Expanding DCGs in Prolog - prolog

I'm writing a code generator that converts definite clause grammars to other grammar notations. To do this, I need to expand a grammar rule:
:- initialization(main).
main :-
% this should print ([a],example1), but this is a runtime error
example --> [a],example1.
example1 --> [b].
But -->(example, A) doesn't expand the rule, even though -->/2 appears to be defined here. Is there another way to access the definitions of DCG grammar rules?

This is a guess of what your are expecting and why you are having a problem. It just bugs me because I know you are smart and should be able to connect the dots from the comments. (Comments were deleted when this was posted, but the OP did see them.)
This is very specific to SWI-Prolog.
When Prolog code is loaded it automatically goes through term expansion as noted in expand.pl.
Any clause with --> will get expanded based on the rules of dcg_translate_rule/2. So when you use listing/1 on the code after it is loaded, the clauses with --> have already been expanded. So AFAIK you can not see ([a],example1) which is the code before loading then term expansion, but example([a|A], B) :- example(A, B) which is the code after loading and term expansion.
The only way to get the code as you want would be to turn off the term expansion during loading, but then the code that should have been expanded will not and the code will not run.
You could also try and find the source for the loaded code but I also think that is not what you want to do.
Based on this I'm writing a code generator that converts definite clause grammars to other grammar notations. perhaps you need to replace the code for dcg_translate_rule/2 or some how intercept the code on loading and before the term expansion.
As for the error related to -->(example,A),writeln(A). that is because that is not a valid DCG clause.

As you wrote on the comments, if you want to convert DCGs into CHRs, you need to apply the conversion before the default expansion of DCGs into clauses. For example, assuming your code is saved to a grammars.pl file:
?- assertz(term_expansion((H --> B), '--->'(H,B))).
?- assertz(goal_expansion((H --> B), '--->'(H,B))).
?- [grammars].


How to get all the clauses defined/loaded from a file in Prolog

I am using SWI Prolog and am surprised to find no obvious way to do this in Prolog. What I'm after is something similar to clause/2 but allows uninstantiated first argument (and is specific to the clauses in a given file, ie I don't want the entire Prolog library!). Here is what I wrote to find all the clauses
clauseX(H,B) :-
absolute_file_name('filname.pl', AbsFileName),
predicate_property(H, file(AbsFileName)),
Is there a more concise way of doing this?
OK, so I've been able to shorten it somewhat, the first two literals aren't required, this will return clauses in the file filename.pl
clauseX(H,B) :-
absolute_file_name('filname.pl', AbsFileName),
predicate_property(H, file(AbsFileName)),
However I am still concerned about the efficiency of this and whether it has to consult the file every time clauseX is called

Ignore rest of input

What's the preferred way to ignore rest of input? I found one somewhat verbose way:
ignore_rest --> [].
ignore_rest --> [_|_].
And it works:
?- phrase(ignore_rest, "foo schmoo").
true ;
But when I try to collapse these two rules into:
ignore_rest2 --> _.
Then it doesn't:
?- phrase(ignore_rest2, "foo schmoo").
ERROR: phrase/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
What you want is to state that there is a sequence of arbitrarily many characters. The easiest way to describe this is:
... -->
... -->
... .
Using [_|_] as a non-terminal as you did, is an SWI-Prolog specific extension which is highly problematic. In fact, in the past, there were several different extensions to/interpretations of [_|_]. Most notably Quintus Prolog did permit to define a user-defined '.'/4 to be called when [_|_] was used as a non-terminal. Note that [_|[]] was still considered a terminal! Actually, this was rather an implementation error. But nevertheless, it was exploited. See for such an example:
David B. Searls, Investigating the Linguistics of DNA with Definite Clause Grammars. NACLP 1989.
Why not simply use phrase/3 instead of phrase/2? For example, assuming that you have a prefix//0 non-terminal that consumes only part of the input:
?- phrase(prefix, Input, _).
The third argument of phrase/3 returns the non-consumed terminals, which you can simply ignore.

