Programmatically stop recording a screen capture on mac - macos

I start screen capturing on Mac using cmd-shift-5. I would like a way to programmatically stop the screen capture (or alternatively, to flush to screen capture so far to disk).
The reason I'd like this is I'd like to start processing the first minute of screen capture while I continue recording additional footage. I already have ways of programmatically starting a screen capture (1. programmatically sending keyboard inputs to mimic cmd-shift-5 ENTER; or 2. the screencapture command line tool, though I can't seem to get the command line tool to record audio, just video, and the audio's important too), but not of programmatically stopping the capture.
There doesn't even seem to be a keyboard shortcut for stopping the capture; only a button on the touchbar. Some options I've considered are 1) trying to find a way to programmatically use the touchbar, or 2) a combination of programmatic keyboard and mouse movements (cmd-shift-5, then clicking the stop recording button.)
A better approach would be appreciated!


Cocoa listening key events and responding them without view

First of all hi guys!
I was trying to write a mouse controller app for mac os x which is reading inputs from keyboard and moves the mouse accordingly. By garbage input i will describe the input was intented for a mouse event but it creates text on screen.
Before anyone points to the fact that there is a built in one, It was laggy even in shortest lag setting and cannot registers more than two buttons at the same time (you have to press diagonals to go to the diagonal.) If you accidentally press another button when release of the accident button your motion stops. My first and last reaction was "rubbish!". Adding customization and extra features is my goal.
I want to create a key combination that will block the garbage input to be passed to other programs while it was held. But global monitoring and seems like it always passes the event. And unfortunately I see qqqqqqqwwwwwww like text in unwanted places.
I want to see that when i press q w and up, it will make the mouse go up. But i create qqqqqqqwwwwww mess on the way. My first idea was creating a view on popover and handle events there, but whenever I want to use my mouse from keyboard seeing a popover is anoying and I couldn't find a way to show the popover without leaving any garbage keyboard input.
What should i do in this situation?
You will want to use Quartz Event Taps. Note that for an application to tap keyboard events, it has to be trusted for accessibility (as in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility). Your app can ask to be made trusted using AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions().

Multiple cursor on windows application

I have founds some resource like this dealing with the subject of attaining multiple cursors on windows for more than one mouse attached to the system. My requirement is a little simpler but I need some inputs on it.
1) What I want is to invoke an application (lets say IE) and do mouse activity(hovering , clicking etc) on it. All of this while there should be no disturbance to the system cursor , which should be free to be used by the user of the desktop.
2)I understand that this can not be done using the windows cursor apis as the documentation always mentions "the cursor" and there is no concept of multiple cursors inbuilt.
This leaves me to drawing a cursor on the target window. A bitmap perhaps and to move it randomly? What APIs will be of use here?
How do I simulate the visual effects that are actually done my actual cursor movement. Do I need to send messages to the target
window like WM_MOUSEMOVE , WM_SETCURSOR etc.?
Does sending mouse messages to the other window interfere with the mouse activities that the user is involved in currently? The
intention is not to disturb the user while the application runs.
Thanks for your inputs.
Create a separate window for each extra mouse that is installed, and put an image of the desired cursor in each window. Then use the Raw Input API to monitor activity on the extra mouses and move your windows around as needed, and use mouse_event() or SendInput() to send out your own mouse events (movements, clicks, etc) as needed.

Can AppleScript read mouse position / action in one application and replicate it in another application?

I've been searching for a mouse broadcaster for Mac for a while and it seems there are no solutions for doing this, so I must look for alternative solutions now. I'm wondering if AppleScript is capable of performing such a task. Basically, what I would like to do is read mouse position and action when performed in one application for as long as the script is active, and broadcast/replicate it in one or more other applications. Is AppleScript capable of this?
Just to clarify, I'd need to simulate mouse movement in the other applications... for example, if I opened up several instances of a drawing program, assuming that the program had the same resolution, anything I drew in the main program, would replicate on the other programs.
Really applescript cannot do what you need. It's not made for that. Applescript is made to run the commands in an application's applescript dictionary. I assume that the dictionary of the applications you want to control give you no way to read and control the mouse.
You do have an applescript alternative though. I have made a command line tool to read the mouse position and also to move the mouse. So theoretically you can do what you want with applescript and my tool. I do not believe you will get the results you expect though. Anyway you can try. Here's a link to the web page for my tool. I hope it helps.
Get it here.
Your basic approach could be 1) activate the application you want to read the mouse position, 2) run my tool in a repeat loop and record the mouse positions, 3) activate the second application that you want to duplicate the mouse movements, 4) use a repeat loop with my tool to make the mouse move according to how you recorded it.

OSX: detect SPACEBAR down and up events

I need to record several thousand short soundbites of my own speech (I'm training an acoustic model for a speech recognition engine)
So for each one, a line of text presents itself on the screen and I have to speak it, and capture the audio into a .WAV
I found a sample project for recording the audio; now I am trying to figure out how to do keyboard input.
I would like to push the SPACEBAR down to start recording and release it to terminate the recording.
Can anyone get me started? ( an example would be ideal! )
Sorry, this is probably really really basic -- I haven't done any coding in OS X before (though I have done a lot of iOS work so I am no stranger to Xcode and some of the frameworks)
If you create a basic Cocoa application, you can use the following methods of NSResponder, of which NSView is a subclass, to capture your desired key up/down events:
Use [event keyCode] to get the key pressed.

Simulating a drag & drop operation using SendInput

Can SendInput be used to simulate a drap & drop operation?
I've got an application that accepts files of a certain format that are dropped on it, but not from the command line, and I want to associate it with a file. I thought I'd create a small tool that finds the window, and simulates a drag & drop of the file - is this at all possible? Do I need to use SendInput or possibly SendMessage? What would be the parameters?
Yes, pretty likely. SendInput injects mouse events at a very low level. SendMessage won't work.
You'll need a thread since DoDragDrop is a blocking call. Fake the mouse down first, start the thread, call DoDragDrop. The thread should sleep to give enough time for DoDragDrop to get started, then fake mouse move and mouse up. Keep fingers crossed that it works the first time, it is impossible to debug if it doesn't.
The shell already has a function that simulates a drop: SHDoDragDrop, no need for hacks like faking mouse input.
Since you are talking about the commandline, XP added support for simulating D&D for applications/registered file types: How do I accept files to be opened via IDropTarget instead of on the command line?
