Nesting ${name:offset:length} and $() in zsh - shell

In zsh, $() lets me run the command inside the parenthesis and get the stdout, and ${name:offset:length} lets me get a substring of the variable name. How can I nest the former inside the latter? As a concrete example, the following is valid.
base=$(basename $HOME) # basename of user home directory -- temporary
user3=${base:0:3} # first three letters of $base
But can the same thing be achieved without defining the temporary?
I know that user3=$(basename $HOME | cut -c 1-3) will do the trick, but I'm looking for a solution that doesn't use cut.

Double quotes around the command substitution should work:
user3=${"$(basename $HOME)":0:3}
Though, I'd be inclined to use zsh's :t modifier instead of basename:
The :offset:length form is only really there for bash compatibility. If you might have an old version of zsh you can also use the subscript form:


Why are quotes preserved when using bash $() syntax, but not if executed manually?

I have the following bash script:
$ echo $(dotnet run --project Updater)
UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export $(dotnet run --project Updater)
Why is it $UPDATE_NEEDED is 0 on the 3rd command, but '0' on the 5th command?
What would I need to do to get it to simply set 0? Using UPDATE_NEEDED=0 instead is not an option, as some of the other variables may contain a space (And I'd like to optimistically quote them to have it properly parse spaces).
Also, this is a bit of a XY problem. If anyone knows an easier way to export multiple variables from an executable that can be used later on in the bash script, that could also be useful.
To expand on the answer by Glenn:
When you write something like export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' in Bash code, this is 100% identical to export UPDATE_NEEDED=0. The quotes are used by Bash to parse the command expression, but they are then discarded immediately. Their only purpose is to prevent word splitting and to avoid having to escape special characters. In the same vein, the code fragment 'foo bar' is exactly identical to foo\ bar as far as Bash is concerned: both lead to space being treated as literal rather than as a word splitter.
Conversely, parameter expansion and command substitution follows different rules, and preserves literal quotes.
When you use eval, the command line arguments passed to eval are treated as if they were Bash code, and thus follow the same rules of expansion as regular Bash code, which leads to the same result as (1).
Apparently that Updater project is doing the equivalent of
echo "UPDATE_NEEDED=\'0\' MD5_SUM=\"7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a\""
It's explicitly outputting the quotes.
When you do export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a",
bash will eventually remove the quotes before actually setting the variables.
I agree with #pynexj, eval is warranted here, although additional quoting is recommended:
eval export "$(dotnet ...)"

zsh substituion - what's the difference between $VAR and ${VAR}?

I recently converted a shell script from bash to zsh and got a strange error. I had a command like
scp "$BASE_DIR/path/to/file" $HOST:some\\path
This worked fine in bash, but zsh failed with a bad substitution. I fixed this by change $HOST to ${HOST}, but I'm curious as to why this was necessary. Also, strangely, I had a few such scp commands, and all of them "worked" except the first one. However, I ended up with a file called User# on my filesystem which was really unexpected. Why did this subtle change make such a big difference?
Two possible problems (1) Extra '$' at the beginning of the assignment, and (2) embedded spaces.
The first potential problem is the assignment in the style $var=foo. In zsh like in other sh-like engines (ksh, bash, ...), the assignment operation is VAR=value - no $.
The second potential problem are the spaces. No spaces are allowed between the variables name, the '=' and the value. Spaces in the value must be escaped (with quotes, or backslash)
Potential correction:
scp "$BASE_DIR/path/to/file" $HOST:some\\path
As chepner mentioned in the commments, zsh has modifiers that are added via :. So $HOST:some was interpreted as $HOST:s by zsh.
A list of modifiers can be found here:

How to print regex pattern as string in terminal?

I'm trying to write a regex string in the terminal but zsh is interpreting this regex instead of just printing it. My shell code:
echo "((https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www)))?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[^\s]{2,})"
Current output:
zsh: event not found: www)))?[a
I already tried to use simple quotes, double quotes and no quotes.
If you type this command in a file and run as a script, it should be fine, unless you have explicitly enabled history expansion in your script. But then, you know what you are doing.
If you really literally hack such a huge command manually into an interactive shell, either turn off history expansion (by setopt nobanghist), or prefix your ! by a \ (unless the ! is already between single-quotes).
Example: Typing echo !www won't work, but typing echo \!www will.
If you never use history expansion, turning it off permanently would probably be the best choice.

Bash tilde not expanding in certain arguments, such as --home_dir=~

Bash is not expanding the ~ character in the argument --home_dir=~. For example:
$ echo --home_dir=~
Bash does expand ~ when I leave out the hyphens:
$ echo home_dir=~
Why does Bash have this behavior? This is irritating, as paths with ~ are not expanded when I specify that path as an argument to a command.
bash is somewhat mistakenly treating home_dir=~ as an assignment. As such, the ~ is eligible for expansion:
Each variable assignment is checked for unquoted tilde-prefixes immediately following a : or the first =. In these cases, tilde expansion is
also performed.
Since --home_dir is not a valid identifier, that string is not mistaken for an assignment.
Arguably, you have uncovered a bug in bash. (I say arguably, because if you use set -k, then home_dir=~ is an assignment, even though it is after, not before, the command name.)
However, when in doubt, quote a string that is meant to be treated literally whether or not it is subject to any sort of shell processing.
echo '--home_dir=~'
Update: This is intentional, according to the maintainer, to allow assignment-like argument for commands like make to take advantage of tilde-expansion. (And commands like export, which for some reason I was thinking were special because they are builtins, but tilde expansion would have to occur before the actual command is necessarily known.)
Like chepner says in their answer, according to the documentation, it shouldn't expand it even in echo home_dir=~. But for some reason it does expand it in any word that even looks like an assignment, and has done so at least as far back as in 3.2.
Most other shells also don't expand the tilde except in cases where it really is at the start of the word, so depending on it working might not be such a good idea.
Use "$HOME" instead if you want it to expand, and "~" if you want a literal tilde. E.g.
$ echo "~" --foo="$HOME"
~ --foo=/home/itvirta
(The more complex cases are harder to do manually, but most of the time it's the running user's own home directory one wants.)
Well, that's because in echo --home_dir=~, the '~' does not begin the word and the output of echo is not considered a variable assignment. Specifically, man bash "Tilde Expansion" provides expansion if
If a word begins with an unquoted tilde character (~); or
variable assignment is checked for unquoted tilde-prefixes immediately following a : or the first =.
You case doesn't qualify as either.

BASH - commands string-like

I am wondering if it is possible in BASH to use commands in this way:
lets take command pwd
Lets say I would like to have a variable comm="pwd" and then use it somewhere in program, but when I use it, I get the real pwd command output. Is this even possible?
It's pretty simple, you can just do:
# just execute
# fetch output into variable
Try doing this :
The backquote (`) is used in the old-style command substitution, e.g.
syntax is recommended instead. Backslash handling inside $() is less surprising, and $() is easier to nest. See
Yes, just surround the sub-command in backticks (the ` character):
