how to write a Oracle view with this query? - oracle

I am using oracle 11g. I want to query with 3 queries.
First one, it is the main. Select to find condition.
Select role, name from tablerole where name is not null and ID=#param1;
This query will return #role with 2 level (admin and user)
The 2 other sub queries will base on this condition.
Up on the first query.
If role='admin' then select*from tablescreen where name is not null and ID=#param1;
If role='user' then select*from tablescreen where name='2';
#param1 is given when I call this view or when I using.
I consider it will be view or function or procedure best for this query.
How to write this query that can accept an input parameter into the query for looping source and return output where matched condition.
Thanks for your kindness.
Nam hmoob.

As far as I understood the question, that would be a view that consists of two select statements:
one that uses condition for admin
another one for user
The first query you posted will be used in a join with the tablescreen table. Something like this:
create or replace view v_role as
-- select for ADMIN
select, s.whatever
from tablescreen s join tablerole r on =
where is not null
and r.role = 'admin'
union all
-- select for USER
select, s.whatever
from tablescreen s join tablerole r on =
where = '2'
and = 'user';
Or, as Zynon suggested, without union:
select, s.whatever
from tablescreen s join tablerole r on =
where ( is not null
and r.role = 'admin'
or ( = '2'
and = 'user'
You'd then use it as
select * from v_role v where = &param1;


Peewee select with circular dependency

I have two models Room and User. Every user is assigned to exactly one room and one of them is the owner.
DeferredUser = DeferredRelation()
class Room(Model):
owner = ForeignKeyField(DeferredUser)
class User(Model):
sessid = CharField()
room = ForeignKeyField(Room, related_name='users')
Now, having sessid of the owner I'd like to select his room and all assigned users. But when I do:
(, User)
.join(User, on=Room.owner)
It evaluates to:
SELECT "t1".*, "t2".* # skipped column names
FROM "room" AS t1
INNER JOIN "user" AS t2 ON ("t1"."owner_id" = "t2"."id")
INNER JOIN "user" AS t2 ON ("t1"."id" = "t2"."room_id")
WHERE ("t2"."sessid" = ?) [<sessid>]
and throws peewee.OperationalError: ambiguous column name: as t2 is defined twice.
What I actually need to do is:
room = (
users = room.users.execute()
But this is N+1 query and I'd like to resolve it in a single query like:
SELECT t1.*, t3.* FROM room AS t1
INNER JOIN user AS t2 ON t1.owner_id =
INNER JOIN user as t3 ON t3.room_id =
WHERE t2.sessid = ?;
Is there a peewee way of doing this or I need to enter this SQL query by hand?
You need to use a model alias when you are using the same table in two different contexts. So:
Owner = User.alias() # Create a model alias.
(, Owner, User)
.join(Owner, on=(Room.owner ==
.where(Owner.sessid == sessid)

Nested subquery not supported in hive

We have tried the below query in hive. but getting the error. please help me to resolve this in any other way.
select count(1) as OpenItems from issues i , issue_statuses s
where = i.status_id
and NOT IN ('Closed','Passed','Rejected','On
and i.project_id IN
(select id from projects3 from
CASE WHEN ${projectname} = 'All' then id in
(select from members m, projects3 p ,users_1 u
where m.project_id = and = m.user_id and u.status = '1'
and IN
(select from users_1 u1, Supervisor_hierarchy s1 where u1.mail = and = ${Superisorname})
group by
WHEN (${projectname} <>'All' and ${SubProject projectname} ='All') then id
IN (select id from (select id from project_closure where parent_id in (select id from projects where name = ${projectname}) group by id)a)
WHEN (${SubProject projectname}<>'All' and ${projectname}<> 'All') then id
IN (select id from(select id from project_closure where id in (select id from projects where name = ${SubProject projectname}) group by id)a)
order by id)
error: 6:5 Unsupported SubQuery Expression 'id': SubQuery expression refers to both Parent and SubQuery expressions and is not a valid join condition.
I know it is late but posting for anyone who face this issue.
This issue occurs when we encounter one or more of the below limitations of Hive Subqueries.
In this scenario, the reference to the parent query is used in Group By clause which comes under the 4th limitation.
Hive Subquery Limitations
These subqueries are only supported on the right-hand side of an expression.
IN/NOT IN subqueries may only select a single column.
EXISTS/NOT EXISTS must have one or more correlated predicates.
References to the parent query are only supported in the WHERE clause of the subquery.

Linq left outer join with multiple condition

I am new to Linq. I am trying to query some data in MS SQL.
Here is my statement:
select * from booking
left outer join carpark
on booking.bookingId = carpark.bookingId
where userID = 5 and status = 'CL'
When I run this in MS SQL, I get the expected result. How can I do this in Linq?
Thank you for your help.
you need this:
var query = (from t1 in tb1
join t2 in tb2 on t1.pKey = t2.tb1pKey into JoinedList
from t2 in JoinedList.DefaultIfEmpty()
where t1.userID == 5 && t1.status == "CL"
select new
You can try to do left join this way :
from t1 in tb1
from t2 in tb2.Where(o => o.tb1pKey == t1.pKey).DefaultIfEmpty()
where tb1.userId == 5 && tb1.status == "CL"
select t1;
Usually when people say they want a "left outer join," that's just because they've already converted what they really want into SQL in their head. Usually what they really want is all of the items from table A, and the ability to get the related items from table B if there are any.
Assuming you have your navigation properties set up correctly, this could be as easy as:
var tb1sWithTb2s = context.tb1
.Include(t => t.tb2s) // Include all the tb2 items for each of these.
.Where(t => t.userID == 5 and t.status = "CL");

How to convert following SQL query to Lambda expression?

I have a following SQL query how can I convert to lambda expression
select * from ContractItems
where ID in (SELECT distinct contractItemId from ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageId in (SELECT ID from ContractPackage
where ContractID = 680))
from the above query I need to know if row exist or not. If row exist then return true.
Here is what I got but it is not working
(from contractItem in _entities.ContractItems
where contractItem.ID == (from contractPackageItems in _entities.ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageItems.ContractPackageID == (from contractPackage in _entities.ContractPackages where contractPackage.ContractID == contractId select contractPackage.ID) select contractPackageItems.ContractItemId).Distinct()).Any();
Will this not do what you want?
var results = (from ci in _entities.contractItems
join cpi in _entities.contractPackageItems on ci.ID equals cpi.contractItemId
join cp in _entities.contractPackage on cpi.contractPackageId equals cp.ID
where cp.ContractID = 680
select ci).Any();

Join statement in Linq to Sql

I need to write Join statment after writing query in linq
example :
var Query = (from Tab in Db.Employees
select Tab)
as i have some cases to perform join operation so
i need to do it on this Query Query.Join(Join with another Table like Department); I need the Syntax
if (DeptID != -1){ Query.Join(Join with table Department where FkDeptID = DeptID); }
Consider the usage of join in the LINQ 'query syntax':
from t1 in db.Table1
join t2 in db.Table2 on t1.field equals t2.field
select new { t1.field2, t2.field3}
Something like this?
var results = (from q in Query
join m in myList on q.SomeID = m.SomeID
select unknown);
Try using this query:
var Query =
from e in Db.Employees
join d in Db.Departments on e.FkDeptID equals d.DeptID into departments
select new
Employee = e,
Department = departments.SingleOrDefault(),
This works assuming that when e.FkDeptID == -1 that there is no record in the Departments table and in that case Department would be assigned null.
You should never have more than one department for an employee so I've used SingleOrDefault rather than FirstOrDefault.