Prolog: Rules with nothing but anonymous variables in the head, and no body

Prolog's grammar uses a <head> :- <body> format for rules as such:
tree(G) :- acyclic(G) , connected(G).
, denoting status of G as a tree depends on status as acyclic and connected.
This grammar can be extended in an implicit fashion to facts. Following the same example:
connected(graphA) suggests connected(graphA):-true.
In this sense, one might loosely define Prolog facts as Prolog rules that are always true.
My question: Is in any context a bodiless rule (one that is presumed to be true under all conditions) ever appropriate? Syntactically such a rule would look as follows.
graph(X). (suggesting graph(X):-true.)
Before answering, to rephrase your question:
In Prolog, would you ever write a rule with nothing but anonymous variables in the head, and no body?
The terminology is kind of important here. Facts are simply rules that have only a head and no body (which is why your question is a bit confusing). Anonymous variables are variables that you explicitly tell the compiler to ignore in the context of a predicate clause (a predicate clause is the syntactical scope of a variable). If you did try to give this predicate clause to the Prolog compiler:
you will get a "singleton variable" warning. Instead, you can write
and this tells the compiler that this argument is ignored on purpose, and no variable binding should be attempted with it.
Operationally, what happens when Prolog tries to prove a rule?
First, unification of all arguments in the head of the rule, which might lead to new variable bindings;
Then, it tries to prove the body of the rule using all existing variable bindings.
As you can see, the second step makes this a recursively defined algorithm: proving the body of a rule means proving each rule in it.
To come to your question: what is the operational meaning of this:
There is a predicate foo/1, and it is true for any argument, because there are no variable bindings to be done in the head, and always, because no subgoals need to be proven.
I have seen at least one use of such a rule: look at the very bottom of this section of the SWI-Prolog manual. The small code example goes like this:
term_expansion(my_class(_), Clauses) :-
string_code(_, "~!##$", C),
You should read the linked documentation to see the motivation for doing this. The purpose of the code itself is to add at compile time a table of facts to the Prolog database. This is done by term expansion, a mechanism for code transformations, usually used through term_expansion/2. You need the definition of my_class/1 so that term_expansion/2 can pick it up, transform it, and replace it with the expanded code. I strongly suggest you take the snipped above, put it in a file, consult it and use listing/1 to see what is the effect. I get:
?- listing(my_class).
NB: In this example, you could replace the two occurrences of my_class(_) with anything. You could have just as well written:
term_expansion(foobar, Clauses) :-
string_code(_, "~!##$", C),
The end result is identical, because the operational meaning is identical. However, using my_class(_) is self-documenting, and makes the intention of the code more obvious, at least to an experienced Prolog developer as the author of SWI-Prolog ;).
A fact is just a bodiless rule, as you call it. And yes, there are plenty of use cases for bodiless facts:
representing static data
base cases for recursion
instead of some curly brace language pseudo code
boolean is_three(integer x) {
if (x == 3) { return true; }
else { return false; }
we can simply write
This is often how the base case of a recursive definition is expressed.
To highlight what I was initially looking for, I'll include the following short answer for those who might find themselves asking my initial question in the future.
An example of a bodiless rule is, as #Anniepoo suggested, a base case for a recursive definition. Look to the example of a predicate, member(X,L) for illustration:
member(X,[X|T]). /* recursive base case*/
member(X,[H|T]):- member(X,T).
Here, the first entry of the member rule represents a terminating base case-- the item of interest X matching to the head of the remaining list.
I suggest visiting #Boris's answer (accepted) for a more complete treatment.

What does the operator `-->` in Prolog do?

What does the --> operator do in Prolog and what is the difference between it and :-?
I'm using SWI Prolog.
It is used to define a DCG (Definite Clause Grammar) rule as opposed to a normal predicate. See this tutorial for a very nice explanation of DCG rules.
There are many examples here on Stack Overflow. See the DCG tag.
Here is one very simple solution, showing both the DCG and the normal predicate.
Note that you have to use phrase/2 or phrase/3 to evaluate a DCG. Make sure to read the section of the SWI-Prolog manual on DCGs. The two phrase predicates are documented there.
The --> operator reads in Definite Clause Grammar rules. It's syntactic sugar to transform rules of the form:
parenthesized_expression(Inner) -->
[ open ],
[ close ],
{ nl }.
Into something more like this:
parenthesized_expression(Inner, [open | T1], T2) :-
expression(Inner, T1, [close | T2]),
This makes writing grammars very convenient. There are helper predicates available to consume them, though you're allowed to do so by hand if you prefer.

Defining predicates in SICStus Prolog / SWI-Prolog REPL

I am reading http://cs.union.edu/~striegnk/learn-prolog-now/html/node3.html#subsec.l1.kb1,
but I am having trouble running the following predicate:
SICStus 4.0.1 (x86-win32-nt-4): Tue May 15 21:17:49 WEST 2007
| ?- woman(mia).
! Existence error in user:woman/1
! procedure user:woman/1 does not exist
! goal: user:woman(mia)
| ?-
If, on the other hand, I write it to a file and run consult the file, it seems to work fine...
Am I only allowed to define predicates in a file having later to consult them? Can't I just do it in the editor itself?
It's a little annoying to make predicates in the repl. You could do
| ?- ['user'].
ie consult user input, or
| ?- assertz(woman(mia)).
assert it. Both awkward IMO -- there might be a better way, though, I just don't know it. In general it is easier to use a script.
You should enter woman(mia). into a file to assert it as a fact. If you write it into the interpreter, it's taken as a query, not a fact.
From the SWI Prolog FAQ:
Terms that you enter at the toplevel are processes as queries, while
terms that appear in a file that is loaded into Prolog is processed as
a set of rules and facts. If a text reads as below, this is a rule.
carnivore(X) :- animal(X), eats_meat(X).
Trying to enter this at the toplevel results in the error below. Why?
Because a rule is a term :-(Head, Body), and because the toplevel
interprets terms as queries. There is no predicate with the name :-
and two arguments.
?- carnivore(X) :- animal(X), eats_meat(X). ERROR: Undefined
procedure: (:-)/2 ERROR: Rules must be loaded from a file ERROR:
See FAQ at http://www.swi-prolog.org/FAQ/ToplevelMode.txt
Isn't this stupid? Well, no. Suppose we have a term
eats_meat(rataplan). If this appears in a file, it states the fact
that rataplan eats meat. If it appears at the toplevel, it asks Prolog
to try proving whether rataplan eats meat.
If a text reads
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
This is a directive. Directives are similar to queries, but instead of
asking the toplevel to do something, they ask the compiler to do
something. Like rules and facts, such terms belong in files.
Instead of writing to a file you can also use assert in the toplevel (as explained later in the FAQ as well).
