apt: name=ansible state=latest
- name: "Installt the mysql"
name: mysql-server
state: latest
- name: "Install the Nginx"
name: nginx
state: latest
My hosts.ini is also ok (with public ip of aws ec2 instance) and I put the public key (~/.ssh/id_rsa.pem of local machine) in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, inside of the instance.
In the last week (Friday) this playbook was working well.
What am I doing wrong?
Maybe my answer is too late but I faced the same problem today. I have an Ubuntu 16.04 instance running on my EC2. I think, since it has Python 3 (Python 3.5) as its default Python installation. Hence, ansible is not able to find the required Python directory (/usr/bin/python). I got around this issue by changing the ansible Python interpreter to Python 3.
I added ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 to my inventory file and did not have to change the playbook.
Reference -
