Running Sh Script Post Login via SSH / Console - bash

I need to run a bash script for all users when a login is obtained, in either local console access or SSH.
I know about ~/.profile, however I need this to run if the user bypasses the profile during login with "noprofile". It basically needs to run in every single possible context.
Is there a particular folder/file that executes every time a user successfully logs on that I can tap into?

As per Sorins comment. Successfully done using the following link.
When a user successfully logs in, sshd does the following:
1. If the login is on a tty, and no command has been specified, prints last login
time and /etc/motd (unless prevented in the configuration file or by
~/.hushlogin; see the FILES section).
2. If the login is on a tty, records login time.
3. Checks /etc/nologin; if it exists, prints contents and quits (unless root).
4. Changes to run with normal user privileges.
5. Sets up basic environment.
6. Reads the file ~/.ssh/environment, if it exists, and users are allowed to change
their environment. See the PermitUserEnvironment option in sshd_config(5).
7. Changes to user's home directory.
8. If ~/.ssh/rc exists, runs it; else if /etc/ssh/sshrc exists, runs it; otherwise
runs xauth. The “rc” files are given the X11 authentication protocol and cookie
in standard input. See SSHRC, below.
9. Runs user's shell or command.


Bash script to send commands to remote ssh session

Is it possible to write a bash script that opens a remote node (i.e. through ssh and/or slurm) and starts an interactive session there after running some commands? I'm trying to automate the process of starting a jupyter session on a remote computing cluster, which currently looks like this:
ssh into a login node of the remote cluster, using a specific port
use slurm to request an interactive session on one of the compute nodes, including x11 forwarding through that port
change directory to the working directory
activate conda environment for my project
open jupyter from the command line, specifying the port I used previously
It's a lengthy process, and if I get something wrong at any step I usually have to go back and start from the beginning because the port I'm using is still tied up. So I'm looking for a way I can run a single script (possibly with arguments) from my local machine that jumps through all the hoops to get me a working jupyter session with a link I can paste to my browser.
Like #Diego Torres Milano said, you would need to write a script locally that could do the interactive part, then invoke that via a remote script.
But since your process is interactive, this gets tricky. Luckily, linux has a tool which can easily be installed via a package manager called expect which has the ability to write logic to execute multi-step interactive scripts.
So you would write an expect script which would "expect" certain prompts, then it can read those prompts and use conditional logic respond to those prompts appropriately.
Once you have this written and it works locally, it's just a matter of executing it via ssh from a remote server as:
ssh user# /path/to/script.ex

How to keep logstash running even when I logout from the remote server

I am connecting to a remote host via ssh login and running logstash by the following command
$./logstash -f first-pipeline.conf
However, after I logout from the server, the logstash stops running. How to enable it to keep running even after I logout. Thanks.
Another approach is to use the screen command which can be very useful for this.
First you open your SSH session, then type screen at the prompt. That opens a new session in which you can run your logstash command.
When it runs, you simply press Ctrl+a d in order to detach your self from that screen and you can safely logout.
Whenever you log back into your SSH session, you enter screen -r and you will get back into your previous session where logstash was started.
You can create as many "screens" as you wish to start many different processes at different times.
Also see this comparison between using nohup and screen
Just run it as an agent
$ logstash agent -f ~/logstash/pipeline.conf

Running a script after user logs in

How could a script wait for the login process to complete before running a command in shell script in Mac OS X?
I have tried wait and sleep commands, but that doesn't seem to stop the script running under the root that owns the login process.
I want the script run after the user logs in.
There are 2 easy(ier) options:
Create a Login Item. To see an example, click here.
Use launchd. You don't have to install anything. All you need to do is to create a configuration file to tell launchd what to do, and save it (with proper permissions) on a specific directory that's read by launchd.

Automate a Ruby command without it exiting

This hopefully should be an easy question to answer. I am attempting to have mumble-ruby run automatically I have everything up and running except after running this simple script it runs but ends. In short:
Running this from terminal I get "Press enter to terminate script" and it works.
Running this via a cronjob runs the script but ends it and runs cli.disconnect (I assume).
I want the below script to run automatically via a cronjob at a specified time and not end until the server shuts down.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'mumble-ruby'
cli ='IP Address', Port, 'MusicBot', 'Password')
stream = cli.stream_raw_audio('/tmp/mumble.fifo')
stream.volume = 2.7
print 'Press enter to terminate script';
Assuming you are on a Unix/Linux system, you can run it in a screen session. (This is a Unix command, not a scripting function.)
If you don't know what screen is, it's basically a "detachable" terminal session. You can open a screen session, run this script, and then detach from that screen session. That detached session will stay alive even after you log off, leaving your script running. (You can re-attach to that screen session later if you want to shut it down manually.)
screen is pretty neat, and every developer on Unix/Linux should be aware of it.
How to do this without reading any docs:
open a terminal session on the server that will run the script
run screen - you will now be in a new shell prompt in a new screen session
run your script
type ctrl-a then d (without ctrl; the "d" is for "detach") to detach from the screen (but still leave it running)
Now you're back in your first shell. Your script is still alive in your screen session. You can disconnect and the screen session will keep on trucking.
Do you want to get back into that screen and shut the app down manually? Easy! Run screen -r (for "reattach"). To kill the screen session, just reattach and exit the shell.
You can have multiple screen sessions running concurrently, too. (If there is more than one screen running, you'll need to provide an argument to screen -r.)
Check out some screen docs!
Here's a screen howto. Search "gnu screen howto" for many more.
Lots of ways to skin this cat... :)
My thought was to take your script (call it foo) and remove the last 3 lines. In your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file (NOTE: this applies to Ubuntu and Fedora, not sure what you're running - but it has something similar) you'd add nohup /path_to_foo/foo 2>&1 > /dev/null& to the end of the file so that it runs in the background. You can also run that command right at a terminal if you just want to run it and have it running. You have to make sure that foo is made executable with chmod +x /path_to_foo/foo.
Use an infinite loop. Try:
while running do
You can use exit to terminate when you need to. This will run the loop once an hour so it doesnt eat up processing time. An infinite loop before your disconnect method will prevent it from being called until the server shuts down.

What is common between environments within a shell terminal session?

I have a custom shell script that runs each time a user logs in or identity is assumed, its been placed in /etc/profile.d and performs some basic env variable operations. Recently I added some code so that if screen is running it will reattach it without needing me to type anything. There are some problems however. If I log-in as root, and su - to another user, the code runs a second time. Is there a variable I can set when the code runs the first time that will prevent a second run of the code?
I thought to write something to the disk but then I dont want to prevent the code from running if I begin a new terminal session. Here is the code in question. It first attempts to reattach - if unsuccessful because its already attached (as it might be on an interruped session) it will 'take' the session back.
screen -r
if [ -z "$STY" ]; then
exec screen -dR
Ultimately this bug prevents me from substituting user to another user because as soon as I do so, it grabs the screen session and puts me right back where I started. Pretty frustrating
The ${PPID} of the shell you get when you su will be the su command. So the output of
ps -o command= $PPID
will begin with the letters su, so test for this.
I think you can get this right if you read the following post (and the man for your favorite shell)
Question about login vs profile
